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Obviously my post was a bit of a rant because I was upset that @King_V felt he needed to quit the forum and in fairness on that occasion I think he overeacted but the whole issue was symptomatic of the problem this place has. As I have mentioned before I have no interest in an XB1 but I don't go into the forum and tell all the XB1 owners why I think it's a crap system and likewise I don't expect or want to log in the Switch thread every day to find out what's happening and half the page is just people listing the reasons why they don't want one. It adds nothing but negativity. I'll continue later, but these kind of posts should be stopped to help this place improve and grow.


They never will be stopped though because there is nothing wrong with them. Positive or negative it's still just conversation.


You say you don't go into the Xbox One thread because you have no interest in it. That's fine but this is a NINTENDO forum so at one point or another pretty much everyone will have had an interest in Nintendo and will be interested in talking about them, good or bad.


You cannot police the forum and have it only positive posts. That's no way to have proper discussions.


There have been very few arguments in the new Switch thread since the launch despite both positive and negative posts. Just King V being weird about school kids opinions and you trying to dictate what people should and should not post.

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There is always the difficult balance that as part of the forum and communit, whether you should post about something. Concerning the more negative feelings that people post about, everyone here should be able to express how they much feel about thing (to an extent) or no one can expectfind to have any kind of voice here.


But I understand what @Clownferret is getting at. Might be good to look at whether it is the same people who post those opinions repeatedly, whether they are multiple parts of an ongoing discussion where someone is taking a more critical view of Nintendo or if there are just lots or people with the same view.


I personally feel its the mix of the last two. But let's at least be a bit honest and try and identify with the MANY people on this forum that have loved Nintendo for years. There are those that have remained happy and those that have watched Nintendo repeated make missteps, in theirthe opinion, and also be constantly promised that things would change. Thats been pretty rough and when the members of the forum who dont feel that way get angry at them for being negative its even more upsetting.


All that aside though, ive not seen the kind of positivity around a Nintendo platform as I have around the switch for a long long time. It's quite likely that things will get better around sinpky because the populous is average happier. And im talking about cheering up people that have had issues with Nintendo since the Wii!

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To kind of back up clownferret by using my own experience on here;


When Destiny came out I played the beta and borrowed it for abit as well, and I didn't enjoy it at all. I went into the Destiny thread and aired my disappointment and how I didn't think the game was any good.


Afterwards I thought to myself "why did I need to do that, and drag down others who might be enjoying it?"


It really is clear that some people do revel in failure, not just on here and not just about Nintendo, but I think people need to be able to filter themselves and question "is this helping the conversation at all, or am I just doing this to wind people up?" I've been guilty of reacting to things and getting worked up about people digging at others and it's something I'm not proud of but I guess can happen; however now I do my best to bite my tongue...


Saying that, as you're being quite vocal about members trying to police the threads, why did you support the most blatant example of this, the other switch thread, @Happenstance?


I remember after I aired my incredulity at that thread being in any way acceptable, you were then reminded to post in there because I had "been moaning about it".


I didn't want to go steaming into that thread and derail it but I did see that and it seems completely at odds with what you're saying now.

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Saying that, as you're being quite vocal about members trying to police the threads, why did you support the most blatant example of this, the other switch thread, @Happenstance?


That thread was created because people didnt feel able to talk freely in the normal Switch thread due to the very issues we are talking about now. I dont think its at odds about what I'm saying at all. I would much rather that thread had never existed but unfortunately it needed to.


I have a feeling some of us are never going to see eye to eye on this. I come here to talk about gaming, the good and the bad. I'm not ever going to feel bad about going into a thread and having something negative to say and neither should you. You go into the Destiny thread and say what you want to say about it. It creates discussion.


The "reveling in failure" thing may be true, who knows. I know thats not why I post but I think by you assuming that you are just helping keep any problems going. If you go into a thread with those assumptions how will it ever change?

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To kind of back up clownferret by using my own experience on here;


When Destiny came out I played the beta and borrowed it for abit as well, and I didn't enjoy it at all. I went into the Destiny thread and aired my disappointment and how I didn't think the game was any good.


Afterwards I thought to myself "why did I need to do that, and drag down others who might be enjoying it?"


