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Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)


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Aww man, my friend got his copy early and he's just telling me how incredibly crushed and disappointed he is :(


Apparently there isn't even any special music for a tiebreaker :shakehead


So sad. There's basically no single player whatsoever :(


I can't imagine that either Nintendo or Camelot are happy about the state of this game, it's blatently unfinished. But with Zelda and Starfox Zero delayed till next year, something has to release in November and Mario Tennis clearly drew the short straw :(


Still, the whole thing is just so miserable :cry:


That's awful Dcubed. :(


I mean, we kind of knew it was coming what with the news regarding the game getting worse with each small bit of information coming to light, then the lack of content becoming all the more apparent but for anyone just buying the game and thinking "Oh boy! A new Mario Tennis game!" and then the realisation as the title is loaded up for the first time... :blank: "...the heck is this?" it must be a crushing experience. :/


At the very least I suppose the N64 VC version is there for damage limitation but it really shouldn't be the way, personally I would have preferred it to have been delayed until next year and to have just had more digital titles to fill the gap, it's like they've just sent the game out to die by releasing it unfinished and in November which is one of the busiest months for gaming.


For what it's worth he could probably easily get his money back by selling the game on now but really... that would just be passing on the disc of disappointment to someone else, I don't know what else to suggest though. ::shrug:


It's just a huge shame that the game release turned out this way.

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That's awful Dcubed. :(


I mean, we kind of knew it was coming what with the news regarding the game getting worse with each small bit of information coming to light, then the lack of content becoming all the more apparent but for anyone just buying the game and thinking "Oh boy! A new Mario Tennis game!" and then the realisation as the title is loaded up for the first time... :blank: "...the heck is this?" it must be a crushing experience. :/


At the very least I suppose the N64 VC version is there for damage limitation but it really shouldn't be the way, personally I would have preferred it to have been delayed until next year and to have just had more digital titles to fill the gap, it's like they've just sent the game out to die by releasing it unfinished and in November which is one of the busiest months for gaming.


For what it's worth he could probably easily get his money back by selling the game on now but really... that would just be passing on the disc of disappointment to someone else, I don't know what else to suggest though. ::shrug:


It's just a huge shame that the game release turned out this way.


I doubt he'll sell it. He knew that there was little content going in...


I'm sure we'll still have a blast playing it together, but it's still just so sad.


I get that Nintendo need a sacrificial lamb for Xmas so to speak and that Zelda and Star Fox Zero are more important games in the grand scheme of things, but still :(


All I can suggest to him is that he finally plays Mario Tennis GBA (it's the one Mario Tennis game he hasn't played)

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Aww man, my friend got his copy early and he's just telling me how incredibly crushed and disappointed he is :(


Apparently there isn't even any special music for a tiebreaker :shakehead


So sad. There's basically no single player whatsoever :(


I can't imagine that either Nintendo or Camelot are happy about the state of this game, it's blatently unfinished. But with Zelda and Starfox Zero delayed till next year, something has to release in November and Mario Tennis clearly drew the short straw :(


Still, the whole thing is just so miserable :cry:


Ask him bout online with friends and whether you can do proper much scores md not limited to first to 7.

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Ask him bout online with friends and whether you can do proper much scores md not limited to first to 7.


He hasn't had a chance to play online yet, but there is definitely no option to play against friends at all. Ridiculous!


You know... Given the stupid lack of time that Camelot had to make a new Mario Tennis game here, a HD one at that! (just a little over a year since MGWT), I think that Nintendo & Camelot would've been better off making a HD Remaster of Mario Power Tennis with that year instead and saving the next Mario Tennis game for NX...


I think everyone would've been happier that way...

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He hasn't had a chance to play online yet, but there is definitely no option to play against friends at all. Ridiculous!




This right here is why I have zero faith in them when it comes to online and the NX. Such a basic feature that is missing is simply baffling.


To be honest, I would have been happy if they delayed this, sorted out the online, fleshed out the single player mode and pushed Xenoblade up a couple of weeks.

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This right here is why I have zero faith in them when it comes to online and the NX. Such a basic feature that is missing is simply baffling.


To be honest, I would have been happy if they delayed this, sorted out the online, fleshed out the single player mode and pushed Xenoblade up a couple of weeks.


Well that's not really anything to do with the Wii U's capabilities or Nintendo's attitudes towards online or anything like that. It's simply a matter of this game being released unfinished because they have nothing else to release in November (and no, Xenoblade is not a mainstream release).


Personally I would rather have had nothing for Wii U for Xmas and have seen the game get put back in the oven to actually cook, but I realise that's an unrealistic expectation sadly, given the situation they found themselves in :(

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Well that's not really anything to do with the Wii U's capabilities or Nintendo's attitudes towards online or anything like that. It's simply a matter of this game being released unfinished because they have nothing else to release in November (and no, Xenoblade is not a mainstream release).


I dunno, they've made questionable decisions regarding online stuff before and this example ain't doing them any favours. I wonder if it will be patched in at some point?


It probably is a time constraint issue but it still doesn't make it any easier to swallow. With the games lack of single player content, playing with friends over the net should have been a priority as it would have given the game legs.


It will be interesting to see what numbers this does. No doubt it will bomb over here in the UK ( standard ) but it's getting a lot of negative reactions across the board. Whether this will be reflected in the US remains to be seen.

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It is beyond retarded, and I'm with hero I think it is a worrying sign for the NX, it's such a basic feature, they haven't done it... It makes no sense whatsoever, there's no single player game, yet they haven't done the bear bones on the multiplayer side. It's pretty disgusting.

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I do think that they will make some DLC's, as it looks like they do try what is possible with the Wii U games, after they read the complaints. But yeah, it's just unbeliveable that they didn't make it possible to play with friends.


Splatoon had at least nice single player, so the later DLC's made sense, but this.....

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Man, it's getting butchered by reviewers.


Nintendo World Report said:


Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash isn't good in the slightest. While the game can be decent in passing, it’s a horrible value when you stop and think about it. There is just one stadium, limited online options and less features than the previous two entries. This is nowhere near the satisfying entry in the series I was hoping for. The elements that they have added result to nothing, which makes the meat on this game's bones extremely thin. Wherever you stand on Mario sports titles, Ultra Smash is not worth your time nor money.


Two Nintendo stinkers in one day.....watch me buy them both. :D

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Ha! I clearly forgot one of the many reasons why this game has scored so badly.


Any one fancy connecting online on Friday day time and hoping for a shot in a million chance we might be paired in a match together? ;)


Based on the reviews, I think it's safe to say it won't be a 1 in a million shot :p

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