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Football Season 2015/16


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Well, today could well and truly be the day.


As an avid Chelsea fan, I'm hoping we put a smile on Leicester fans' faces tonight and wipe that smirk off some of the Spurs fans'.


Chelsea 2 - 1 Tottenham

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This post is reason I stopped posting about football :D. No, I don't enjoy watching us, but I like that we have finally managed to be able to hold the ball and we pass it better than before. Our finishing has nothing to do with our style of play, while I agree about us not creating chances, but it mostly has to do with our attackers as they are not good enough yet, plus we don't have a proper winger in the team (again, it's LVG's fault mostly) and our first choice fullbacks were injured most of the season. If anything, LVG's sides never had problems in attack, but in the defense. This is an anomaly.


Why? What was wrong with my post? We do have a proper winger in Januzaj, who LVG terribly mismanaged, as he also did with Di Maria. We don't get into enough goalscoring chances, so our finishing has to be spot on in order to make the most of these, so Van Gaal is to blame there again for not doing more to sort that out.


Who plays out of position? Where does the myth come from? We have Blind, TFM and that's it actually it, but they play well in their positions. Yeah, there is Rooney who shouldn't be playing at all. Now, the system doesn't suit for some of our players, but most of them do play in their positions. People mention Mata, but Mata was a right winger at Valencia and left winger in his first season at Chelsea, he is not being played out of position. Our problem with him is Darmian, who doesn't come forward, which would stretch the defense and give Mata some space.


It most certainly is not a myth and any quick browsing on any Man Utd forum will show this. In fact, we had a clear case of this the other week where Van Gaal brought Ashley Young on as a sub and played him as a striker. He has also done this with Fellaini, so that's two. Ashley Young and Valencia as full-backs when they're actually wingers, so that's four. He's also played Fellaini as an actual central midfielder many times, when we know that his strengths like playing as a number 10 or at least as an advanced midfielder. Herrera is another that Van Gaal has mismanaged and doesn't know where to play him (when he actually does play him...the midfield should have been built around him, since he's one of the only players who can actually do what Van Gaal wants, which is to keep the ball...absolutely baffling). Mata has absolutely no pace, so putting him on the right and expecting him to do something there is stupid. He might have been more use in a different league on the wing, but he can't do that now and especially not in this league. Martial has played wide left since he came when every fan wants to see him up front. Rooney has played central midfield, left, right and up front under Van Gaal. There's also Lingard to factor in there. Depay, too.


This is great and is just a small taste of what I was getting at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2016/04/12/louis-van-gaals-five-most-baffling-tactical-decisions-at-man-utd/


I do agree about Herrera, but not with the Depay and Darmian quote. Darmian is playing as a fullback, something he is. It's only his fault that he isn't going forward, that he doesn't defend properly. TFM is 18, never played fb and is doing a lot better then him.


And Depay? He is probably the one player who got all the freedom. Just look at the beginning of the season. He did everything he wanted, but he just wasn't able to go past a player, make the right pass, missed at least 5-6 great chances (one on one, or headers), his shooting was bad.


These players all looked like good prospects when coming to United. They're not being given a run in the side and can't properly get adjusted to a new league if they're not being given a run of games. Smalling has been dodgy for years partly due to injuries but has been one of our better players this year because he's had that run of games in the right position. The players need time, but they also need to be part of a team that is playing the right way to give them the best chance possible. Darmian + a pacey winger on the right could probably work great. Darmian + Mata is just asking for trouble...there's no pace there for Darmian to work with. Depay would work in a more free-flowing system and would probably look great in a club like Spurs where they play more attractive football.


The one good thing that LVG has done is give the youth players a chance. But, he's done that after his signings haven't worked out. I don't truly believe that this was his intention. If Darmian and Shaw were both fit and doing a great job week in week out and the likes of Schneiderlin and Schweinsteiger were keeping that midfield tight, would we have seen the likes of Fosu-Mensah or Borthwick-Jackson?



Guardiola's style is very similar to LVG's, the only difference is that Guardiola presses more with the ball, whyle LVG tries to make the opponents attack and so make holes in their defense (that's the theory). If you have watched his Ajax side you know what I am talking about.


The difference is that Guardiola has Lewandowski who has more games than our whole attack, plus add Muller, Vidal, Costa, Thiago, Robben, Goetze, etc.... Look at his Barcelona side, when teams learned how to defend he almost always relied on Messi to do something and than they would break the opponents down (I am talking about the stronger teams, they were to strong for the smaller teams - Iniesta, Xavi, Messi, Villa, Eto'o, Alves, Abidal/Alaba, Busquets....). We don't have that one player to do it for us, not yet (again, LVG's fault). Guardiola said in an interview that his job is to bring the team to the final third, and than it's up to the players. We don't have these players. Plus, for this style of play the fullbacks are of huge importance and we didn't get lucky with them this season, all of them were most of the times injured.


