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Hey! Pikmin (3DS) - 28th July


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Played the demo, it seems alright actually.  The touchscreen action controls well and is nice and responsive, but the gameplay seems a bit simple.  Not sure if it'll be able to retain my interest throughout the whole game, but what's here seems like a decent time

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1 hour ago, nekunando said:

I played the demo for this on Thursday night. I'm not convinced I want to preorder it or pay full price for Hey! Pikmin but I saw enough to make me think i'll want to play it eventually :smile:

I had a similar experience.  Played the demo last night and really love the cuteness of the Pikmin in general.  For a 2D puzzle platformer, the 2 screens work really well to stretch the puzzles above you, well at least the little they show off of it in the demo, and I'd love to purchase and play through the whole game, but I'm at a place where I've moved on from the 3DS and can't muster up the courage to spend more money on the thing, especially with the line-up for the Switch for the rest of the year.  Maybe in a sale down the line, but that's far away I suspect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I spent a little time on this over the weekend. I'm finding it to be the perfect chillout game due to the pace being nice and slow. It's certainly not as stressful as the mainline games. 

In true Nintendo fashion, the main game seems to be pretty straight forward and without much of a challenge, at least so far. The main brunt of the challenge is trying to finish the levels without getting any of your Pikmin killed. I need that little gold icon!

Some of the amiibo entries into the log are absolutely hilarious. I got a good laugh out of the Boo entry. :D The Isabelle entry is quite funny, as well.

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18 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

I'll probably get this soon.  I liked the demo and even though it seems a bit overly simplistic, it seems like it would be a good chill out game; a nice pallet cleanser in-between other titles :)

That's exactly what I'm using it as. It's a nice game to just settle down to and wind down for the evening.

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5 hours ago, Dcubed said:

I'll probably get this soon.  I liked the demo and even though it seems a bit overly simplistic, it seems like it would be a good chill out game; a nice pallet cleanser in-between other titles :)

It's absolutely a good chill out game :hehe:

As my review suggests, there are plenty of shortcomings but it was the perfect game to sit down and relax with for a couple of levels at a time :smile:

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I finished off the first world last night, nabbing all the treasures and clearing all stages with no Pikmin lost. Some stages took a fair few goes. Either I would lose a Pikmin or I would miss collecting some of them. Still, I found it to be enjoyable.


I also scanned in a couple of amiibo and had a little chuckle at this description.


I'm looking forward to tackling the next world tonight.

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I finished the second area the other evening and then finished the 3rd area last night.



 Man, I felt like such an idiot when trying to get the 3rd treasure in 3-A.


I was trying to use the Rock Pikmin to create a bridge using the bugs that were coming out of the holes. I figured you had to get them to stop at the same height as the floor and then your Pikmin could carry the treasure across. I tried for a while to get this to work and it just didn't happen. It then dawned on me...use my jetpack to pick it up myself.
 I felt like a right muppet.

I loved 3-C. I thought it would be a headache completing the stage with losing a Pikmin but it wasn't that bad at all. I thought using the different tunnels and various Pikmin weight to get the flowers to work was great. Very fun stage.

I'm still really enjoying the game and because of how much fun it is I have yet to even open Miitopia.


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I finished the game this morning, nabbing all the treasures and beating all levels with no Pikmin lost. I'll just slightly modify my Gaf post and plonk what I said in here. :)

Here's pics of each of the fully complete area maps from my Miiverse.

Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Area 6
Area 7
Area 8
Area 9

The only thing left to do is to scan a few amiibo in to complete the log. Sadly, you can't get the Mario series Diddy and Donkey Kong figures for love nor money in regular stores. I'll have to wait for a restock.

The other amiibo logs I am missing are the first 4. I assume 2 of them are Gold and Silver Mario ( never got an official release over here, which is annoying ) but I have no idea what the other two are.

I'm a 35 year old gamer who tends to not listen to reviewers a lot of the time simply because i've been gaming long enough to know what I will probably enjoy. I'm glad this is one of those cases where I chose to disregard what the majority have said and play the game regardless.

I honestly think that reviewers have really got it wrong on this one. The game is like many other Nintendo games in that the main game is easy but there is something extra and challenging for those wanting a tougher experience. The game seems to have been marked down by a lot of people purely because it is easy. Most Mario games are stupidly easy when just going from start to finish but the games don't get put under the microscope for it.

A lot of reviewers seem to only mention 8 areas in the game. I'm wondering if the 9th area is unlocked by doing certain things and reviewers haven't unlocked and played it or just that they didn't count the final area due to it just being a boss fight.

There's a lot of cool gameplay moments that come from some of the later levels, especially when the winged Pikmin are introduced. The way the game mixes the gameplay up was very surprising and, at times, had me smiling from ear to ear. Area 7-C had me grinning like a cheshire cat when playing it. In fact, basically any level that involves the winged Pikmin is an absolute joy to play. 

There were certain music tracks in the game that really fit the tone of the level they were playing on. I dunno why but some of them kind of felt they would feel right at home alongside the more subdued and relaxing tracks that David Wise produced in the original DKC games. 

In conclusion, I think this is a great game and one of my favourite titles of the year across all platforms. Yeah, it's not a standard Pikmin game but if people can look past that and take the game for what it is, a charming 2D Pikmin game, then I think they could end up enjoying what is on offer here.I honestly think this will go down as a bit of a hidden gem in years to come.

