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N-E Café Podcast


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1 minute ago, londragon said:

Ohhhh, no.
Second clue, the game has been mentioned a few times over the last few episodes.
And everyone, please use spoiler tags, emoji6.png thanks.

I completely forgot about the spoiler tags, I'll remember to use those from now on, I'll have another listen and a proper think about what game it could be. :smile:

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Which is fantastic news as our brand new episode 17 is now out on all good podcast providers.

N-E Café [017] PodPals (Kirby’s Dream Land 3) tackles the recent Nintendo News; games we've been playing, featuring Transistor; and our PodPals episode dissects Kirby in Dream Land 3.

This is episode 17 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!


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I've not much to add to this weeks discussion. I did get a laugh at the conversation about the Chinese bots and how we only have 30 views a day. :laughing:

I played through Transistor back in either 2017 or 2018 on the PS4 and really enjoyed it, especially the combat mechanics. I do think that Bastion is the better game overall. I just think it has more charm than Transistor and at the time I found the narration aspect of it to be very special. Both games are certainly worth playing if you haven't already. I've yet to play their 3rd game-Pyre. It's supposed to be really good but it's just been sat in my PS4's digital library for a stupid amount of time now. :( 

@Nicktendo do you faff about with different eShop regions? If so, do you have a US account? I think I still have a code for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2. I bought the physical version of the game which came with a code for the second set of games. I don't change regions so i've never used the thing. Seeing as you bought the first set I figured you may want the second one as well. If you do, i'll have a look if the code is still in the box once I get home from work.

The transition tune is another one i'm not too familiar with. Was Jonnas correct with his guess?

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29 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


@Nicktendo do you faff about with different eShop regions? If so, do you have a US account? I think I still have a code for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2. I bought the physical version of the game which came with a code for the second set of games. I don't change regions so i've never used the thing. Seeing as you bought the first set I figured you may want the second one as well. If you do, i'll have a look if the code is still in the box once I get home from work.

The transition tune is another one i'm not too familiar with. Was Jonnas correct with his guess?

I do change my region from time-to-time depending on where the better offers are. I have a bit of money on my account so won't be able to switch regions until I spend it, but if you really don't want / need the code, then I'll be happy to take it! Cheers! 

@Jonnas was correct, but it was painfully easy this week (if you have played the game and / or got the clues). 

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Okay, so:

-"Even Smash Bros. is not Nintendo": I get you're talking about development, but that's a view I highly disagree with. if we go that route, the vast majority of Nintendo games are not Nintendo, either. That arguably includes Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8. The way I see it, if a developer uses a Nintendo property with Nintendo's permission, trust, and/or quality control, that's functionally the same thing as it coming from EAD (as a customer, anyway);

-My thoughts on the transition tune were the following, as the cast was going:


"This sounds familiar... Maybe Secret of Mana or something from that series?"

"This one is a totally different genre... Maybe Trials of Mana remake?"

"Is this even a transition tune? Ah, no, just a silly Undertale meme"

"Bollocks, this is Death by Glamour" :heh:

Mind you, I haven't played Undertale yet. I just happen to know a handful of tracks.

-Totally understand your opinions on Kirby. I had a very hard time getting into Demon's Crest too, as I just can't click with that game;

-Fun fact: the slow Kirby's Adventure on the NES was Sakurai-made, too.

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46 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Okay, so:

-"Even Smash Bros. is not Nintendo": I get you're talking about development, but that's a view I highly disagree with. if we go that route, the vast majority of Nintendo games are not Nintendo, either. That arguably includes Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8. The way I see it, if a developer uses a Nintendo property with Nintendo's permission, trust, and/or quality control, that's functionally the same thing as it coming from EAD (as a customer, anyway);

-My thoughts on the transition tune were the following, as the cast was going:

  Still in spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

"This sounds familiar... Maybe Secret of Mana or something from that series?"

"This one is a totally different genre... Maybe Trials of Mana remake?"

"Is this even a transition tune? Ah, no, just a silly Undertale meme"

"Bollocks, this is Death by Glamour" :heh:

Mind you, I haven't played Undertale yet. I just happen to know a handful of tracks.

-Totally understand your opinions on Kirby. I had a very hard time getting into Demon's Crest too, as I just can't click with that game;

-Fun fact: the slow Kirby's Adventure on the NES was Sakurai-made, too.

