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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!


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Personally, I'm looking forward to playing a more casual Pokemon game. The main games were being released to quickly to the point they were pretty much annual games (and were), it was starting to burn me out. Plus this has a more managable number of 'Mons, which yes, does result in less variety, bit I haven't completed my Pokedex since Platinum.

Competitive Pokemon has ruined the games for me in some ways, I hate the idea of legendary/limited time Pokemon because it means I need to keep reseting until I get the "perfect" Pokemon which means at times, the correct nature, IV and abilities. It puts me off trying to catch them. Let's Go is a nice break from that in my eyes as I don't need to worry about that stuff.

I would have prefered the Sinnoh remakes myself, but gen VIII is confirmed and coming next year, if Let's Go gives them a chance to get used to the Switch hardware then I'm all for it.

I've got the Pikechu Pokeball bundle preordered and looking forward to it. :peace:

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59 minutes ago, Ashley said:


I've made joke responses to @Glen-i before now about not caring about the stats but there's some truth in it. When playing the games I never care about getting the strongest or best team. I find certain Pokémon more interesting and I want them and I work with them. Others go for power. It's actually pretty well articulated in the anime as different characters have different reasons to like Pokémon, and different 'uses' for them. 


Ever since playing the original games all those years ago, I continue to pick my team the way I always do and that's by picking Pokemon that look cool or cute. I've never once checked what a Pokemon's stats were before deciding to choose a team. The same goes for natures. It's absolutely fine that others play the game by looking at maxing stats and what not but I imagine a large part of the fan base is not like this.

I think Pokemon Go has shown that there is stuff in the games that a lot of people don't really need or use. Granted, it's a free game on a mobile device but it does show that there is a market that is happy with a more simplified and laid back approach and this is exactly what Let's Go is trying to tap into.

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Ummmm... I just want to clarify that I would never use a Pokémon I didn't like. Even if it is really strong. I mean, Mimikyu is really good in battles, but I wouldn't be seen dead with one on my team.

EDIT: Also, I never actually try to optimise everything during a playthrough of a Pokémon game. Super casual all the way to the end and then when I jump back into competitive, then I go for a properly trained team.

But that's an interesting point, @Ashley. And it kinda got me thinking about how removing some features can make using your favourite Pokémon less appealing in the long run.

I think it'd be best if I could demonstrate how this happened with one of my favourite Pokémon that you can catch in Let's GO, Marowak. Specifically, the Alolan version, which is still in Let's GO.


Look at that majestic bugger! Who wouldn't want that on their team? Well, anyone who actually wants to win some matches...


For reference, 90-100 is considered decent. More than that is considered good.

In other words, Marowak sucks. This is a problem with a lot of Pokémon that I like, they just aren't going to win against the more powerful Pokémon that are prevalent in multiplayer.

And yet, in the recent 3DS titles, that majestic bugger helped me win quite a lot of matches. How? No, I didn't cheat! Shut up!


OK, Salamence and Zapdos isn't on my usual team in Gen 7. But I'm not going through the Pokémon global link site on my phone!

Against all odds, Marowak became a cornerstone of my competitive team thanks to two factors.

The first was it's great abilities, Lightning Rod and Rock Head. Lightning Rod neutralises any Electric attacks used by a lot of the more popular Pokémon while Rock Head prevents Recoil damage from Flare Blitz, helping it survive a bit longer.

But it's hold item is where Marowak really shines. Thick Club is an equippable item only Cubone and Marowak can use. It's a simple item, it doubles Marowak's Attack stat. Making it an amazing Physical Attacker/Tank

These two mechanics (and Alolan Form) that were developed over the series's life meant I could use a Pokémon I really liked in a setting I've always wanted to. But with Let's GO removing abilities and held items, Marowak's viability has been cut tragically short. And I'm certain that will happen with a lot of "now not good enough Pokémon"

Guess my point is that the variety that this game has cut out would only hurt the emotional connection people might have for these underdog Pokémon. At least that's how I see it.

Edited by Glen-i
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But I suppose that's how you play the game. I genuinely just kind of give it the thumb test when it comes to replacing moves. I don't think I've ever even considered stats when choosing a Pokémon or move (replacing, rather than in battle)

Not saying you're being competitive or anything, but my personal connection is far more superficial. 

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7 minutes ago, Ashley said:

But I suppose that's how you play the game. I genuinely just kind of give it the thumb test when it comes to replacing moves. I don't think I've ever even considered stats when choosing a Pokémon or move (replacing, rather than in battle)

Not saying you're being competitive or anything, but my personal connection is far more superficial. 

But can't someone do it both ways?