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Nice thoughts H-o-T. 

It's on my to play list once I have gotten through Yoshi, another one which I am very much enjoying. 

I played the demo of Pikmin and I really enjoyed it so it's a must buy for me.

Will be sure to post some thoughts once I've bought and played it. 

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8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I finished the game this morning, nabbing all the treasures and beating all levels with no Pikmin lost. I'll just slightly modify my Gaf post and plonk what I said in here. :)

Here's pics of each of the fully complete area maps from my Miiverse.

Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Area 6
Area 7
Area 8
Area 9

The only thing left to do is to scan a few amiibo in to complete the log. Sadly, you can't get the Mario series Diddy and Donkey Kong figures for love nor money in regular stores. I'll have to wait for a restock.

The other amiibo logs I am missing are the first 4. I assume 2 of them are Gold and Silver Mario ( never got an official release over here, which is annoying ) but I have no idea what the other two are.

I'm a 35 year old gamer who tends to not listen to reviewers a lot of the time simply because i've been gaming long enough to know what I will probably enjoy. I'm glad this is one of those cases where I chose to disregard what the majority have said and play the game regardless.

I honestly think that reviewers have really got it wrong on this one. The game is like many other Nintendo games in that the main game is easy but there is something extra and challenging for those wanting a tougher experience. The game seems to have been marked down by a lot of people purely because it is easy. Most Mario games are stupidly easy when just going from start to finish but the games don't get put under the microscope for it.

A lot of reviewers seem to only mention 8 areas in the game. I'm wondering if the 9th area is unlocked by doing certain things and reviewers haven't unlocked and played it or just that they didn't count the final area due to it just being a boss fight.

There's a lot of cool gameplay moments that come from some of the later levels, especially when the winged Pikmin are introduced. The way the game mixes the gameplay up was very surprising and, at times, had me smiling from ear to ear. Area 7-C had me grinning like a cheshire cat when playing it. In fact, basically any level that involves the winged Pikmin is an absolute joy to play. 

There were certain music tracks in the game that really fit the tone of the level they were playing on. I dunno why but some of them kind of felt they would feel right at home alongside the more subdued and relaxing tracks that David Wise produced in the original DKC games. 

In conclusion, I think this is a great game and one of my favourite titles of the year across all platforms. Yeah, it's not a standard Pikmin game but if people can look past that and take the game for what it is, a charming 2D Pikmin game, then I think they could end up enjoying what is on offer here.I honestly think this will go down as a bit of a hidden gem in years to come.

Really glad you enjoyed it :smile:

Not sure how you feel about my review but I'm sure I alluded to the extra challenge available for those that want it.

As for the mixing up the gameplay, I enjoyed moments where it played almost like a 2D shoot-em-up but always felt throughout the game that some of the concepts could have been developed further.

I debated whether to mention that there are actually 9 areas in Hey! Pikmin but felt it a little generous to include the final battle as an entire area, rightly or wrongly!

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3 minutes ago, dazzybee said:

I love Pikmin and I actually enjoyed the demo too... Definitely pick this up when it's cheap... Why is the 3DS having such an incredible death throe?! Dammit.

I'm honestly loving it. The 2DSXL is an awesome piece of kit and I had a blast with Hey! Pikmin, currently loving Miitopia and have stuff like Ever Oasis, Mario Sports Superstars, Dragonball Fusions and Dragon Quest VIII sitting waiting to be played. You've then get Pokemon Gold/Silver, Monster Hunter Stories, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon and Metroid Samus Returns all coming soon. Great stuff.

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49 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'm honestly loving it. The 2DSXL is an awesome piece of kit and I had a blast with Hey! Pikmin, currently loving Miitopia and have stuff like Ever Oasis, Mario Sports Superstars, Dragonball Fusions and Dragon Quest VIII sitting waiting to be played. You've then get Pokemon Gold/Silver, Monster Hunter Stories, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon and Metroid Samus Returns all coming soon. Great stuff.

Crazy! What're you going to do about Metroid? The 3D is meant to be incredible, you going to use the 2DXL on that?

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Just now, dazzybee said:

Crazy! What're you going to do about Metroid? The 3D is meant to be incredible, you going to use the 2DXL on that?

I haven't used 3D on my original 3DS since....well, I can't even remember. The thing gave me headaches when I used it though and, outside of the immediate novelty factor, i've never been a fan of it. Same goes for 3D movies. I'd much rather watch a movie in 2D.

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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

I haven't used 3D on my original 3DS since....well, I can't even remember. The thing gave me headaches when I used it though and, outside of the immediate novelty factor, i've never been a fan of it. Same goes for 3D movies. I'd much rather watch a movie in 2D.

Ah yes, I remember now. Agree on movies though, but quite like 3D 3DS games.

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  • 1 year later...
On 08/04/2019 at 11:17 PM, Ike said:

Finally picked up a copy!

Same here. :) Every time I think I’ve purchased my final 3DS game, another one appears in my collection. :hehe: When will it end!? 

Anyway, not spent long with this yet, just done the first section. It’s always weird going back to 3DS in the age of Switch, but it’s especially jarring here as the frame rate and resolution don’t do this game any favours at all. :hmm: 

It’s still enjoyable though, and I really love the animation. The Pikmin are full of personality in this. :D Item descriptions are as entertaining as ever too.

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