Esequiel Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I've been in hospital since last night. A couple of hours ago I had a needle in my back extracting spinal fluid (finally got it at the third attempt) yet somehow this reveal was more painful. Some one give this man a gold star and a cookie. It's the only thing Iv read today that delivered!!! Also, hope your ok!
killthenet Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I'm watching the Treehouse stream and the system does look really nice, the pro controller especially looks gorgeous. It's just such a shame that it all costs so much! Watching this and re-watching the beginning of the presentation has upped my excitement again definitely, the price and the lack of details really killed it for me this morning, as well as the confusion over the online services. It's so frustrating when Nintendo do some of the things they do, especially when they seem to have nailed a high end marketing style for the Switch that was sorely lacking from Wii U. I'm still optimistic about the system and will be picking one up at launch, I might just have to wait a while before picking up any extra controllers or games.
Ashley Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 (edited) So this is launch apparently... [tweet]819935233470590981[/tweet] Oh they seem to have deleted it. Launch titles were Zelda, Just Dance, Skylanders, Street Fighter, 12 and something else... Later in March was Snipper, Fast and something else. Will see if anyone took a copy. Seems they just took it down and re-did it... But if it goes again: I know there will be more coming out this year, but they've got 26 games there for the first nine months. The Wii U launched with 30 games. Edited January 13, 2017 by Ashley
killthenet Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 So this is launch apparently... [tweet]819933897165328384[/tweet] Oh they seem to have deleted it. Launch titles were Zelda, Just Dance, Skylanders, Street Fighter, 12 and something else... Later in March was Snipper, Fast and something else. Will see if anyone took a copy. Bomberman R was also a launch title. Skyrim in Autumn is way too late, I don't think it's going to sell too well. I wonder if Xenoblade 2 is just coming to Japan this year and will be in other territories around March 2018.
Kounan Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 It looks like there are more and more announced games and people are happy about it.
Rob3008 Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I was going to hold off on getting Skyrim for Switch but by the time the Switch version is released it'll be over a year old (and it's already a 5 year old game!) and available much cheaper on PS4. Is Yooka-Laylee not coming to Switch this year?
Kounan Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I don't have a big problem with the launch games, I would only prefer one Nintendo platformer and I would be really happy with it. Mario Kart is coming out only a month later, so it's not a big deal.
dazzybee Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Fuck me it just gets worse and worse.... 5 launch line up games including Indies....!??! This has to be one of the most staggering days for Nintendo.... What have they been doing for the past 3 years? Are 3rd parties/Indies making games at all? Is there loads we don't know? It's bonkers the biggest fuck up with the wii, 3ds, wii u was game droughts and a steady flow of games... I Just don't understand what is happening!
Kounan Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 So all controllers have gyro's? Does the pro have HD rumble and other stuff? Is it the reason for the high price?
Ashley Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I think part of the problem with today is again they've left us feeling like there's more to come, but whereas with the last one they quickly said "more on January 13th" at the moment we don't know what/when. If they said something like "we'll be having a direct every week until the launch focusing on different things" that would have been great. We don't really need to know how the OS works right now, but we need to know that we will know about this before the launch. I can't tell if its an oversight or they think people don't care (not OS specifically, just the various bits and pieces we have questions about).
liger05 Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Launch day releases are tragic. If you don't like Zelda there is nothing at all.
Julius Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Bomberman R was also a launch title. Skyrim in Autumn is way too late, I don't think it's going to sell too well. I wonder if Xenoblade 2 is just coming to Japan this year and will be in other territories around March 2018. If I were them I wouldn't play such a dangerous game with fans if that turns out to be the case. It was shared by Ninty UK though, and if anything I'm sure we would be the ones to get it last.
The Cape Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I don't have much time to play anymore, and I was starting to think I'd skip a generation or so until I settle down. But Nintendo knows how to get me... After seeing Mario I'll be buying the Switch for sure! I may not pay for the online as I just play with one of my brothers and one friend, and very rarely. But Nintendo games still look good enough for me to justify buying a console and having only, say 6 or 8 games in all the generation. So yeah, as long as Nintendo keep delivering great software, I'll be in The launch line-up looks fine to me, with many Nintendo games (and Xenoblade) soon enough, and some great third party games. We already knew some, but it's great to see games like Skyrim and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 in there. I hope this will keep up for all Switch's life.
Blade Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Launch line up looks tragic. So tempted not to both and just buy Zelda Wii u and then consider getting a Switch at Xmas.
