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Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp ( Mobile Game. Out Late Nov )


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Connection is pretty unstable on this, must be a lot of people trying to play. The fact that pretty much everything you do requires sending data online blatantly doesn’t help. Not sure why Nintendo had to go soooooo OTT with that, I understand it for anything using leaf tickets (obviously), but for everything else it’s just overkill.

Anyway, still enjoying this when it works. If anyone wants to add me, here’s my ID: 1976 3096 035

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Played it for a few minutes, it seems like it has the Animal Crossing charm but is a bit too regimented and grindy as people have already mentioned. I don't know how much time I'll put into it in the long run, but it seems like the kind of thing that will occupy my time for a week or so. Definitely makes me wish we had a new full AC game on Switch right now though.

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I’m actually loving this. Yes it’s grindy and all that, but for me the charm of Animal Crossing is definitely present. The gameplay has obviously been heavily simplified for mobile, but I still enjoy catching bugs and fishing (even though you really can’t go wrong :hehe:) and it’s just nice to have some kind of new AC experience readily available at all times.

Not sure how long it’ll hold my attention for, but right now I’m hooked! :D

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My current Campsite, Animal crew and Retro Camper van:


Finding this "game" to be seriously addictive! It really shouldn't be either as it's so damn basic and repetitive, but the good old AC vibe is just irresistible! :D

Hopefully it'll link with the Switch version somehow.

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1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

I've found the game pretty dull so far, lacking in the usual Animal Crossing charm. I feel no urge to play it everyday. I expect I'll just uninstall it and wait for a full Switch game.

What do you consider the usual Animal Crossing charm?

For me it’s mainly the lo-fi look, sound effects/relaxing music and an overall chilled out vibe, all of which is very much present in Pocket Camp. It certainly couldn’t look and feel anymore like AC than it already does.

Obviously the mobile version is without a lot of gameplay elements from the mainline titles, but I reckon it still does a good job of capturing the essence of the series.

There are even a few things that I really hope make the transition to Switch. Stuff like the fishing nets/honey system, and the ability to easily and quickly sell items from any point in the game.

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Pretty much everyone is rocking the Chrimbo hat now, myself included. :D 

Crafting all the Christmas furniture doesn’t look like too much of a grind, surprisingly. They only require a single material type (exclusive to this event) and getting hold of them is pretty straightforward. Each piece only takes 30 mins to complete as well.

Despite how popular/busy this game has been at launch (not with peeps from here, obviously :heh: but in general) I get the feeling it’s not going to do very well for Nintendo. The reason being that longtime AC fans who will probably end up making the vast majority of the active player base for this game, are going to be much less likely to purchase Leaf Tickets. They will be more than happy to just wait for crafting to complete having been used to that from the console versions.

I haven’t purchased any tickets yet and the free ones that I’ve obtained in-game/via my Nintendo have all gone on upgrades to storage space or the exclusive items (like K.K. Slider’s chair and the retro camper design), as a patient AC veteran I’ve got no interest in speeding up the game. :hehe: 

So yeah, guessing Nintendo will eventually add more items that require tickets to unlock, as I reckon it’s the only way they’ll get enough people actually buying tickets.

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I've found myself pleasantly enjoying this game in bite size chunks.

It's got the Animal Crossing feel down to a tee and it looks lovely on my Pixel XL...but it isn't a true AC game, it's very very mobile (obviously...)

If I play too much of it a day it gets boring after 20 mins or so, but it's nice to check in and chip away at villager requests, improving camper van and campsite etc.

Echo what @Redshell says in terms of money making; I've had no desire to buy any tickets and I won't either, so I'll be interested to see in future financial reports whether this is making money like Fire Emblem or not like Mario.

Either way, it's another nice Nintendo title on mobile :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
22 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I catch myself playing this more and more these days! Now at level 29. And I finally found a goal for my My Nintendo Platinum points: Buying cotton since all those bloody tents need it and I somehow don't get it that much as rewards.

I’ve put an obscene amount of hours into this game since it officially launched. Currently at level 50! :o And ditto on the My Nintendo points, still the best way to spend those.

Really hope something from Pocket Camp will transfer over to the Switch AC game. Crafted furniture would be nice, or bells. :D

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  • 1 month later...
17 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

There is a finish to the event? Is it time based or based on what you've gathered? If the latter is the case I won't be seeing it...