But Ultimate really was Sora and Bandai Namco, all of the Smash games have been outsourced to BN or done by Sakurai's team internally / HAL who are independent. I honestly think Nintendo had very little input (creatively, not in terms of money). The same is true for Xenoblade 2. Although we've established that Monolith are "in-house", it's not even close to a typical EAD game. Not by a mile. Mario Kart 8 and BOTW were both in-house, of course (though the overworld in BOTW was built on Monolith tech from Xeno X and the EAD team who did ARMS worked on MK8, or the other way round, cheap and easy port). Stuff like Luigi's Mansion 3 and Mario Tennis are clearly second party. I believe it shows. Compare LM1 to LM2 and 3 and the difference is stark, in my opinion. 

The transition tunes, constant crashes and frustratingly long music of podcast extras were meant to be a little tribute to the game in question, but well done for guessing, the soundtrack really is amazing. I hope people were confused. If you were, well done, welcome to how I felt playing that game. It was also an excuse to fit as many tunes in as possible :laughing:

I honestly preferred Demon's Crest. While it was a bit awful, it was nowhere near as painful to play as Kirby, for me at least.

The NES Kirby is all kinds of bad, I think the main reason I don't like it is the slowdown and that horrible articfacting on the right hand side of the screen that SM3 NES also suffers from. We need Mario Allstars on the SNES Classics. I can't play the NES version of these games. 

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1 hour ago, Nicktendo said:

But Ultimate really was Sora and Bandai Namco, all of the Smash games have been outsourced to BN or done by Sakurai's team internally / HAL who are independent. I honestly think Nintendo had very little input (creatively, not in terms of money). The same is true for Xenoblade 2. Although we've established that Monolith are "in-house", it's not even close to a typical EAD game. Not by a mile. Mario Kart 8 and BOTW were both in-house, of course (though the overworld in BOTW was built on Monolith tech from Xeno X and the EAD team who did ARMS worked on MK8, or the other way round, cheap and easy port). Stuff like Luigi's Mansion 3 and Mario Tennis are clearly second party. I believe it shows. Compare LM1 to LM2 and 3 and the difference is stark, in my opinion.

Sure, I understood the distinction, but my stance is that it... doesn't really matter. Series like Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, Mario Tennis&Golf, Kirby, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong Country... Even exceptional entries like F-Zero GX, Metroid Prime, Minish Cap, and other games we often associate with Nintendo polish... Were not made by EAD. The quality we often associate with Nintendo has a lot to with the fact that they don't give away their IPs easily (not since the CDi, anyway), and that they keep a close eye on development whenever they do. If EAD didn't make it, they at least supervised it.

My original point is that it's kind of unproductive to point out the distinction between EAD and non-EAD in the first place, because that was never the decisive factor towards quality, exclusivity, or anything that matters regarding their software output at any given time. BOTW was helmed by EAD, but allowed Monolith a lot of creative input. Like, does that mean BOTW is the least Nintendo of all Switch launch titles? Does that mean anything? Does it mean Minish Cap and the Oracles are even less Nintendo than BOTW is? Are they more unique than 'core' EAD Zelda games, like Majora's Mask or Phantom Hourglass? That's the sort of thing I meant, that the amount of EAD involvement isn't a hard indicator of anything concrete.

(By the way, I mentioned Mario Kart 8 because I thought that was the one with work done by Retro Studios... Did I goof there? Was I thinking of MK7?)

1 hour ago, Nicktendo said:

I honestly preferred Demon's Crest. While it was a bit awful, it was nowhere near as painful to play as Kirby, for me at least.

"Painful to play" is a good descriptor of Demon's/Gargoyle's Quest for me :heh: I guess that's why I understand your experience with Dream Land 3. For me, even the slow physics of that game work well, but I definitely know the frustration of not clicking with an otherwise reasonable game.

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10 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

Horrible articfacting on the right hand side of the screen that SM3 NES also suffers from. We need Mario Allstars on the SNES Classics. I can't play the NES version of these games. 

You wouldn't have seen that on a CRT due to the TV's overscan.

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Another fantastic episode. :D

Kudos on the Chinese bots reference and the Podcast E-x-t- -ra- -s! :p

After listening to Nick talk (or not talk) about Undertale... I definitely want to check out that game soon. :smile:

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3 hours ago, londragon said:

With not that much Nintendo News so far this week, any listener questions that you want us to address. I’m thinking of a quiz this week if there’s 3 of us.

I've got one for this week...

Have any of you played a game in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series? If not, why not? And are you potentially interested in picking up Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX?

You knew this question was coming. ;)

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1 minute ago, S.C.G said:

I've got one for this week...

Have any of you played a game in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series? If not, why not? And are you potentially interested in picking up Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX?

You knew this question was coming. ;)

I think that's gonna be a very quick/short reply given how the lads feel about Pokemon in general and the demo of DX. 

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6 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I think that's gonna be a very quick/short reply given how the lads feel about Pokemon in general and the demo of DX. 

