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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Hey, I never said I was playing. I just said fried breakfasts are awesome. :p 

Well then, your opinion stands for absolute squat!

Quick cheeky update before I disappear until Thursday. And to have it at the top of the new page.

N-Europe Splatfest!

Breakfast Brawl

So then, the next Splatfest theme is up and I'm getting this post done nice and early so you lot have more time to react and get your affairs in order for the next incredibly important debate.

Should Breakfast be Warm or Cold?

You can boot up Splatoon 2 and choose a side now, get your shirt and maybe fill it up with skills, etc.

But let's face it, Splatfest is better when N-Europe peeps work together, so let's organise that now.

Splatfest begins this Saturday at 3pm and continues until Sunday at 3pm.

  1. First of all, declare what side you're on, as well as what time you think you'll be available to play at.
  2. If we can get 4 people on the same side at around the same time window, you're golden, if not... Well, maybe next time...
  3. Why the hell did I bother numbering this list?

So without further ado...

Team Microwaved Crumpet


@Nicktendo  Saturday Evening & All Sunday

Team Cold Leftover Pizza

@Glen-i - All Saturday

@Sméagol Saturday Night (Maybe evening)

Team This is stupid, I just want to play with N-E peeps, with maybe a Croissant.


I'll update this post sometime Thursday. So talk it out amongst yourselves. Go on, make yourself useful!

Edited by Glen-i
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Right, so before Splatfest starts in about 8 hours, here's the updated schedule.

Team Microwaved Crumpet


@Nicktendo  Saturday Evening & All Sunday

@DuD 10pm onwards Saturday

@Phube Saturday 10:30pm-12:30am

@Ugh first aid Saturday - 6pm onwards

Team Cold Leftover Pizza

@Glen-i - All Saturday

@Sméagol Saturday Night (Maybe evening)

@londragon Sunday 2am - 4am & 11am - 1pm (Tentative)

Team This is stupid, I just want to play with N-E peeps, with maybe a Croissant.


Looking at the above. It seems Team Warm might be able to get a team together. The same doesn't look likely for Team Cold though, barring last minute declarations. I wish I could, but I can't stay up until past 2am.

10:30pm seems like the most likely time for a group to get together. @Ugh first aid is happy to play back-up in case someone doesn't show.

So from what we know.

Team Microwaved Crumpet - 10:30pm

Ret-2-Go - @DuD and @Phube

Maybes - @Nicktendo and @RedShell

Backup player - @Ugh first aid

I'm not sure if the maybes will be able to play then. Please let us know. If at least 1 of you can make it, you've got a team. If both of you can do this, @Ugh first aid will happily play backup for if 1 person wants to leave, but the rest still want to play.

I'm not sure what @Vileplume2000 wants to do, go for warm and join that team or hold out hope Cold gets a sudden influx? You can wait until 10:30 before you actually side with warm, so there's no rush to choose a side, even when Splatfest starts.

Edited by Glen-i
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I’ll be online from 3pm as usual.

Looks like it’s going to be increasingly difficult to get Splatfest teams going on this now though. :hmm: The combination of less N-E peeps still playing and Nintendo’s bizarre 4 player restriction have pretty much killed it.

Might be better to try and organise some N-E League Battles at this point. ::shrug:

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

I’ll be online from 3pm as usual.

Looks like it’s going to be increasingly difficult to get Splatfest teams going on this now though. :hmm: The combination of less N-E peeps still playing and Nintendo’s bizarre 4 player restriction have pretty much killed it.

Might be better to try and organise some N-E League Battles at this point. ::shrug:

Yeah, it's a shame. But someone has to try!

Still, it seems we have a consensus on a get together for Team Warm. Unless I'm misunderstanding the last couple of posts.

Team Warm - 10:30 pm





@Ugh first aid - Backup player (If 1 person drops out/doesn't show, she'll fill in)

That cool? You lot decide who's going to be Room Host and make sure everyone has appropriate Friend Codes (You don't need the Room Host, you can join via anyone in the room if at least one of them is on your list)

Have fun! And do N-Europe proud or whatever.

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If we can get a fourth I'll get involved, but the last splatfest was an absolute chore with the poor matchmaking and then disconnecting / dire teammates whenever you could get a game. I can't be arsed tho grind through that

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Well, Cold King achieved and the last match certainly went out in style.

Going forward for future N-E get togethers, there's only really two options.

@RedShell's suggestion of just do more League Battles so even if 4 people can't make a team, 2 can still make a duo at least or we could have a poll on the site next month so everyone on N-E represents one side in Splatfest and getting at least one group should be cake. You know, that's how Democracy works. Obvious downside is that the losing side will just have to suck it up and rep the winning side.

Of course, both is perfectly viable. What do you guys think?

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1 hour ago, DuD said:


Get everyone together and private battle, playing whatever mode and levels we want

I keep forgetting this is an option. Shows how much I actually use it, huh?

It would require some planning though. It's almost impossible to find a time slot everyone would be happy with...

If anyone wants to throw some times out there, we could see where that takes us.

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