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Pokémon Sun/Moon


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As someone with no much time on my hands (and violently less as soon as FFXV arrives tomorrow), EXP share is staying firmly on.


So, I caved and bought this.


I LOVE it.


I love that the game doesn't revolve around gyms now. And there are cutscenes. It feels like I'm actually on an adventure. I never even got to the third gym in Pokemon Y because it felt so same-y. But I'm really feeling this.


I've just done the first trial. I wanted to pick Litten but I wasn't a fan of his weird wrestling final form so I went with Rowlet (he now in his awkward second evolution and I hate how he looks but whatever, we all have awkward teenage years).


So my team consists of...




Abra (lvl 15, still no attacking moves)




So yeah....three of the original 150. I need to branch out a bit.

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Pokémon Sun And Moon launched in the UK last week, and while it was pretty obvious that it was going to shift a fair few copies, the reality is actually a little more surprising - it's Nintendo's biggest software launch in UK ever.

GFK Chart-Track has the two versions of the 3DS game entering the UK multi-format chart at 3 (Sun) and 4 (Moon), trailing FIFA 17 in first place and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in second. However, combining the sales of the two versions would have placed the game at the very top of the chart.


The launch eclipses anything from the Wii and DS era, despite the fact that both of those machines had larger install bases than the 3DS at this stage in their respective lifespans.


Woah bigger than Wii games. That's pretty incredible.


That Pokémon go effect.

Edited by liger05
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Can see why they have brought switch Mario release forward to launch. They are hoping to see Mario run have the same kind of effect for when the new platform and game launch people want it.


I have to admit I didn't think Pokémon go would have such an effect. I didn't think it would hurt sun and Moon sales I just thought the consumer base would be different and those playing Pokémon go would be happy with that.


Props to Nintendo. Was a clever move and I would love to see all those column writers who after Pokémon go released saying Nintendo should just release Pokémon on smart devices now eat some crow.


Pokémon is huge and the biggest 'fad' ever. Not releasing Pokémon games on there own hardware would be the dumbest move any company could make.

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Wow... that's awesome. It was pretty clear the popularity of GO would have an impact on the sales. I still like GO and I'm loving Sun so far. Great to see Pokemon going strong all these years later.


Let's hope Super Mario Run and the Mario Switch game is a similar success story.

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What is the position about using EXP Share? Do people tend to use it or just train the "traditional" way.


I'm using it at the moment until I can bring my squad into line, then I'll turn it off and go on rotation.


Squad at the moment is:








The last three are TBC, I want a decent water type naaaow. I did have Crabrawler but finding out it can only evolve later in the game has put me off...

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There are many reasons why this game may have done well (GO effect, good reviews, nothing else on a Nintendo console this Christmas). Let's not assume we're right ;)


Ah don't be so diplomatic, Go was insanely successful, it made old Pokemon games sell silly numbers and reenter charts, didn't 3DS consoles take a leap too even though there was nothing on it and now this is the best every launch for Nintendo ever!! It's obviously Pokemon Go, some people just need to admit they were wrong, it's an attractive quality.

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I'm using it at the moment until I can bring my squad into line, then I'll turn it off and go on rotation.


Squad at the moment is:








The last three are TBC, I want a decent water type naaaow. I did have Crabrawler but finding out it can only evolve later in the game has put me off...


How far are you at the moment? There's actually a few decent water types in Alola but none got revealed before launch. One of them is already proving to be a must for competitive teams, but if you want a decent Water type attacker then catching a Wimpod might not be a bad idea. It gets a really strong priority move when it evolves and I'm kind of wishing now I trained it up over the Water type that I actually went with. That particular one you can find by surfing in the Water trial area during the day but you can also catch it's evolution later on down the line. It's a very Specially Defensive wall with a half decent attack stat and an ability that doubles the power of its Water moves as well as halving the damage of any Fire type move that makes contact which gives it an extra resistance to Fire.


Not that I don't like the one I chose though, been cool to use a Pokemon I had no idea about prior to launch even if on reflection there are other Water types out there that do it's job better.

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Ah don't be so diplomatic, Go was insanely successful, it made old Pokemon games sell silly numbers and reenter charts, didn't 3DS consoles take a leap too even though there was nothing on it and now this is the best every launch for Nintendo ever!! It's obviously Pokemon Go, some people just need to admit they were wrong, it's an attractive quality.