Yeah, unless you've got someone who loves the series, it's gonna be a really short conversation.

Someone started a thread on ResetEra trying to figure out why there's such a massive discrepancy between the user opinions and critic reviews of the series.

I mean, just look at this.


Explorers of Sky is considered by many to be the best of the series. Critics firmly disagree.

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Man, I got mentioned three weeks ago a couple of times in this thread, sorry for the long wait time on the response! That was the week I started feeling under the weather (a bit better over the last half a week or so, though!), and only just remembered I didn't respond, so yeah, sorry to turn back time. 

On 18/02/2020 at 1:01 PM, Hero-of-Time said:


As you said, forums are dying off and as I mentioned earlier, other places have a habit of sucking people in quite quickly and social media and youtube allows people to try and make a name for themselves rather than joining a community. We haven't been able to retain members for a fair few years now, never mind bringing new people into the fold. People like Julius are a rare. Just how in the hell did you end up finding out about this place anyway, @Julius?

Long story long, had a rough time of it in terms of my physical (and mental - it felt pretty cyclical at a point) health since leaving high school back in 2015. I got pretty ill and stressed out in particular in February 2016, and I recall just constantly watching and listening to videos. I just wanted out of everything that was going on in my life at that time. More and more, as things got worse and worse, I found myself escaping into video games - and the world surrounding them: forums, news, reviews, everything. I'd loved Pokémon growing up (got a lot of stories there, which I hope I bring up again some day!), put thousands of hours into Battlefront II, and have so many memories of video games as a child (many of which I'd love to share here at some point). But I would have never called myself a "gamer"; honestly, still not sure if I could, I feel like I'm just a fan of a lot of people's great work. 

As a bit of a side note, funnily enough, looking back, I started an unhealthy obsession with film about a year before that, though I think my relatively better health at that time meant most of that obsession was just poured into Star Wars and classic films in particular. Huh. 

Anyways, I started reading more and more about the Nintendo NX. It would pop up on Neogaf, Reddit, everywhere (though I didn't have accounts anywhere). Started reading about Zelda for NX, watched all of the footage again and again and again, watched and listened to so much of the Gamexplain videos about it and the NX. This was a few weeks before Sun and Moon were announced, and so I was watching a lot of Pokémon related videos at the time as the 20th anniversary drew closer; of course, this meant a lot of checking serebii.net, a website I'd visited since learning about it back in primary school in a Pokémon World magazine! Even have plenty of memories of growing up on the forums. Man, what a time. 

While doing this all, I, completely by chance (or search algorithms), happened upon this video, featuring a talk with @Serebii:

Damn, that's the first time I've watched the video since joining - only just realised that I should be give a belated thanks to @Kaepora_Gaebora!

Seriously, because, well, yeah, I got a good feel for the place from the vibes of the video, checked out the forum in the description, and frequented the place for nearly an entire week without signing up before finally taking the plunge.

Fast forward four years (holy cow), and here I still am! I love this place. H-o-T, you mentioned Reddit, Era, etc., somewhere in your original post, and I agree: those places, while lively for conversation, just feel a bit too big. I don't have any social media platforms at all, in large part because I felt like I was shouting into an empty echo chamber, and looking back, that was definitely the last thing I needed at that point in my life.

The small, tightly knit community here provides a sense of intimacy you just won't find in many other places on the internet these days, and while petty arguments can get out of hand - and I've been around long enough to see some stumble away from this place almost as a result of that - there are great discussions of all sorts going on here. As someone with a lot of friends who just aren't as in touch with the games industry as we are here - as you'd expect from my generation, I do still get a lot of "PC master race", "Xbox is more powerful than PlayStation" comments, but no-one seems to actually care about the games that they're playing - it provides me with a near-perfect environment to use as an outlet for my excitement and discovery of games, new and old - because while I certainly have a history with games, there's just so much that I just didn't experience because of when I was born, or not being as interested at that younger age. Being surrounded by so much gaming knowledge on here has really opened my eyes to video games - I owe a lot of my love for them to this community.

On 18/02/2020 at 6:34 PM, Nicktendo said:

@Hero-of-Time, I think there are still like-minded people out there who would find a place in this community and would want to put the effort in to take part in the discussion. I'm not even talking in the 10s of people, but single digits. @Julius is a prime example of a new member joining and breathing new life into some areas of the forum. Thanks for that, BTW. Your posts are always a pleasure to read. Even one person can make a big difference. 

Thanks, that was really nice for me to read when I was starting to feel under the weather :) definitely owe a lot more to this community than I can really express through words read on a screen, I just wish that I could play and share my experiences more than I already do! :D

Edited by Julius
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