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Possible 3rd revolutionary feature?!!! Long Read


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This is a long read but bare with me. :yay:


During the ShoWest film conference, a panel featuring George Lucus, Robert Zemekis, James Cameron, Robert Rodriguez, and a satellite feed from Peter Jackson discuss their plans to integrate cheap digital stereoscopic 3D into major theater chains by 2007. Here's where things get interesting: Burgess claims to know an agent who spoke to Robert Rodriguez, stating they knew of a game machine that would exploit this new wave of 3D entertainment well before Hollywood could jump in on the market.


Burgess goes on to say he spoke to an industry friend about his new theory, to which the industry friend said that Nintendo had shown a real-time 3D add-on for GameCube behind closed doors. When? At last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles.



Of course, that's not why you're reading this. What did I see? I really don't know. It was certainly next gen – there's no question in my mind there. However, I lack adequate means by which to describe just how it is next gen. It was pretty, and vivid. It had wondrous lighting and deep textures. I could stare at the horizon in the video and honestly believe it didn't ever end. So, why can't I describe it?


The video itself is odd. I lack a usable example to compare and contrast it too. The video alone, lacking in gameplay entirely, lies at home with the very ideal or the Revolution. It's something entirely new-- devoid of similarity to the way we watch and play as a whole.


So, apparently NOA's fair use and policy depts. visit Gametrailers. They read my other blog post, and get this....


Told me I can say more. They gave me very firm, strict limits. However - there is meat to the experience now.


The video was entirely environmental. It featured no character models to speak of. It played out a lot like an Imax film, in that it played through as though you were flying. The video followed a small dirt path, and then darted through a forest before rising and turning around to view the landscape and horizon. Not exactly riveting to read about, but breath taking in a "Wow... this is pretty. I don;t normally see the world from this pov" sense in person.


So, to answer your questions before you ask:


-Yes, what I watched was pretty.


-Yes, it looked nearly as good as it's PS3 and 360 counterparts.


-Yes, there were advanced visual effects at play.


-Yes, it is being used in a real game.


-Yes, it would work well with the controller.


-No, I can't compare it to anything you've actually seen on the other systems. It is to limited.




-It's not new technology


-It's as groundbreaking as the controller, if not even more groundbreaking.


-There will be even more confusion when it's showed (to be compared with people's reactions when they saw the N64 controller).


-It's more or less used in another entertainment sections already ( limited ).


-It's more or less shown already


Mr. Inc


Ok, so referring to these comments if they are in fact real (I dunno- maybe it's real or maybe it's not), I think that the "Wow" factor could possibly be the use of this incredible feature already used in Imax theatres, and now embedded in PC gaming! It's pretty immersive- read the reviews!


The possibilities of a feature like this could easily be implemented in the hardware itself, considering Nintendo's cost-effective strategy, and will just require additional viewing glasses for other players at a low affordable cost. The ones for sale on http://www.eDimensional.com web site include wireless or wired shutter goggles and can be worn over prescription glasses.


Here's are quotes from some of the reviewers who have purchased this product:


"Overall, I have never felt so immersed and "part" of the game that I've been playing before wearing these glasses. Force feedback effects and complete surround sound don't even come close to the experience these glasses offer."

"I don't think that I will be able to go back to playing games without these glasses in the future, simply because the sense of "being there" is lost without them."


"I highly recommend that you get yourselves a pair of these just to experience the unparalled immersion that they give in your favourite games, and I am confident that you would never want to go back to gaming without them."



"We hooked them up to a computer and BOOOOOOM!!.. That was the sound of our jaws hitting the floor. These glasses should be mandatory under government regulation for anyone who plays games." - Idigital Technologies Television


"The effect is truly impressive. I tried the glasses in Counterstrike and suffice to say it wasn’t long before the rest of the office was lining up to have a go...In a dark room with a positional 3D sound card up on high volume, the sensation is overwhelming..."

PC Authority


"6 Drool drops out of 5!! About the only word people have that see this in action, along with buckets of drool oozing from their mouths, is "WOW!" We here at Gamers Depot, were floored as we saw games like Quake3 literally jump out of the monitor at us! ...we must give it a 6 Drool-Drop award, which is over the 5 drop limit! Need I say anymore?"

Gamers Depot


Ok, so- the fact that this can improve your gameplay is indeed very interesting, and with the added functionality and use of the innovative controller- truly, this is the closest thing to 3D immersive play and reality without being bogus about other ideas- ahem <the ON v1s0r> :D


The only drawback to this technological feature is that it slows down frame rates a bit due to stereoscopic frames and currently does not support HD progressive/digital point pixel displays. Although this makes sense according the Big N's plan, it contradicts Rev's compatibility and support for all displays- unless Nintendo is hiding something...


zogdog forum member palmbeer agrees with this:


Since the ON would also use stereoscopic displays (if it were ever to be created) I thought I'd make a quick comparison





- You see the game and the game only thanks to 2 LCD displays in fron of your eyes

- You're surrounded by the picture which makes it seem like you're standing in front of an ENORORMOUS projected tv screen

- motion tracking software ensures when you move your head to the left, the game moves to the left as well



- Looking through the ON for a prolonged period of time results in headaches (same with the Z800

