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After your first post in here, which I enjoyed reading, you've gone against what the whole thread is about; @Glen\-i mentions that he felt someone is getting severely bullied, and you just dismiss it!


I haven't dismissed it, I just didn't agree and thought it wasn't all that serious.


Trust me, if I think someone is bullying a person I'm the first to step in. Of course, people's views on when a certain behaviour against someone is bullying or not differ. And in that particular I case I thought it was not bullying.



Thank you for addressing my posts and I do see where you're coming from. My wording hasn't been the best. This is partly due to me not being a native English speaker (this is not meant as an easy excuse, it's just that my vocabulary is not diverse enough to make my points as clear as they should be). Mostly, though it's because I'm still annoyed at how some people reacted to a couple of my posts in several threads.


I need to calm down and maybe think about my posts more in this thread from now on.

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And maybe that's the problem? So many of you have just associated Serebii with something that is wrong and must be stopped.


I don't think that at all. I just don't tolerate arrogance. It's that simple.


When speaking normally in a topic then everything is fine and dandy but when stuff like " Do you realise who I am?", or words to that effect, start getting thrown about, that's when issues arise. Hell, had a mate of mine start spouting stuff like that he would get punch in the face. ( that's how we do things up north :D )

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No offense, dude, but you haven't been around here as long as most of us on here and haven't seen the stuff we've had to put up with for years.


The fact is, rather than coming off as opinion, a lot of the time it comes of as fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. When stuff like the Metroid thing, 3DS with a second stick, Xenoblade on 3DS happen it comes back and bites him in the butt.


I'm gonna properly reply to this thread later. Honestly, there's so much I want to get off my chest about this place that I have no idea where to even start.


Yeah I need some time to write down my thoughts too..so many thoughts running through my head.


Great idea btw, @Rummy.

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I am an arrogant person at times. I do try to control it and I used to be a lot worse. It comes with being Mensa level, top of the school etc., and follows on by my position on the Internet, and I have tried my best to stem it, but it does sometimes seep through.


I don't think you could have explained why you are arrogant in an any more arrogant way.


Plenty of people are 'mensa level' or whatever and don't behave arrogantly. That's not an excuse.

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So what needs to be done? I can't really say as a remedy isn't entirely obvious. Though in theory the idea put forward by @RedShell is a good one, it inhibits people from being active in threads should they be interested in a game despite not currently playing it. It's changing attitudes that is the main point of contention and as we can't brainwash or indoctrinate resolution is difficult.


To be honest if the forums took on an idea like that where you couldnt post in a thread if you didnt own the game/console then I would most likely just leave. If we reached that point where there were requirements to have an opinion then I wouldnt want to be here anyway.

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I don't think that at all. I just don't tolerate arrogance. It's that simple.


When speaking normally in a topic then everything is fine and dandy but when stuff like " Do you realise who I am?", or words to that effect, start getting thrown about, that's when issues arise. Hell, had a mate of mine start spouting stuff like that he would get punch in the face. ( that's how we do things up north :D )

To be fair, I've only said that here like once since people were questioning how I know things.

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Its not the fact that they defend Nintendo, its how they do it and the way they speak to people. Loads of people defend Nintendo on here and have no problems. Nando for example is someone I see posting that kind of stuff and how he doesnt find all that much interesting about the other consoles and you never see people jump down his throat, because he posts normally.


And before anyone jumps down my throat, yes I know it happens on both sides. We all know Sheikah will argue for far too long :p


I have seen @Serebii get spoken to far worse than anything he has ever said to anybody, again the blindness.

@Serebii and @Sheikah are polar opposites on the Wii U thread and yet I have only seen comments about @Serebii conduct. It appears to me that saying anything positive about Nintendo is the problem here and not how we say it, or who we upset whilst saying it.


A classic example... after E3 I posted that I was only interested in 2 games Battlefront for PS4 and 90's Arcade Racer which nobody knows if it will even be released. So I am only buying a game for PS4. I then got attacked for suggesting that there could only be one PS4 game I was interested in, nobody made a single comment about the fact that there were no Wii U games I was interested in. Why is that?

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I have seen @Serebii get spoken to far worse than anything he has ever said to anybody, again the blindness.

@Serebii and @Sheikah are polar opposites on the Wii U thread and yet I have only seen comments about @Serebii conduct. It appears to me that saying anything positive about Nintendo is the problem here and not how we say it, or who we upset whilst saying it.


A classic example... after E3 I posted that I was only interested in 2 games Battlefront for PS4 and 90's Arcade Racer which nobody knows if it will even be released. So I am only buying a game for PS4. I then got attacked for suggesting that there could only be one PS4 game I was interested in, nobody made a single comment about the fact that there were no Wii U games I was interested in. Why is that?


