Rummy Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 It really wouldn't be silly at all. There are a lot of people who wouldn't want to pay a monthly subscription to play online. Hardcore gamers would, but would families or children, or mobile gamers who may move over? These are the people Nintendo will seek to target. Having a paid for system may just cripple the online even more. Giving a choice is the most sensible way to give everyone what they want. But I think a simplified free system is all they will offer. Out of that and a paid system it's the one that make sense the most sense for Nintendo. Though free and improved services would be even better. Personally I detest paying for online on the ps4, the free games every month are 99% awful, and I don't feel online should I be paid for. Giving a choice? Isn't it the same on PS4+XBone atm? Some limited aspects without it, more online functionality with. I was assuming that as a standard when saying no free online. As for putting people off? Well, you know it when you're buying the console though. Also it can help reduce the price of a console to a more appealing mark, AND consider that if this is a handheld/console hybrid maybe you won't be as 'forced' to have online due to its portable/still locally playable nature. Consider however that that in itself might even become the seller to move people onto Online, and generate the revenue for them. Technology is moving and evolving, and quickly. What happens if they encounter unexpected issues, or loads, or want to do work, or change this or change that; but don't have any specific money to do so because their system hasn't taken off very well or is in a similar situation to the WiiU? With an online subs fee that can go into a pot for that(let's say they make £1 profit per month per subscriber) then it gives them a buffer to address such things. What if their paid online proves to be wildly popular? That's even more in the pot to then consider putting towards the service in other ways. The ultimate question is, will having a free online honestly make more money that they can account for than having a subscription system? I don't think so. The world is constantly online and social right now - that's far more important to a lot of people(I think H-o-T has commented previously about nieces/nephews etc). I'd have to ask/wonder - did they get into the spot(alol) with the GameSpot servers because they went for an initial free online approach? Do we want that to happen again? As Ashley says - yes, families will buy online subscriptions. They were doing it 10 years ago in a less online world, and I'd dare say they're even more likely to do so in the current online world; assuming the system gives a decent amount of online and social features. Another point this brings it back round to is the earlier one - do things to add value to the subscription too, such as free games or VC credit, exclusive deals or demos etc.
dazzybee Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 (edited) Even working in Game years ago (leaving in 2008) parents would absolutely buy online subscriptions for their children if that's what the children wanted. You've got a nipper right? Wait until pester power comes into play My 12 year old cousin got a PS Plus subscription for Christmas last year. Obviously some parents would be against it, but I don't think it's a huge issue across the board. Maybe a two tier approach. Free gives you everything but online play? And voice chat, because nobody is getting that obviously But I think a lot of people would be against it too. I think the free should GIVE online play, but none of the extras like voice/party chat and maybe free games. I just can't see Nintendo forcing people to pay for online, not only that, I don't think they're in a position to either, I just don't think people will and cripple their attempt to improve their online services. @Rummy no, you have to pay to play online with ps4 and xb1, there aren't tiers. Sony did offer tiers for PS3, but not ps4. Edited August 12, 2016 by dazzybee Automerged Doublepost
Ashley Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 That's a good point as such - Sony and Microsoft proved their online offering with a console before charging for it, which lessened the blow. Nintendo is yet to. I think its ridiculous to think of voice chat and party chat as "extras" in 2016 though.
