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Think I'm nearing the end of Iceborne.
The most recent new monsters I've fought are much better than the ones introduced at the beginning. I've been thoroughly enjoying the expansion in the last few hours :peace:

There's something wonderful about that Monster Hunter charm (which I assume is present in all games of the series?).
All the NPCs are pretty much buff, end game characters you see in JRPGs :D Speaking of, I would love to see a JRPG in the Monster Hunter world. Something akin to the Dragon Quest series but with all the Monster Hunter stuff. Would be a dream.

Anyways, just read that with the new update some special hunts have been added for a limited time. It's a bit annoying since I can't access them without having finished the game. But even when I do, I most likely stand no chance of actually completing them :(


And it has been done. :peace:

What a spectacular final boss fight. That moment was sooooo cool :D

Nergigante MVP, though :laughing:


Iceborne may not have been up there with the vanilla version, but it's still an incredible expansion. I'm glad I finally got to play a Monster Hunter that's not limited by hardware and I sincerely hope the series never ever goes back to weaker systems, i.e. handhelds.

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Man, Iceborne's endgame, i.e. Guiding Lands is insane.
I don't fully grasp the entire concept and its mechanics, yet, but it seems to be quite the time sink :D

Decided that I wanted to do a Dual Blades build with an element I've never used before: Blast. No idea how it works and what to look for but I'm currently in the process of crafting a certain set of Dual Blades. Have to fight Val Hazaak for that, though, and I hate that hunt. Good thing SOS flares exist :laughing:

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Sometimes these games just...🤦‍♂️

After beating the Xeno'jiiva, I couldn't find it on "respond to SOS" so I've been patiently waiting for it to appear on my game, wondering how people were able to respond to my SOS calls...turns out I hadn't spoken to the right person in the trade yard to update my monster list OF COURSE! 

Anyway, spent the last two mornings farming the beasty, all I need now are two more horns and shed load of zenny and I'll be able to make the set; gone for the B set as that seems to make gem'ing and decorating easier according to Google.

I love that feeling when you feel like you start to "get" a monster, you go from being completely overwhelmed by it to knowing when to dodge, block, strike etc, wonderful! 

Posted (edited)

Had a good few days on this; I've farmed Xeno'jiiva and claimed all of his armour set and upgraded it max too, I've got the power and armour charms upgraded with the bazelguese talon and while I was at it I've gone for the bazelguese Lance which has decent attack and 410 blast as well, which is something I was always fond of with the Brachy weapons.

I'll tell you what this game is lacking, a proper single player experience. I don't mean this in an arrogant way (more the fact I've probably got over 1000 hours in previous game experience) but the amount of people who clearly have continually done what I initially did when I got back in to it, which is just fire the SOS flare and let others do the work is astounding. The amount of failed quests that happen, even at 8*, because people literally have no clue what the monsters patterns are etc is crazy. Fancy spending 30 minutes on a quest and not knowing that when the Teostra is about to blow up either get a shield up or get the hell out of there!

Still, it may take longer but I'm having fun solo'ing monsters, deviljho has been great fun to see on the big screen in HD! Do wish I could take it portable as well, I'm hoping they add it to the Xbox Game Streaming Preview.

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
On 30/04/2020 at 10:46 AM, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

I'll tell you what this game is lacking, a proper single player experience. I don't mean this in an arrogant way (more the fact I've probably got over 1000 hours in previous game experience) but the amount of people who clearly have continually done what I initially did when I got back in to it, which is just fire the SOS flare and let others do the work is astounding. The amount of failed quests that happen, even at 8*, because people literally have no clue what the monsters patterns are etc is crazy. Fancy spending 30 minutes on a quest and not knowing that when the Teostra is about to blow up either get a shield up or get the hell out of there!

Leeching is something that happened in the original game on the PS2, well before the SOS flare. People would hang back or sod off to go mining and let others do all the work. I've had it happen a few times when playing this and if i'm hosting and I do see it then I simply kick the player. I usually try and wait until the quest is nearly over before kicking them. Just give them that glimmer of hope that their plan has worked and then yank the victory away from them at the finish line. :laughing:

After putting in around 250 hours into Iceborne (550 total for both that and the base game) I finally achieved it. 


I actually finished the story back in January but this being Monster Hunter I couldn't just let the game sit there without earning the platinum.

