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Why not get it ready for launch though? They have had plenty of time.

Like Ronnie says, they're likely overhauling it, what with GC rumoured to be coming. Then there are the rumours regarding accounts and previous purchases carrying over. These things take time if they are being implemented. Though, all rumours at this stage, we could end up with another naff VC.


I think most users would agree that it's better to have a VC done right that rushed for launch. The Arlo video that was posted a couple of pages ago made a lot of sense with regard to this being a "soft launch", aimed at hardcore Nintendo fans, with Xmas being when it gets a big push when more units will be available. Having everyone rush in at once in November or December leaves a lot of people unhappy and is prime ground for scalpers. This way, those who are prepared to fork out on day 1, with an average launch line-up and unclear online features get their console before everyone else, then there are more units available for the "mass market" once marketing and word of mouth have started to do their jobs.


The value proposition offered by Switch in the run up to Christmas will be staggering once everything has fallen into place. Lots of games, coherent online and a working VC with a nice selection of games from various past consoles (hopefully with more N64 and GC). I think it's an interesting strategy that should pay off, unlike Wii U which did bonkers numbers on day one before committing seppuku a week later.

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Posted (edited)

Knew it was happening though as the Nintendo silence confirmed it.


This is how I saw it too so this wasn't a huge surprise. I have to say, even if I was getting a switch at launch I've pretty much bought all of the games I've wanted through the previous two consoles VC catalogue so it doesn't make a difference to me as I'm unlikely to buy anything off the VC for it.

Edited by Helmsly
Why? Which other consoles bar the Wii have launched with a virtual back catalogue?


I'm so tired of this entitled gamer mentality where people feel they have the right to complain about every single decision. Why are you buying day one if the console doesn't have what you want? Why are you wasting your money on a product that you're not happy with?


How exactly is no VC a big deal? Just like every other consoles launch in history we won't have a huge choice of stuff to play initially. We paid our pre-orders knowing that, complaining about it now is ridiculous.


The VC will launch when Nintendo are ready to launch it and hopefully it will be much better than the Wii U one. Not being available at launch indicates they might be making an effort this time.


VC has been done at launch before, Wii and Vita are two recent examples.


Given Nintendo have fuck all on the schedule for a while after Zelda and that we'll probably complete Zelda pretty quickly, you'd think getting this ready for launch would have been a priority.


Like Ronnie says, they're likely overhauling it, what with GC rumoured to be coming. Then there are the rumours regarding accounts and previous purchases carrying over. These things take time if they are being implemented. Though, all rumours at this stage, we could end up with another naff VC.


There's no excuse for not having the accounts/online side of things up for launch. Everyone else can do it.

VC has been done at launch before, Wii and Vita are two recent examples.


Given Nintendo have fuck all on the schedule for a while after Zelda and that we'll probably complete Zelda pretty quickly, you'd think getting this ready for launch would have been a priority.




There's no excuse for not having the accounts/online side of things up for launch. Everyone else can do it.

Accounts are ready for launch. As is online. The only thing that isn't is whether previous purchases will carry over. Just like all those PS1 games you bought on PS3 that you could download on your PS4 day one. Oh wait...

Posted (edited)
Accounts are ready for launch. As is online. The only thing that isn't is whether previous purchases will carry over. Just like all those PS1 games you bought on PS3 that you could download on your PS4 day one. Oh wait...


I assume this is an attempt to be funny but in response to that - they obviously chose not to go with emulation on PS4 (at least initially) in order to pursue streaming (PS Now). As a counter point to this, on Vita you could download your previously purchased PS1 games and your PSP games D1 with the same account. Then there's the situation where Nintendo have loads of pre-3D era NES/SNES games which are very easy to emulate and could surely have been made ready for launch.


Online is also far from sorted for the Switch, given they've announced the subscription thing is happening at some point later. It sounds as if they're still working things out.

Edited by Sheikah

It's annoying it isn't there but if I'm honest, I'm only here for N64 and GC virtual console. I honestly could not give a fuck about Kirby's Dream Land for snes for the 16th time.


Thankfully there are some eshop titles which is good, but disappointing VC isn't ready just yet.


Decent UI. Hopefully the option to turn off the news on the lock screen is in the "Receive News" menu.


Accounts are ready for launch. As is online. The only thing that isn't is whether previous purchases will carry over.


