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Lining the thread with deflective theories to insure yourself against any criticism that might come your way isn't helping anyone, except yourself, to keep things going here in your favour, and guess what, nothing gets resolved.


While a partially agree with you, what you've done is nothing more than bait and provocation. Both of these are major problems here.


And then criticizing behavioral shortcomings in others...highly hypocritical.

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Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldnt be comparing other consoles. I just think it actually needs to be relevant and not some snarky comeback that doesnt serve the conversation at all.


Ok then. Next time I'll say "I disagree the games all look the same, what they all do look is colourful and fun. IMO. Let's try comparing them to the main competition in the industry. This graphic of PS4's major games shows how depressingly samey and similar games CAN look"

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usually when a 3rd party game gets announced there's a little - not for the Wii U? Surprise! laughing emoticon.... And lots of digs.


Although I haven't made a comment like that, personally, I would say it's more light-hearted exasperation at the situation. If the WiiU had amazing 3rd party support I, and possibly others, may not have even made the jump to another console although I'm glad I did, best of both worlds.

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Ok then. Next time I'll say "I disagree the games all look the same, what they all do look is colourful and fun. IMO. Let's try comparing them to the main competition in the industry. This graphic of PS4's major games shows how depressingly samey and similar games CAN look"


But my question is, why do you need to immediately jump to comparing them elsewhere? The comparison wouldnt mean anything because my point would still have been about the Wii U screenshots, thats what we were discussing.

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I would hope that all members, no matter what side of this they are falling on can see that creating a new account to make points helps nobody and only weakens points. None of us can take you seriously.


Exactly this. This thread was made for members to post their honest options - weather they be about other members, mods or admins. No need to hide.


Part of the reason for this is so we can moderate the forum better. We want to know from the members when they feel we should butt in and when we should leave alone.

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But my question is, why do you need to immediately jump to comparing them elsewhere? The comparison wouldnt mean anything because my point would still have been about the Wii U screenshots, thats what we were discussing.


Why not?


It's my major gripe with the gaming industry. It's an appropriate comparison and sheds positive light on the Wii U, something I'm keen to do in a thread full of criticism.

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Impartiality is the keyword.


Your reply was 100% predictable - totally telling. It hit a raw nerve and highlights perfectly the problem I described. You're more interested in knowing who I am or whom I'm not than what I posted.


The cowardice here is your own, and the others, via the complete emotional inability to look at your own short comings and complicity in this whole thing. But, your behaviour is rewarded by management, so I guess you believe your behaviour is acceptable.


Lining the thread with deflective theories to insure yourself against any criticism that might come your way isn't helping anyone, except yourself, to keep things going here in your favour, and guess what, nothing gets resolved.


Your emotional tirade was useless to anyone. Try and contain yourself.


Bwahaha, what absolute bollocks. The words of a true coward!


You make a new account because you're spineless; you want to insult people, calling them obnoxious and 'like Hitler' without being judged or punished for doing so. You could easily have commented on the moderation team and got the gist of your message across on your main account without such insults, but I'm guessing being nasty and unnecessarily vitriolic is part of your deal. At least I can call out the problems here without being afraid of how I come across!


It's funny that you would remark that I am emotional about this. I'm not emotional - I find this hilarious! Somebody cares about their online persona/reputation so much that they create a new account just to bitch about people. You're a joke, son! I do hope the mods can find out who you are and shame you because at the moment a few people come to mind. Dat mystery! :D

Edited by Sheikah
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Why not?


It's my major gripe with the gaming industry. It's an appropriate comparison and sheds positive light on the Wii U, something I'm keen to do in a thread full of criticism.


Because the discussion was about the Wii U screenshots. All it does it once again make you look defensive. Posting a reply immediately comparing them to PS4 screenshots means nothing because even if it was true and all PS4 games did look alike, so what? Would that make my observation about the Wii U screenshots any different?


Im not saying dont post your opinion that all PS4 games look the same. I'm saying do it in the relevant place and context.

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Bwahaha, what absolute bollocks. The words of a true coward!


You make a new account because you're spineless; you want to insult people, calling them obnoxious and 'like Hitler' without being judged or punished for doing so. You could easily have commented on the moderation team and got the gist of your message across on your main account without such insults, but I'm guessing being nasty and unnecessarily vitriolic is part of your deal. At least I can call out the problems here without being afraid of how I come across!


It's funny that you would remark that I am emotional about this. I'm not emotional - I find this hilarious! Somebody cares about their online persona/reputation so much that they create a new account just to bitch about people. You're a joke, son! I do hope the mods can find out who you are and shame you because at the moment a few people come to mind. Dat mystery! :D



Not to take a dig at all, I just highlighted a few word choices that from where I stand do come across as a lot more emotional than the "I'm not emotional" statement you make would suggest you are!


mocking :Bwahaha,(I presume this was mockery, not a hidden knock knock joke you were appreciating?)funny hilariousYou're a joke

stronger language: bollocks tends to be used more freely when individuals are emotional. Not saying in your case, just from personal observation of those around me


shame you.. shame is an emotional thing, what gain does anyone get from outing this individual... who I hope in hindsight, (if they are a regular member this is ) recognises and regrets a foolish mistake.