Looking back at that post, people replied to you because once again you talked about the other consoles like they were just the annual franchises, not because there was only one game you liked.

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A classic example... after E3 I posted that I was only interested in 2 games Battlefront for PS4 and 90's Arcade Racer which nobody knows if it will even be released. So I am only buying a game for PS4. I then got attacked for suggesting that there could only be one PS4 game I was interested in, nobody made a single comment about the fact that there were no Wii U games I was interested in. Why is that?


If this was directed at me ( I think I was the first to reply to you ) then have a look again because I included Wii U games in the list of games that were coming this year. If this wasn't directed at me then simply ignore this post. :D


Here's my reply...


In terms of disappointment then I'm sorry but that's your issue. The industry as a whole is fine. Off the top of my head you have Rare Collection, Halo 5, Gears Remaster, Xenoblade, Yoshis Wooly World, Project Zero, Jumpstars V+, Uncharted Collection, Tearaway, Until Dawn, Batman, Tomorrow Children, Battlefront, Tomb Raider, Tales of.....however you pronounce it, Dragon Quest Heroes all coming this year. I could go on.

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I have seen @Serebii get spoken to far worse than anything he has ever said to anybody, again the blindness.

@Serebii and @Sheikah are polar opposites on the Wii U thread and yet I have only seen comments about @Serebii conduct. It appears to me that saying anything positive about Nintendo is the problem here and not how we say it, or who we upset whilst saying it.


A classic example... after E3 I posted that I was only interested in 2 games Battlefront for PS4 and 90's Arcade Racer which nobody knows if it will even be released. So I am only buying a game for PS4. I then got attacked for suggesting that there could only be one PS4 game I was interested in, nobody made a single comment about the fact that there were no Wii U games I was interested in. Why is that?


There are definite double standards on here and it's what winds me up the most.


You shouldn't be called a retarded child just because you have the nerve to criticise the PS4's library of games on this (ironically) Nintendo board. I bring it up when it's relevant to the conversation and the Wii U gets it far worse by others anyway.

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You shouldn't be called a retarded child just because you have the nerve to criticise the PS4's library of games on this (ironically) Nintendo board. I bring it up when it's relevant to the conversation and the Wii U gets it far worse by others anyway.


Perhaps it's how you word it. I've criticised the current library of XB1 and PS4 games plenty of times on here and never caused problems.

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I am an arrogant person at times. I do try to control it and I used to be a lot worse. It comes with being Mensa level, top of the school etc., and follows on by my position on the Internet, and I have tried my best to stem it, but it does sometimes seep through.

Ooh.. Such a shame. Could've been a great example of sarcasm.. But you had to ruin it with your follow-up post..


Anyway, the above discussion (all of it) is exactly the kind of thing that bores me to tears, so it seems to me, this thread had the opposite effect. I'll go back to discussing games.

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Anyway, the above discussion (all of it) is exactly the kind of thing that bores me to tears, so it seems to me, this thread had the opposite effect. I'll go back to discussing games.


Don't worry about it - I've never seen you on the sending or receiving end of the stuff being discussed here. We want more people like you.

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Ooh.. Such a shame. Could've been a great example of sarcasm.. But you had to ruin it with your follow-up post..


Anyway, the above discussion (all of it) is exactly the kind of thing that bores me to tears, so it seems to me, this thread had the opposite effect. I'll go back to discussing games.

I struggle with sarcasm at times. I have the social skills of a pencil.

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Ok, let me try and address some points. Two are for @dazzybee and @Clownferret specifically but I lost the quote tag so I'm mentioning.


Oh, the irony.
It's because he's a journalist.:heh: *
Happenstance can fuck right off with that pathetic post the other day.

^Whether it's directed at the right person or not, that last one is DEFINITELY not helpful. If you can't be civil(to even correct your mention to Eddage is just pathetic) going forward @Ronnie then you're going to get a ban from this thread - and if the behaviour continues on the boards, it'll be from them too.


These are all delightful examples of exactly what I think IS wrong with the place, and completely counterproductive. I've *'d the journalist comment because knowing the poster who made it, I honestly think he was doing so in jest to lighten the current discussion, but that's not very conducive to this thread right now.


Well, even when I came into a thread of a game that I have played and said something negative about it, I was being ridiculed.
Recently he went through my last 50 posts in order to basically have a dig at me, rather than consider why I was unhappy with Nintendo's offerings recently.
Being told to f off is nothing compared to your abusive behaviour the other day.

^I'd say being told to fuck off is actually quite something when you wish to talk about abusive behaviour, mind.


These things happened - but what worries me is that they're mentioned here and I think that's indicative of people possibly not letting go of things that happen which then spillover into tension for later arguments. The answer may be tougher moderation - but as I'm repeatedly saying, tougher will be tougher for everyone, and I don't want to make this that kind of place if I can avoid it.


