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H U M A N S (Channel 4)


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Kept seeing adverts for this across the 4 network and I'm actually quite intrigued. Got an I, Robot sort of vibe to me and it's nice to see some familiar british faces(apparently a US/UK collab deal). Starts Sunday at 9pm, but I'll be working so either catch on +1 or 4oD - decided a thread may be worth it for discussionings! Assuming I'm not the only one watching, of course.


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Looks pretty decent, has a Black Mirror kinda vibe. Official name seems to be "Humans" though so not sure about the dramatic tracking in your thread title :p


Interesting to see Jen from the IT Crowd in a much more serious role.

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Looks pretty decent, has a Black Mirror kinda vibe. Official name seems to be "Humans" though so not sure about the dramatic tracking in your thread title :p


Interesting to see Jen from the IT Crowd in a much more serious role.


Cos they keep putting it up like that on the C4-billboardy things at the end of the advert! I did think/wonder the same though - as no where else seems to reference it like that. I'm sure it's spaced out caps and I'm not just mad...


I did think the same about Jen, and I'm pretty sure I've seen the guy playing her partner in more light-hearted stuff. I'm impressed so far with the look of the acting by the robots/synths too. I think those together are what really hooked me in and made me think of I, Robot for both the film and the Assimov shorts it was based on, not that I can for the life of me remember the specifics of any of those now. I just remember recalling reading them post-filmage and thinking they were quite excellent. Hoping this doesn't just end up being a bit of a wash-out with an interestingly cut trailer.


EDIT:Apprently AMC are the american-side partner, and their site has it a bit more all caps styled which I'm presuming C4 took from - http://www.amc.com/shows/humans. Even more interested knowing it's a collab and airing on both sides of the pond.

Edited by Rummy
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Watched it as well tonight, thought it was quite good. Very interested to see what will happen next. Really like the creepy, dark side to it.


The ads for this got me interested beforehand, especially the very first ad they put out, where it genuinely looked as an ad for a synthetic (it made me look up online what this was about, as it didn't say it was for a tv show yet then). Thought it was well done, especially when they made the ad a bit longer to show a more darker side.

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So did anyone watch this? I saw it and thought it was a really good first episode, I'm looking forward to watching more.


i caught it from about 20mins in and very liked what I saw(was gonna play Splatoon on the side if it was a bit boring but that didnt happen). Gonna find time before next week to properly 4od it all with full attention but otherwise an excellent opening episode, really looking forward to seeing where it will go.

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Watched first ep. Quite enjoyed/intrigued by the homelife aspect of them adjusting to the bot and would happily watch a whole series of that developing.


But zero interest in the shoehorned in melodrama subplot of whatever was happening in the woods/whatever. Hate when they do this, shoehorn in murder or some epic crap, not needed in what could be a subtle/creepy slow burning character development drama! Just my taste.


Might keep watching and just channel surf when those sections are on!

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I really like this so far. I agree with @Shorty about the Black Mirror vibe, that was my impressions watching it as well.


Be interesting to see where they take this.


I'm pretty sure I've seen the guy playing her partner in more light-hearted stuff.


Tom Goodman-Hill. He was in Ideal and Black Mirror. I saw him once on holiday in Pembrokeshire. #shitclaimtofame

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I really like this so far. I agree with @Shorty about the Black Mirror vibe, that was my impressions watching it as well.


Be interesting to see where they take this.




Tom Goodman-Hill. He was in Ideal and Black Mirror. I saw him once on holiday in Pembrokeshire. #shitclaimtofame


Did you take him for a cheeky KFC ;)?


Yeah I recall him from Ideal but nothing else could spring to mind(not seen much of Black Mirror) but I feel like I've definitely seen more of him. I've still not got round to watching the bits I missed cos of E3 and ting but I keep finding my mind wandering to it and thinking where it's going to go next. Guess I've been spoilt by caning series in a day or two that the week by week just doesn't cut it for me anymore :p

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NOT at all show related, but a little article about learning of computers(mostly around visuals and constructing images) that Marcamillian posted on facebook, under a nice title of 'What do androids dream of?' and it made me think about this show again!




As a creative type you might find it interesting @Eenuh(it's like a 5-10minute read).

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I've not been watching a lot of British telly recently but did watch this today (I recorded it a few days ago) and it was ok. Not that original but I'd like to see how this develops.


On a side note it's good to see something half decent come out of Channel 4 especially with all the rubbish they have churning out recently.

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I really like this so far. I agree with @Shorty about the Black Mirror vibe, that was my impressions watching it as well.


Be interesting to see where they take this.




Tom Goodman-Hill. He was in Ideal and Black Mirror. I saw him once on holiday in Pembrokeshire. #shitclaimtofame

He was also in Mr Selfridge, where he played a man having an affair with Jen from the IT crowd.

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Forgot and missed this Sunday night so just caught up this evening - have to say I'm with kav on this and enjoyed this one just as much as the others! Few interesting twists to it, got a good way of leaving me wanting more!!

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I thought it was a great episode, it was a one that really was trying to show how people are becoming attached to the synths and how they are having emotions for them, whether as a friend or as something more. And it kind of asked the question would you fall in love with a synth.

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I thought it was a great episode, it was a one that really was trying to show how people are becoming attached to the synths and how they are having emotions for them, whether as a friend or as something more. And it kind of asked the question would you fall in love with a synth.


Synth or not, I could definitely fall in love with Gemma Chan.

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Just keeps me wanting more! Halfway through now it seems(8 episodes total apparently) - hoping it doesn't disappoint towards the end. Getting tempted to go find/watch the original to keep my fix up though.

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Just keeps me wanting more! Halfway through now it seems(8 episodes total apparently) - hoping it doesn't disappoint towards the end. Getting tempted to go find/watch the original to keep my fix up though.


I thought about watching the original too. I'm really liking it, I don't think it's lost anything as of yet and is still great, so I'm hoping it doesn't drop off too.

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I'm taking it all as a bit meh at the moment. The separate storylines (which will obviously merge together towards the end, even though some have already) are feeling tedious. William Hurt's moping around*, the woe-is-me-lovesick attitude of Leo, Jill Halfpenny doing fuck all - it needs to get its shit together tootsweet.


*Especially when he tried guilt tripping the helpline before finding out he was talking to a synth, cringeworthy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved that episode!


I hope Max doesn't die! He's been one of my favourite characters in this, I've loved seeing him develop.


Also, did anyone notice in Leo's memory, right at the end, there was someone stood behind David... seemed to be a white female with dark hair, which would lead me to believe it's the police woman/synth.


Exciting times!


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Y'kno, last week I was feeling like this was doing exactly what I fear - stalling out a bit. However tonight's episode has re-invigorated my love of it! Got a theory or two on where it might all go and some of the small points too, but excited to see what they actually pull out cos it's still generally keeping me on my toes.

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I hope Max doesn't die! He's been one of my favourite characters in this, I've loved seeing him develop.


Also, did anyone notice in Leo's memory, right at the end, there was someone stood behind David... seemed to be a white female with dark hair, which would lead me to believe it's the police woman/synth.


Exciting times!


I think the top level guy's obvs gonna rescue Max.


Normally I'm giving it absolute attention but I was playing some single-player Splatoon whilst watching tonight, so I didn't quite clock/watch some bits. May give it a rewatch in the week on All 4 or so. I definitely found her to be interesting - not to mention the fact none of the others seem to quite know she exists. I do have to wonder if she's the major plot twist. Elster clearly changed his tone out of nowhere - I even wonder how accurate the memories might even be...


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