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this is the best video so far that I have seen where someone has actually produced some 3D images and videos that work perfectly using Labo VR. The Virtual Boy stuff in this is really great to watch. 

I really hope People start to make more videos for the Labo format as searching on YouTube so far has just been met with ones that just don’t quite line up. 

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That was a pretty cool vid @BowserBasher, thanks. And yeah, hopefully more Labo friendly YouTube vids will start to appear. I found a channel that has 3D vids of PSVR games where the 3D works well with the Labo goggles, but some of them made me feel a bit motion sick! :o If you fancy checking them out though:

BTW, not sure if anyone else encountered this problem, but the My Nintendo gold point rewards were not working correctly for Labo VR, something to do with the carts having the incorrect region code or something. Anyway, that issue appears to have been resolved now, so if anyone was unable to claim their gold coins before, give it another go. :)

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Yeah, I've not really stumbled onto really great videos that are geared towards Labo VR outside of a couple of Virtual Boy vids TBH.  It's actually annoying how few videos there are of 3DS games in VR format! I've only found one and it was terribly done! I wanna see what 3DS games would look like with the Labo VR!!!


That being said? Here's a sneak peek at what Breath of the Wild will look like in VR!



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Shame it's only stills. I am sooo curious as to how BotW is going to run in VR. Given how the game performs normally I still can't believe it's actually going to be possible! :heh: But yeah, if they pull it off, then Nintendo's wizardry clearly knows no bounds! :hehe:

Has anyone else built/played with the Toy-Con Blaster yet? :D

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8 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Shame it's only stills. I am sooo curious as to how BotW is going to run in VR. Given how the game performs normally I still can't believe it's actually going to be possible! :heh: But yeah, if they pull it off, then Nintendo's wizardry clearly knows no bounds! :hehe:

Well, Nintendo themselves admitted that Zelda BOTW wasn't really optimised for Switch at all and that it was a very quick and hasty port from Wii U.  Also that game is two years old now and Nintendo have a lot more experience with the Switch hardware; so there's probably a lot of scope for optimisation... I'm sure it'll be absolutely fine; they wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think the experience would be good!


What I'm really interested in seeing though is if they feed these optimisations back into the normal Docked experience... Would be nice if they could bump up the resolution to a full 1080p; like almost every other Wii U - Switch port did :) 



Has anyone else built/played with the Toy-Con Blaster yet? :D

Haven't had time to build anything else yet (or even any of the other Labo sets! I have all four sets now, but the Labo VR goggles are the only one I've had time to build so far).  I should have some time to do some building today and tomorrow though; so hopefully I'll get the chance to have some fun with that! :D 


I'm pretty concerned about how I'm actually going to store all of this cardboard stuff though! (especially the Robot Kit! :shakehead)

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9 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

What I'm really interested in seeing though is if they feed these optimisations back into the normal Docked experience... Would be nice if they could bump up the resolution to a full 1080p; like almost every other Wii U - Switch port did :) 

That's a good point. This could potentially mean great things for the standard experience too. :cool: 
I suppose we should keep expectations low (in which case a resolution increase is probably more likely) but if they could up the frame rate, that would be amazing.

100FPS+ might be a bit of a stretch :heh: but closer to 60 (or even just a more stable 30) would certainly be nice.

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Labo VR is the first Labo set that I've picked up, I built the goggles on Friday night and messed around in the VR plaza for a bit. My first impression was the my screen was way too dirty and that the resolution is definitely too low. Didn't get a chance to try it out for longer until Sunday afternoon when I showed it to my nieces (aged 7 & 4) and they had a great time with it especially watching the VR videos. 

I had some free time tonight so I decided to build the VR Blaster after @RedShell's recommendation, expecting it to take me an hour or so but ended up taking just over 3 hours. I didn't realise until afterwards that Nintendo shows the estimates in the menu. Didn't have time to try the blaster game out afterwards but I'm really impressed by the intricacy of the construction - it really does feel satisfying to pull the reload mechanism back. Feel a bit foolish for building the most complicated one first but hey, at least the rest will seem easier now. Tempted to try and fashion a strap to make it a bit more comfortable to use, can't imagine Zelda will be much fun just holding it up to my face. It'll be really interesting if the Switch Pro has a 1080p screen, even that much of a resolution bump will make this thing much nicer to use. 

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I've built the bird and the camera in the last week in addition to getting to try out the blaster. The invasion game is really cool, and it was a big hit with my brother and my eldest niece on Sunday. My Dad was really impressed by the camera and I have to say that my initial impressions of that were that it was the most impressive one too. The bird one gave me a bit of trouble, I think the movement is too quick so its really easy to get eye strain. I was worried after trying out the blaster for the first time that Labo VR was giving me headaches but messing around in the Youtube app searching for VR videos was the culprit, haven't had any problems apart from the minor eye strain since. I've been really busy with other things lately so haven't had much chance to play games but the little that I've played around with Labo VR has really impressed me, it has that Nintendo charm to it and is a great example of their ingenuity and creativity. Looking forward to trying out BOTW and Mario VR modes at the weekend.