One of my biggest problems, and no one is willing to accept it, is the sheer trolling and baiting that happens from people who clearly don't like nintendo, that goes completely unpunished, yet when Ronnie or Serebii are deemed to be trolling and baiting they get absolute lynched on by everyone in quite nasty ways sometimes - this is fine... There's a huge hypocrisy. Didn't Kav write a message in the other boards that was exactly the same as one posted on nintendo boards and it was deleted? I've had posts deleted in other boards. There's a disparity in action that I think is pretty clear to see and is helped in making this place quite horrible, you must see people leaving these forums, some long standing members, usually all still nintendo fans...


This I'll address because I simply disagree with you dazzy - I think what you(and some others) view as intentional and convinced trolling isn't always the case. It's also unfair to say that people are going completely unpunished - a lot of it can happen behind the scenes(may be something that needs to change) and so it won't always be clear when action's been taken or not. I've tried very hard to avoid being too harsh on anyone here(regardless of their PoV), but maybe that's my own downfall. As for the kav+zechs post in the other board - that was something that looked like a clear troll, was admitted to be a clear troll, and thus it was dealt with on that basis(I don't believe it was 'exactly the same' as Nintendo post either).


I find it very interesting and and quite poignant that the two people named at the start as trouble makers are @Ronnie and @Serebii the two people who stick up for Nintendo? That's a major problem and indicitive of how this place is run.


The ignore function needs to be fixed so that it works both ways. What's the point of having somebody on ignore that you clearly don't want to engage with and yet they still see all your posts and respond to them? And on that subject why don't all you @Serebii haters just put him on your ignore list?


I'll add a third name to that list - Wii. Individually, they aren't all terrible, but in combination the 3 of them can really mess the place up.


It appears to me that the people who perform the mod/admin functions on here are all in PS4/we hate @Serebii camp, again a fucked up situation.


I still think most of the moderation team are able to moderate impartially, and I'd certainly say that Serebii has been given more leeway than you might expect on other forums. I am neither in the PS4 nor an I hate Serebii camp, but I do have an issue with him which has been covered by most people;


The biggest problems I have is not that you like Nintendo, it's the way you go about posting. You can be quite arrogant in terms of telling people what simply 'cannot be' or what is 'illogical', and you can be quite blinkered in the way you argue (in that you ignore truths or evidence off hand). It can be very annoying to have a debate with someone who ignores things that are not convenient, and IMO that's why things can often get heated. It's difficult to have good debates with people who have that mix of traits.
I like his attitude, being positive about Nintendo. It's a good thing to have. Passion. But sometimes he needs to calm down a bit and not be rude (same goes for others, as well, of course).

The fact is, rather than coming off as opinion, a lot of the time it comes of as fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. When stuff like the Metroid thing, 3DS with a second stick, Xenoblade on 3DS happen it comes back and bites him in the butt.


It isn't what he posts, but how he posts.



As for my issues with Wii. The man is a living caricature of the the most entitled, immature gamer there can be. I appreciate the work he puts in posting links, videos and articles but the rest of the time I find the utter bull$hit he posts very very hard to ignore, and I'm keen to challenge his insular views.


You can though. You can put him on your ignore list but you refuse to. That, and the way you post and rile him, is just for the sake of trolling. I'm trying my hardest not to ban you Ronnie - but you can't continue to behave like it. You're the person I've seen been called out the most by other members recently Ronnie(even the more sensible ones) - do you honestly think that's indicative of nothing?

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^Whether it's directed at the right person or not, that last one is DEFINITELY not helpful. If you can't be civil(to even correct your mention to Eddage is just pathetic) going forward @Ronnie then you're going to get a ban from this thread - and if the behaviour continues on the boards, it'll be from them too.


Civil? Your original post said that this thread would get ugly and personal. This is typical of the double standards. One person (a mod I might add) calls a poster a retarded child, but when said poster defends himself in a topic you yourself gave us half a license to get things off our chest, he's threatened with a ban. It just doesn't make any sense.

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I'm somebody who likes to exchange opinions and some level of debate is also totally fine. What I really dislike is debates that get so overheated that people feel the need to offend others, or use bad language. Why in the world would you feel the need to do that? If you feel so heated in a debate, just get away from you keyboard and get some fresh air, smell a flower or anything that makes you calm again. Or use the ignore function if you really have no self control or had a little too much of that gamma radiation.


Basically: offending people and using bad language is NEVER effective (Pokemon pun not intended).

I really think that if we all agree on not using offensive or bad language that would change a lot overhere.


If we are not able to be a little more polite and less harsh in our language, we could alway cut every game thread into three variations: "Kid Icarus - positive thoughts thread", "Kid Icarus - negative thoughts thread" and "Kid Icarus - debate thread".

I really hope we are mature enough to not need something childish like that : peace:

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