Julius Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 MK8 Deluxe runs at 1080P 60FPS. Talked about it being an upscale of a previous Wii U game. Will Zelda run the same..?
lostmario Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 I woke up without an alarm at 3.50 so I had to watch it, my body was clearly ready. The plan was to get up at 5 but the hype got to me clearly. I thought the conference was pretty good, very professional from Nintendo. The only dodgy point was the Suda51 guy. Regarding the pricing, way too high if they want the casuals back. Mario & Zelda trailers were fantastic. That Zelda trailer. I wasn't a fan of 1 2 Switch or Arms. Splatoon has never interested me but I guess it looked okay, not much of a visual improvement though. Am I wrong in saying that? The online subscription and voice chat... voice chat and messaging via your phone... Why do Nintendo have to do things differently every god damn time. Its stupid plus I have a Windows Phone, so I'd have to buy a new phone just to use the bloody service I'd be paying for. No chance! Did they forget about this feature and add the smart phone app at the last minute? It looks that way! Regarding the launch lineup, wow, its so poor. Some have defended it saying it similar to other launch lineups but I don't remember having the option to play Rogue Squadron II or Super Mario 64 on a console I already own. It needs an proper AAA exclusive title. The only reason to buy it at launch is Zelda and you can buy it on the same day for a console you already own. So you have two choices Play Zelda on Switch £280 + £60 = £340 Play Zelda on Wii U £40 Hmmm... I wonder which one the majority of people will choose.
Julius Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 MK8 Deluxe runs at 1080p 60FPS on TV, 720p 60FPS on the go, according to Treehouse folk. Talked about it being an upscale of a previous Wii U game. Will Zelda run the same..?
Hero-of-Time Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 Poor Tim looks absolutely gutted and deflated. I thought they asked him about how many launch games there would be.
Kounan Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 So, we also have to buy a charging joy-con grip if we don't want to charge it via console? Not only that this console is expensive, but they are trying to make money out of everything. EDIT: Oh, the included grip has a usb-c port so you can charge it while playing.
Julius Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 (edited) So this is launch apparently... [tweet]819935233470590981[/tweet] Oh they seem to have deleted it. Launch titles were Zelda, Just Dance, Skylanders, Street Fighter, 12 and something else... Later in March was Snipper, Fast and something else. Will see if anyone took a copy. Seems they just took it down and re-did it... But if it goes again: I know there will be more coming out this year, but they've got 26 games there for the first nine months. The Wii U launched with 30 games. Been looking around at game pricings everywhere, and stumbled upon something on GAME. It might be nothing, or it may be placeholder - so take it with a grain of salt - but these dates aren't "TBC" like others with unconfirmed release dates (such as FIFA, Skyrim, etc.), so I thought it was worth sharing, especially seeing as other dates that are specific thus far seem to match the officially confirmed dates. According to the website: • Splatoon 2 - August 18th • ARMS - April 15th ShopTo seems to have a similar thing going on, with Ubisoft's Steep (the skiing game) and Rayman Legends Definitive Edition currently stated as having March 3rd - launch day - releases. Again, grain of salt, but this would certainly back up just how much Ubisoft were backing the Switch before reveal: 3 launch day titles (the two aforementioned as well as Just Dance). Edited January 13, 2017 by Julius Caesar
killthenet Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 So, we also have to buy a charging joy-con grip if we don't want to charge it via console? Not only that this console is expensive, but they are trying to make money out of everything. I don't know about that, the Joy Con grip that comes with the console and the Jon Con Charging Grip sold separately look identical. It would be a ridiculous decision to make two different types of grip.
Kounan Posted January 13, 2017 Posted January 13, 2017 So this is launch apparently... [tweet]819935233470590981[/tweet] Oh they seem to have deleted it. Launch titles were Zelda, Just Dance, Skylanders, Street Fighter, 12 and something else... Later in March was Snipper, Fast and something else. Will see if anyone took a copy. Seems they just took it down and re-did it... But if it goes again: I know there will be more coming out this year, but they've got 26 games there for the first nine months. The Wii U launched with 30 games. From these 26 games announced till now, there are at least 10 I will probably get and it could be more (I have to see what the other games are). I am actually happy with that. I don't know about that, the Joy Con grip that comes with the console and the Jon Con Charging Grip sold separately look identical. It would be a ridiculous decision to make two different types of grip. I've read about it on gaf. The charging one is different, you actually can get one for 2 sets.
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