To be fair, @Sheikah did actually admit to being wrong, a month or so ago.


Anyway, amazing sales numbers. Hopefully Mario Run > Mario Switch will have a similar effect.

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There are many reasons why this game may have done well (GO effect, good reviews, nothing else on a Nintendo console this Christmas). Let's not assume we're right ;)

Haha, indeed.


It basically comes down to opinion as there is no proof that this is mostly due to Go, nor will there ever be.


My own thoughts? I think this is down to aggressive advertising, exceptional reviews and a big shakeup to the tired old formula to bring back fans, with Go a factor in there somewhere but nowhere like what people are suggesting.


I guess you could say that Go was a good slice of that advertising in itself, even if it was for the wrong generation of Pokemon!

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How far are you at the moment? There's actually a few decent water types in Alola but none got revealed before launch. One of them is already proving to be a must for competitive teams, but if you want a decent Water type attacker then catching a Wimpod might not be a bad idea. It gets a really strong priority move when it evolves and I'm kind of wishing now I trained it up over the Water type that I actually went with. That particular one you can find by surfing in the Water trial area during the day but you can also catch it's evolution later on down the line. It's a very Specially Defensive wall with a half decent attack stat and an ability that doubles the power of its Water moves as well as halving the damage of any Fire type move that makes contact which gives it an extra resistance to Fire.


Not that I don't like the one I chose though, been cool to use a Pokemon I had no idea about prior to launch even if on reflection there are other Water types out there that do it's job better.


I've just started the third island. Done a bit of exploring. Will have a go and look back, is Wimpod catchable on Moon?


Fucking sick of fishing and getting Magikarp.

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Never mind, I stand corrected.


Haha, indeed.


It basically comes down to opinion as there is no proof that this is mostly due to Go, nor will there ever be.


My own thoughts? I think this is down to aggressive advertising, exceptional reviews and a big shakeup to the tired old formula to bring back fans, with Go a factor in there somewhere but nowhere like what people are suggesting.


I guess you could say that Go was a good slice of that advertising in itself, even if it was for the wrong generation of Pokemon!


I really doubt good reviews and a few new features were enough to make this the biggest Nintendo game in the UK ever. It's quite obviously mostly down to the Go effect.

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Aggressive advertising?


* See a single ad on the tube *


I bought it because I read it had actual cutscenes and shook up the gym formula. Now I play this, it feels like the first real Pokemon sequel.


...Which is actually abysmal because it's taken long enough.

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I've just started the third island. Done a bit of exploring. Will have a go and look back, is Wimpod catchable on Moon?


Fucking sick of fishing and getting Magikarp.


Yeah, Wimpod is on Route 8. You need to ride Lapras around the Water area to be able to sneak up behind it and prevent it from running back into it's hole but once you run into it you get a chance to catch it. It's ability will make it flee once it gets to low health though so you need to use a Quick Ball to be able to catch it or just hope you can get lucky chucking Balls at high health.

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Never mind, I stand corrected.




I really doubt good reviews and a few new features were enough to make this the biggest Nintendo game in the UK ever. It's quite obviously mostly down to the Go effect.


I think the drought must be playing a part somewhat too. Other than a remake of a Wii U game, what else has Nintendo got out this Christmas. Genuinely can't think of any.

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Aggressive advertising?


* See a single ad on the tube *


I bought it because I read it had actual cutscenes and shook up the gym formula. Now I play this, it feels like the first real Pokemon sequel.


...Which is actually abysmal because it's taken long enough.


I think the shakeup is a big deal, yeah. This is the first time since generation 1 that they have actually tried to do a lot of it differently. It's why I'm seriously considering getting it on the NX when before I'd have passed it by.


As for aggressive advertising - a single ad at a tube is pretty darn aggressive for Nintendo. :heh:


They have been advertising it quite a lot on buses in London, that I've noticed.

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Aggressive advertising?


* See a single ad on the tube *


They've been advertising it on TV for months. I don't think I've ever seen a game advertised so early.


And Youtube ads.


