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Resident Evil 2 Remake


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Had a go on the demo for this yesterday, shame you only get 30 minutes to play it. I reached the end point in around 20 mins and then jumped back in to explore a bit more for the final 10. :hehe: 

Game is stunning, but looks like it’s yet another one of those titles that sends my PS4 into complete meltdown. :shakehead The fan noise was just insane for the entire duration. Really puts me off from picking up the full game. :hmm: 

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52 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Had a go on the demo for this yesterday, shame you only get 30 minutes to play it. I reached the end point in around 20 mins and then jumped back in to explore a bit more for the final 10. :hehe: 

Game is stunning, but looks like it’s yet another one of those titles that sends my PS4 into complete meltdown. :shakehead The fan noise was just insane for the entire duration. Really puts me off from picking up the full game. :hmm: 

I played the demo yesterday (I've barely touched the PS4 in a year) and I came away from it a little underwhelmed, in some ways.

The shooting didn't feel like it had enough feedback so the impact of that wasn't particularly satisfying but other than that I think it will be a game I probably pick up down the line when the price goes down, much like Resident Evil VII :smile:

If anything, though, I'm now more interested in finally going back to the original Resident Evil 2 and playing through it at last!

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13 hours ago, nekunando said:

I played the demo yesterday (I've barely touched the PS4 in a year) and I came away from it a little underwhelmed, in some ways.

The shooting didn't feel like it had enough feedback so the impact of that wasn't particularly satisfying but other than that I think it will be a game I probably pick up down the line when the price goes down, much like Resident Evil VII :smile:

If anything, though, I'm now more interested in finally going back to the original Resident Evil 2 and playing through it at last!

Did you find the shotgun? Plenty of impact with that thing, perhaps even a bit too much. :heh:

Oh, and did your PS4 also make a fuss while playing this, or are you one of the lucky people that’s blessed with a quiet system?


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3 hours ago, RedShell said:

Did you find the shotgun? Plenty of impact with that thing, perhaps even a bit too much. :heh:

Oh, and did your PS4 also make a fuss while playing this, or are you one of the lucky people that’s blessed with a quiet system?


I found the shotgun, yeh, and blowing  heads off was certainly more satisfying but I still kinda felt there was something missing. Perhaps the poor sound quality on my new TV is a factor!

I didn't notice any noise problems with the PS4 so that must be a good sign :grin:

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Day one buy for me, as per all RE games. 

Only thing I wasn’t crazy on was how much it reminded me of RE 6 in terms of control and ‘look’. 

I’d have preferred something more like the control of the revelations series, particularly as this is a remake of an older RE, but instead I’m just reminded of 6 quite a lot. 

Still, looking forward to playing it in full!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, this arrived on Friday ( strangely no early release from Shopto for me ) and since then I have ploughed through the game 8 times.

  • Leon A
  • Claire A
  • Leon B
  • Claire B
  • Claire B low steps run
  • Claire B no inventory chest run
  • Claire B standard difficulty  A rank
  • Leon B standard difficulty A rank

The first 4 playthroughs of the game were just to play through the thing as a first pass and enjoy it. The second Claire B run I had to beat without taking more than 14000 steps. The next Claire B run I had to play through without using any of the chests that were scattered about the place. This was a toughie. The final Claire B run I went for the A rank which requires you to beat the game under 3 hours. The final Leon B run was the same although this one was much easier and more fun because getting the A rank with Claire had unlocked the Samurai Edge pistol with infinite ammo.

Needless to say I now know the game like the back of my hand. I was knocking out playthroughs in less than 2 hours in some cases. I think the last time I played a Resident Evil game in this fashion ( doing playthrough after playthrough ) was back when Resident Evil 3 was released and I was trying to unlock all the ending scenarios. Crazy thing is that I’ve still got 2 more runs to do, both of which are on hardcore mode. I then have the 4th Survivor to play and then that will nab me my platinum.

What a hell of a game. Resident Evil 2 is one of my favourite ever games and Capcom REALLY nailed it with this remake. They have somehow managed to recreate the game and yet still keep the feel and essence of what make Resident Evil 2 such a high point for the series.

There are various nods to the original release. Stuff like the red jewel ( there’s only one this time ) and the picture of the 2 knights that were originally statues really got a smile from me, as did the S.T.A.R.S team picture that is still in their office. The Licker crashing through the interrogation window is also still there. Yes, I still jumped out of my skin.

