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Remove One Letter From A Game And Create New Description

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Person 4: You're person number 4 on a police lineup. You didn't do it and the witness identifies the correct person. You go home and have a nice supper, where you discuss the minor inconvenience of taking the afternoon off to be in a lineup.


Inecraft: You take on the role of a Belgian lady who has recently moved to England to make it as a low polygon hobbycraftist.


Moral Kombat: Take on rival debate teams using special retorts such as Pedantality and Rebuttality.


Need for Seed: A farmer makes a heroic last stand against bankers as he faces hard times and potential bankruptcy.


Bloodbone: Them virgins aren't going to deflower themselves.


Just Case 3: You've taken the same game back twice now and every time there has been no game disc. This time the cashier is getting an earful.


Fashback: You play as a recently deceased John Fashanu as he uses his ghost powers to solve his own murder.


Dane Dance Revolution: A rhythm game featuring everyone's favourite Dane, Danny.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

My browser randomly opened to this thread, so why not.


Xenoblade Chronicles........Shit I removed the wrong letter.


Tom Raider That asshole Tom stole your lunch from the work fridge for the last time, gather your allies and storm his cubicle.


arksiders The Four Horsemen have been demoted and are tasked with helping Noah repair leaks in the hull of his Ark.




I am not a funny person but dammit I don't care.

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This threeeead.:D


Star Wars Battlefont - A typing adventure where you play as all of your childhood heroes. Features lots of scrolling text.


Earaway - Vincent Van Gogh makes his stunning videogame debut in an origin story which explains the story behind his history of self mutilation.


Super Money Ball - A Lottery simulator where you can experience the thrills of winning the jackpot.


Pcman - Become the zealot of your dreams into this GTA-style third person adventure as you infiltrate internet forums and kill filthy console peasants.


Rain Age - An immense downpour has flooded your town in this survival horror as you battle a host of creatures who are mysteriously part of this weather phenomenon.


Cunter-strike - You get spawn killed over and over again by an army of campers who proceed to teabag you and trash talk about your mother down the microphone. Welcome to Cunter-strike!

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Cunter-strike - You get spawn killed over and over again by an army of campers who proceed to teabag you and trash talk about your mother down the microphone. Welcome to Cunter-strike!


I thought you were supposed to change the synopsis? ;)

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oh shit i'd forgot about this thread! so many laughs

Legend of Zelda: Tri Fore Heroes - Gannon has once again stolen the princess Zelda, but this time a magic talking golf club aids you on your way to save the princes - all combat involves hitting various objects at the enemies, in dungeons you have to solve puzzles performing various trick shots operating puzzles to unlock doors. The golf club is ver talkative and doesn't like being used as a club so on every other swing goes "HEY LISTEN STOP DOING THAT"


Alen Isolation You are nordic bsuiness man who's got drunk at an office party and insulted lots of people the week before the events of the game and now nobody will talk to you


Dive Club A massive open world diving adventure with a free PSplus edition coming this year*

*or maybe next year who knows


A boy and his bob A boy gets a new hair cut and goes to school where he's ridiculed mercilessly

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Cash Bandicoot - You play a millionaire Bandicoot, who just simply wants to get away from the rich life. But the money keeps chasing him down.


Ran - You play an out of breath character whom has just completed 3 marathons. You now need to get home in the only way you know how.


The Waking Dead - The dead get woken up, and boy are they grumpy.


Cunterspy - Self explanatory to be fair.

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1080 SnowBarding @The Bard - Attempt to ski down a hazardous black run while an avalanche of criticism is barked at you by an angry but eloquent forum user who struggles to get out of the house.


080 Snowboarding - In which you take on the role of a physically-impaired MS sufferer as he tries to make it onto the regional news by performing a forgettable 80 degree turn at the local dry slope centre. Each level is an hour long and tracks improvement in the player's confidence as he gains the ability to stand, then walk, and then balance on the snowboard. After the player's hard-earned success in performing the 80 degree jump, the final cutscene unfolds: a reporter regrettably informs the MS sufferer that the snowboarding footage won't make it into the daily coverage because it has been pushed out of the running order by a breaking story of child rape.