Yeah, Wimpod is on Route 8. You need to ride Lapras around the Water area to be able to sneak up behind it and prevent it from running back into it's hole but once you run into it you get a chance to catch it. It's ability will make it flee once it gets to low health though so you need to use a Quick Ball to be able to catch it or just hope you can get lucky chucking Balls at high health.


Lapras? I just used Tauros. Do they appear in different places, I don't remember their being water there?


I think the drought must be playing a part somewhat too. Other than a remake of a Wii U game, what else has Nintendo got out this Christmas. Genuinely can't think of any.


NES Classic, Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo (or whatever it's called, doesn't really count since it's a repackaging) , Mario Maker 3DS (inferior (?) port and this, so yeah, not much.


I think the rumours of the Switch version leaked too late for it have an impact (if any).

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Haha, indeed.


It basically comes down to opinion as there is no proof that this is mostly due to Go, nor will there ever be.


My own thoughts? I think this is down to aggressive advertising, exceptional reviews and a big shakeup to the tired old formula to bring back fans, with Go a factor in there somewhere but nowhere like what people are suggesting.


I guess you could say that Go was a good slice of that advertising in itself, even if it was for the wrong generation of Pokemon!


Agree that Pokémon Go was the best kind of marketing Nintendo could ever get got there 3DS game..


I get you point about aggressive advertising but I fail to believe that would make it there biggest launch ever in the UK. When you look at how big the wii and DS was I think Pokémon Go has to of played its part to comfortably beat software on those platforms.


I think the rumours of the Switch version leaked too late for it have an impact (if any).


Plus more important its only way to very small percentage of people that log into sites that would of revealed that leak.


Pokémon for the switch late 2017 is a system seller. Mario, Zelda and Pokemon all within a year. Got dyam.

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Yeah, Wimpod is on Route 8. You need to ride Lapras around the Water area to be able to sneak up behind it and prevent it from running back into it's hole but once you run into it you get a chance to catch it. It's ability will make it flee once it gets to low health though so you need to use a Quick Ball to be able to catch it or just hope you can get lucky chucking Balls at high health.

4-5 Quick Balls and I got it. Thanks! Here's hoping it makes a worthwhile addition to the team.


Mon on my team earn their place, ever since Pidgey proved itself to me when it took on Brock's Onix on Blue. Sandygast was tipped for the squad but Mudsdale showed it was worthy before. So no castle for me :D

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They've been advertising it on TV for months. I don't think I've ever seen a game advertised so early.


And Youtube ads.


That would make sense since I don't watch live TV and I have Magic Actions for YouTube so I never see ads.

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NES Classic, Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo (or whatever it's called, doesn't really count since it's a repackaging) , Mario Maker 3DS (inferior (?) port and this, so yeah, not much.


I think the rumours of the Switch version leaked too late for it have an impact (if any).


One's a toy with retro games, one's a repackage and the other is the aforementioned port. So yeah, not a great deal out.

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4-5 Quick Balls and I got it. Thanks! Here's hoping it makes a worthwhile addition to the team.


Just had a check and until it evolves it can only ever use Struggle Bug and Sand Attack, but once it evolves it gets a base stat total of 530 and becomes about as strong as many of the final starter evolutions, perhaps even better because it's attack and defence become insane.


Think of it like Magikarp-Gyarados and you'll know what I mean.


I passed on Wimpod because looking up it's moves it wasn't able to learn any Ice type moves and I wanted a Water type who could use Ice type moves. Turns out it's evolution can learn both Ice Beam and Blizzard although doesn't seem to be able to learn any Physical attacks. It does seem like a really good Pokemon though with a crazily good signature move.


On another note, oh boy, Poni Island has a level jump. Or maybe I'm just too badly underlevelled, after the first route of Poni Island I am currently at level 42 apart from one Pokemon. All the trainers and wild Pokemon? 43-45. I lost two Pokemon from a Collector with a Turtonator and a Drampa while two others found themselves in a situation whereby they were pretty much dead unless I switched them out. Thankfully my newly evolved Raichu pulled through and got the win but I am a bit concerned that I'm starting to fall behind the average level over the last few routes.


On the other hand, Machamp Pokeride is the greatest thing I've seen in a while in a Pokemon game. Couldn't help but laugh at seeing your trainer picked up by a Machamp while his spare arms can be used to push boulders.


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