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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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Surprised to hear you say that, I really like the way they mixed in a few developer diaries in there. If it was just trailer after trailer with no chat in between the whole presentation would be 15 minutes long! I prefer 5 minutes per game, than non-stop trailers where you can't take anything in.


I agree with you re: the PS and Xbox presentations though, way too much waffle, but last year Nintendo did it right IMO.


Actually there was very little waffle in Microsofts conference last year. I recently watched it again and they showed a hell of a lot of games. The longest chatter was when they showed Halo MCC but this was necessary to show how things were going to work, what with all the different games on there and all. Sonys was awful though. Luckily they heard the critisism and knocked it out the park at Gamescom.

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I think the wool shop was fine, I liked it. It was just too long and boring, talking about wool more than the game.

Other developers spend a while talking about blast processing, lighting etc. and other parts of the graphic engine. I see no difference here


Actually there was very little waffle in Microsofts conference last year. I recently watched it again and they showed a hell of a lot of games. The longest chatter was when they showed Halo MCC but this was necessary to show how things were going to work, what with all the different games on there and all. Sonys was awful though. Luckily they heard the critisism and knocked it out the park at Gamescom.

There was very little gameplay footage in Microsoft's conference, too :p

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Other developers spend a while talking about blast processing, lighting etc. and other parts of the graphic engine. I see no difference here



Hate that too. Who's comparing? I'm saying it was easily the weakest bit, and if nintendo are looking to improve it, then being speedier with each game is a must, especially when you have more to say about the wonders of wool than actual game mechanics

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There was very little gameplay footage in Microsoft's conference, too :p
lol, true dat. And a lot of games being announced WAY too early. That dragon Platinum game, Crackdown 3, that one they revived and got cancelled... they could have shown all 3 of those at this years E3 and we'd still be in the same position :p
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lol, true dat. And a lot of games being announced WAY too early. That dragon Platinum game, Crackdown 3, that one they revived and got cancelled... they could have shown all 3 of those at this years E3 and we'd still be in the same position :p


Desperate times. Much like Nintendo showing Yoshi, Fire Emblem X Whateveritscalled and Xenoblade and here we are still twiddling our thumbs. :D

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The more I think about it, I actualy give F-Zero a good chance of making a return this E3.

The franchise is getting recognition: Nintendoland, Mario Kart tracks, vehicle parts, 200 CC. But also that poll awhile ago where Nintendo asked fans what franchise they were most desperately wanting to see make a return. I remember Miyamoto reacted on F-Zero coming out on top. Something along the lines that he understood the desire but didn't want the game just being a remake/ more of the same.

I also think it's one of Nintendo's most beloved franchises, especialy within the E3 target audience (Western, diehard gamers).

Zelda, Metroid, Smash, Kart and F-Zero are the five franchises that can create the most hype.

The fact that a large part of current Wii U owners are older lifelong Nintendofans would also makes it a very good choice.


Argh, now I'm really expecting it :woops:

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The more I think about it, I actualy give F-Zero a good chance of making a return this E3.

The franchise is getting recognition: Nintendoland, Mario Kart tracks, vehicle parts, 200 CC. But also that poll awhile ago where Nintendo asked fans what franchise they were most desperately wanting to see make a return. I remember Miyamoto reacted on F-Zero coming out on top. Something along the lines that he understood the desire but didn't want the game just being a remake/ more of the same.

I also think it's one of Nintendo's most beloved franchises, especialy within the E3 target audience (Western, diehard gamers).

Zelda, Metroid, Smash, Kart and F-Zero are the five franchises that can create the most hype.

The fact that a large part of current Wii U owners are older lifelong Nintendofans would also makes it a very good choice.


Argh, now I'm really expecting it :woops:


I highly doubt it. I believe it was last spring that Miyamoto confirmed it wasn't in development, because he had no clue of how to make it different. So atless an idea suddenly hit him and Nintendo took a snap-decision to put it into development immediately, we won't see it.

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Miyamoto also suggested they need the right controller to make a console F-Zero game (presumably he's referring to analogue triggers).


I don't really trust Nintendo enough at the moment to make the right F Zero that the fans are looking for. Would happily let AV/SEGA back in to do it (obviously AV can't, but still, you get the point)

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Good god man.


Edit: @kav82, I don't mean to call you a bear, it's just a metaphor for the argument. Apologies if misconstrued


Well I'm pretty hairy and can sleep like I'm hibernating so I guess a bear fits, haha.


Come on @Ronnie, you can't say those games couldn't, and shouldn't, be better seriously?!

Think about all the options/features they're lacking which are standard across the industry these days! I'm not saying they're bad, but they're not as good as they should have been/should be and so they're disappointing to me.

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I highly doubt it. I believe it was last spring that Miyamoto confirmed it wasn't in development, because he had no clue of how to make it different. So atless an idea suddenly hit him and Nintendo took a snap-decision to put it into development immediately, we won't see it.


I wouldn't want Miyamoto anywhere near F-Zero what with the way he butchered Paper Mario.


I can see it now:

"Hey, remember all the vibrant characters and their backstories in F-Zero GX :D


... They're all gone!

Fred not though my fellow gamers, you have the option of customizing the 4 remaining racers with Helmets and their vehicles with bumperstickers."


I don't really trust Nintendo enough at the moment to make the right F Zero that the fans are looking for. Would happily let AV/SEGA back in to do it (obviously AV can't, but still, you get the point)


Having seen Platinum Games's style of games, I'd always figured that if they were to ever make a racing game there'd be no better choice than F-Zero.


Crazy Speed, Crazy Neon Worlds, Crazy Characters.

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I don't really trust Nintendo enough at the moment to make the right F Zero that the fans are looking for. Would happily let AV/SEGA back in to do it (obviously AV can't, but still, you get the point)
I feel like this about Starfox too.


Actually, most of their franchises atm :p

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"Herro everyone! I'm Mad Miyamoto. I've come to upend some tea tables!"


"Prease take a rook!"




"You can't have Zelda in 2015."


"Now where's my f#cking tea?"



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Weirdness: Fred Savage Seems Very Much In Favour Of The Nintendo World Championships 2015






Nintendo is bringing its World Championships event back from the dead for this year's E3, and this relic from the past has attracted the attention of another part of Nintendo's history - the actor-turned-director Fred Savage.


Savage was arguably the world's biggest child star when he appeared in The Wizard, a 1989 Hollywood movie which saw two siblings travelling across America to attend a video game competition focused exclusively on Nintendo games. Oh, and it also marked the Western début of the Power Glove and Super Mario Bros. 3.


Amazingly, despite all these facts, The Wizard was a commercial flop, but in recent years has attained a cult status among Nintendo fans. Like the NWC, it recently turned 25.


Anyway, Savage has welcomed the news of the freshly-resurrected NWC, and has light-heartedly tweeted the following message:




Of course it's a humorous little comment which alludes to the plot of the aforementioned movie, but we wouldn't bet against Savage making an appearance during the NWC event at this year's E3. After all, Nintendo isn't above having a little fun with its history and this would be quite an event, especially for those who remember watching the film 25 years ago, either at the cinema or on VHS.





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