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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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So Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is suggesting that all non-essential shops that do not sell food or medicines should close. I suspect that this afternoon's update with Boris Johnson will relay the same information.

After seeing the shear number of people who were out and about this weekend, and especially yesterday, a lockdown has to happen. Shops have been very quickly announcing they're closing down left, right and centre so it's only a matter of time before everything else goes into lockdown.

It was noticeably quieter when I went for a walk this morning. Very few people about but the roads were still busy-ish. Walked to the local Asda and the shelves were noticeably more stocked as well but still no pasta or flour. Managed to pick a last couple of things to get us through to next Monday but while most people are managing to distance themselves, there are some who are still not getting it. I suspect it'll have gotten worse as when I was leaving the carpark was filling up fast for the shops so I do suspect people will be bulk buying again in prospect of a lockdown. 

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7 hours ago, Kav said:


I think it's a bit too early to go full-on Handmaid's Tale in this... 

On a more serious note, Denmark will remain shut down until April 13th. No school or anything. People in the public sector has been ordered to use their saved hours and vacation to get through this without the bill running crazy (though it already passed a whopping £36.089.851.285 by today's pound to Dkr value). 

Edited by MindFreak
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I'm low on bread so bought an extra pack of flour. aside from eggs and bread everything seems to be fully stocked, managed to buy some Penne pasta for the first time in weeks, and some regular rice. I had to go up town today to run a couple of essential errands, all quiet. I'm hoping to be able to become a complete hermit for a bit now, just going to use the garden for outside time, although until complete lock down I have decided I am going to go out for walks to take the edge off being imprisoned!

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I did another shop earlier and got most things other than toilet paper (I'll be fine for a bit though) and pasta. The herbs were fine though, leading me to believe those that have the pasta don't deserve it. 

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18 minutes ago, Ashley said:

I did another shop earlier and got most things other than toilet paper (I'll be fine for a bit though) and pasta. The herbs were fine though, leading me to believe those that have the pasta don't deserve it. 

Maybe they are growing herbs at home. Rosemary is a very robust plant. Btw thanks for the post, I just remembered I need to plant some coriander!


I have a pepper plant germinating, and a lentil plant (though the lentil is just for the flowers mainly, not growing enough for even a side dish worth of lentils!!

Still waiting for quinoa and coriander will be planted as soon as I post this!


Oh also, Italy deaths are going down, which is excellent news


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I thought this was coming. Got to go into work tomorrow morning (in a school) and will pass a shop on the way home, so will make it a work/shop trip. I guess we can still go for our short walk as a family for the time being to get a change of scenery (and a little exercise)

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Large backpack then just a day bag and a carrier bag. 

I might be able to get my brother to come pick me up (although I'll get an earful about having to drive into Birmingham) and I'm sure if I explain I'm going to go back to family... But not sure who to contact for advise. I guess it'll be one of those things that if stopped we'd need to explain rather than try and get approval before. 

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The measures are not even that extreme.  They could be much more so, but at least Boris Johnson making such a formal speech might actually get the message home to those who weren't getting it.


I'm still very concerned about food shopping though.  Can't help thinking there needs to be some sort of spacing/timing rule at the supermarkets.  Very difficult, I know, but they must be the riskiest places left, hospitals aside.

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So, the police service, already cut to the bone by a decade of austerity, is now expected to enforce this? 

I’m guaranteeing that tomorrow night, there’ll be hordes of little shitbags whose parents just don’t give a shit to be flouting these rules en masse. 

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Something I saw today that I thought should be nationwide standard, shops turning customers away until some who were inside left- 1 out, 1 in.

Once @ work a heavy smoker brought his laptop in to be worked on, my colleagues gave me 3 sheets of A4 paper. I asked them why, they told me to take hold of the laptop with the paper. I was sceptical but did so after I smelled the guy (and strongly) from over 20m away from him. when I got back into the office, all three of the sheets were brown, with the last one kinda yellow.I'd suggest a similar approach to  the trolley handles, or if your budget stretches, wipes may work.

Limiting my shopping excursions sounds great, but I have a back pack and two shopping bags... so it's not easy to limit trips and keep food stores healthy (bearing in mind I want to maintain a 2 week store cupboard). I will be checking online shopping options though.

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5 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

So, the police service, already cut to the bone by a decade of austerity, is now expected to enforce this? 

I’m guaranteeing that tomorrow night, there’ll be hordes of little shitbags whose parents just don’t give a shit to be flouting these rules en masse. 

and plenty of fines going around in that case. hopefully to be used to buy equipment for the NHS. there's only so many times a family can receive a £150 fine before they start to


give a shit


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18 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

Something I saw today that I thought should be nationwide standard, shops turning customers away until some who were inside left- 1 out, 1 in.

I can imagine that would cause queues/gatherings at the entrance. Better to have people trying to keep their distance inside than bunching up outside I guess. The only alternative would be sending people all the way back home, but then people wouldn't know when was a good time to come back so would presumably have to make more trips than necessary, especially if they had to check back multiple times.

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Just now, Goafer said:

I can imagine that would cause queues/gatherings at the entrance. Better to have people trying to keep their distance inside than bunching up outside I guess. The only alternative would be sending people all the way back home, but then people wouldn't know when was a good time to come back so would presumably have to make more trips than necessary, especially if they had to check back multiple times.


True, but I think something needs to be done to stop loitering and socialising within the supermarkets.  I've seen groups standing around, blocking aisles and having a chat and a laugh.  I've also seen groups of children who seem to go in largely for something to do.  I reckon they should employ nightclub bouncers, then at least those going in would know they need to behave.

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I did think what would be useful would be an online booking service so you book a specific time slot to turn up, but I know that would have a difficult implementation period (and not everyone could use it). Hopefully the recruitment drive will start seeing more deliveries available soon. Or order online and pick up and then they just need to manage the queues for that, which should be easier hopefully. 

In Buenos Aires pharmacies started limiting the number of people allowed in (based on size of store) and tried to enforce distancing in the queue. More difficult with supermarkets but perhaps the smaller shops could. 

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Interesting fact I just looked up:

When Italy introduced a country-wide lockdown, their death toll was 463 and their total cases were 9,172. The UK's current death toll (on the day of our lockdown) is 336 and our total cases are 6,650.

Although the UK is much later in terms of calendar date, we're actually ahead of Italy in terms of virus progression. Hopefully that proves to be beneficial.

Obviously this isn't a criticism of Italy, as they had less time to prepare and we've had the advantage of being able to learn from other coutries' actions. It's mean more as a piece of good news with regards to the potential outcome for the UK.

Edited by Goafer
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I don't know what my situation is at the moment...

Seems they're going to introduce some financial support for freelancers (80% of average salary or just under 3k a month whichever is lower). For the last few years I've been PAYE with some freelancing stuff on the side. I gave up my job to go travelling and I'm currently looking only for freelancing stuff in the interim. Am I freelance? Am I unemployed? I don't currently qualify as having been out of work long enough to get unemployment benefits. I left my PAYE in December but did freelance work last month. 

Also not sure who to go to for advice on this so... You guys? Presume it's the tax office that's sorting this all out. 

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