Although I agree that people need to filter what they post, I cant agree with you in general about not posting negative stuff though. Plenty of fertile discussion can from criticism. In fact, between us im pretty sure that weve detailed everything that has made breath of the wild better in previous discussions about where the series should go next.


Discussing what we dont like helps us inderstand what we do like and why. Maybe if you had said something about destiny in that thread then someone could have said "ah dude it sucks as a single player game, let me buddy up with you" or "have you tried tweaking your control layout" or "I think that playing this class may be more fun for you" .


If you dont think that criticism of games and Nintendo is valid to express here, doesnt it just end up being a massive circle jerk of blind fanboyism?

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When Destiny came out I played the beta and borrowed it for abit as well, and I didn't enjoy it at all. I went into the Destiny thread and aired my disappointment and how I didn't think the game was any good.


Afterwards I thought to myself "why did I need to do that, and drag down others who might be enjoying it?"


I think you're overestimating how personally attached to a game/console most people are (i.e. their personal mood is dependent upon others' opinions). Sure, stomping in to a thread to say "this is shit, I hate it, y'all are losers for liking it" is not good but a simple "tried it, didn't like" doesn't really hurt. Some people may be shocked and defend, sure, but I'd like to think that by and large people would just let people be and have their opinions (either immediately or after a bit and back and forth about those different opinions). I understand why you may not want to go and say it because I do get that "why give negativity time of day" mentality, but I hope you don't feel that you can't or shouldn't if you genuinely wish to.


Maybe I'm just an idealist.


For what its worth, until the recent incident I have felt things seem to be getting a bit better. I even have had some jokes with Ronnie!


Although on that note I do make jokes sometimes that are meant to be in a buddyish kind of way (such as teasing Glen-i about Gen 1 being the best). If I make some kind of joke (or comment) and it seems like I'm being mean-spirited or anything please do drop me a message and I will try and be more conscious of it in the future. The internet can be difficult with tone.

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Nothing constructive to add, just wanted to say this thread was a smashing read.


In every conversation, not every word uttered need be relevant to the topic. Tis enjoyable and relaxing to periodically swing off topic a little. :D


I've spent the past 10 years of my gaming life campaigning against popular opinion hoping to prevail at altering the annual E3 agenda, and I at times felt like a patron saint of a lost cause. But self-obligation to successfully accomplish my mission of empowering to encourage the normal little gamers to galiantly contend against the big gaming elites and the big gaming establishments, who dominate on the world stage at a multi-national level, influencing the popular opinion so as to milk the masses with minimum effort, such as getting everybody excited to re-purchase the same old virtual console game for the sixth time, I'm challenging such industry leaders by leading the small gamers to stand up against them and demand better, because we deserve better for our longtime faithful support of the industry. And do you know what?.. My campaigning voice is being heard. But my campaigning army needs huger numbers to roar a louder protest. So I'll go on critiquing Nintendo for better or worse regardless of the ratio of the good and bad, I'll be the wind that causes the windmill of this optimistic rebellion to spin, causing the gusts of tornados to be a big enough issue of concern to make the gaming elites stop the immorality and provide faultless results from hard work for gamers' hard earned salaries.

Mark the words within my end-note: I am watching Nintendo like a hawk, one of the points of concerns is their online service, so if the online service of the Switch is not upto modern-day standards, then there will be an exodus of biblical proportions by E3 2018. Gamers has simply had enough and will no longer put up with the disrespect, they will retaliate and bring about a great revolutionary storm.

As always I thank you all here at N-Europe for being tolerant for all to have a voice. I am eternally indebted to you for this privilege. Thank you.

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If you dont think that criticism of games and Nintendo is valid to express here, doesnt it just end up being a massive circle jerk of blind fanboyism?


There isn't an issue with somebody buying a game and posting that they don't enjoy it. The issue is people who don't own the game or have not played the game but go into a thread and start posting negative shit. How can you converse with somebody in that situation.

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There isn't an issue with somebody buying a game and posting that they don't enjoy it. The issue is people who don't own the game or have not played the game but go into a thread and start posting negative shit. How can you converse with somebody in that situation.


The aggression is real y'all.


