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Your 2019 Gaming Diary


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31 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Borderlands is such a good co-op game.

Indeed it is. Played the second installment with a mate and it was a blast.

Borderlands 3 seems to improve a lot of things like gunplay and movement. I've played the tutorial yesterday and it feels great. Can't wait to dive in :peace: 

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Slay the Spire, people. It's absolutely amazing.

You can't make me stop gushing. :p 

Last night I completed Ascension 4 with the third character :peace: I would say my win/loss ratio is at 35/65 during my last 20-30 runs. That's quite the improvement. 
I still make mistakes, sometimes I don't think ahead (especially regarding the upcoming boss or immediate fights) and I still need to internalize enemy movesets (which eventually will become useless, as those change with a future Ascension :D). But when I do everything right it feels so good to have built a great deck and use it to perfection :D 

I doubt anything I might play in December will remove Slay the Spire from the #1 spot on drahkon's one and only GOTY List of the century that everyone will disagree with.

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3 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I doubt anything I might play in December will remove Slay the Spire from the #1 spot on drahkon's one and only GOTY List of the century that everyone will disagree with.

I've recently been thinking about my top 10 games i've played and finished this year and it's quite the list. It's going to be hard to whittle down just to 10 and i've also got a few more games I still wouldn't mind buying and playing before the year is up. It's been a hell of a year.

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9 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It's going to be hard to whittle down just to 10

Yeah, no shit since you played 800 games this year :p 

Here I am, sitting around with 25 games finished. Definitely makes creating my list easier :D Think I'll go with a top 5. 

Also, I made a colossal mistake by spoiling my #1. Now it's 100% sure that nobody will be interested in my rankings.
But maaaayyyybeeee things will change. SO LOOK FORWARD TO MY LIST!

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6 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Yeah, no shit since you played 800 games this year :p 

I have slowed down this month. Just the 5 games completed but that's mainly down to Pokemon. I think i'm going to have to sell the thing as i've become stupidly addicted to it. Probably best for me to get it out of the house so I can move on and play other stuff. :D 

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I have slowed down this month. Just the 5 games completed but that's mainly down to Pokemon.

Don't rationalize your problem. :D 

I'm kidding, of course. Very much looking forward to your top 10.

Also: Go back to Death Stranding :p 

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3 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Also: Go back to Death Stranding :p 

Probably a weekend job at this point. I was catching up with Master Chef and I'm a Celeb last night and tonight i'm going to start watching the second series of Final Space. There's also The Irishman to watch that has also just landed on Netflix. I need more time...or to just quit working. :p 

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

Probably a weekend job at this point.

Don't give the usual Death Stranding critics here a springboard by calling it a "job" :p 

2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I was catching up with Master Chef and I'm a Celeb last night and tonight i'm going to start watching the second series of Final Space. There's also The Irishman to watch that has also just landed on Netflix. I need more time...or to just quit working. :p 

Again, stop with the excuses. :D 

Final Space is a good one, though.

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46 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Just the 5 games completed but that's mainly down to Pokemon. I think i'm going to have to sell the thing as i've become stupidly addicted to it.

Yeah, it is insanely addictive. :o 

If you do decide to sell it let me know, I’ll give your legendary Pokémon a good home. :hehe: 

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On the subject of top 10 lists, it's something I've been thinking about as well over the last couple of days and I've been trying to keep track of the things I've missed that might end up there but there's just so much that it's inevitable I'm not going to be able to get to be able to get to everything. I've just picked up both A Short Hike on PC and Katana Zero on Switch to try and tackle them alongside Death Stranding. But I've also downloaded DMC V on Game pass to have another go at and I've also picked up Where the Water Tastes Like Wine. And then there's Pokemon Shield to play as well and I haven't even started Observation on PS4...

Yeah I think I'll maybe just draw a line under what I've played so far and make a list from that. Takes some of the stress out of getting through things and can enjoy the rest of them over the coming weeks/months.

