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JohnO'Groats to LandsEnd Charity walk - OCDwalk


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Hey all.


Walk is going well, climbed the second of the three peaks Scafell Pike the other day. Currently in Lancaster.


I'll be in Liverpool in a few days time and taking a few rest days there to see the city, if anyone wants to meet up. Tempted to get the train to Manchester for a day too maybe. Undecided.


The date for Snowdon will be Sunday July 31st. And I'll be walking the north Welsh coastal path in the lead up to that.

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Hey all.


Walk is going well, climbed the second of the three peaks Scafell Pike the other day. Currently in Lancaster.


I'll be in Liverpool in a few days time and taking a few rest days there to see the city, if anyone wants to meet up. Tempted to get the train to Manchester for a day too maybe. Undecided.


The date for Snowdon will be Sunday July 31st. And I'll be walking the north Welsh coastal path in the lead up to that.


If you do come to Manchester give me a shout, I'll pop out to see you (if not in work time).

I'm looking forward to joining you for Snowdon too man! Which route are you thinking of taking?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Retro_Link @Eddage it was great meeting you both and conquering Snowdon with you guys, thanks for having me along!


Keep up the amazing work on your journey Retro, it's fantastic what you're doing!


@Eddage, did you manage to get into work ok today? After my 2 mile walk on the way in this morning I got into work and the sodding lift was broken... I had to walk 6 floors too! Haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

@kav82, thanks so much for coming to climb Snowdon guys, it was an awesome day.


Eddage, I look forward to possibly catching up with you further South in Bath, or down Somerset way.

Kav82, hope we can have a few more meet ups in the future.


@S\.C\.G. I know my dates for Cornwall now. If you want to meet up at some point, let me know where abouts you are and hopefully we can sort something out :)


Three Peaks



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Three Peaks




Awesome man. Was gonna say, I'm absolutely loving following your trip on instagram! Great shots and it's pretty inspiring the quick progress you're making! I'm also kind of surprised what a scenic route you've found through the UK (In truth I thought the scenery would tail off out of Scotland - doesn't seem to have!). Looking forward to reading all about the experience when you get back. Keep it up and I hope the weather improves for you!

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@S\.C\.G. I know my dates for Cornwall now. If you want to meet up at some point, let me know where abouts you are and hopefully we can sort something out :)


I'm more than happy to meet up with you, my next week off work is the second to last week in September - 19th onwards - but I get days off during the week so hopefully we'll be able to arrange something. :)


It's amazing what you've achieved already though. :D

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Thanks @dan\-likes\-trees! The Lake District is always glorious, but you're right - I was hopeful, but I've been surprised by a lot of it too. What's your Instagram? I always love your photo's, I'll make sure I follow you from both my accounts :)


@S\.C\.G. Cornwall is going to be the very end of August through to when I finish on Sept 10th in Lands End. Let me know where abouts you are. I'm having Sunday 4th off in Falmouth.


@MoogleViper I'll be arriving in Somerset. I might take the Saturday off as I have family down there, but the Sunday will be walking on from Wells.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just a quick update... Reached Falmouth this morning; gonna spend the rest of the day here before setting off on the final few days to Lands End, which I'll reach on Saturday!


Thanks to everyone who has supported me and or joined me.


5 days to go!!


Way to go! :D


I hope you're enjoying Cornwall, you've arrived at around about the right time as well because things seem to be going a bit quieter now thankfully, I bet Falmouth is still ticking over though to a degree, I hope you get to see some nice sights there though. :)


So if all goes to plan then you should reach Lands End by this Saturday then?


I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays free as my main days off so if you're up for meeting up then, I'm sure we can arrange something if you're sticking around in Cornwall for a few days. : peace:

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Been following you on instagram from the beginning and I just have to say massive respect to you Retro. I've loved following your journey through your fantastic photos, really made me want to explore the UK more, though maybe not exclusively on foot ;) A huge well done, and I hope you achieved all your goals, you're doing it for a very worthy cause.

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So I completed my #OCDwalk from John O'Groats to Lands End on Saturday evening.

It's been 96 days and just the most amazing experience. If I had the choice, it would be something I'd just love to continue... I'm kind of at a loss now.


Thank you SO much to everyone who has supported and sponsored me! :)


The total raised so far is £1,819 / £2,165 Gift Aid - for the three charities which is just awesome.


You can check out my walk gallery at: https://www.instagram.com/ocdwalk/ and on the blog http://www.ocdwalk.com


Champaign: https://www.instagram.com/p/BKO2q4DAncp/?taken-by=ocdwalk



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