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Call of Duty: WWII (PS4/XB1/PC)


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Looking good. :D


Platforms haven't been officially announced, yet, but PS4, XB1 and PC are a given.



I told myself I won't get it on realease, but it looks so good and Gamestop is doing a 9.99€ offer so...goodbye Fifa 17 and Yooka Laylee, hello CoD : peace: Will pre-order tomorrow.


I've spent so much time with Black Ops 3, in recent months with Modern Warfare Remastered and hopefully Infinite Warfare again soon, so I need this. Enjoyed those three games' campaigns and multiplayer and since I prefer Boots on the Ground combat to the advanced movements (but not by much) this is a no brainer. I really hope the Infinite Warfare and MWR playerbase won't die out when WWII is released. Would love to alternate between those three shooters then :)

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And what do you know...same procedure as every year: The same old "generic world war shooter", "brown fps", "America again?" comments.


It's Call of Duty. What do people expect? It's not a franchise that will ever be anything revolutionary.

They are solid games. Infinite Warfare had an awesome campaign. Black Ops 3's campaign was - in my eyes - as good as it can get with FPS campaigns (until Titanfall 2 came out). And the multiplayer is always compelling. ::shrug:


The hate bandwagon is strong with this one again :laughing: And it'll sell millions :D

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I fucking cried when I saw the title for the game. It's almost like an Honest Game Trailers piss-take of these games.


Call of Duty.....World War Twoooo.


I get that WWII was important and it's a fascinating time period. But, there have been so many other wars that would also be interesting to play through. Even Battlefield 1 proved that.

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It's because of the backlash to exosuits, OP kill streaks and bullshit futuristic gadgets. They had to signpost the break with the trend in the most obvious way to get people back onside.


And it seems to work. Lots of positivity inside the community.


There was a comment recently that Infinite Warfare was released at the wrong time and I agree. It's a good game; great campaign and solid multiplayer (which is now even better than at the start). Sadly, the concept and setting didn't resonate with the players. "Going back to CoD's roots" is the logical consequence.


Looking forward to it :) Will pre-order the game after work.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Had a few rounds on the PC-beta this weekend. It quickly got uninstalled. I have quite a few issues with the new WW2.

First off the bat, this game is like an ADHD-trip. Jesus, if you don't constantly run and kill everything you see in your path, you're dead. Good luck trying to snipe, because the enemy is everywhere and always running around full steam ahead.

And also good luck trying to do anything tactical at all. The maps are quite small, and if you want to try and flank the enemy side as in a logical, tactical mission, then too bad. Because the enemy soldiers just spawned behind you. Again and again and again. I mean, seriously? If I respawn, the smartest thing to do is to run backwards, because the enemy is always there. I mean, this joke is the same as how it was in CoD the last time I played the series, and that was MW3.

I actually ended up reinstalling Battlefield 1, simply because I wanted to see how it's supposed to be done. And holy hell, CoD is just a dumbed down arcade version of BF1. BF1 is not perfect, but it is way ahead of this mess that is CoD:WW2. Sorry about my bad english and ranting. 

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Hm, I had a different experience during the PS4 beta a couple of weeks ago. :D

I actually really enjoyed it. And that was on the Core playlist. Usually I only play hardcore modes.


The beta made me keep my pre-order and I actually can't wait to play this :peace:

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Well, you can easily tell this game is console first, PC last. The PC port is a really poor port job. Navigating through the menus was a chore, and everything was controller optimised. I couldn't even scroll through the menu with the scroll wheel. 

Glad you liked it, but I for one hope the game bombs hard on PC. That way they might do a proper job on the platform next time. I was actually positive to this years CoD, but they blew it with the porting.

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4 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

Well, you can easily tell this game is console first, PC last. The PC port is a really poor port job. Navigating through the menus was a chore, and everything was controller optimised. I couldn't even scroll through the menu with the scroll wheel. 

Glad you liked it, but I for one hope the game bombs hard on PC. That way they might do a proper job on the platform next time. I was actually positive to this years CoD, but they blew it with the porting.

So it is as it's been for years now...I guess there's more money to make with the console versions...


If the previous iterations are any indication the game will definitely bomb on PC.

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  • 1 month later...

Got the game today.


Currently in the first mission of the campaign and my goodness...the presentation is incredible. And the gunplay is amazing.
If the campaign keeps this up it will be up there with Infinite Warfare's single player offering, which I enjoyed immensely. :peace:


Played one match of Hardcore Team Deathmatch...I love it :D Here's hoping my best mate will buy this tomorrow. Would be up for a couple of sleepless nights rampaging through the servers :laughing: 

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Haven't had much time to play over the weekend but today is the day :D

As usual the game had/has a horrible launch (server issues) but it seems much more stable now.


The new War mode is fucking amazing. It's basically a sequence of objectives you have to complete/defend (destroy stuff, build stuff, "capture the flag", move a "payload", etc.) in a limited amount of time. It's so much fun. Especially since kills and deaths don't count towards players' K/Ds which encourages playing the objective, and it works. Contrary to other objective based modes people don't just sit in a corner without trying to win the game.

Looks like War will be a core game mode that I will play a lot. :peace:


I played one round of Zombies. It seems a little more streamlined for newer players which I welcome. I never really got into Zombies because I always found it a little too cryptic. With this iteration it appears that the "main quests" are easy to understand but still require some exploration. Then there's the obligatory easter egg for the hardcore Zombie players.


Hardcore multiplayer is where it's at, though. Still need to learn the maps' layouts but I'm getting there.


Campaign...need to get back to it :D



All in all: So far the best CoD I've played since BO3, maybe ever (haven't played every installment, though).

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Especially since kills and deaths don't count towards players' K/Ds which encourages playing the objective, and it works. Contrary to other objective based modes people don't just sit in a corner without trying to win the game.

That seems like a very good idea. Glad it seems to be working.

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After a pretty long play session on Wednesday I'm almost at the point where I can say: This CoD is even better than BO3, or rather even more enjoyable to me. BO3 obviously plays very differently to WWII (advanced movement vs boots on the ground).

However, the current state of basically everything aside from the gameplay is atrocious. Inexcusable, actually. Lots of disconnects, lots of bugs...I haven't experienced any of them personally, but many others have. It's ridiculous.

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How does the campaign hold up on this one, @drahkon? I'm hearing mixed things about it yet I'm tempted to give the game a go. I was getting put off with the futuristic move with previous titles (BO3 was the last one I played and, as I said at the time of release for it, it felt like the campaign could have been something really special if it wasn't a CoD game as the story and it's themes were interesting but underdeveloped) but after Battlefield 1, I'm very much interested in how they've handled going back to WW2. I realise that with CoD that the story is never going to take front and centre but I'm interested in whether they've managed to make an interesting campaign of it. Plus, I'm sort of in the mood for a twitch shooter and with little else coming at the end of the year this year, this seems like the most likely choice.

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