Very interesting year for games though in terms of just the sheer variety of games that could and will scoop up GOTY awards and nominations in lists. Interested to see what others have in there's when it comes time for them. @drahkon, you won't be the only one with Slay the Spire in their list. I need to get back to it but I loved what I'd played and it's easily some of the most engrossing and deeply engaging gameplay of the year. Very much itches that scratch that Baten Kaitos got all those years ago on the Gamecube. Half tempted to pick it up again on the Switch to have for on the go.

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The Ironclad in Slay the Spire SUCKS. And NO, it's not me :p 
Nah, I can't seem to win with him no more. Ascension 5 doesn't change much and that change isn't even what keeps killing me. It's my ineptitude to build a strong deck for certain situations. 
But I'll get it eventually. I think I'm close to fulfilling his potential.

In other news, I've finally figured out why I struggled so much with the early game of Civilization VI. It's those stupid barbarians. I've only yesterday realized that once one of their spies locates your town(s), they go back to their base, start pumping out combat units and bumrush your empire. And it's devastating. I haven't been able to keep up with putting out combat units of my own and always lost resources via the barbarians' pillage. But now I know, that you can just follow the spies and fuck up their base; usually one or two combat units of your own suffice.
Game changer, right there. :D Lost two hours of sleep because "one-more-turn-syndrome" was in full effect last night...

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Let's not forget this year that it's not just a games of the year list people will be making, there's also the matter of Game of the Decade!


Finished Pokemon Sword (Switch) a few weeks ago. Not the best Pokemon game by any means but I can't say it was flat out terrible in spite of all the cut content.


Next port of call looks like being to go back to Super Mario Maker 2 (Switch) to check out all the new content and maybe make a Zelda themed level or something. I've also got Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) on the sidelines and Hollow Knight (Switch) still to finish while Magic The Gathering Arena (PC) is always there for some progression towards the deck I'm intending to build in it. So I think it's unlikely I'll be getting any new games before the end of the decade.

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Yup. :p 

Managed to win an Ascension 5 run with The Ironclad. Fuck that character. :D 
Was quite lucky to get two strong cards very early, but then I was able to build my deck around them so I'd say it was mostly my incredible intelligence that won the run. I'm a genius and nothing can stop me.


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3 hours ago, drahkon said:


Yup. :p 

Managed to win an Ascension 5 run with The Ironclad. Fuck that character. :D 
Was quite lucky to get two strong cards very early, but then I was able to build my deck around them so I'd say it was mostly my incredible intelligence that won the run. I'm a genius and nothing can stop me.


Just had a go this morning. Had one promising start with the Silent, with 2 upgraded finishers and a bunch of shivs, but lost to the 2nd act boss, the knight with the 2 minions. I was neglecting my block cards a bit, and I couldn't block his ultra beam after all the chip damage from him and his minions before it. Also couldn't kill him before he actually used that move, though I got close, he was around 60 HP.

I'm bad with the higher ascensions. They're all stuck on ascension 2. Except Ironclad.. I had a succesful run with him a  while ago.. But then forgot to collect all the keys, so didn't even get to the true boss, but I did unlock ascension 3.. :indeed:

It's the only roguelite that I've really enjoyed so far, and actually keep playing.

Nuclear Throne
I re-installed Nuclear Throne as well 2 days ago.. It's good, but the levels are too cramped, and I'm so crap at it, that it doesn't have that famous "one more go" addiction going for it for me personally. After some tries dying, I quit and uninstalled the game again.

Steam binge
Re-installed a bunch of games on Steam, after Civ V crapped out on me on Switch (apparently due to a bug, it's a common occurance), but I was in the mood to finish a game, so re-installed Civ V. This resulted in me taking a break from Pokémon, and binging some old games I had on Steam, after I realized my internet speeds are relatively insane compared to years ago (and even then I just have "basic" fiber), and I could download everything in my Steam library in just a few minutes (well, not at once). I remember a time when I was up all day downloading a roughly 900 MB demo for Deus Ex. Anyway, it's been a while since I've used Steam this much.