The game gives off a sense of familiarity but also manages to mess with the player with the differences that have been made. The police station layout is close enough to the original game but the few changes made and the new puzzles implemented make it so it feels new but also gives you a sense of nostalgia. Things like the player controlled Ada and Sherry are still there but are given a nice twist, especially Sherry’s section.

There is something that I wasn’t really impressed with and that was the B scenarios. In the original game these scenarios introduced Mr. X and gave the player different boss fights. With this release that really isn’t the case. Mr. X is in both scenarios and the boss battles are pretty much the same. The only real difference is the starting position, a new starting gun and some of the puzzles are different. Given how much games cost to make, as well as how long they take, it’s understandable that scenario B isn’t as much of a change as it was in the original game.

Speaking of Mr. X, he’s far more menacing than he was in the original game. The dude is like a Terminator in this game. Sure, he followed you around a bit back in the original but in this game he goes full on stalker and constantly hounds you. Like the original, you can bring him down to one knee but I always felt like I wanted to save my ammo for something else. Once I unlocked my pistol with infinite ammo and I was happy to shoot him in the face as many times as I wanted. :D 

The zombies are a bit of a change from what has been seen in previous Resident Evil games. When you drop a zombie its body will stay there. These will often come back to life and cause you hassle in the long run. The only way to truly finish it off is to blow off its head of unload a bunch of normal bullets into them or use a special weapon. There’s a balance that needs to happen. Do you want to completely clear the path but waste your ammo or do you keep your ammo and try and dodge through them. If you know you will be revisiting certain corridors then it’s best to get rid of them, if you can spare the ammo. Again, once I had the infinite ammo I was able to go to town on them but it was also a good test to see just how much damage they can take. It’s a lot! In older games body shots worked fine but on here you really have to go for the head in order to bring them down or stagger them.

It’s been fantastic playing through the game and Capcom have managed to exceed my expectations for this release. If you compare the original release and this release it shows just how far we’ve come with videogames in terms of storytelling, voice acting, graphics and gameplay. There’s obviously a huge time gap between the two releases but it is a good showpiece of how far the medium has come in those years and how far Capcom have come, as well. Just a few years ago they were in a bit of a rough spot but now they’ve come back fighting with games such as this, Monster Hunter World and Devil May Cry V.

Oh, @RedShell, my PS4 also sounds like it’s about to take off when i'm playing the game. It’s the only game that’s ever done it so I guess it’s really pushing the hardware.




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37 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Oh, @RedShell, my PS4 also sounds like it’s about to take off when i'm playing the game. It’s the only game that’s ever done it so I guess it’s really pushing the hardware.

Yeah it's a great looking game, and I'm guessing the unlocked frame rate doesn't help either.

I recently started playing Nioh, and playing that in action mode also makes my PS4 freak out quite a bit. Whereas if I set it to movie mode (locked 30fps) then the fan noise is basically cut in half, i.e. at a normal level. Have just been tolerating it anyway as the game plays so much nicer at 60fps. :hehe:

The slower pace of Resi would work fine at 30fps though, so hopefully they add an option for that at some point.

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Nicely done @Hero-of-Time I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the game. :D

I'm hopefully going to finally get around to playing it tonight, so I had a question regarding the difficulty...

Is it really worth me bothering with Easy? I don't like the idea of the slowly regenerating health but I do like the idea of just being able to save on Normal difficulty.

I hear that Hard mode is as close to the original as you can get with the ink ribbons for saves but I think it might be best to save that for a future run.

Either way, I'm looking forward to it but I thought I'd ask your opinion seeing as you've experienced it a fair bit, so any tips you could offer me would be appreciated please. :smile:

Thanks for posting your thoughts on the game as well, I enjoyed reading them and I can't wait to get stuck into the game now.

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@S.C.G Easy difficulty is VERY easy. There's more ammo kicking about, enemies drop quicker, Mr. X is really slow and your health regenerates from red to orange ( never goes to green ). It's a good setting if you are just wanting to see the story but it does lack any real kind of challenge.

Standard difficulty offers a nice balance although the boss battles and can be taxing, especially if you are low on ammo.

Hardcore does offer the ink ribbon save system but enemies do insane damage to you. You end up going straight to danger health with 1 hit. It's definitely best to leave this difficulty until you are more familiar with the game and have the Samurai Edge.

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47 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Very much enjoyed reading your post @Hero-of-Time. I'll most likely look to pick this up in the Summer, but damn your post has me excited. :D 

You're in for a treat.