Clown, let's presumptuously follow the presumptuous presumption that a gamer hasn't played a game from a family member, friend's or colleague's place of residence -- if a sincere gamer watched in-depth reviews of a game, be that via the media of at someone-whom-he-or-she-know's-house, in your own meek opinion do you believe that the gamer has seen enough to formulate his (or, or 'her') own view of that game?

Would it be similar to watching half of a movie and then deciding that the movie does not provide succulent flavours for his/her own tongue?


In my opinion, you make a reasonable point Jamba. A big question is why does gamers like Clown become venomously in denial? I thought gamers like him simply ignore opinions that they make rub them the wrong way. ::shrug:

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There isn't an issue with somebody buying a game and posting that they don't enjoy it. The issue is people who don't own the game or have not played the game but go into a thread and start posting negative shit. How can you converse with somebody in that situation.


The particular incident was "oh I heard some of the kids in my class discuss this" as an insight into that generation (but obviously just a very minute amount of it).


If it had been "this guy on the street said it was shit" it would be one thing, but it was a mildly interesting insight into how some children are perceiving it. But kids are weird. Until my brother was about 14 he would consider any song older than a week old. I don't think we should get too het up about what kids are thinking, or those that relay that message.

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Ashley, it isn't wise for anyone to base their decision to like or dislike something upon somebody else's. Such lost souls are sheep. Followers rather than leaders.

However, in that scenario (let's use the one about someone hearing passersby criticizing a game), one could hear something fundamentally distasteful within a mere second, such as a Microsoft gamer hearing that the next Halo will be played only with motion remotes. Upon hearing such shocking news, such a gamer, who is more attached to the conventional controlpad, may regroup with his amigos and vent "Yo, I heard that the new iteration of our game will be motion-controlled! If this is true, a good game will be wasted. Please, Heavens, don't make this be true!"


This is an exaggeration, but the point is that sometimes even a simple piece of worded news is enough to give reasons to be concerned. But of course in that case, I'd still advise the person to try it out if it's a brand new experience for them, it's possible that their minds could be changed. It's a bit, ... complicated... to try to change one's mind if the experience is not quite so new and have more or less been previously experienced.

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Personally I find a good argument absolutely enthralling. Not just mud slinging of course, but an actual back and forth of the negatives and positives of a given subject/object.


As for just posting a dissenting opinion in a thread full of praise, some of the people here should be directed towards the last few posts in the Horizon Zero Dawn thread. dan-likes-trees made such a post, he was not ostracized and others in the thread simple discussed the points made further. Much better than just circlejerking about the highs of the game.

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In every conversation, not every word uttered need be relevant to the topic. Tis enjoyable and relaxing to periodically swing off topic a little. :D


Why that's simply splendid, my utmost thanks for your permission/approval on this matter.


The aggression is real y'all.


Clown, let's presumptuously follow the presumptuous presumption that a gamer hasn't played a game from a family member, friend's or colleague's place of residence -- if a sincere gamer watched in-depth reviews of a game, be that via the media of at someone-whom-he-or-she-know's-house, in your own meek opinion do you believe that the gamer has seen enough to formulate his (or, or 'her') own view of that game?

Would it be similar to watching half of a movie and then deciding that the movie does not provide succulent flavours for his/her own tongue?


Beverage, my dear fellow, I can't help but marvel at the pomposity of your language but I must wade in here if I may. I contend that one is able to formulate a useful impression of a game without having ever played it, otherwise what purpose would be served by previews and trailers at all? While it would be foolish of me to deny the fact that the act of playing sometimes uncovers surprising pleasures of a game that cannot be gleaned by voyeuristic interactions with the medium alone, I also believe that certain tenets of game design are inviolable, and so when these tenets are violated (which I usually judge by using my eyes as a means to view visual demonstrations of a game after light from my computer monitor is beamed into my corneas, having first been beamed into cameras during broadcasts of grand gaming spectacles such as E3, along with other events targeted at the gaming masses) I can feel comfortable in denouncing them for their inexcusable design flaws or lack of ambition (especially with regards to previous entries in the series, if applicable).


By your logic, you would be unjustified in criticising the PS4's stellar Life of Black Tiger, which for my money is a beautifully imagined animal-action RPG replete with dazzling tiger-claw animations and an immersive, dynamic LED-Like Health Bar System™.