I do hope the mods discover this individual though and address their concerns.. they obviously have got issues and they need to be addressed. Even better I think would be if they outed themselves privately to the mods so that this situation can be resolved in a more appropriate and less heated manner.


Sheikah.. not trying to pick on you, but I wanted to highlight what I see as the sort of language that makes you come across quite emotionally in posts.

I chose this one to dissect because I agree with the overall sense of it, so it is purely how I read it... kinda fyi.

If you disagree with my interpretation I understand, in fact I expect it having read your post.. if you want me to explain in more detail in pm that's cool, or maybe keep it out in this thread.


I was going to PM this initially but then thought it might be something others would like to comment on, I think a few would disagree with my reading of what you wrote so it would be useful for me to hear a few different viewpoints on it

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Not to take a dig at all, I just highlighted a few word choices that from where I stand do come across as a lot more emotional than the "I'm not emotional" statement you make would suggest you are!


mocking :Bwahaha,(I presume this was mockery, not a hidden knock knock joke you were appreciating?)funny hilariousYou're a joke

stronger language: bollocks tends to be used more freely when individuals are emotional. Not saying in your case, just from personal observation of those around me


shame you.. shame is an emotional thing, what gain does anyone get from outing this individual... who I hope in hindsight, (if they are a regular member this is ) recognises and regrets a foolish mistake.


I do hope the mods discover this individual though and address their concerns.. they obviously have got issues and they need to be addressed. Even better I think would be if they outed themselves privately to the mods so that this situation can be resolved in a more appropriate and less heated manner.


Sheikah.. not trying to pick on you, but I wanted to highlight what I see as the sort of language that makes you come across quite emotionally in posts.

I chose this one to dissect because I agree with the overall sense of it, so it is purely how I read it... kinda fyi.

If you disagree with my interpretation I understand, in fact I expect it having read your post.. if you want me to explain in more detail in pm that's cool, or maybe keep it out in this thread.


I was going to PM this initially but then thought it might be something others would like to comment on, I think a few would disagree with my reading of what you wrote so it would be useful for me to hear a few different viewpoints on it


Not going to go into detail here but I'd like to remind you, words are very easy to type on the internet and it's impossible to gauge whether someone is really 'emotional' or not based on this. Also generally calling people emotional on the internet is usually a way to troll people by acting like you've really wound them up (yeah, emotional can be used to describe any emotion, but it is almost exclusively used to suggest 'wound up'). Don't feed the trolls! Also, bwahah? Come the fuck on, that's the sound of laughter!


Oh and damn right this guy deserves to be shamed. Signing up on another account to liken to people to Hitler? Let's find out who this dude is!

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Another thing that bothers me on here is people just ignore posts that are inconvenient to their points, only to post the same thing later.


A perfect example is on the previous page. Clownferret was asked to quote or give examples of the anti Nintendo crowd constantly bringing up the PS4. It seems its been ignored, so the conversation is over, ready for it to be brought up again at a later date, maybe by a different person or whatever.


The same happens with the PS4 is all bland shooters arguments. Someone posts that the PS4 is bland, people show evidence of its variety, then the conversation ends, only for it to all rear its ugly head again next time someone suggests that Nintendo games look a bit samey. It's never ending.


Its just the same conversation over and over again, and its getting really old.

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Not going to go into detail here but I'd like to remind you, words are very easy to type on the internet and it's impossible to gauge whether someone is really 'emotional' or not based on this. Also generally calling people emotional on the internet is usually a way to troll people by acting like you've really wound them up. Don't feed the trolls! Also, bwahah? Come the fuck on, that's the sound of laughter!


Oh and damn right this guy deserves to be shamed. Signing up on another account to liken to people to Hitler? Let's find out who this dude is!


sure, as I said I wasn't saying you were being emotional, but some words do convey a sense of emotion, and if you use them often it does portray you as being emotional.

And yes I appreciate, in this instance it was a clear attempt to attack you, but I was just highlighting a few word choices that are perhaps a bit more emotional, at least when I read them.


Also the bwahah, sure that is laughing, but laughing at what? I took it as you laughing at the poster/what they had to say, which was an appeal to ridicule, no?


I understand your sentiment on outing this guy, but I tend to see it as something of an outdated one, I believe the term is a witch hunt. The consequences may be far less severe these days, but the mentality is the same. "This person is less important than me, lets punish them".

I think that overall the sentiment is correct, but the danger in outing is that, again, emotion rules over fairness and justice isn't served. This is an issue for the mods, who I am sure are on it, and I am confident that they will deal with the issue in a fair and level headed manner. That is easier to achieve with the few than it is with a mob.


I think the communities response to that individual has been generally good. Seeing that the individual wasn't willing to link their reputation to their sentiments devalued them to a point where they were happily disregarded by most of us.