This evening I finished the game with Leon on Hardcore mode. It didn't cause me too much trouble. One of the hardest parts was right at the start. I was trying to get out of the gas station without taking a hit. Once I got the Samurai Edge from the box then the fun began. 

During this playthrough I experimented with quick ways to take out the regular zombies. The fastest way seemed to be to shoot away one or both of their legs. This took them out pretty quickly. I also shot the legs out from any zombie that was just lying around. If they did reanimate then they wouldn't get very far. :D 

I thought the bosses may gave me some trouble and while they do hit hard, I took them down pretty fast due to all the ammo I was saving by using the Samurai Edge. I don't think I used the shotgun or magnum until the second to last boss.

I also played through the 4th Survivor mode as Hunk. This took me a couple of attempts but I actually found it easier than what was in the original version. Upon completing this I was awarded a trophy and the ability to play as Tofu.

All that's left to do is finish the game as Claire on Hardcore mode but that will have to wait until I get in from work tomorrow evening. :( 

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Right, it's game time! :D

Time to play through Resident Evil 2 remake for the first time, as Leon on Normal mode.

I've waited long enough already and this game clearly deserves to be played and played it shall be, hopefully many times. :grin:

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A free update with new content hits next month.


Also, Capcom have announced that the game has shipped 3 million copies in its first week.


Resident Evil 2 Ships 3 Million Units Worldwide in First Week of Sales!

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) today announced that Resident Evil 2 for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, the Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X, and PC has shipped 3 million units globally.

The Resident Evil franchise features survival horror games in which players utilize a variety of weapons and other items to escape terrifying situations. Cumulative sales of the games in the series now total 88 million units* since the first title debuted in 1996. More than 20 years later, continuous support from the passionate fan base across the globe makes it Capcom's flagship game series. *As of January 28, 2019

Originally released in 1998, Resident Evil 2 went on to achieve cumulative sales of 4.96 million units, making it the fourth best-selling game in the Resident Evilfranchise. In the 2019 release, Capcom used its cutting-edge R&D facilities to build the game completely from the ground up for current-generation game platforms. In addition to visual effects, including detailed, photo-realistic graphics made possible with RE ENGINE, Capcom's proprietary development engine, the title provides players with a fresh horror experience via audio featuring Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 and real-time sound image rendering that utilizes binaural technology. Resident Evil 2 garnered mass attention prior to release, being honored with Best of Show in the Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 2018—as judged by major game media outlets from around the globe—as well as boasting over 4.7 million downloads for its "1-Shot Demo," propelling sales to 3 million units worldwide in the title's first week. Further, with Resident Evil 7 biohazard (released in January 2017) having now gone on to sell a cumulative 6 million units*, Capcom looks to achieve similar, long-term sales for Resident Evil 2 as well. *As of December 31, 2018

Fantastic stuff. Now bring on the Nemesis remake. :D 

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Just as I set out to do, I ended up finishing hardcore difficulty with Claire yesterday evening. I was sooooo close to getting a S rank on it. I was literally 34 seconds off of the time limit. :( I think I could probably beat the final boss a lot quicker and get the time under the point that I need it if I choose to do so. With that difficulty beaten I got my final trophy and nabbed the platinum.



I can now finally concentrate of playing Kingdom Hearts III. :D 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the Platinum on this Monday evening, 

Whew, what a ride!

Absolutely loved the game! I had never played RE 2 before, but being a massive fan of the series I was really excited for it. 

It took me a while to get through, as there were a number of play throughs needed, but managed to get 3 trophies for no item box, completion in less than 14,000 steps and no healing items in one play through. 

So much fun. This is the exact kind of RE game that i wanted. It’s the intricate design of the game that just doesn’t exist anymore in the newer RE games, how all of the corridors of the police station link together with different keys granting access to different areas to fill out the map. I always love finding an item i cant get to, or a door I can’t go through knowing that a bit later on i’d Be back armed with something that would allow me through. 

The first RE was the same, and i really hope that the next new RE game goes back to this, although I won’t hold my breath. 

I watched some speed runs of the game to help me out in certain areas, as the puzzles in each ‘side’ of the game were done differently. 

One speed run that just flawed me though, was this guy doing the ‘4th Survivor’ mode in less than 7 minutes with... NO DAMAGE! :eek::bowdown:

That emotion at the end. :D

Worth a watch!

Anyway, this game was everything and more for me. I do wish that the A and B play throughs different more than they did, i do feel like they missed a trick there nit varying it up a little more. But for what it was it is easily my favourite game of the year so far and I do think it’ll take something pretty amazing to top it. 

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