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Starlink: Battle for Atlas (do a barrel roll!)


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Got this for myself for Xmas, been playing last few days and enjoying it.


I def would not have picked it up with Star Fox in it tho, even at the price it has recently dropped to (I got it at first price drop to 45euro, in hindsight should have waited the extra few weeks but still happy with my purchase at that price)


Love the arwing model but even though I know I can play without I do love having it there haha, love how the engine lights up too.


I might pick up some extras for it maybe just other weapons to have a mix of elements to use.


Jumping between this and Smash at moment so far enjoying it :)

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I beat the end boss last night. I quite liked the game overall, despite the increasing amount of repetition and grind as the game goes on.

One thing that made the game much better was co-op mode. My brother started playing the game with me as I got to the first Dreadnought battle. We could blitz through most of the repetitive stuff really fast and the battles became a lot more fun with 2 players, especially the pirate bases and dreadnoughts.

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Still taking my time with this as keep going back to Smash.... Struggling with trying to take out Outlaw bases in space and the second part of the Starfox/Wolf side story is to take out an Outlaw base :p

Only level 6 keep getting my ass handed to me.

Picked up some extra weapons today too while getting a Wireless GC controller. Weapon packs are still half price in the Smyth's stores here so said feck it might as well try a new weapon type. Got a pack with a Gravity weapon (can't remember name) and Shredder Mk.II

The Gravity weapon lights up when put on the Arwing model! Didn't know some did that. Might have to get some more haha.

Think I missing one element then am I? Magnetic is it?

That was the first extra pack I got so only others are the fire and ice ones that come with starter pack.

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Does anyone know how is increased familiarity improving the weapons and the ship?

Btw. I have finished the main campaign and the two sidequests. I liked the game, I just feel the final boss was to weak/simple (normal difficulty).

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Was thinking of looking to get a Stasis weapon as it the only element type I missing and starting to come across a few Warden Spires that need Stasis to open.....
I've just found out now that there is only one Stasis weapon and it is not in any weapon pack, only available as part of the Judge ship pack.

That is some balls...I wouldn't mind it having to but a weapon pack, I enjoy swapping them on on the Arwing model. But don't really want another ship model....I rarely use the digital ship with the starter pack, even if my Arwing gets destroyed I usually just take the hit and quit out and restart unless I was close to beating the outlaw base or dreadnaught.

I've never even used Mason once, just Fox haha, playing it as if it were a new Starfox game haha.


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There's a free trial of the Lance Starship Pack this weekend.
I gave it a quick try, Hunter Hakka was already level 14 for me from bonuses I earned with Fox & Mason. One of his 2nd tier skills applies to all pilots which is handy. The Imploder weapon is pretty cool, very different to anything from the starter pack.
I've missed it :(

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Finished this the other day. Enjoyed it. It did get a bit repetitive just doing same things one all planets but I wouldn't say it was a bad repetitive as I still enjoyed it but could see it could put some off.


I enjoyed the Star Fox stuff but would have liked more.... wouldn't mind if the next Stage Fox game itself played like this but with more varied missions.


I did find it a bit easy though once I worked out how to beat Outlaw bases and later dreadnaught and mostly because I took full advantage of how the Legions power worked. I always on every planet tools out all imp gives, built bases, then extractors then Prime then Dreadnaught....always fought Primes and Dreadnaught at their weakest so never really had to worry.


Perhaps would have been nice if the game threw a few extra Primes and Dreadnaught at you that you couldn't power down and had to fight at full strength.


I liked the models too, stuck with just the Arwing ship and bought one weapon pack to get a gravity weapon but towards end of game played mostly digitally as just wanted to leave the Arwing on my display shelf.


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4 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

That's exactly what I was thinking when they started talking about the DLC and it would certainly make a lot more sense.

There's a big topic on Era about the whole thing. There could be some truth to this but if this is indeed the case, just what hell have Retro been doing for these past 5 years!?  

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I think the extra missions are included in the update, and the Switch version has extra Fox missions. I didn't buy anything and saw extra Fox missions concerning Wolf on the Crimson Moon. 

The part you can buy is a pilot 3-pack with Peppy, Slippy and Falco. But I think they don't add extra missions, just the pilots.

Anyway, I've picked this up physically a while ago for 20 euros and it's been fun ever since. The Arwing is nice and big, didn't expect it to be this size haha, but after finishing the game it'll look good on the shelf. And I'm enjoying the game. It is a bit repetitive but there is a strange addiction to keeping all your planets running.

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I thinkn you have to buy the characters to be able to start the mission. I've tried it on the moon and it directed me to the eshop.

I think that I have finished the DLC (the main content) and I don't get the ending.

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On 27/12/2018 at 1:07 PM, RedShell said:

Looks like it’s under 20 quid pretty much everywhere now, but I’ve still managed to resist picking up a copy. :hehe: Will definitely bite at a tenner though. :D

Ended up biting at slightly over a tenner (£13) but figured if I don't play it now, I never will. :heh:

Anyway, played for a few hours so far and I'm still not entirely sure what to make of it really. The Star Fox stuff is very cool indeed (that intro with Fox! :o:love:) but the Starlink stuff... not so much. And man, those have to be some of the most offensively bad character designs I've ever seen! :shakehead Gameplay-wise it doesn't seem too bad though, albeit kinda grindy. Looks very nice at times too, although it's also the first game I've played on Switch to really make the system struggle! The fan certainly kicks in when playing this, thought I was on my PS4 for a while there! :heh:

The model Arwing/attachments thing is cool, but TBH I only made use of it on my very first session and have stuck with playing digitally since. It just makes the controller unnecessarily heavy and awkward to use.

Edited by RedShell
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2 hours ago, RedShell said:

Ended up biting at slightly over a tenner (£13) but figured if I don't play it now, I never will. :heh:

Anyway, played for a few hours so far and I'm still not entirely sure what to make of it really. The Star Fox stuff is very cool indeed (that intro with Fox! :o:love:) but the Starlink stuff... not so much. And man, those have to be some of the most offensively bad character designs I've ever seen! :shakehead Gameplay-wise it doesn't seem too bad though, albeit kinda grindy. Looks very nice at times too, although it's also the first game I've played on Switch to really make the system struggle! The fan certainly kicks in when playing this, thought I was on my PS4 for a while there! :heh:

The model Arwing/attachments thing is cool, but TBH I only made use of it on my very first session and have stuck with playing digitally since. It just makes the controller unnecessarily heavy and awkward to use.

Funnily enough, I tried Starlink out yesterday too for the first time.

The controller is definitely cumbersome but my main issue is that I just can't be bothered with the game :hmm:

I bought it for the Arwing at £12 a few weeks ago so a decent game would be a bonus but as soon as I jumped in and was following yellow markers on the screen again and again I was out.

I didn't think I'd like the game and, from what little I've played, I don't!

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I actually picked it up again around 5-6 weeks ago when Amazon were selling for £14. I figured I may have been too hasty with my initial reactions/thoughts and thought I would give it another try. I did get further than my original play through but then the repetitiveness started to creep in again. It's weird because I can get away with most of  the Ubisoft games that have repetitive gameplay ( Creed, Far Cry, WatchDogs ) but with this I have real trouble going back to the thing. I think at least with the games I mentioned you have a half decent narrative and interesting characters to keep you interested but Starlink doesn't have any of these things going for it.

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