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Star Trek Discovery (2017)


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You guys... this is just a thrown together CG teaser to raise awareness about the existence of a new series. It's not footage from the show. I thought it was good for the music alone.


Exactly. They haven't started filming or even announced a cast yet.

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  • 6 months later...
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Can't say I've really heard of him.

He was the showrunner. He first stepped down as the showrunner to become executive producer I believe, but now he's out completely. Regardless of if you've heard of him, this fact alone isn't exactly encouraging, a showrunner leaving his show. But he had experience as a writer on older Star Trek shows, and had some succesful TV shows of his own. I loved Dead like me, and Hannibal and Pushing Dasies are also from him. Haven't seen Hannibal, and actually can't stand Pushing Daisies, but they were both popular series, combined with the fact he already had Star Trek experience (from the "good old days"), and his departure doesn't fill me with confidence in this show.


On another note, there has been some casting news as well, Michelle Yeoh and Doug Jones have been cast (and some other guy).

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I managed to watch Star Trek Enterprise at least 10 years after it came out so I have no idea when I will be able to watch this.


Whatever Discovery is I want it to show a world where Gene's vision is a reality, that we may all be different but through the hardship/struggle and by sorting out our differences, another world; a better world is possible.


If I get 15 minutes of every episodes talking about hull plating or shields failing or dilithium crystals needing a good recharge all the time then I'm out.

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"Can we do a television series based on Le fabuleus destin d'Amélie Poulain? I love that film!"

"No. Can't get the licence."

"Crap. Well thow in some dude who can bring people back to life then."


That's Pushing Daisies.


In fairness the idea came about from Dead Like Me as a counterpart to the main character and eventually became it's own show.


Plus it has a great soundtrack and a pig called Pigby so shut your mouth :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sonequa Martin-Green has been cast as the lead. That's actually good news, I like her a lot AND OH MY GOD DOES THAT MEAN SHE'S DEAD?


Not at all. Depends if the filming schedules clash.


I've always wanted to like her in TWD.. but her character has always bored me to tears, like most others in TWD to be honest.


Doesn't mean she's a bad actor by any means. Am quietly optimistic.

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  • 1 month later...

We don't have a thread for Star Trek in general but I thought it might be worth mentioning this Deep Space Nine documentary on IndieGoGo. It's got most of the cast involved as well as the showrunner.


Unfortunately we're likely to get get stung by import fees for the physical Blu-ray.


On the topic of Star Trek Discovery. The below came up today.





This looks like they're completely ignoring all of the established continuity. They should have just made it a reboot and be done with it.

Edited by V. Amoleo
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We don't have a thread for Star Trek in general but I thought it might be worth mentioning this Deep Space Nine documentary on IndieGoGo. It's got most of the cast involved as well as the showrunner.


Unfortunately we're likely to get get stung by import fees for the physical Blu-ray.


On the topic of Star Trek Discovery. The below came up today.





This looks like they're completely ignoring all of the established continuity. They should have just made it a reboot and be done with it.


Recovering from the augment virus? so halfway between TOS klingons and Movie/TNG Klingons

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Yeah, roughly 10 years.


New casting announcements, though nothing too exciting.


Looking at the details, I'm wondering why there seem to be 2 ships featured in the series. Sonequa's character seems to be the lieutenant commander of the USS Discovery, while Michelle Yeoh's character is the captain of the USS Shenzou. Either the two ships have frequent encounters with each other, or the Shenzou will be blown up in one blaze of glory for dramatic effect in the pilot, with the 2 crews merging, a bit like Voyager.



Those Klingons look awful by the way.


Edit 2:

Looking at Wikipedia, Michelle Yeaoh seems to be a recurring guest star, so the Shenzou will be a recurring guest.. ship. I don't think that happened often in Star Trek series.

Edited by Sméagol
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Edit 2:

Looking at Wikipedia, Michelle Yeaoh seems to be a recurring guest star, so the Shenzou will be a recurring guest.. ship. I don't think that happened often in Star Trek series.


Definitely not often. There was the NX-02 in Enterprise season 4, and a couple of background ships like the USS Hood that had a role in multiple episodes (of course, I'm not counting background ships in DS9 that were never mentioned on-screen).

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But this is set pre-TOS, isn't it?


Well between Enterprise and TNG then - The Kilingons were infected with the Augment virus in Enterprise and started regressing to the human form and were eventually healed, so it would be fitting that thats during that cycle of them looking less traditional Klingon

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