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Playstation 5 Console Discussion


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28 minutes ago, Eddage said:

Yes, you may already have a PC, so could just get a new GPU, but then you have to consider if you’re going to bottlenecked by your current CPU, etc.

Considering that the PS5 Pro's CPU is exactly the same as the base model? It's basically nothing more than a mild GPU upgrade that's gonna get bottlenecked by its old CPU anyway! So it's a similar situation either way.

At least if you have a PC you can just upgrade it.  If you already own a base model PS5? You have to shell out for the entire thing all over again at near enough double the price (and then you have to spend even more to get a functioning disc drive that plays your existing physical games!).

And if you're really in the market for a high-end balls to the wall graphical showpiece experience? I doubt you'll be all that impressed with what the PS5 Pro is offering, as it's basically a Radeon RX 6800 (Or the broad equivilent of the RTX 3700 in NVidia money; though likely with an inferior AI upscaling solution compared to what DLSS offers).  It's just not that big an upgrade over the base PS5, and that same £700 could buy you a far more impressive PC GPU if you're really looking to chase the graphics dragon, so I really have to question just who this console is supposed to be targetting here?

Edited by Dcubed
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40 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

At least if you have a PC you can just upgrade it.

…and that same £700 could buy you a far more impressive PC GPU

Well this is pretty crucial though isn’t it… IF you already have a PC you can get a better graphics card for the £700. That’s a pretty big if!!

If you don’t already have a PC, or aren’t particularly comfortable with building and upgrading your own then that’s a huge blocker. Yes you can buy a pre built but they’ll never be the best value and then you still have to worry about upgrading in the future.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to justify the price, I’m just saying that everyone going on about how you might as well just switch to PC gaming is blowing things out of proportion as that’s just not an option for a lot of people.

Will I buy a Pro…? Before the price announcement I was definitely gonna get one, now I’m not so sure. Let’s see how much overtime I can get in the next couple of months 😂

One thing I will say though is that taking Forbidden West off PlayStation Plus is fucking stupid when it’s one of the games being updated for the Pro. They’re already releasing an extremely expensive console, then expecting people to pay full price (?) for one of the showcase games. I reckon if that, and a couple of the other games, were available on PS Plus then it might sway more people to pick up the Pro if they can immediately access these updated versions. 

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