The OP I think was open to no holds barred, but nevertheless it is rather low to hide behind an alias to take pot shots at other members. I don't think any of us would appreciate similar behaviour towards ourselves.

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Well, it's not Goafer, VSPhoenix or me.

They're browsing this thread at the same time as me.


Now come on @dazzybee, let's go look for clues in the kitchen. We can make comically oversized sandwiches!


Btw that doesn't actually mean anything as separate browsers have their own cookies. :heh:

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Well, it's not Goafer, VSPhoenix or me.

They're browsing this thread at the same time as me.


Now come on @dazzybee, let's go look for clues in the kitchen. We can make comically oversized sandwiches!


assuming they haven't logged in elsewhere (say using neighbours wifi)

They could log in with their account on their usual connection and the fake one on neighbours... or even using proxies.


Although this troll hunt sounds fun! I can confirm as not the troll : Glen-i, Goafer, Sheikah, VsPhoenix


maybe a troll hunt is just what the forum needs to rally together, unite behind a common cause!! :heh:


To be fair, I think we all know who it is.


Hmm... well I don't :wtf: so I guess it's all except the simple one :D

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This thread's existence is paradoxical.


It's very existence shows there's a problem with moderation. :blank:


I don't know how to do this in any other way other than to just point the finger.


Rummy, I've never seen such a case of little-Hitler syndrome in someone after becoming a moderator. Your opportunistic nature to 'lord it' over members and flaunt your 'power' to ban is tasteless - you've even done it in this thread. It goes a long way in proving the issue with staff runs deeper when no one has seemingly pulled you up over it.


I think you take far too much pleasure in your role as a moderator instead of seeing it as an opportunity to facilitate smooth running of discussion and peace. Force met with force creates friction.


Ashley also; very condescending & obnoxious to opinions that don't meet his own, with the notion added: 'I run this place, so I am right, you are wrong'. Again, stonewall force only ever creating friction.


Please take the time to consider you may actually be part of the problem, because like the rest of us, you aren't perfect either.


Lessons in being impartial from management would go a long way - understand your role as staff, not seeing staff role as an opportunity to bend your will over others just because you can.


Mismanagement then trickles down to the boards themselves. I could sum this up quite easily:


Members here who are Nintendo only, don't tend to visit 'Other Consoles' board to explain - daily - what's wrong with Sony/MS games and consoles, why they don't buy them, and what they need to change before they will.


On the other hand, we have the Nintendo boards where primarily 'Other Consoles' board posters can wonder over and just stir the pot how ever they like, because they know they can get away with it.


I think the primarily Nintendo crowd do a great job in policing their own Nintenfandom without the extremist anti-Nintendo mosque cries blasted out on the PA system on the 'Other' section.


This is a Nintendo board where people who like Nintendo gather. I can't actually believe you have to be reminded that you're going to have to put up with people who actually LIKE Nintendo!!!!!!


I didn't mention Serebii because all this attention is going to his head. :heh:


This is hilariously entertaining. Thank you to whoever felt the need to do it, yet hide behind some other guise to do so. I have confidence in myself to not be insecure about the accusations you make, and can only leave you to your own beliefs.


Good day, sir/madam.

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Ok everyone - if you'll just bear with me whilst I take some time to dictate to you.


I'm going out, which sadly is public knowledge if whoever the troll is decided to follow my posts. As a result, I won't be here to keep an eye on or moderate this thread and I stated I would take responsibility for it - and so I'm locking it. Call me a nazi, but hey, I'm a mod and I can do what I like! Feel free to consider replies you'd have made and keep them in time for when I'm about an re-open the thread again.


On a serious note - I'm sorry to anyone who would want to post, but I'll re-open it this evening or tomorrow when I'm around and hope our troll gets bored in the meantime(unlikely). I'll have to run it on an open/close schedule as a result, possibly. I can only describe my feeling of this occurrence as deep disappointment.


To Mr BillyBobJimBob(and presumably 'YourConscience') - I'm sorry you feel that you can't talk openly to or about me. I posted in the opening post that I was, if anything, more than fair game for criticism because I know I can take it on board. Hell, I even accept a point or two in your rather trolly post. The fact you are more worried about telling me openly shows only your own insecurities, and resounding belief in my lack of impartiality - I said I was open to criticism because I know that I will take it and not let it affect my moderation. If you want to work on a way forward - it's up to you to try and give that a go. I can't force your hand, and I can't change your mind, but I can at least try to prove you wrong. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping you're just somebody frustrated and not so much out to troll - if it's the case then I hope you'll come forward and be honest.



To everyone else - I'm sorry that in creating this thread I appear to have made us a brand new problem, it wasn't my intention and I certainly didn't expect it.


My advice going forward - do not feed the trolls. If whoever it is decides to persist and re-occur - just ignore them. It is going to derail the discussion from this place to attacking this anonymous fool - that isn't going to move us to any sort of progress on the issues around these boards.




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