Civilization V
Played a full game of Civ V, I believe one go (again, this was directly after an almost full game on Switch. It crashed not far from the end). In my Civ VI game I was doing not so great, but not that bad either. I always prefer culture victories, but Greece declared war.. And so I had to get rid of them. And I did. Then all the other countries though I was a warmonger and kept declaring war on me, eventhough I never declared war on them.. <sigh> Anyway, then it crashed. in Civ V, on Steam, I have more setting available, and I usually try to create more "optimal circumstances" (like starting on an island), but this time I just used the continents setting. After a disastrous start, I restarted.. And ended up on an island, with only some city states nearby. Got my culture victory on that map. Then uninstalled the game.

Oxygen not included
Wanting more strategy and management, and after seeing this got a new update, I gave this another go. I bought this in early access in 2017, and hadn't played since. If you like Rim world, you'll probably like this. It's a space colony sim, you have a bunch of colonists trapped in a space rock, and it's up to you to clear out that rock, and build a colony that proved enough air and food and protection for your inhabitants. I never played this much, and it's really rough in the beginning when you don't know what to do, and how to do it. After Googling some stuff, and getting the basics up, in a layout I like, like power and food production, I got into trouble again, because this game goes deeper than Rimworld with its water and air management, and I didn't know how to do that well. The cartoony graphics are great, but I wanted a similar, but similar experience, so I played Rimworld again.

While its simpler, and after re-acquanting myself with the interface it was easier to get into.. I opted to try out the normal difficulty setting. Rimworld is also a colony management sim, except topdown, with much simpler graphics, but also much simpler systems, with no need to micromanage air or water, and more action, having to defend your colony from raiders early on. I wasn't familiar with the content from the latest update, having played this last, also in 2017 I think, and playing on the normal difficulty (as opposed to easy (or to be precise normal mode from the Phoebe Chillax narrator), things didn't go well. On this difficulty, I really had to work for my first new colonist, being used to get the first one for basically free after not much time. I had to set up caravans for some, which I had to Google because it was new stuff for me, and well like I said, you really had to work for your new colonist, which I wasn't used to, so I made the wrong decisions, and often got one of my first 3 initial colonist killed (either the rescuer being uprepared, or one of the colonist back home not being able to handle other threats without the other). So this led to a couple of restarts.. But then I move on. It's still installed (well being a small game, it was always installed, I never removed it), so I'll definitely give it another go later.

X-Com: Enemy Unknown
Then I re-installed Xcom EU. I actually never finished that one. I'm still working on that, I'm at the final mission. Annoyingly, I still had to savescum playing on Ironman, I do that when I think something happens not because of something i did, in this case the sometimes consusing interface (especially when it comes to elevations), sending my unit not where I wanted it to go, but practically to the other side of the map, right in front of 3 very hungry chrysalis. I don't consider that my fault at all, but it keeps nagging at me. It did give me some knowledge of the map, though I'm not sure how much that would have mattered. In the end, that unit, and another one, did end up dying because of my decisions (and all to those same Chrysalis I believe), but I moved on. Lost some other good women (.. I only keep the female units haha) on my way to the final mission. I confused some of the stuff from Xcom 2, because I thought I had to get a Psi soldier, but I could only train them right before the final mission was availabe to me. I haven't tried that one yet.. Last time I tried that mission, my team got wiped because of a duo of Sectopods. I still want to do an iron man game without savescumming possibly, but I'll save that for once I have the expansion, as I still don't have that. Or if my team wipes again at that final mission, maybe I'll try again. I'm also tempted to re-install and play X-Com 2, but likewise, I think I'll save that for once I buy the expansion, maybe in the winter sale. I thought it was too expensive at launch, otherwise I'd have already bought it.

