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Could Pokémon work on a home console?


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Why couldn't these events just carry on with the previous handheld generation of games? Why would all events have to update and base themselves purely on a random home console version of Pokémon?


A home console Pokémon doesn't have to take the place of the next generation of handheld games. We can have both. When they made the first pokémon stadium game did that stop production of Gold and Silver?

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Stopping Pokémon moving forwards because "some places might not have internet" is silly. If everyone followed that logic we'd be stuck in the stone age.


A cloud option is totally the way forward. Save your Pokémon to the cloud, go to an event, log-in, and battle. No need to bring anything with you. You could have one universal Pokémon account that could stretch across a home console game, portable game and mobile.


And surely a system like this would stop any hacks/cheating too?

Makes too much sense.


I'd rather put my home console in a suit case... you know the way everyone does when they travel to gaming tournaments...


Why couldn't these events just carry on with the previous handheld generation of games? Why would all events have to update and base themselves purely on a random home console version of Pokémon?


A home console Pokémon doesn't have to take the place of the next generation of handheld games. We can have both. When they made the first pokémon stadium game did that stop production of Gold and Silver?

Because Serebii doesn't seem to understand this concept? Edited by Retro_Link
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Create a poll in the thread!


Not sure why though, we all know it can be done... including you @Serebii, unless you can argue with the solution I posted above (with any merit, not your initial one that I replied to).


I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying it shouldn't be done.


Stopping Pokémon moving forwards because "some places might not have internet" is silly. If everyone followed that logic we'd be stuck in the stone age.


A cloud option is totally the way forward. Save your Pokémon to the cloud, go to an event, log-in, and battle. No need to bring anything with you. You could have one universal Pokémon account that could stretch across a home console game, portable game and mobile.


And surely a system like this would stop any hacks/cheating too?


Why would it being on home console rather than portable be "moving forward"? That's quite dismissive of games on portable devices.


And no, hacks get through the current Pokémon cloud service as is.


Why couldn't these events just carry on with the previous handheld generation of games? Why would all events have to update and base themselves purely on a random home console version of Pokémon?


A home console Pokémon doesn't have to take the place of the next generation of handheld games. We can have both. When they made the first pokémon stadium game did that stop production of Gold and Silver?


Stadium wasn't a main game. This would be. Game Freak are very protective of the main games and are the only ones who develop them (they consider Colosseum and XD spin-off games)

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I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying it shouldn't be done.


Please could you outline all of your qualms with such a game?


Because I struggle to see why "it shouldn't be done".


Also, for those interested, you can find the poll here

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I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying it shouldn't be done...


Then why should it not be done if there's a portable and home console version that would work as below?


Here's the solution:


Home console version has 2 save options;

1. Save to hard-drive

2. Save to cloud


Portable version has 2 save options;

1. Save to handheld/cartridge

2. Save to cloud


Both can sync with each other, so if you've only saved to the hardware and not to the cloud the saves can still transfer. You just load whichever file you so choose.


If you don't want to go to events or care for the portability of it, or even own a portable, then you'd buy the console version.

If you care about the portability of it the you buy the portable.


TA-DA! See how easy that was?

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Then why should it not be done if there's a portable and home console version that would work as below?


I find the idea of a portable and home console release kind of sketchy, if what your outlining is for the same game. I mean, it would sell well, but I doubt people would buy it twice on both platforms (like with the LEGO game franchise).


Though, that brings up something interesting. What about we finally get an auto-save feature offered to us?

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Stadium wasn't a main game. This would be. Game Freak are very protective of the main games and are the only ones who develop them (they consider Colosseum and XD spin-off games)


Yes but this discussion is based around the fantasy that we would be getting a home console game. We all understand that so far we haven't had one yet.

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I find the idea of a portable and home console release kind of sketchy, if what your outlining is for the same game. I mean, it would sell well, but I doubt people would buy it twice on both platforms (like with the LEGO game franchise).


Though, that brings up something interesting. What about we finally get an auto-save feature offered to us?


Smash Bros did it... but also, you'd not have to buy it twice, just the one you'd prefer, unless you wanted to buy both!

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Smash Bros did it... but also, you'd not have to buy it twice, just the one you'd prefer, unless you wanted to buy both!


well of course, all being avid Pokémon fans, we'd suddenly be around £80 lighter...


It did work with Smash Bros rather well, actually, though I don't own either game and think that one kind of becomes weaker due to not having the same faculties as the other. Perhaps buying one version could get you a discount when purchasing the other through My Nintendo?

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That would require exiting and re-entering the area in order for Pokémon to appear. It's absurd for the main series games.


You're imagination is very lacking. here let me help, imagine you are in a field. Oh look, it's a farfetched flying into view from behind those trees. Oh look, a diglett has emerged from the ground, as though it can burrow around in underground tunnels or something... hey, a patch of grass is moving, lets move in and inspect it... hey it's a pikachu! A nidorino is coming out from the woods there... and is that movement in the cave over there....


In real life I don't have to walk out the woods and then walk back in before I can hope to notice new wildlife..... And in programming terms it isn't technically challenging at all to figure out ways to randomly populate an area without requiring the player to leave first or for pokemon to magically teleport in... although maybe certain pokemon could even do that - don't several have a teleport ability? abra or something like that?