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1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

BOTW in VR is straight up vomit inducing! It looks alright, but the camera outright makes me feel nauseous!


Mario Odyssey fares much better though! It’s pretty fun!

Yeah, the motion controlled camera in VR BotW is definitely iffy. :woops: Luckily, using the right stick for camera control as usual seems fine. I have to say I'm impressed with how well it runs. There's obviously some flaky sections with very noticeable frame rate dips (Korok Forest which was always a problem area has absolutely shocking performance in VR :laughing:) but in general it seems pretty good. It's just amazing to see the game in S3D, I especially love what the effect adds to shrines, the new sense of depth is a perfect fit for those. And taking on a Hinox now is quite the experience! :o:cool:

As I've made a headstrap for my Labo VR goggles I can definitely see myself doing a full playthrough of Zelda in VR, not sure I'd like to attempt it using the method that Nintendo have in mind though. Seriously, what were they thinking with this hold it up to your face malarkey! :heh:

Also had a go on Mario, it definitely feels like a more comfortable experience due to the much smoother frame rate, but it's disappointing you can't just play the entire game in VR. The intro and ending movies look great in 3D though! :hehe:

Anyway, more VR modes for existing games please, Nintendo! :D

Edited by RedShell
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I think with BOTW, the worst thing isn’t the frame rate per-say; it’s the way the camera works.  The way it snaps back and forth is really sick inducing!


If the game were presented in a 180 degree format (like SMO’s cutscenes) I think it would work better and probably wouldn’t be so nauseating!

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Just tried both out myself for a few minutes and definitely fared better in Mario but the perspective is so weird in VR. Will definitely be better with first person games though the framerate of Doom and Wolfenstein would make it even more nauseating than Zelda. Is there any way to move the camera at all in Mario? Had to crane my neck so much to see him in certain spots.

Definitely rough around the edges but it's so cool they're trying out VR on this scale.

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36 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Just tried both out myself for a few minutes and definitely fared better in Mario but the perspective is so weird in VR. Will definitely be better with first person games though the framerate of Doom and Wolfenstein would make it even more nauseating than Zelda. Is there any way to move the camera at all in Mario? Had to crane my neck so much to see him in certain spots.

Definitely rough around the edges but it's so cool they're trying out VR on this scale.

You can continuously click the right stick to keep centring the camera on Mario as he moves...


... otherwise get a swivel chair :p 

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  • 5 months later...

I recently picked up the Labo Robot Kit from Shopto ( on sale for £29.99) and I decided to build and play through it today.




















The construction process took about 3 hours, which is a lot quicker than I was expecting. I had heard this took 4-5 hours to build and i've no idea why that would be the case. The instructions on how to build the kit were incredibility detailed but also a lot of fun. It kept the whole thing quite light. While I had no issues building the thing, I did have issues when sitting on the floor for 3 hours. It was a stark reminder that i'm getting on in years and my knees were killing me by the time I had finished. :D 

On the gameplay side of things, the first thing I done was jump into the standard playing mode. It's here where I got to grips with the robot controls, just playing around with the various moves on offer and smashing up UFOs and buildings. I then headed to the garage area and put a custom colour on my robot. The way this is handled was very clever. Using the 2 screws that you build you have to insert these into the backpack and then use them as dials, turning them to alter the colour of each part.  After that, I headed into the challenge mode and played through all of the stages. This took a couple of hours as there are 60 challenges to do and 60 hidden UFO's to find. To find these you have to wear the headset and pull the visor down. This allows for the hidden ships to appear on screen. 

Overall, I think the product is clever and well made but it was certainly not worth the high asking price they were charging when the thing was first released. I got around 5 hours time out of it ( finished and found everything in the two hours I played ) so paying £70 for this would have really hurt. It has very limited replay value and after you have finished the game you are just left with a giant hunk of cardboard. I think my youngest niece will get a kick out of this when she comes over next but after that I imagine this will just get put up the attic. 

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I just build the airplane stick and the pedal form the vehicle kit . Our oldest son wanted to fly the plain and he had a lot of fun doing so. Next up is the steering wheel.

I had already build the robot suit some months ago which he also likes. I really like the building aspect myself so it’s a really nice father and son activity this way. 

But yes, the ‘game’ aspect’ of these sets is very limited and shallow and the high asking price is indeed too steep for what you’re getting. 

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