Like when I got the platinum in the base game, getting all the crowns for each of the monsters took some doing. There were so many times where I thought the beastie looked the right size only for the results screen to tell me a different story. After getting all the crowns I figured the grind was over but I was wrong. Capcom added different trophies to this than they did with the base game and they involved finding treasures and taking photos. The Photos were quite fun and in a way it was like playing Pokemon Snap. You get missions from one of the NPCs  and you have to catch creatures and monsters doing different actions. The treasure hunting was a different beast all together. You have to level up the different Tailriders to level 6, then exchange different gifts and hope that they give you a clue for the treasure. You can only do this 3 times per visit to an area and its random whether or not they will give you a clue. Add to the fact that there are 10 treasures to find in each of the areas and this makes for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong side quest/trophy. I spent most of yesterday and today just trying to get it done and was so happy once it was over. 


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Incredible work @Hero-of-Time, would love to see you doing a Monster Hunter stream/podcast type thing one day (just saying...😉)

I bit the bullet last week and picked up Iceborne, having an absolute (ice) blast with it so far, up to MR10 and I've just come up against my old favourite Brachydios, so I've halted everything else to farm him and get the full set and weapon like I had in 3U and 4U as well.

Similar to @drahkon a friend upgraded at the same time so we are doing our own thing and then once or twice a week getting together to power through optionals on MR. The hoarfrost map is an absolute delight too!

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Posted (edited)

Just unlocked the quest/event to fight Safi'jiiva.

It's basically impossible doing it solo and there's no one online attempting/joining the siege. Guess I will never get the Safi weapons :(

Edit: Nevermind. I thought: "There's no way this game has lackluster online matchmaking" so I dabbled around with it and you can filter by Safi'jiiva quest lobbies. Might still take some time to find a good one, though.
Edit²: Nevermind again. Found one. Safi'jiiva has been slain :D Pretty cool event. Didn't get the Dual Blades I wanted, though. I WANT THEM WITH BLAST ELEMENT :blank:

Edited by drahkon
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4 hours ago, drahkon said:


Got them :bouncy:

Time to farm materials to augment/awaken these magnificent Dual Blades.

This game is amazing :D

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I should get back into this game, I was enjoying it a lot at one point and I really liked the expansion.

Maybe I'll return to it soon. :)


I may have spent 10 hours playing this game yesterday...whoops :D

Decided to give the Bow a chance in my co-op playthrough and it's pretty cool. Very mobile and viable both in ranged and close-range combat.

In other news, my mate might buy Iceborne when we're done with the story portion of World. He doesn't even know about the endgame in World :laughing:


I've got myself kitted out in full Brachydios G rank armour, fully upgraded, and the fully upgraded Brachy weapon too. I wouldn't say it's a particularly amazing build for lance weapons but I've always had it in every MH game I've played, and the Lagiacrus set, but haven't seen that yet...

Loving the Iceborne expansion, up to MR 14 now and really enjoying the new map, it's beautiful! 


Defeated the Velkhana this morning; quite incredibly I solo'd it after a few goes where it beat the you know what out of me, I had a look at some tactics online, re arranged my decorations and what potions I took, and nailed it. After I got my carves in and the counter went down, the screen went black, the Xbox whirred abit...and the game crashed, and hadn't saved it as complete 🤦‍♂️

Genuinely thought about never playing the game again for about 20 minutes, made a coffee and then thought if I don't do it now I never will, answered an SOS call and luckily the group was sensible and good hunters, and we took it down with one faint remaining. Someone did attempt to capture it though on a slay quest 🙈

I've only done a handful of optional quests to get either certain parts or upgrade mantles etc, so I'm looking forward to breaking through the MR ceiling and unlocking more monsters and, I've now got a decent Velkhana ice weapon that'll help me against Raging Brachy when I get to that, and a Nergigante Lance that's high on elderseal and dragon damage too. 

4 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Raging Brachy

Need to farm this monster but it's not fun. It's everything I dislike about certain Iceborne monsters cranked up by a million. Constant bum-rushing, ridiculous AoE attacks and very few real openings to deal damage.

Makes me wanna stop playing, to be honest. :nono:

17 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Need to farm this monster but it's not fun. It's everything I dislike about certain Iceborne monsters cranked up by a million. Constant bum-rushing, ridiculous AoE attacks and very few real openings to deal damage.

Makes me wanna stop playing, to be honest. :nono:

Haha alright don't spoil it for me 😂

Yeah it was abit of a nightmare on 4U, I just bloody love the Brachy, blinded by love! 

Saying that I'll keep an eye on other decent sets to see if I actually need it, if it becomes too much of a pain I'll stick to something else.

4 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Haha alright don't spoil it for me 😂

Sorry :p

Hopefully you'll have a much better experience.
I think it's one of the worst monsters/bosses in video games.

In other news: I have now fully awakened my Safi DualBlades :peace: They're quite strong :D Still need to augment them, but the materials needed are still marked as "???" so I guess I need to rank up a lot more.