LVG didn't make many mistakes when it comes to bringing players in, but he made some huge mistakes, mostly in the attack which together with our injuries did cost us this season.


At least we have some young players we can look forward to.


I have a feeling that LVG is leaving, otherwise Mourinho's quotes make no sense.


Guardiola has much better players, true. But, that's exactly it, you need the right players to play such a system. I have no idea why Van Gaal is busy trying to implement such a system in a short space of time when it's of no benefit to this league and where he's only going to be here for a short space of time anyway. The next manager will just come and start again from scratch...we were on a better track last season, I don't really understand why LVG decided to scrap it all and do what he's done. He's wasted a system and put us even further behind.

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Why? What was wrong with my post? We do have a proper winger in Januzaj, who LVG terribly mismanaged, as he also did with Di Maria. We don't get into enough goalscoring chances, so our finishing has to be spot on in order to make the most of these, so Van Gaal is to blame there again for not doing more to sort that out.


Nothing, nothing :D, is that I can never fully say what I want without writing a big post :).


Januzaj couldn't make it at Dortmund as they complained about his training workrate and I think is the same problem here. I agree that someone like him would help, but we still have no class.


Di Maria just wasn't good enough as a winger. He actually never was a very good winger, but more a midfielder but in a different midfield (just look at his history and his best season). He is a good player, but he wasn't the right choice for us. How many times did he go past a player when played as a winger? He had great runs from deep, that's true, but when he played as a winger he had big problems, plus I think he just didn't like it in England. But I can agree, when we had bought him, we should have tried to adapt our play to players we have, and not other way around as there were just to many players that had to change.


We played few times more direct and open and scored enough goals, but we also conceded many. It's similar to Liverpool. They score a lot, but concede a lot, we decided to try to defend more as it brings us more points. The damage was done in summer, now is to late.


It most certainly is not a myth and any quick browsing on any Man Utd forum will show this. In fact, we had a clear case of this the other week where Van Gaal brought Ashley Young on as a sub and played him as a striker. He has also done this with Fellaini, so that's two. Ashley Young and Valencia as full-backs when they're actually wingers, so that's four.


Young played once as a striker I think. Valencia is now a much better fullback than winger, the same goes for Young as none of them is able to put a proper cross in. FB and WB is the only position they can actually play for us. 5 years ago it was different for Valencia, but not now....


He's also played Fellaini as an actual central midfielder many times, when we know that his strengths like playing as a number 10 or at least as an advanced midfielder.


Fellaini played a lot of things for many of reasons, but Fellaini himself said that he sees himself as a DFM, bloody Moyes played him as CM, in Belgium team he plays as CM and DFM.... You can't say that he is played out of position. Maybe his best position is ATM, but it's not like he was put to play full back, or winger. The only problem with him is that he isn't good enough.


Herrera is another that Van Gaal has mismanaged and doesn't know where to play him (when he actually does play him...the midfield should have been built around him, since he's one of the only players who can actually do what Van Gaal wants, which is to keep the ball...absolutely baffling).


I've already agreed with this.


Mata has absolutely no pace, so putting him on the right and expecting him to do something there is stupid. He might have been more use in a different league on the wing, but he can't do that now and especially not in this league.


He did it for Chelsea in his first season, he was actually good at the beginning of the season. I agree in the current set up he isn't up to it, but you can't say that LVG didn't try a lot of things with him. We don't have much choice right now. Mata didn't do great as a 10 either.


Martial has played wide left since he came when every fan wants to see him up front.


Martial played most of his games for Monaco as left winger. Doesn't matter what fans want, he is not played out of position. Also, we used him as a striker, but because Depay was so bad, he was moved to left wing, as he is better than Depay, while we have some players who can play in the attack.


Rooney has played central midfield, left, right and up front under Van Gaal.


I agree with that, but that problem started with SAF, who then wanted to fix it, but Moyes bottled it. But yes, Rooney is a problem.


There's also Lingard to factor in there. Depay, too.


What is wrong with Lingard and Depay? Depay played most of his games where he is used to play, but he just wasn't good, while Lingard is our best right winger now.


I know that he doesn't always plays the player in their best positions, whatever they are, but I think in most cases he didn't have much choice, as he bottled it in the transfer market (it's still his fault, don't get me wrong, but some things just can't be fixed now).


The players need time, but they also need to be part of a team that is playing the right way to give them the best chance possible.


Darmian + a pacey winger on the right could probably work great. Darmian + Mata is just asking for trouble...there's no pace there for Darmian to work with.