We also don't know if purchases can be used on another Switch without having to contact Nintendo's support. Which is the feature people are talking about when they mention an "account" system


Taken from gaf


Hot damn! One of the guys from NWR (Nintendo World Report) has some fantastic news about the battery dying! Apparently if you let it go all the way down, the system kicks itself into sleep mode and saves your progress.


His accidental test allowed him to resume playing after 30 minutes between the battery dying and docking the console. That's fucking ace.


Posted (edited)

Er not sure I agree with this just be happy with what Nintendo give us.


I agree they should be called out in regards to no VC at launch.


That's three console releases in a row. Not good enough

Edited by Rummy
There was an advert last night during the Brits but it was for 1 2 Switch and was pretty terrible.

Why they didn't show Zelda is beyond me.


Because 1-2 Switch would be the game that would cater more to the audience that watches that


Entitled gamers? You mean customers who just expect better.


I wish people wouldn't pick and choose when they want to compare Nintendo with the competition.


Either do it for everything or not at all.

Posted (edited)
Entitled gamers? You mean customers who just expect better.


I wish people wouldn't pick and choose when they want to compare Nintendo with the competition.


Either do it for everything or not at all.

"Entitled" = people who throw their money at a company or a product day one and demand that it has all the features they want, because they can't compute the idea of not buying it or just simply waiting. Instead they prefer to bitch and moan about the injustice they face for making the decision to purchase something they don't even want or something that doesn't adhere to their every specific need.


A lot of this has been happening since the Switch was announced, especially in this forum. A lot of people have stated their desire to wait until Christmas. A great deal of others have essentially moaned about how they're being forced to buy it day one despite it not being what they really want. Baffles the mind.

Edited by Nicktendo
"Entitled" = people who throw their money at a company or a product day one and demand that it has all the features they want, because they can't compute the idea of not buying it or just simply waiting. Instead they prefer to bitch and moan about the injustice they face for making the decision to purchase something they don't even want or something that doesn't adhere to their every specific need.


A lot of this has been happening since the Switch was announced, especially in this forum. A lot of people have stated their desire to wait until Christmas. A great deal of others have essentially moaned about how they're being forced to buy it day one despite it not being what they really want. Baffles the mind.



No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me.


I'm allowed to be disappointed when Nintendo don't match the standards I expect. I mean God forbid someone would expect them to not miss the VC store 3 times in a row. How dare one think they might just of delivered this time.


What I do think this shows is VC isn't so much a revenue spinner for Nintendo hence once again the lack of urgency to get it running.


Maybe it's time they look at the obscene pricing model and start selling 20 year old games cheaper.

No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me.


I'm allowed to be disappointed when Nintendo don't match the standards I expect. I mean God forbid someone would expect them to not miss the VC store 3 times in a row. How dare one think they might just of delivered this time.


What I do think this shows is VC isn't so much a revenue spinner for Nintendo hence once again the lack of urgency to get it running.


Maybe it's time they look at the obscene pricing model and start selling 20 year old games cheaper.

No I'm not. You are giving Nintendo your money, therefore buying their "bs".

No I'm not. You are giving Nintendo your money, therefore buying their "bs".


There are countless things I give money to every day; the idea that giving money precludes you from complaining about said thing is, frankly, ridiculous.

There are countless things I give money to every day; the idea that giving money precludes you from complaining about said thing is, frankly, ridiculous.

Buying a console on launch day and complaining about it is absolutely hilarious. I loved my Wii U, mostly because I bought it 2 years after it came out when it actually had some appeal. It's called common sense and logic. It didn't appeal to me in the first two years, so I ignored it.


For all those people wanting Nintendo to change, giving them your cash on day one ain't gonna make them do it. Entitled gamers with no patience.

Posted (edited)
Buying a console on launch day and complaining about it is absolutely hilarious.

It's about as hilarious as me complaining about public transport which I use and pay for anyway. Whatever makes you laugh though, I suppose.


I loved my Wii U, mostly because I bought it 2 years after it came out when it actually had some appeal. It's called common sense and logic. It didn't appeal to me in the first two years, so I ignored it.


For all those people wanting Nintendo to change, giving them your cash on day one ain't gonna make them do it. Entitled gamers with no patience.


The Wii U was a joke day 1 and was a joke until the end. Everything about the console is a joke, but we will still bought it at some point anyway because of the software released for it. Saying not to buy a console because it has some features missing is silly, because ultimately you'd miss out on some pretty good games and suffer that way instead.


