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I really hope Futurama is brought back. I've been watching the reruns lately on Sky and it's made me realise how much I've missed it. It's a lot fresher and more original that the Simpsons. As much as I love the Simpsons, I think it has gone well past its sell by date.

I´m no huge fan of Futurama so I don´t really care, to be honest.

Wow. Just... wow.


Anyway, it'd be nice to have Fry et al back on our screens. If they do end up going the feature-length route, I hope it ends up more consistant than Family Guy's offering — or indeed any episode of American Dad.


It sounds that they are prepared to start again for at least 3 month. I only hope it won't take as long as Star Trek took from TOS (also was cancelled too early) to TNG.

I was so disappointed with the last episode of that show. It deserves to be kept going. The simpsons on the other hand.....

Only problem with that last episode was that it was.. hmm, it made it look like it would never be made again.

"Don't stop, i wanna see how it ends"


I'm interested in how they would start it up again. Fry and Leela basically get together at the end of The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings. Will Fry and Leela be married now? Will they have a child? Will it a cyclops with orange hair?


I think the last episode left it off just ambiguous enough for them to continue should they feel the need. Hopefully we'll see more of Futurama soon, I'd definately dust off a spot on my shelves for another few boxed sets.


Heh, i loved the simpsons joke towards the futurama cancellation (Atleast matt doesnt mind joking about his other creation):


'We're here at geezers rock, mainly used by teenagers to make out under or geeks to commit suicide on!'

*A shadow appears on the rock* 'I cant believe they cancelled futurama!' *Jumps*


I liked futurama, not the best of things, but it was amusing.


I really liked Futurama, it seemed alot more fresh and that things happening in episodes actually stuck sometimes (which they almost never do in Simpsons). I hope they bring it back.

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