- Some people can get very disorientated using the motion tracking software

- Since you're immersed in the game and thus sortof locked out of the real world, in theory your house could burn down while you're still kicking bowser's arse in the mushroom kingdom

- Forget multiplayer as you won't phyisically see the other person, it would be like you're playing online ALL the time

- Thanks to the 2 LCD screens in fron of your eyes and the 3D Revmote you'll probably knock over more things in your house then you'd like. And forget about grabbing your beer for a quick sip during a SSBM battle

- Battery lasts about 8 hours MAX

- Multiplayer requires 2 visors as otherwise the other player can't see anything



Stereoscopic Goggles:



- Featherweight, you hardly feel it resting on your head

- Battery lasts about 100 hours

- Compatible with all regular TV's and monitors even including projectors

- You can still actually see and communicate with people around you

- You can grab your beer bottle from the table since you can actually see it

- Other people can also see what you're seeing on the tv, albeit not in 3D (and a second goggle is a LOT cheaper then a second visor)

- Cheaper to produce then the ON ==> in key with low pricing



- No motion tracking software, even though the image seems to com "out of the screen" it's not as immersive as fuill motion tracking could be



It really makes sense to me now....


Consider what Iwata said: When you see the graphics, you will say WOW.

(check the reviews from the links below, they all said WOW and that was for something which isn't as worked out as the Rev will be)


Keep in mind Nintendo started devloping this back in 2002... which happened to be around the same time the PC version mentioned in the links below appeared.


Wonder why no screenshots have been shown?

(again check the reviews as they all say it's impossible for them to show you how it looks, you have to experience it for yourself, thats why no screenshots have been shown yet)



More info:


Creators for the PC market: http://www.edimensional.com/

Videop review: http://www.3Dgameman.com/vr/edimensional/w...ideo_review.htm


Other sites








(just my thoughts- sorry, a little new here, but was inspired and hyped by this board to post!)

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There was actually a very basic version of what you talk about released for the PC around 1999/2000 if anyone remembers it - 3D glasses that made everything on the screen look bigger and actually stand out like they are being projected from the monitor - but you could still see everything else around you. I can imagine that by now the technology could be greatly improved and be far cheaper. It is quite probable.


My only concern is the price, if they are quite costly then it will price a lot of people out and nobody is going to want to buy 3 more wands and 3 more visors for playing multiplayer, that is unless of course Nintendo do a bundle with visor, wand and analogue stick attachment for something like £40 - But I can imagine they'd make quite a big loss on that, although for all we know the wand may be very cheap to produce.


Also would one be included as standard with the system, or would it just be an optional extra? Then surely if it was an optional extra it would mean that people miss out on one of the revs best features.


However all the signs point to it and the technology exists, although whether i can be done for a reasonable price remains to be seen - I think the pc glasses came in at around £40 a pair though 5 years or go so it might be possible. Its certainly far more likely than any other suggestions.

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It fits very well in with the controller, and I think I read about Nintendo utulising a similar technology a while ago.

It makes a lot of sense, but a lot of previous comments have been so general as to appear applicable to just about anything.

It's definitely quite exciting to think of, but don't treat it as fact just yet or you could be setting yourself up for a massive disappointment.

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ninty doesnt worry about the graphics whatsoever. just gives out those 3d glasses to make the images pop out at ya! *grins*

and very soon cheap ripoffs flood the market of the 'ninty glasses', but they are made out of cheap cellophane and cause eye cancer...


that was a good read. i guess we all wait until e3. thats when the hype will hit this board ;)

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It would be cool but I dont know if that's what the rev will use. Also what about people who need to wear glasses? would you get prescription goggles from Nintendo? :S Or would those people be forced into wearing contact lenses? :P


If this is true Nintendo will have thought of that.


I have to say, I don't believe this. It would be really expensive, as someone has already said, to buy the controller, nunchuck, this AND the Revolution.

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Ppl ppl ppl....

I don't think Nintendo would have given us a trailer illustrating people playing the Revo in a very social setting at TGS if there was a headset. Ninty love social multiplayer gaming and this just seems to go against their philosophy. (Virtual Boy excluded).

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This is one hint. Can you tell me 1 reason to show a HDtv in the end of a collection of possible controllingthemes in the representation-video for the controller at e3. Why showing a big plasma when there was officialy announced that Nintendo doesn´t believe in HD-resolutions???? This would be strange marketing! They could have just ended the video with a hard (sword)slice from that guy. But then they show a turned off HDTV that the competition is praising into the sky! By the way he only turns off the rev. He gots no tv-remote. And probably the TV was off the whole time he played. You know what i think?

I think a flat! custom sized screen is projected into the air. Militair uses similar things since the early 90´s! You can scale it to a specific diagonal of i don´t know 2 meters or something like that. This flat image is now stereoscopic! And you can use it with cheap glasses! Real 3dprojection is probably far away by price like visors too.(100bucks is to much no?)

And when you browse the IN you will find many posibilitys for projection without the need for highvoltage-powerconsuming projectors like we are used to use now. There are even models that are as big as a cigarette-package.

This is the only way i can see it to happen and the theory fits most of Iwata´s statements and would fit the price and would fit the nongamer( who got no bigscreen-tv @ home). The Plasma in that video really lets my mind keep on rollin.


sorry for the bad english.

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