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The Game Awards 2017


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Death Stranding might well never come out but all three trailers so far have been pure art. If Kojima and his team can deliver on even a fraction of the potential for the story for this game while delivering a gameplay experience similar to MGSV then it could really be one of the greats. But even if it fails to deliver on every front then the trailers have been worth it anyway. This show has been insane!

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3 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Josef is great, Geoff's patience was really tested though. I don't think EA will be letting him back on stage at E3.

He'll be lucky if EA still publish his game! I can't believe he brought  up their loot box shenanigans. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Yeah, not a great segment. Geoff has been trying to get this show taken seriously by the mainstream for a while and having someone like that come on drunk and start mouthing off and flipping off the oscars isn't going to do the industry any favors. The advertisers may not be happy either. Still, I wanted cock ups and that certainly delivered. :D 

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Great show, congrats to Geoff and the organisers.

Chuffed for Zelda taking home three awards, including the big one. What a legend Aonuma is. The Champions Ballad segment with the spotlights hitting the screen (lol) and the master sword etc was a great intro to the DLC trailer.

Loved the orchestra playing the GOTY nominee tunes, especially the Mario one obv.

My big negative though is half the awards were only given a passing mention. The thing is three hours long, present more of them properly! Geoff even knew that was a big criticism of last year's.

Oh and what a moron the A Way Out guy is, that was cringey. I don't think he was drunk, he was just as loud mouthed at E3, just not quite as OTT. His catchphrase of "I have so much passion" is already getting old, guy clearly loves the sound of his own voice.

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So, I watched the thing, and it wasn't too bad. I like how they gave time to the Student Game and Debut Indie awards to celebrate newcomers of the industry, as well as the "Lifetime Achievement" award, as it really drives home the fact that this show is just trying to celebrate all good things in gaming. Felt more like a true passion project than an empty ceremony. And it was heartwarming to see Eiji Aonuma getting so emotional.

As entertaining as Josef Fares' rant was, it was also pretty darn embarrassing. I mean, we were laughing at him, not with him, and considering he was making jabs at EA, that's quite something. There's a time and a place for everything, and his stunt soured what was otherwise a classy show.

My main complaint with the organization of the show itself is the same as Ronnie's:

11 hours ago, Ronnie said:

My big negative though is half the awards were only given a passing mention. The thing is three hours long, present more of them properly! Geoff even knew that was a big criticism of last year's.

I get that they only had so many sponsors, but to skip half of the show's main objective seems very counterproductive. Announce the awards in quick succession if you must, because ignoring them entirely drives home the fact that the awards program doesn't give a shit about handhelds, fighting games, sports, and whatever else was ignored.

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On 12/8/2017 at 12:52 PM, drahkon said:

I kinda like him. :D Reminds me of the drunken thread. :p

That was amazing! Why the hell did Geoff not get him off the stage as soon as it was clear that he was off his rocker? :laughing:


The show has come a long way since the early days clearly.  It's much better organised than before and actually feels like an awards show now; but it still feels too commercial and like an outlet for massive adverts.  Not bad, but still needs work.  That video is a pure gem though :laughing: 

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