Whether we buy it or not at launch doesn't really matter to Nintendo in the grand scheme/"sending a message" side of things, because even the Wii U did well at launch but bombed later down the line because of a variety of bad decisions. Nintendo also have a habit of not reducing their stuff by much, with some notable exceptions (the N64 and 3DS price drops early on), so it's not like it's even that much of a smart move to wait. May as well play Zelda in its best way and get a system that can play the future Mario game - but that doesn't mean you should be criticised for calling out poor moves they make.

Edited by Sheikah
Why? Which other consoles bar the Wii have launched with a virtual back catalogue?


I'm so tired of this entitled gamer mentality where people feel they have the right to complain about every single decision. Why are you buying day one if the console doesn't have what you want? Why are you wasting your money on a product that you're not happy with?


How exactly is no VC a big deal? Just like every other consoles launch in history we won't have a huge choice of stuff to play initially. We paid our pre-orders knowing that, complaining about it now is ridiculous.


The VC will launch when Nintendo are ready to launch it and hopefully it will be much better than the Wii U one. Not being available at launch indicates they might be making an effort this time.


What's the mentality that consumers are apparently NOT allowed to complain? Or hell, just people complaining generally? Believe it or not, people DO have that right; and it doesn't make it an 'entitled gamer mentality' either.


Sure, no VC may not be a big deal to you. The online may not be a big deal to you. The games may not be a big deal to you. Just because these things aren't a big deal to you, why can't they be to someone else? Not everyone is buying system for 100% exactly the same reasons. As for the repeated question of 'why buy it if it doesn't have what you want' - I ask again, what if it's not the simple? The system does enough for some people at the price it's retailing for that they will buy it(and conversely not for a number of people, too) - just because you might like more doesn't mean you don't want the thing at all. Why does this argument keep getting posed so dichotomously? Like it has to be all or nothing? Who really approaches or thinks about much in life like that?


Also saying that people paid their pre-orders 'knowing' that they weren't getting the VC isn't particularly fair - a very large number of people put pre-orders on this system despite not knowing very many things as this thread has shown(online setup and support, accounts and purchases, online cost, voice chat, virtual console etc to name a few). It's due with us in pretty much a week and you have to admit there's still a number of unknowns and uncertainties around the system - if you want to ask any questions of what other consoles I'd dare ask if any other console launch of the last few gens has felt so unknown or so uncertain so close to release date?


Like Ronnie says, they're likely overhauling it, what with GC rumoured to be coming. Then there are the rumours regarding accounts and previous purchases carrying over. These things take time if they are being implemented. Though, all rumours at this stage, we could end up with another naff VC.


Ronnie also promised me a direct by now - but I've yet to see it. What basis does one have for suggesting they're 'likely overhauling it'? That's just some blind/hopeful assumption from what I can see. Besides which as Blade already said - it's not like they haven't HAD time. What have they been doing with it all this while, and if they still need more time why are they rushing a product to launch if they still need that time to work on its features??


Any other company that so blatantly ignored their core fanbase this consistently would have gone bust a long, long time ago. Thanks to what seems to be a kind of begrudging reverse-fanboyism, which is based on seemingly nothing but nostalgia, Nintendo are being kept in business by people who consistently rush out to buy products they don't really want. We all hate Nintendo, but damn we love their games.


Here's hoping Nintendo go third party so people can finally be at peace again.

No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me.


No I'm not. You are giving Nintendo your money, therefore buying their "bs".


Can I point out that you've almost literally just said you know what liger is going to enjoy better than he will? You've insisted you're correct on your opinion of his being and self as a person and what he enjoys? I'm sure it wasn't intended like that, but it certainly does read like that to me. Can nobody see how unproductive comments/stuff like these are? Why attack the 'person' buying/not buying the system rather than discuss the system and its pros/cons or the points people are making? I remain convinced it's what leads to so much tension here. To say you don't understand something is one thing, to dismiss it is something else - especially when so much of this comes down to opinions or feelings where there is very rarely a right or wrong.


Anyhow, I digress. Tbh with you I think the worse candidates for the complaining and entitlement are probably actually the ones who are refusing to buy the system but still complaining(such as myself :D!) about it - surely if you buy/support a product you've a right to evaluate it and judge it?! Besides which if they're not then it leads me rather to wonder why statutory consumer rights exist in our law!


Switch is doing some good things, Switch is doing some not so good things or rather just isn't doing the good things. It isn't all black and white, yes or no, hate or love. I struggle to understand how people are managing to simplify the issue to such a fine point when I really cannot see it, nor even feel it myself as someone with interest in the system.

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