Rummy Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 But I think a lot of people would be against it too. I think the free should GIVE online play, but none of the extras like voice/party chat and maybe free games. I just can't see Nintendo forcing people to pay for online, not only that, I don't think they're in a position to either, I just don't think people will and cripple their attempt to improve their online services. @Rummy no, you have to pay to play online with ps4 and xb1, there aren't tiers. Sony did offer tiers for PS3, but not ps4. Ah, I see you're saying the ability to play Online should be free. I agree with Ashley others shouldn't be extras, but also stand by the fact that Online has an ongoing cost in terms of servers, maintenance, balance patching etc to name a few. I think as such it's smart business to have its own revenue stream dedicated to it, to help buffer any unexpected issues. As for the 'a lot of people' who would be against it - who? Who are they? I've already given the examples of H-o-T(I think it is)'s nieces/nephews, Ashley and me have given examples of people who buy subs in shops. How many people here own and actively use the PS4 or an XBone and don't have the online subscription service? Right now I can see 'a lot of people', actual people, who do and probably would pay. People in this thread saying they'd pay. Even you, who dislikes having to, still pays!! Think of all the things some people sub to a month. Think that you've got 2-3 kids in a household - £40(even though you can get it cheaper) split 3 ways for a year really isn't that bad either. People pay more for Amazon/Netflix etc! People used to rent games for a few quid for a night or two - are we really saying people now won't pay a few quid a month for a wealth of online content/features? I honestly don't think these supposed group of people who wouldn't like it are really going to have such a significant effect compared to having a funded online system - but the important thing is, as was originally being said, that said online system appeals for more ways than just Online features. Moving slightly off but take also that I barely touch my WiiU now. Why? Due to a lack of a good online system with features on par with standard. I loved Splatoon, but it was a pain. You know what made me buy Overwatch? Because I thought if I could put so much time into Splatoon with a lesser system, I'd definitely get my money's worth on the PS4. Add to that the fact I bought the sub last Oct/Sept when I bought the console - it isn't even an ongoing cost to my mind at the moment. Of course, with the WiiU, it's free, but it's not getting me playing the console. I, and as the VC argument has probably pointed to time and again, would gladly pay a few quid a month for a more robust and social online system. The Wii U did enough damage to me and my perception of their brand/direction that it made me have serious doubts about jumping into the NX. I'm not going to be the only one(as, indeed, many here have expressed similar sentiments).
Fierce_LiNk Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 It's all to do with value for money and how much of it is deemed a necessity by the player. I have no real grievance with paying for online because there are tons of games that support online play, the quality of the experience is good and I've pretty much made any money that I would have spent on PS+ back with the games that they release every month. Rocket League, Tricky Towers, Tropico V, Injustice, NBA2k16, Gone Home, HellDivers, Teslagrad, Sound Shapes, The Unfinished Swan, Counterspy, etc. By contrast, I wouldn't pay for the WiiU's online in its current state. It doesn't represent good value for money. There isn't that plethora of online-enabled games to begin with, so the choice isn't great. Then, the options aren't on par with current systems. Nintendo would have to change a great deal before they even considered charging people for this service. You have to offer more than just a handful of online-orientated games before people will deem it value for money. Free isn't necessarily the best option. I pay for Spotify and I would never go back to the free model. There's no adverts, I have unlimited music at my disposal, I can download my tracks to my phone or whatever and can listen to my music wherever I am. I sync up my playlist to the car radio and recently used it both ways on the long drive to Wales and back. To me, that represents good value for money.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 As for the 'a lot of people' who would be against it - who? Who are they? I've already given the examples of H-o-T(I think it is)'s nieces/nephews, Ashley and me have given examples of people who buy subs in shops. Yeah, it was me. My oldest nephews and nieces simply won't entertain playing on a console that doesn't allow them to chat to their friends while playing. The online social aspect of gaming is a huge thing now. Gone are the days of having a headset plugged in and being bombarded with racist comments or kids screaming. Being able to talk privately with up to 8 mates is great for the banter with people who you wouldn't normally see on a day to day basis. Moving slightly off but take also that I barely touch my WiiU now. Why? Due to a lack of a good online system with features on par with standard. I loved Splatoon, but it was a pain. You know what made me buy Overwatch? Because I thought if I could put so much time into Splatoon with a lesser system, I'd definitely get my money's worth on the PS4. Add to that the fact I bought the sub last Oct/Sept when I bought the console - it isn't even an ongoing cost to my mind at the moment. Same for me. Had the Wii U online setup been identical to what the others offer then I easily would have still been playing Smash, Mario Kart and Splatoon. The fact that you have to jump through hoops and check forum pages just to set up a game is laughable in this day and age. We should simply switch on our console, see who is online and then invite the people you want to play with via chat or even a game invite. Job done.
Glen-i Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 As for the 'a lot of people' who would be against it - who? Who are they? Well, there's me. Granted, I'm a strange situation in that I don't have an internet connection, but I use DCubed's internet connection to download stuff and play online now and again. Therefore, I would not get as much value out of a subscription if they introduced one.