When I play through a Pokémon game, my reasons are purely superficial. Playing through Sun/Moon, I made my playthrough on the basis of "Oooh, that Pokémon looks cool! I wanna use it"

When I finished the game, I then started experimenting with what works with the new Pokémon I like.

Let's GO limits that sort of gameplay by only focusing on a minimal amount of Pokémon and removing stuff that can level the playing field for the not quite as powerful Pokémon.

I just don't see much of an upside for swinging this far in the simplistic direction. It limits discovery and stifles creativity.

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8 minutes ago, Falcon_Black said:

Glen-i - reckon youll be playing the online to Lets Go? (if youre getting it?) If so, lets have a battle soon!

Fraid not. I'm not getting this. Not enough Pokémon for me to be interested. You're gonna have to wait until next Gen to battle me.

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10 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

You post an awful lot in this thread for someone who's not getting the game. :heh:


That Super Paper Mario joke is never going to age!

Anyway, in all seriousness. This game could have an effect on future Pokémon games, so I think it's in my best interest to keep an eye on it.

Also, someone has to remind you that there's much more to the world of Pokémon than the "repeated for the fifth time" Kanto region.

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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Fraid not. I'm not getting this. Not enough Pokémon for me to be interested. You're gonna have to wait until next Gen to battle me.

2019. Its on.

I mean the reviews sound like it was exactly what I was expecting it to be: a fairly relaxed, if not lazy, reimagining of Yellow - tbh I wasn't that much excited by FireRed and LeafGreen remakes because I felt kanto and the original 150 were just too old fashioned to capture my interest. But Im going to enjoy this... First home console "core-enough" experience, with the pokeball plus and taking it out with Pokemon Go, plus the some what "lite" Wifi battling - I know its going to be another crack-like experience, When it hopefully comes on Thurs with the limited ed switch. :bouncy:

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13 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Fraid not. I'm not getting this. 

Are none of your family (Dcubed, UFA) picking this up? Just wondering if you will have the opportunity to play it and give your thoughts on it even though you won't be buying it yourself. It would be good to know so that I can hit that ignore button on you in advance before you start ranting. :p 

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Are none of your family (Dcubed, UFA) picking this up? Just wondering if you will have the opportunity to play it and give your thoughts on it even though you won't be buying it yourself. It would be good to know so that I can hit that ignore button on you in advance before you start ranting. :p 

UFA is, she loves Pokémon GO, so she probably sees more of an initiative to it.

I might jump in through co-op if she happens to playing when I'm around. But I'm not gonna be tripping over myself to give it a go.

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6 hours ago, bob said:

I'm really tempted to buy it. Falcon_black makes it sound really appealing, and it would be good to have something to play on my Switch again, but I could just wait until SSB for that...

Im getting both...This will be the warm up before SBU -  Its Pokemon, if like me, you bought the mediocre Gamecube adventure games but still loved it because its Pokemon - This will be great...I want to hear the remixed music and go knees deep into places like Silph Co and Victory Road...wifi battling will also be a nice addictive treat....All as I approach Level 40 in PoGo. :yay:


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It looks like Nintendo have warned retailers about shipping the game early. Both Shopto and Simply Games have yet to post their orders out. What with Activision and Rockstar doing the same thing with Spyro and Red Dead Redemption 2, its getting harder and harder to nab games early these days. :( I imagine the same thing will happen with Smash Bros.

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7 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It looks like Nintendo have warned retailers about shipping the game early. Both Shopto and Simply Games have yet to post their orders out. What with Activision and Rockstar doing the same thing with Spyro and Red Dead Redemption 2, its getting harder and harder to nab games early these days. :( I imagine the same thing will happen with Smash Bros.

Are you honestly surprised though? Pokémon in particular has been absolutely notorious for games getting out very early recently.

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27 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Are you honestly surprised though? Pokémon in particular has been absolutely notorious for games getting out very early recently.

Yeah, but UK retailers have never been warned about it before, despite the game being sold stupidly early in other countries. It just seems to be getting more and more frequent where publishers are clamping down on their games being sold early. Sad times. :( 

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Just logged into my Shopto account to see what's going on with the game as it has yet to ship and was met with a message about how the games shipment has had a delay. Apparently this is effecting most retailers in the UK, which would explain why Simply Games haven't shipped either.

@Glen-i I know you have a hatred for this game but you didn't have to hijack the shipment!

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1 hour ago, killthenet said:

Have any reviewers mentioned how long the game takes to complete? I think it's the only thing that has me on the fence currently, definitely tempted to pick it up 

The IGN reviewer said she's spent 40 hours and isn't done with it yet. Though she has completed the main quest and is on the post game stuff.

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