Alan Wake
Then I wanted something with more story, so I installed one of the game I had never played before. I bought Alan Wake in that sale when it was going to be removed from Steam due to music licenses expiring (I do actually like some of the songs), but it's been since then put back up. This one I actually played from start to finish (well I didn't play the special chapters). I like the atmosphere and setting.. But ultimately didn't care much for the combat, which is why I didn't bother with the special stages, and won't be bothering with the dlc soon. Combat was fine in the beginning, but the game doesn't do enough to keep things interesting. Instead, the game just throws more enemies at you, and more annoying ones. I wish there were weapon upgrades, more weapons perhaps, and more and cooler bosses. Another annoying thing is then it's not clear when it's better to run and when it's better to fight (or when enemies keep respawning, and when the route is blocked off and impossible to clear with enemies around you). Exploration is also annoying unless you're sure you're safe. That said, I missed several achievements since apparantly I'm too conservative, sticking mostly to my basic revolver. I didn't kill enough Taken with my shotgun or rifle. So maybe I should have used those more. I'll give the other content a go later prehaps, but for now it's un-installed.

Alien: Isolation
For obvious reasons it's re-installed, thought I'd give it another go after the Switch launch. Plays and looks better, so that's a plus. I've only started this yesterday, and due to the nature of the game, I haven't made much progress. Last time I played and uninstalled, I gave up because the game just feels frustrating on hard (the intended experience apparently), I made it to chapter 7 according to my Steam achievements. I remember going through a level where I could just blast the Alien away with my newly acquired flamethrower, though I knew very well this was a short-term victory and throwing away my flamethower fuel like that was going to bite me in the ass later. In my new game I'm currently at the hospital, the first place where I have to actively avoid the Alien. I'll keep playing this probably, for now, but perhaps in shorter bursts, as I can't deal with "taking an half hour to get to the next room" for long haha.

So yeah, that's all since this weekend, plus as always a bit of Mario Maker. So it's been a productive week. :indeed:

Looking at my Steam library, I wonder what I should (re-) install next. Still plenty of games I never finished, never even started, or games I'd love to experience again. Alpha Protocol and Soma are games I'd love to play again, The Last Remnant is something I should maybe give another try (well maybe not right now, being a lengthy RPG), or maybe Remember me, though I wasn't really fond of the combat (but I loved the setting). 



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14 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Just had a go this morning. Had one promising start with the Silent, with 2 upgraded finishers and a bunch of shivs, but lost to the 2nd act boss, the knight with the 2 minions. I was neglecting my block cards a bit, and I couldn't block his ultra beam after all the chip damage from him and his minions before it. Also couldn't kill him before he actually used that move, though I got close, he was around 60 HP.

So far, I've had the most success with high-block decks for The Silent. Since she doesn't heal after each battle like The Ironclad, lots of block is great. Eventually you need to figure out ways to deal a bit of burst damage or use chain-tactics (she has quite a lot of cards that give energy).

14 hours ago, Sméagol said:

I'm bad with the higher ascensions. They're all stuck on ascension 2. Except Ironclad.. I had a succesful run with him a  while ago.. But then forgot to collect all the keys, so didn't even get to the true boss, but I did unlock ascension 3.. :indeed:

The thing with Ascension runs is: Each Ascension makes the game more difficult, but not particuarly much more. However, Ascension punishes mistakes much more mercilessly. Planning is the single most important aspect of those runs. And I still struggle with it. Knowing what type of enemy you may encounter and what damage you can expect to take is crucial in making decisions. I've reached Ascension 7 with The Ironclad and normal enemies are now deadlier, chaning things up quite a bit.

Aside from character specific decisions/playstyles, each act comes with its own problems regarding decision making.

Act 1 is mostly about building a deck to defeat the boss and get through the first few fights of Act 2.
Act 2 is a different beast...hallway fights in this act are (in my opinion) the most difficult battles in the entire game. If you're not able to keep your HP close to full, you'll struggle. This act shows that pathing is crucial. Taking a path with less hallway fights usually keeps your HP high, but it comes at the cost of having less choices for cards. However, this is almost always the best choice.
Act 3 is generally about complementing your deck with new cards. You should already have a deck capable of surviving hallway fights and the occasional elite and everything else you pick up is just there to make your life easier and take down whatever boss you'll face. 

