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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (December 20th 2019)


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Saw this about a week ago and have very mixed feelings on it (mostly negative). Admittedly, I wasn't hyped beforehand and came out feeling that I hadn't really gained anything by seeing this. 


I disliked The Last Jedi and felt like that film had given the final act of the trilogy too much to simply do. The pacing in this film and jumping around is just daft. There's no real depth to anything and it just throws new planets, scenarios, twists, characters at you so quickly that it almost feels like an entire trilogy of films wrapped up into one.

The opening crawl with Palpatine coming back is just ridiculous. He's back...somehow. I could sense that the audience in the cinema were just thinking "what? How?" and this was skimmed over so quickly that it was just laughable really. I get the feeling that they were building Snoke up to be the villain of this trilogy, then the director for TLJ killed him off, so they had to throw in another big villain quickly and ended up with Palpatine. Bleeeh.

One criticism that I have with TLJ is that they really broke up the friendships of Poe, Finn and Rey by having them split up and sharing too few scenes. I can see what they were trying to do in TRoS by showing that the three were close and emotional at the end, but...from my point of view, there was a whole middle section missing due to the lack of friendship-building in TLJ that just made it seem off in the last film.

I'm sure that many will have mentioned some of my criticisms beforehand anyway, as I'm a bit late on this. I found it messy and it's so clear to see that they just bumbled from one film to the next without any overarching plan or idea of what they were trying to do. Rey's origin for example. I actually liked that she was a nobody in TLJ, but the ham-fisted way that it was handled in TRoS is, again, laughable. She's Palpatine's...granddaughter. Yes, let's go with that! It's a close enough relative where she can still share some of his power, but also not too close where they have to explain it toooo much. For example...Palpatine's children? Ever thought about explaining that? What were they doing during his reign and after that?

It's one of these films that I think you can easily poke holes in it, because it's left itself so open to criticism. The trilogy is a mess and, unfortunately, I don't think it will looked back upon too fondly. I'm disappointed after the promising start that The Force Awakens made. But, it's an interesting case study for the future and for any film makers out there. Plan your shit out first before you commit to camera. 


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Saw this film very recently and went into the cinema with low expectations mainly because I had heard a lot about this film already largely from YouTube videos. I knew the basic plot and what a lot of people had said about the film but I left the cinema thinking the film was okay and better than I had expected.

I personally think the previous film (The Last Jedi) did some damage to the overall thread of the newer Star Wars saga and had JJ. Abrams been involved in all three films we would have seen a more coherent direction. I don't hate The Last Jedi but it did undo a lot of good intent The Force Awakens had set up.

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Saw it on Saturday - the wife loved it and thought it was the best of the trilogy. I don't think any of them were good enough to be called the best of anything, but I see where she's coming from.


Got to give it to Abrams, he can deliver greats shots. In particular the scene of Ray entering the Sith temple sticks in the mind. For a series such as Star Wars, or indeed any movie this fantastical, I think grand shots are important to add weight, a sense of place and an air of grandeur to the preceedings. 

I also liked the throwback elements, as it was fun to figure out which callbacks they were doing at any one moment. I would of loved nothing more than a completely new story with completely new characters for this trilogy, but Disney were never going to have the balls for that. So a nostalgia ride in its place is fine.

That's about it. The bad? Fuck me 20 minutes in I was want to yell "slow down!!". Take a breather, let the characters sit in silence for a moment. It's a sign of a lack of confidence in the integrity of the movie when you don't let your audience breathe and examine for a bit. I was losing track at one point of why people were in X or y place. 

Also Abrams - mate - the mystery box thing again? Come on.

Fight choreography still shit, and has been since Phantom Menace (and really just the last bit of PM). 

And that was it really. At least I hated Last Jedi. This was just a bit forgettable (apart from the afformentioned shots).


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48 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Although "Duel of Fates" is a pretty rubbish title. Or maybe  'generic' would be a better word. It feels like some PS2 era fighting game.

I wish it was called that. At least we may have got this epic music playing in the movie at some point.

Honestly, the best thing to come out of this movie was this YouTube video. Big spoilers in the video but at this point I don't think anyone cares. :p 


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