Polished off the Iceborne story yesterday morning and found the Guiding Lands in the evening and broke through the MR ceiling, went in at MR41 which surprised me, thought it'd be much lower! 

Overall it's more of the same ("we've found the source, it's this monster!" *Kills monster* "wait, no, it wasn't that monster, it's THIS monster!" Rinse and repeat) but it shows off a good selection of the new monsters and, admittedly only on Xbox, but it's no wonder the achievement % are so low, it's bolt hard in places! 

Initially abit confused about the Guiding Lands, not really sure about the whole mash up theme of the map, but I'm sure once I put more time into it it'll make sense and hopefully be rewarding.

I still stand by earlier comments that it misses a portable element to it (streaming or device lead) as this game is perfect for having the TV on in the background while you mine/farm for things you need. Having said that, the game is alot easier in that respect than past versions I've played, apart from affinity I've yet to come across anything negative wise in the skills section of armour/weapons, which means you aren't trying to charm anything out as well as in.

And it does still need a proper solo element to it as well, again in my opinion, to help newer hunters get to grips with each monsters style and what not.

But those are only minor gripes, it's a shame I'm on Xbox (behave) as community is great on this and I've loved playing with people on here; @Kav and @Blade on MH3U as my first taste of the game, and even just last year @RedShell @Glen-i @Dcubed @S.C.G and @Hero-of-Time on MHGU. I loved getting my friends together on the sofa and beating tough, tough monsters, the silence as it neared the end and then the eruption of cheering, hugging and joy at finally downing it, so that's been missed as well. One friend (who I played with in person back in 3U days and since) has it on Xbox still and we've been playing about one night a week with chat, which has had some great moments, but isn't quite the same as real life. Wish they'd get cross play into this at least! 

I'm still going to be playing this as my main game for the foreseeable, I've set myself a target to get to MR100 and HR100 as well so that I can be well placed to tackle the big monsters and get the big rewards, and also do some achievement hunting as well as I've found a great deal of mental reward in that recently, which is probably why I've not played as many Nintendo games during lockdown, and haven't touched AC in a good week now!

Overall it's been great to finally put the time into this that I never really did on its launch and lose myself in a Monster Hunter game as well, muscle memory is a wonderful thing 😊


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I've not touched the PS4 version for months. I played the Wii U version for ages and loved it. I don't know why I didn't stick with it for longer as its a great game.

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My mate and I are nearing the end of Monster Hunter World's story.

We've been doing quite a few optional quests to farm materials and now we're at a point where we can finish off "normal" monsters in a matter of 10-15 minutes. Teostra was a different beast, though. My mate died twice and I had to use 7 mega potions and some crazy evasive manoeuvres to not perish :D 

Next up is one of the most annoying monsters...Vaal Hazak. Effluvia Resistance is a must.

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8 hours ago, drahkon said:

My mate and I are nearing the end of Monster Hunter World's story.

We've been doing quite a few optional quests to farm materials and now we're at a point where we can finish off "normal" monsters in a matter of 10-15 minutes. Teostra was a different beast, though. My mate died twice and I had to use 7 mega potions and some crazy evasive manoeuvres to not perish :D 

Next up is one of the most annoying monsters...Vaal Hazak. Effluvia Resistance is a must.

I've got to fight the Black Veiled VH on Friday night; my friend hasn't had as much time as me to get through Iceborne, he tried it last night both solo and with the SOS and failed every time, text me to say he'd unplugged his Xbox from the TV he was that annoyed with it 😂🙈

I've unlocked the Stygian Zinogre, Furious Rajang and Raging Brachy quests but I've halted that at the moment for some achievement hunting, been collecting rare animals and working through the research logs at the mo, not getting any HR or MR points but it's nice to have a different objective for the moment before it all kicks off with those beasts again!

  • 1 month later...

Gonna be doing some Iceborne quests this evening with my mate.

Will set up a Charge Blade class. Played with Lance for a while but it's a little too static for my taste. I think it's time to fight with a more technical weapon :D Can't wait to get my ass kicked.

4 hours ago, drahkon said:

Gonna be doing some Iceborne quests this evening with my mate.

Will set up a Charge Blade class. Played with Lance for a while but it's a little too static for my taste. I think it's time to fight with a more technical weapon :D Can't wait to get my ass kicked.

You wut? 

A weapon couldn't GET more technical than the Lance, you clearly weren't thrusting it properly...

No I get what you mean, love the Lance though, tried the Switch Axe on MHG but never found it as satisfying as the Lance, being in the thick of the action!

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