1080 Now Boarding - A short flash game in which you play as a hapless passenger as they try to catch their next train, due at 10:80pm. The game ends when the player realises his ticket is a misprint, and has the wherewithal to seek assistance at the ticket office.

Edited by dwarf
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Until Dan: Everything was going fine until that wanker Dan showed up.


The Itcher 3: Fuck's sake, off to the clinic again.


Call of Duty: Back Ops: After a hard career of general soldiering, your character faces excruciating spinal surgery, all whilst battling his inner demons.


Dead or Alive: Extreme Bach Volleyball: Classic musicians get oiled up and play some sexy volleyball. Totally not a sex game.

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Battlefield: Ad Company - Produce viral ad campaigns in a bid to win an arms deal with Saudi Arabia


Tim Splitters - An epidemic suffered exclusively by Tims has been discovered. Split Tim open and cure him.


Dial O - A Warioware minigame that requires the dyslexic player-character to finish dialing a telephone number by pressing O. The game simulates dyslexia by scrambling the numbers and populating the screen with rabid ants.


Second Ight - Establish a rapport with skinheads by repeating their greetings back to them.

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Jus Cause: You play as a renegade French chef who will do anything to enhance the flavour of his dishes.


Drago Age: You play as Ivan Drago, desperately trying to rebuild your professional career after the defeat at the hands of Rocky Balboa.


Ever Alone: I wish I had one of those companion spirits the other Iñupiaqs talk about.


Metal Gear Sold: You must conduct backroom deals to build your scrap metal business.


Oat Simulator: Like Farmville but much more comical.


Meal of Honor: Can you cook a huge dinner capable of feeding 100 hungry soldiers?


Urnout Paradise: You must travel the world in order to find the best spot to scatter you're grandfather's ashes.

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Dadly Premonition: Your Dad predicts you'll grow up to be a no good loser. He's probably right.


House of the Dad: Whose house is it? That's right, it's Dad's house bitches.


Turtles in Tim: Some poor bastard called Tim gets buggered by all 4 Turtles.


(Totally want this thread to evolve into changing one letter so I can post Metropolis Street Raper)

Edited by Goafer
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  • 4 months later...

This thread totally needs to make a comeback.


MGS5: The Phantom Pan: Gordon Ramsay goes fucking bananas when he can't find his favourite pan. You must infiltrate Outer Kitchen and retrieve this Metal Cooking Gear before he completely wrecks the place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hoefront: The Revolution - The hoes strike back against a society which has oppressed them. Pimpin' ain't easy!


Itman - TAG. YOU'RE IT, MAN.


Irewatch - A new genre hitting digital stores this year. Follow Paddy in this mockumentary as he travels the beautiful Irish land in this Pokemon snap style adventure.


Unrave - Become an anti-anarchist as you travel around the London rave scene, converting party-goers into responsible members of society.


Boy Harvest - Controversial sleeper hit of 2016 as you steal younglings as they sleep and sell their organs on the black market.


108° Snowboarding - A more paralympian friendly snowboarding sim. Also recommended for noobs.


Bomberma - Your mother has been recruited by ISIS. She'll put a Jihad on all of you!

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Hoefront: The Revolution - The hoes strike back against a society which has oppressed them. Pimpin' ain't easy!


Itman - TAG. YOU'RE IT, MAN.


Irewatch - A new genre hitting digital stores this year. Follow Paddy in this mockumentary as he travels the beautiful Irish land in this Pokemon snap style adventure.


Unrave - Become an anti-anarchist as you travel around the London rave scene, converting party-goers into responsible members of society.


Boy Harvest - Controversial sleeper hit of 2016 as you steal younglings as they sleep and sell their organs on the black market.


108° Snowboarding - A more paralympian friendly snowboarding sim. Also recommended for noobs.


Bomberma - Your mother has been recruited by ISIS. She'll put a Jihad on all of you!

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I try my best!


Burning Ragers

Overcome a wave of increasingly intense erections as you try to romance the NPC of your choice.


Sega Ass Fishing

You've lost your keys. There's only one place they could be. Best get a length of rope and some lube.


Uncharted 2: Mong Theives

Stop a series of heists perpetrated by a group of high functioning special needs kids.


Cunter Strike

Tired of women constantly punching you in the balls, you decide to seek sweet revenge.

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