Obviously, RNG can and will occasionally screw up certain aspects mentioned above. Very rarely there is literally nothing you can do but for the most part: If you die, you made a mistake and if you really think about the run you can always identify it.


As a side note: The true boss is just an optional thing to go for if you have a specific type of deck to counter it. I don't particularly like its design (mechanically). I've read that Ascension 1 runs are the go-to runs if you wanna beat the boss, since you have more chances to get relics from elites.


Anyway, this got waaaayyy out of hand :D Now I'm at work wanting to play Slay the Spire.

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Starting Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3). Played Arkham City before this so I don't know how that will affect my experience with this but it's one of those 7th gen games I missed out on so I thought I might as well pick it up. Joker has definitely stolen the show so far.


Also went back to Super Mario Maker 2 (Switch) to check out the Zelda update and make a new level using these parts. I've tried to limit gaming time as of late however so not much progress has been made so far.

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So, I've been playing some stuff lately, only one of which was completed... but here's the quick update:

Tekken 7 & Soul Calibur VI


Due to various circumstances, I have a borrowed PS4 at my house for a month or so. There are various single-player games on it, but the two that matter the most to me are these two.

They're absolutely marvelous fighting games, both of them. Tekken 7 is the usual Tekken to its most refined form (with new characters I wasn't too familiar with, which is fun to discover, like Lili and Miguel. My old mains like Hwoarang, King and Eddie feel like the same, but improved in logical ways), whereas Soul Calibur VI, to my surprise, gave me a hell of a nostalgia rush due to how similar it is to Soul Calibur II. Like, Sophitia's combos and strings are identical to that game! Raphael feels similar, except he has a nerfed throw... but when he's soul charged, his old OP throw comes back! Maxi still feels like the exact same somehow! The soundtrack feels so familiar too, I've been having the time of my life with it.

Man, 2019 really has been the year of fighting games for me, and I didn't even expect it. I'll play these games until that PS4 goes away.


Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


But I've also been playing this! I finally got around to it, and my verdict is very positive.

See, I find Link to the Past overrated, and my opinion of it isn't as high as other people's, so my expectations for this game weren't that high to begin with, either. That turned out to be an incorrect assumption, because this is a very different game. LBW actually delivers on the promise of open-ended dungeon order. And its dungeons are actually interesting, both in design and aesthetic. Plus, there aren't any needlessly frustrating moments here. With that, LBW is already strictly better than LttP.

When I heard of the "item rent" mechanic, I thought it was one at a time. Imagine my surprise when you can just rent everything from the start (granted you have enough rupees). In a way, this allows dungeons to be designed with the "dungeon item" in mind from the beginning, very few segments where you faff around, wondering which item will allow you to beat the obstacles you can't do yet. If you see a puzzle you can't figure out, you know you're supposed to figure it out, instead of waiting for an item.

Speaking of rupees, I like how the economy works in this game. You have the largest wallet from the beginning, items depend on you finding rupees, and items & minigames are more expensive to compensate. As a result, huge amounts of rupees make sense as a reward for anything. Cool, complex puzzle, using sand? The reward is 300 rupees, and you're actually fine with that (none of that nonsense from Twilight Princess).

As far as 2D Zeldas go, I think this is the only one to have a 3D mechanic as a cornerstone of the gameplay (other games might use vertical thinking, but it's not as central as the wall merge). Fortunately, they redesigned just enough of the LttP map to have this mechanic make sense. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this is the game that makes the best use of the 3DS's 3D. Top-down perspective is where it's at, boy!

Regarding plot and characters, I thought it was all very enjoyable and quaint. I can see why people like Hilda and Ravio so much, and also why nobody ever mentions Yuga (that villain had much more potential, imo. Needed a few more scenes to ham it up some more). But for me, the sleeper character was Irene. I grew a lot more attached to that silly witch than I ever expected. Also Mother Maiamai, by and by. Zelda herself was oddly forgettable, despite her adorable SSBU self.