You get the cutscene when you've completed all the collection challenges. The event finishes at 6am on Saturday. What do you still need? I've finished too so can help you out.

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Loving the new content in this. :love: Some of the animal outfit combinations are hilarious, and I like how they do a little fashion show after you dress them. :laughing: I noticed the addition of missing item quests now too, which is a cool nod to the mainline games. And the new Brake Tapper mini-game is pretty addictive, although the amount of caps needed to trade for the furniture items is slightly insane! 15,000? :eek: That said, I'm already approaching 4,000 (yep... addictive :heh:) but am also starting to run very low on the currency needed to play it. :shakehead

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@VsPhoenix, thanks for all the cross-pollination you've been doing at my garden! :) Have been able to play some Brake Tapper every day (since completely running out of friend powder) as a result. Have been trying to return the favour as much as possible, but I never really got into the gardening aspect (other than when the special events were on) so am a little behind.

I think they should probably add some extra ways to earn, or increase the amount of friend powder you get for doing stuff like watering people's plants though, it should be 1 for each plant not 1 for the entire garden! :shakehead

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to go triple post-tastic :heh: but I just got to say that this game is getting better and better all the time. The amount of content updates and gameplay improvements that the developers keep on releasing for it is amazing. :cool: It’s actually difficult to keep up with all the different events!

Right now there’s Super Mario themed items to collect, plus the first fishing tournament got underway today too! Pretty much all of the major issues regarding the interface/mechanics have been sorted, and it all runs perfectly now. 

If there are any Animal Crossing fans out there that haven’t checked it out yet, give it a go! Likwise, those that might have stopped playing, it’s definitely worth another look in its current form. The game has not only improved immensely since launch, it’s also getting more and more of the mainline AC stuff added to it over time. :) 


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On 15/03/2018 at 9:26 PM, RedShell said:


If there are any Animal Crossing fans out there that haven’t checked it out yet, give it a go! Likwise, those that might have stopped playing, it’s definitely worth another look in its current form. The game has not only improved immensely since launch, it’s also getting more and more of the mainline AC stuff added to it over time. :) 


I a huge fan of the main games but I never could get into this. Though it sounds like it may be time to go back and give it another go. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 30/11/2017 at 1:17 PM, RedShell said:

So yeah, guessing Nintendo will eventually add more items that require tickets to unlock

Hey, guess what? :heh:

Yep. They only went and added Nintendo items to their loot boxes er- I mean, fortune cookies. :grin: 
The bastards.

I had over 1000 leaf tickets yesterday (none of which I'd purchased, I'm not that mental :hehe:) but now I have around 300. However, my campsite has these...



Love those AC versions of Switch games on the monitor. :laughing:
There are ones of Arms and Splatoon 2 as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve started playing this game last weekend and am enjoying it a lot more than I thought! At level 30 now and it’s slowly getting a bit repetitive now. Even if I still haven’t delved very deep into stuff like the quarry and gardening.

The (lack off) variety of bugs, fruit and fish is a bit disappointing as that’s one of the main attractions in AC to me. I do really like the graphics, they look so clean and crisp on my iPad!

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  • 1 month later...

I started getting back into this (after a bit of a break) thanks to the most recent fishing tourney, and am now trying to catch up with crafting the new amenities.

Really glad to see they finally fixed the friend list, it no longer jumps back to the top whenever you help someone enter the quarry. :hehe:

Some new fish and bug types have been added since I last regularly played too. Have managed to find most of them, but the Crawfish, Cyclommatus Stag and Pearl-Oyster Shell are just nowhere no be seen! And looking at their spawn rates, it's no surprise. As low as 0.3%?! Crazy. :o
@VsPhoenix, have you had any luck with finding those? I'm starting to think they don't actually exist. :heh:

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I've had one each of crawfish, surgeonfish and pearl oyster so far, although I havent actually looked that hard for them. I had all but the last batch of animals maxed out so I've not been bothering much with requests, and I'm struggling to get back into it now they've raised the level cap. I've found the way they're locking content into fortune cookies pretty offputting too.

How are you getting on with the latest set of dappledots? The appearence rate seems really low, and I'm hardly catching any of the ones that do show up.

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