But that is my mere opinion darling.

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Haha Dwarf I promise that my haughty demeanour isn't intentional. There's little reason to put on a show if zero iris' have me within their focal point. Unless my showiness is playful bait for the so-called ignorers to bite. :wink:


Your challenge ought to be redirected to the likes of Clown, though, because I don't disagree with you. I just used one of his own examples, one which he found most ridiculous ("it'd be another thing if someone just heard others say that a game sucks") to point out that things in life aren't so black or white, you cant set bold statements in stone like "one cant have an opinion if one hasn't experienced." And the basis of your challenge to me is exactly that, cute little Dwarf.


As a side note, the purpose of trailers and previews are advertization. It's unwise to judge a book by it's cover, even if the pictures on the front cover be in motion for a brief moment.

Reviews are merely other people's opinions, we can consider their opinion without being sheep. :bowdown:


Anyhows, I must powerdown now. I hope you have a good night and please have a sweet dream okay pudding. :hug:

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You've stumped me, Beverage. I genuinely don't know if you're innocently overcompensating for your insecurities with your posts (guilty of that myself in the past, to a lesser extent) or if you're trolling. Not that you can't be doing both I suppose.


If you are trolling, the attention to detail is remarkable it must be said - particularly your 'about me' and your signature, which I assume you wrote yourself. Not been in the Nintendo board for a while, so right now I feel like I've been dropped into the Truman Show or something, and everyone's waiting to test my credulity when I come face-to-face with the Beverage experience. Is nobody else seeing what I'm seeing? It must be so tiring to post like that. It's like when Joey used a thesaurus to write his best man speech.


Good news is I'm finally on topic because Ronnie gave me this problem a while ago. Arguing with him was like flinging peas at an elephant's backside. A Nintendo apologist who felt the need to mete out verbal punishment on Sony whenever Nintendo came under criticism. Could never figure out if he was just going to absurd, self-destructive lengths to wind people up, or if his beliefs were genuine. Eventually I came to appreciate the lesson of the XKCD picture that was posted earlier in this thread:




i.e. don't bother. So I guess thanks to Randall Munroe the cartoonist, but also thanks to you too, Ronnie, for breaking me. Stayed out of the mud-slinging for a long time after your displays in Other Consoles and I'm happy to say I'm a changed man, although having said that, as I think is true of everyone on the forum, it's hard to completely turn a blind eye to it. We live for it really. It feels good to give people a ribbing every now and then. Wouldn't have persevered with Ronald as much as @Sheikah has though. Bruh, the seasons come and go, I go through phases of activity and inactivity, but you'll always be there ferreting away at the lost causes. Don't you see we're all losers in those situations?


Man, this place is a gas. Wouldn't change it for a thing.

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Dwarf do you love me? Like in the humane way, do you love me dude? I love you bro (no homo).


I think where you're disturbing yourself is that you're being overly presumptuous. From presuming that I'm exhausting myself with speaking in my native language, to over-compensating for my insecurities (I presume that you may mean that my pompous character that you perceive is an egotistical mask to hide possible low self-esteem?) or pointlessly trolling, to that presumptuous illustration (how do you know that when the spouse requested the gamer to come to bed, the gamer didn't switch the computer from pc mode to laptop mode, similar to the Switch, and take it to the bed for him and the spouse to giggle together at conversations by gamers as the couple share their views, within a digital space [labelled as the internet] for ease of communication regardless of location in the space of this planet which be encompassed from the outer-space of the Universe, for game developers to see for a chance to influence the style of video games? That could be the reason why they "bother to post").


You appear to not be focusing on my message and being engaged in the conversation, instead you seem to be occupied with irrelevant detail such as studying the quack out of characteristics, leading you to conspire about things that you doubt you even see, which can drive you pretty bonkers. You actually also lost me with some of your presumptions haha I was like "I think that he must be suggesting this, but he cant actually be suggessting that?" Social experimenting is just a bit of fun and quite informative, so I just do that whilst leaving messages for game developers to potentially see. Of course genuine human to human interaction is ideal, but if human error prevents that then I alternatively take almost the same amount of pleasure in examining such error instead.

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