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It could work. But most probably, it would be just as boring as the rest of the games. For me, Pokemon represents Nintendo at its most fervently conservative.


Open world, Bank compatible, MMORPG on Unreal Engine 4 with customization, game-exclusive Pokémon (at most we're talking like thirty or so) and the like, possibly even with the choose your route system implemented in games such as Knights of the Old Republic?

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Ni No Kuni managed to do visible enemies on a map screen - overworld and specific areas and have them respawn very quickly, infact annoyingly quickly in some places, with equally rare monsters spawning based on RNG's


Such a system could easily be brought to a pokemon game

Hell it was basically their audition to do a home console pokemon game and it was amazing - i rumors are true and games will be available on a console and handheld then that solves the portable aspect


As for EV's they could make that work, and frankly i'd prefer they just got rid of it, its too soul destroyingly complex

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Is it worth dropping the portability?


Actually, yes, it is.

It's not worth sacrificing progression of the games just to constrain them for the 1 feature - portability.


I really like the idea of a home console and portable version mentioned earlier - and why not have a mobile app version as well ;)


But really, having the home console version with colosseum style game incorporated, maybe for £60, and then the portable solo version £40 and £10 for the colosseum game on the home console. It would differentiate between the versions and work a bit like smash bros did.


Anyway I would love a home console version and would really be interested in playing it. I don't know anyone who plays pokemon or owns a 3ds, so as it stands the portable aspect is irrelevant for me.

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It could work. But most probably, it would be just as boring as the rest of the games. For me, Pokemon represents Nintendo at its most fervently conservative.


X and Y sold FIFTEEN MILLION copies, you can't blame them for being conservative with such crazy sales figures as that.

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My hand is dipped in the pot saying they should totally do it - but not as a replacement for the main series games.


Perhaps a simultaneously releasing home console game, but I'd rather it be totally separate, so a new region, a handful of new, game-exclusive Pokémon (you have to try every way you can to sell units, right?) and such is what I'd rather see, compatible via Bank to the portable games.


So kind of like a pseudo-main game.


X and Y sold FIFTEEN MILLION copies, you can't blame them for being conservative with such crazy sales figures as that.


Eh...they know it's nowhere near as big as it used to be. I mean, that's not even half of what RBG sold.

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X and Y sold FIFTEEN MILLION copies, you can't blame them for being conservative with such crazy sales figures as that.


And imagine if the nOS on the NX allows the same game to run on home console and portable, then maybe we'll see even higher sales as it adds a new market

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Eh...they know it's nowhere near as big as it used to be. I mean, that's not even half of what RBG sold.


RGB had a 120 million install-base, 3DS is only 55 million. Regardless, I understand your point, I'm just saying when they can make the same game every year in a different packaging and sell 15 million copies, it's no wonder they're conservative.

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RGB had a 120 million install-base, 3DS is only 55 million. Regardless, I understand your point, I'm just saying when they can make the same game every year in a different packaging and sell 15 million copies, it's no wonder they're conservative.


Yeah, absolutely. I'm hoping that with the growth of Yokai Watch, in Japan especially, Pokémon can snap out of that rinse and repeat stuff and try something new and spectacular.


Kind of what I hope Sun and Moon to be (past game references and nostalgia galore, to some extent, whilst still being true to itself as a new pair of games), but at home and better looking.

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X and Y sold FIFTEEN MILLION copies, you can't blame them for being conservative with such crazy sales figures as that.

Nah, I probably can't. Shame though that they keep shovelling out the same shite because it sells.


Mind you, I reckon if they did shake it up it would still sell. But I guess the point is - why waste money and time doing that if the same thing still sells?

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Mind you, I reckon if they did shake it up it would still sell. But I guess the point is - why waste money and time doing that if the same thing still sells?


In before the obligatory "other's do it, too"-comment.




yeah, I had to :p

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I'd absolutely be buzzing for a home console fully blown Pokemon main game. I think the possibilities that a home console can offer over a portable are endless.


I am not buying that the main games "need" to remain portable. I think the series could offer so much more on the main console for all the reasons various people have mentioned above.


Also @Serebii your resistance to the main series ever evolving (lol), bearing in mind your comments about Nintendo games in general is inconsistent at best.


RGB had a 120 million install-base, 3DS is only 55 million. Regardless, I understand your point, I'm just saying when they can make the same game every year in a different packaging and sell 15 million copies, it's no wonder they're conservative.


I completely agree. Unfortunately, as it still sells there is no business need to change it up. Nintendo, despite the chance to provide a new and exciting experience may feel that it is too risky to dump the portable main games in favout of a mega home console one.

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Open world, Bank compatible, MMORPG on Unreal Engine 4 with customization, game-exclusive Pokémon (at most we're talking like thirty or so) and the like, possibly even with the choose your route system implemented in games such as Knights of the Old Republic?


If they did all this but still made it 8 gyms, elite 4, choose your grass/water/fire starter and then have a rival who picks the advantageous one then I can still see the problems. It'd work initially I reckon and would wow people, but it'd still be a lot of the same old.

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