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Destiny 2


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Look like Deej and Cosmo are gonna answer some questions about D2 on May 18th. :)


That is far away.


Any info on what the season pass will include? I find it odd they are promoting it so well in advance lol.


Still torn between digital and the limited edition physical. The standalone game seems expensive.

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Any info on what the season pass will include? I find it odd they are promoting it so well in advance lol.

Same as before with The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King and Rise of Iron. New lores, new loots, new PVP/PVE modes, new raids, strikes etc.


Apparently Expansion 1 will dropped on Winter 2017 and Expansion 2 on Spring 2018 according to an information sheet.

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How many copies did Destiny eventually end up selling? I think this is going to take off huge off the back of that - I'm already planning to be on it from launch. What does kind of irk me is the Destiny model - though I have to concede it does do them some great business I can't help but think it surely was a bit frustrating that later DLC and content so thoroughly makes earlier content obsolete for end users? I mean I jumped in with TTK and it wasn't terrible and I definitely loved the game(almost 10 days in game time, which is a lot for me and especially where I jumped in) but seeing RoI come out and feeling like I basically had to have that expansion or not play just felt kinda sucky. Obvs it's complicated with the way Destiny is designed etc but I do wonder if it will put anyone off. Despite my complaint I know it won't put me off as the experiences are kinda there to be had when they're there to be had due to the social etc but I could see myself getting annoyed by it. If any of that makes any sense.

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Same as before with The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King and Rise of Iron. New lores, new loots, new PVP/PVE modes, new raids, strikes etc.


Apparently Expansion 1 will dropped on Winter 2017 and Expansion 2 on Spring 2018 according to an information sheet.


Ok that is quite fast. Loved the first game so no probs here. This 1st year is steep but hopefully so worth it.




How many copies did Destiny eventually end up selling? I think this is going to take off huge off the back of that - I'm already planning to be on it from launch. What does kind of irk me is the Destiny model - though I have to concede it does do them some great business I can't help but think it surely was a bit frustrating that later DLC and content so thoroughly makes earlier content obsolete for end users? I mean I jumped in with TTK and it wasn't terrible and I definitely loved the game(almost 10 days in game time, which is a lot for me and especially where I jumped in) but seeing RoI come out and feeling like I basically had to have that expansion or not play just felt kinda sucky. Obvs it's complicated with the way Destiny is designed etc but I do wonder if it will put anyone off. Despite my complaint I know it won't put me off as the experiences are kinda there to be had when they're there to be had due to the social etc but I could see myself getting annoyed by it. If any of that makes any sense.


Sadly its not a unique model. Its very similar to MMORPG's and other games in this respect. The plus side is newbies and people coming back can catch up easier at various points/Major updates.


Definately good to take breaks etc.


Wouldnt mind hearing more discussion around this as time is precious. Games like Destiny are highly time consuming.

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Sounds great. Not the crazy over hype element of the first where they were over promising on everything.


Battle.net for PC is a very interesting announcement and makes sense! Probably will be a lot of arguments about this... Also Bungie are getting closer to Activision.

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Destiny 2 livestream is up and geez I'm sold. The additions look fantastic. Even the girlfriend is so so interested, she wants a PS4 of her own so she can play with me. Do yourselves a favour and watch the whole thing


Edited by Deathjam
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I welcome the new improved mechanics with a pair of opened arms! Even the game got more supports for disabled players like subtitles, colourblind, remapping controls etc. The clan rewards, guided games (in-game LFG) are damn cool! Love the new name gave by the fandom for Arcstrider aka the Poledancer. So glad that they made it easier to travel to anywhere without go orbit in D2.


The changes to the weapon set up from Primary, Secondary and Heavy to Two Primary (One Kinetic and One Energy) and Power (Special and Heavy got put together) are gonna take me a while to get use. Same with the INT, DIS and STR on gears changed into Armour, Agility and Recovery which used to be part of the subclasses perks.


So Striker can go roam with mini FoH aka Titan Smash, Gunslinger's Golden Gun now can fire 6 times! Dunno about Voidwalker. Maybe a Spirit Bomb style Nova bomb would be epic!

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Any more details on world size? I still don't think it'll really be big enough to feel like the epic adventure it's aiming for.


Having said that, all the improvements look superb.


Also, have we lost all subclasses?

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Any more details on world size? I still don't think it'll really be big enough to feel like the epic adventure it's aiming for.


Having said that, all the improvements look superb.


Also, have we lost all subclasses?


Think they are just show the first mission, strike and PVP. Nothing about the Patrol. Just Sunslinger, Defender and Bladedancer which got revamped into Dawnblade, Sentinel and ArcStrider(Poledancer).


So far they only show the Striker, Dawnblade and Gunslinger's perks. I noticed in PVP that it tell your whereabout below the enemy radar so you can coordinate the attack better than before. No more "I'm at Point A" and it will be like "I'm at the Alley or inside the Rugs shop"

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Shit, didn't realise those new subclasses were replacing the old ones, that means no more radiance or bubble bros! o_O


*cough* Dawnblade's Empowering/Healing Rift/Sentinel's Mini Aegis-like Shield/Striker's Third Ability provides two kinds of Arc barriers. *cough* Think we will be fine XD

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