So yeah, a very strong Zelda game, and probably my 2nd favourite 3DS game overall (behind Shadows of Valentia). It's harder to rank within the overall Zelda series, but my first estimate is that it's somewhere between Minish Cap and Link's Awakening.


Block Stomper


Finally, I'd like to draw attention to this game. It's a mobile game released a couple of weeks ago, and you can probably tell from that picture that it's a frantic, wacky take on Arkanoid. There are power-ups, fun ideas, and actual, good level design here. There's a even a "Challenge" mode with secondary objectives (for example, "destroy all red blocks without destroying more than 5 blue ones").

You might be asking, is this not the usual fare for mobile games? Why bring this one up, specifically? Well, the reason is that the guy who developed this is a friend from my local smash scene (he plays a mean ROB). He made this game pretty much on his own, and I really like where he took it. Portuguese games are a rarity to begin with, so I'd like to ask you that you please give it a whirl (Play Store link), as the first 10 levels are free. The remaining 20 are behind a paywall, but entirely optional.

Apologies if this sounded like shilling, but I legitimately enjoy this game a lot. Wouldn't be recommending it if I didn't :)
  My 2019 log (Hide contents)


-Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (1994) Completed (January 30th)

-Dr.Mario (1990) Completed, I guess (March 18th)

-Furi (2016) Beat (May 1st)

-Noitu Love 2: Devolution (2008) Beat (May 9th)

-Fairune (2014) Completed (May 12th)

-Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (2003) Julius Mode (May 18th)

-Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (2005) Beat (May 31st)

-Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ (2016) Completed (June 6th)

-Adventures of Lolo (1989) Completed (June 8th)

-Severed (2016) Completed (June 24th)

-Crypt of the Necrodancer (2015) Beat (June 27th)

-One Night Stand (2016) Completed (June 28th)

-Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia - Rise of the Deliverance (2017) Completed (June 29th)

-Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: World of Light (2018) Completed (August 20th)

-Dragon Quest III (1988) Beat (September 9th)

-Garou: Mark of the Wolves (1999) No Goal (October 2nd)

-Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Mega Play (October 3rd)

-Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (2017) No Goal (October 8th)

-Detention (2017) Completed (October 31st)

-Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (2016) Completed (November 7th)

-Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018) Completed (November 11th)

-Kirby's Dream Land 3 (1997) Completed (November 16th)

-Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013) Beat (December 12th)


Currently Playing:

-Block Stomper

-Tekken 7

-Soul Calibur VI



-Tetris 99 (2019) Never won

-Super Mario Bros. DX (1999) Bad port

-Fire Emblem Awakening (2012) Hiatus

-Fire Emblem Heroes (2017) Need a heavy break

-Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019) It simply happened, okay?

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Played a bit more of Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3). I like how Batman conveniently has a Batcave on Arkham Island... I've just come back out of that cave after getting the Batclaw.


The Scarecrow section was so well designed, how it plays with the level geometry and only very subtley indicates that what you're seeing isn't actually real even though it looks like it might be. Even if it ends in this lighthouse of death stealth section...

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Finished Borderlands 3 solo just now.
Incredible game. Pure and simple loot 'n' shoot enjoyment. It evolves and elevates the mechanics that make the Borderlands series awesome to a higher level. :peace: 
Can't wait to get back to the coop run with my mate. [emoji4] 
Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
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Finished Borderlands 3 solo just now.
Incredible game. Pure and simple loot 'n' shoot enjoyment. It evolves and elevates the mechanics that make the Borderlands series awesome to a higher level. :peace: 
Can't wait to get back to the coop run with my mate. [emoji4] 
Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
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Finished Borderlands 3 solo just now.
Incredible game. Pure and simple loot 'n' shoot enjoyment. It evolves and elevates the mechanics that make the Borderlands series awesome to a higher level. :peace: 
Can't wait to get back to the coop run with my mate. [emoji4] 
Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
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1 hour ago, bob said:

Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.

I won't answer unless you ask me four times :p 

I've played both and I think Borderlands 3 is miles ahead.

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