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Spider-Man (PS4)


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12 hours ago, Aneres11 said:

Didn't mean to turn this into a trophy discussion it was more me saying my enjoyment of the game was hampered by them but it's my choice at the end of the day so I got what I deserved :D. 


Yeah, I've done the same once or twice which is why I decided to just not get bothered by it. Now I just play games through the most fun ways possible. If I really like a game I'll go for the trophies - but then again, if they're absurd I just won't bother. But I'm very glad they're there. Extra options, choices and goals is always a plus.

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The popular comic-book superhero's recent resurgence has expanded beyond cinemas and into the world of video games, with the wallcrawler's latest self-titled game selling a record 3.3 million copies in the first three days of its release earlier this month.

One million copies were pre-ordered, another record for Sony.

That figure also does not factor in sales of the company's limited edition PlayStation 4 Pro bundle that combines a special Spider-Man version of the console with a copy of the game for $399.99.

Fantastic result. Insomniac, Marvel  and Sony must be very happy with this.

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The popular comic-book superhero's recent resurgence has expanded beyond cinemas and into the world of video games, with the wallcrawler's latest self-titled game selling a record 3.3 million copies in the first three days of its release earlier this month.
One million copies were pre-ordered, another record for Sony.

That figure also does not factor in sales of the company's limited edition PlayStation 4 Pro bundle that combines a special Spider-Man version of the console with a copy of the game for $399.99.
Fantastic result. Insomniac, Marvel  and Sony must be very happy with this.
Do Marvel actually get anything from this? Other than good PR? Spider-Man still belongs to Sony right?
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1 hour ago, bob said:

Do Marvel actually get anything from this? Other than good PR? Spider-Man still belongs to Sony right?

Sony only have the film rights to Spider-Man, with everything else (video games, TV shows, merchandising, et al) still being under Marvel’s stewardship. This is because of Marvel having to sell off some assets (mostly film rights) back in the 80s when they fell into hard times financially, and this is also the case for the likes of the X-Men and Fantastic Four (until the Disney acquisition of FOX takes place as planned in the first half of next year). I wouldn’t be surprised if Disney/Marvel attempted to purchase Spidey’s film rights before coming to an appearance agreement for the MCU, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to get the film rights back within the next few years. 

However, because Sony have the film rights to Spider-Man, they can make video games based on that film license, which is why we’ve seen Spider-Man games based on the films in the past. 

So, with regards to this game: Marvel basically got to kickstart a Marvel video game universe in which they aren’t beholden to the input of any external companies. This makes even more sense when given the context of Disney’s situation, where they already have something of a monopoly on the film industry, which in total is worth ~$40 billion per year in revenue, whereas the video games industry is estimated to be worth ~$150 billion per year in revenue by the end of next year (though, it is worth noting that mobile games account for roughly 50% of that revenue), and is a pie that Disney hasn’t really successfully dug their fingers into. 

And to push that 3.3 million figure further, this from USAToday provides some context that I imagine Disney shareholders will be salivating over:


...the 3.3 million copies translates to roughly $198 million, crushing the $117 million opening weekend box office [domestically, in the US] of the latest solo Spider-Man film, "Spider-Man: Homecoming.”

Video game releases are nowhere near as front loaded as their box office counterparts, too. It’ll be very interesting to see how long it takes to get to 10 million units sold. 

Edited by Julius Caesar
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Just finished the story campaign. Is it just me or the game got few "story" side-missions like Tombstone? However I'm working on take a picture of all landmarks, capturing the missing pigeons and doing the Taskmaster challenges so I can platinum'd the game. Maybe I'll get the dlcs if they are good. 

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22 minutes ago, DriftKaiser said:

Got all Trophies except the Skin trophy cos I spent the challenge token on gadgets when I should have hoarding them for the skins. 😫 Have to replaying the game again to focus on the skin this time. 

Just get gold on the challenges? There are more than enough challenge tokens in the game.

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On 9/15/2018 at 11:37 AM, Ronnie said:

I'm enjoying this game a lot but at the same time some parts of it feel so incredibly dated. Like we've gone back to how openworld games used to be ten or fifteen years ago.

Why are all the Fisk hideouts identical in design and gameplay? Why are the "towers" so ridiculously easy to get to/activate and why even bother to make them needing activation. Some of the collectibles like the backpacks are literally go here, press triangle, and others like the cat things are just boring and piss easy to find. NPCs at street level may as well not be there. You can't go into buildings etc etc

I do like how they slowly reveal the various collectibles over time though, that's great and much better than inundating you with them at the start of the game.