I agree with this, that's why I haven't given up on Darmian, but I can't take all the blame from him. Most of his games in Italy he played as WB, so without the protection of a winger and had to go upfront, now suddenly he can't stop a faster player, he goes out of position, doesn't do anything upfront. Mata doesn't help him, but he doesn't help himself.


Depay would work in a more free-flowing system and would probably look great in a club like Spurs where they play more attractive football


First, I agree partially, as he was better with Shaw, but you have to agree that that injury and than other 2-3 injuries to our fullbacks isn't LVG's fault or the fault of the system. His missing one on ones, loosing the ball during counterattacks, being unable to score a free header from 5 meters it's on him.


But also, he himself is to slow as he likes to stop an takes players on. That's how he played for PSV, but he just loses every duel, he sees a pass but passes to late. Even he admitted it.


The one good thing that LVG has done is give the youth players a chance. But, he's done that after his signings haven't worked out. I don't truly believe that this was his intention. If Darmian and Shaw were both fit and doing a great job week in week out and the likes of Schneiderlin and Schweinsteiger were keeping that midfield tight, would we have seen the likes of Fosu-Mensah or Borthwick-Jackson?


But that's what he said. He wants a small squad so he has to look at young players when senior players get injured. TFM, BJ and Rashford were all younger than 18, of course you can't start the season with them. That's the one thing you shouldn't take from LVG, as you have first to prepare the ground to be able to give young players a chance.


Guardiola has much better players, true. But, that's exactly it, you need the right players to play such a system. I have no idea why Van Gaal is busy trying to implement such a system in a short space of time when it's of no benefit to this league and where he's only going to be here for a short space of time anyway. The next manager will just come and start again from scratch...we were on a better track last season, I don't really understand why LVG decided to scrap it all and do what he's done. He's wasted a system and put us even further behind.


I actually can agree with this as he does need at least 3 years to make this work as we needed to change a lot of players as we had movement problems during SAF years (remember the zombie passing and movement). I only don't think it's really the league, but more the players, as sadly they are technically inferior and aren't really good in some of the things so you either have to buy most of the players or start with young players.


When we appointed LVG, we shouldn't have rushed him into making it into champions league, but we should have let him work with young players and teaching them the system, because that's where he is best at, otherwise he is probably just the wrong manager.


As I have said, the biggest problems are LVG's decisions (we agree fully here :) ), but I just think that these mistakes were done in the summer, while now he plays the only way we can to get points and some of the players are not on their best position as we look better that way, because the option is (to good player on to positions, or one very good on first and one bad on the second position). And again, even with these mistake I am sure the with Shaw we would look better, as our attack would be a lot more dangerous with a fullback who actually tries to attack.

Edited by Kounan
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Dembele should have been sent off, or whoever put his finger into Costa's eye (but it has nothing to do with the play)?


But Chelsea is just bad, two very cheap goals from a team who had one of the best defenses in the league for a long time.


Very good finish from Kane.

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Congrats Leicester. Premier League Champions! Truly amazing story. Now Arsenal, let's finish above Spurs who are in self-destruct mode!


So dirty from Spurs at the end there. Literally couldn't get the ball. Some horrible tackles, let's see some bans handed out please!

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We've looked garbage all season. This is no surprise! The players don't care at all.


Bullshit, it was your cup final. Only time they've put in any effort all season. What a letdown. Then again, no chance Chelsea would've put in an ounce of effort final day of the season if it had come down to that, on that evidence.


Obviously I'm being bitter but, shit way for it to end. Fabregas being a little bitch all game. Urgh. What a fucking shame.


Unreal night for Leicester. Well deserved @Phube

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Bullshit, it was your cup final. Only time they've put in any effort all season. What a letdown. Then again, no chance Chelsea would've put in an ounce of effort final day of the season if it had come down to that, on that evidence.


Obviously I'm being bitter but, shit way for it to end. Fabregas being a little bitch all game. Urgh. What a fucking shame.


Unreal night for Leicester. Well deserved @Phube


That was a really dirty game. The beast in me quite enjoyed it! It's like when you're losing at FIFA and don't give a shit anymore, so you go around hacking as many players as you can.

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That was a really dirty game. The beast in me quite enjoyed it! It's like when you're losing at FIFA and don't give a shit anymore, so you go around hacking as many players as you can.


Yeah haha I was getting pumped up at up toward the end! Think we were on about 8 yellows by the end? Fucking loved it when Dier scythed Fabregas in the last few minutes.


City better do Arsenal next weekend cause I think we could be a couple players down from now, plus delle's suspension...


Edit: Haha 9!! Outstanding. Square square square.

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Our mentality is shocking. We bottled it in second halves a lot this year and that display got a little embarrassing at the end. Oh well. We're the best footballing team in the league, we're the youngest team in the league, get rid of shit like Ryan fucking mason and a few extra quality players and I think we'll fight for the title next season too.

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