The combat is cool and fluid too and obv the traversal is fun. I also enjoyed the research stations a lot, though I did find it funny that literally every single one showed an imminent danger that had to be resolved within minutes or else....

Really weird game, I am enjoying it a lot and plan on Platinuming it, but it really isn't anything special and it's certainly not a game that'll stand out or I'll remember in ten years time.

Ah I'm glad someone else agreed! I was worried I was alone in this feeling. In a way though if there had just been fewer grindy sections I would've been much happier with its strange dated approach because there was something wonderfully simple and relaxing about it.

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26 minutes ago, Shorty said:

Ah I'm glad someone else agreed! I was worried I was alone in this feeling. In a way though if there had just been fewer grindy sections I would've been much happier with its strange dated approach because there was something wonderfully simple and relaxing about it.

For me personally, I haven't touched the game in a week. I plan on going back to it soon but usually these big AAA games I can't put down until I finish them.

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Something about this game is addictive in a bad way. I found myself just powering through everything yesterday just because I wanted to see that map cleaned up. I lowered the difficulty from hard to normal because I just wanted to see it done.

Some of the missions are an absolute joke and should have been cut at some early point of quality control. Especially anything stealth based.

I still think it's fun but man, it's missing a lot of polish.

I saw a discussion recently about Arkham Knight. It's easy to draw a lot of parallels and looking back, that was a vastly superior game in my opinion, in terms of the mission/level variety, combat, and the types of sidequests. It's just a shame the tank sections really dragged it down. If they could re-release the game with those cut/streamlined it could do great.

The one thing Spidey does well for me beyond the traversal and visuals is the story. Outside of the stupid parts that ham-fist together the open-world mechanics (Sable, prisoners etc), it actually tells a very solid, cool Spidey story visiting a lot of great characters in ways that are sometimes new, sometimes a great nod to Ultimate universe etc, and sometimes very classic and old-school. It takes a lot of liberties in a good way and makes something of a fleshed out exploration of the universe all by itself.

Despite my misgivings I look forward to what they do with their millions next. Hopefully Spider-Man 2 is akin to the PS2 version in terms of improvements on its predecessor.

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Finished the game at the weekend. I thought the final boss was rather easy, but I do admit it was an epic conclusion to game.


Also, that ending was so sad. I won't spoil it here but it's the saddest ending to a game I've played since Shadow of the Colossus.


May do some of the side missions later but I've moved on to playing another game.

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On 9/26/2018 at 4:51 PM, Shorty said:

Something about this game is addictive in a bad way. I found myself just powering through everything yesterday just because I wanted to see that map cleaned up. I lowered the difficulty from hard to normal because I just wanted to see it done.

The way the game hands out its collectibles bit by bit (while a great idea in theory), just made me mindlessly power through them as well just to see them done. I can't say I was having fun doing most of them though, but that's the same with a lot of checkbox style openworld games. I'm really surprised with how much positive reaction this game is getting, I think the fact that it's a superhero game when everyone seems to be in love with Marvel these days probably has something to do with it. In terms of Sony exclusives this year God of War was fantastic, and Detroit was really great too (imo). Spider-Man feels like just another cookie cutter openworld game, and a dated one at that.

Edited by Ronnie
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I still maintain that it was a good game, but it probably should've just had the open-world aspects cut back, and some of the crappier missions needed scrapping or reworking. As a Spidey fan it also won a lot of points back for the overall story. It was worth most of the praise for the sheer joy of swinging through NYC alone, but yeah definitely some of the most dated gameplay I've experienced for a while.

If I was going to recommend someone an open-world experience at the moment, it'd definitely have to be God of War which is 10x the game this is, but without the fun traversal.

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Finally bought this game, and i've played a couple of hours of it so far.


Absolutely love it. If it remains like this throughout, it'll be up there for my favourite game on the PS4. The web-slinging is fantastic (although I keep trying to revert to the Gamecube controls, which is a bit confusing), and New York looks great. 

Also, maybe if Peter didn't spend so much money on backpacks, maybe he wouldn't be so poor.

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So I'm about halfway through the main game, done all backpacks, research stations, landmarks and Fisk hideouts.

I don't think I've had such long sessions playing video games since I was a teenager. I usually get bored or get a headache after an hour or two, but I must have played this game for maybe 12 hours over the weekend. It's so addictive.

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The game certainly gives you lots of busywork to do. I find myself doing all the collectibles in one go, just going from point to point and doing them. Not sure how much fun I'm having as it's all a bit mindless, but it's certainly addictive. The traversal makes it enjoyable I guess.

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