Agent Gibbs Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Has anyone seen the latest NX news A few sites reporting on this now, so it's looking increasingly more likely I doubt the controller would be exactly like that, and if it is effectively a plastic button grip for the NX that does allow a degree of customisation as well as likely means some of those ideas of an attachment to make them a controller for console mode could be cock on
Rummy Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 (edited) Well, there's me. Granted, I'm a strange situation in that I don't have an internet connection, but I use DCubed's internet connection to download stuff and play online now and again.Therefore, I would not get as much value out of a subscription if they introduced one. Ah, but that sounds like a barrier unrelated to the console itself - so it isn't particularly fair to raise it as a point is it? I mean, I'd never pay for online if I didn't have a decent/any internet connection. Out of interest how/why do you not have internet connection if you're in London?? Would you pay for online if you did? How tempted would you be by maybe a £3 a month cost to get a free gamecube/wii/few selectable number of VC titles a month, if you could download them over at Dcubeds? Yeah, it was me. My oldest nephews and nieces simply won't entertain playing on a console that doesn't allow them to chat to their friends while playing. The online social aspect of gaming is a huge thing now. Gone are the days of having a headset plugged in and being bombarded with racist comments or kids screaming. Being able to talk privately with up to 8 mates is great for the banter with people who you wouldn't normally see on a day to day basis. Yeah one thing I made the most of on 360/XBL was just party chatting with mates, either whilst playing the same game online(same as we do on ps4/overwatch atm) or doing other things. Sometimes was fun venturing into random game chat, but as you say you can avoid the drivel of idiots by just going private party. Sadly I have to use examples from people such as yourself/others because I don't actually have many younger people to ask(I don't know if @Fierce_LiNk gets a better insight as a teacher) but I think I've still got a pretty good handle on the 21+ bracket taking from myself, friends, and people here. Same for me. Had the Wii U online setup been identical to what the others offer then I easily would have still been playing Smash, Mario Kart and Splatoon. The fact that you have to jump through hoops and check forum pages just to set up a game is laughable in this day and age. We should simply switch on our console, see who is online and then invite the people you want to play with via chat or even a game invite. Job done. I think I'd definitely be the same. Chatting+Smashing is great. Easily joining/setting stuff up is great. Splatoon we skyped for sometimes - I recall one day I think me, @Cube and @Goron_3(with some other passing stragglers) all ended up on it for the good part of an entire Saturday afternoon one time, when we were all sort of supposed to do something else lol. Admittedly I've recently been included in the whatsapp group for Overwatch where we can organise - but still often it's just done by seeing someone on PSN and going from there(last night I got seen and invited). Even without, PS Messages and its convenient functionality on phones allows you to organise things even when you're away from your console just like Whatsapp would. I think the Whatsapp distinction is simply because we've all known each other for so long and don't mind passing that barrier, rather than any fault in alternative functionality. (Damn. All this social talk's got me super hyped for the meet tomorrow!) Has anyone seen the latest NX news A few sites reporting on this now, so it's looking increasingly more likely I doubt the controller would be exactly like that, and if it is effectively a plastic button grip for the NX that does allow a degree of customisation as well as likely means some of those ideas of an attachment to make them a controller for console mode could be cock on Do believe someone posted it up not too many posts ago! The patent picture at least, but I err on taking each patent with a pinch for now. Edited August 12, 2016 by Rummy
Glen-i Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Ah, but that sounds like a barrier unrelated to the console itself - so it isn't particularly fair to raise it as a point is it? I mean, I'd never pay for online if I didn't have a decent/any internet connection. Out of interest how/why do you not have internet connection if you're in London?? Would you pay for online if you did? How tempted would you be by maybe a £3 a month cost to get a free gamecube/wii/few selectable number of VC titles a month, if you could download them over at Dcubeds? You're right, it isn't fair. Which is why I'm such a bizarre situation. The simple reason I don't have a connection is the same reason I would never even consider getting a PS4/XBone. My disposable income sucks. Now provided I did have a connection, would I pay a monthly fee for online access? Not straight away. The majority of the games I play on home consoles (Yeah, yeah, I know NX is all sorts of mysteries) are single player affairs. So it would absolutely depend on the games I got. Now taking the free VC games, etc. It depends on two key factors. Now bear with me, because I don't know how this works on PS+. It depends on whether I can keep the games. And whether it's a constantly supported service throughout the console's life. If I can keep the games, sure, I'd pay for that. If it's just a trial period, than I'd "Nope" all the way out of that. Although, call me cynical, but a few free VC games for 3 quid a month seems like madness.
Ronnie Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Excellent debating skills as ever - taking my own criticism and throwing it back at me whilst completely ignoring and not addressing my actual points and requests. Good contribution to the discussion. Your point focused on quantity and how at most 3 games per genre wasn't enough. My argument was that that list was exclusively first or second party titles, making it more than acceptable. Throw in third parties and indies as @Sheikah bizarrely suggested, and the list would be even more extensive. Your snark and flimsy reasoning and arguments are the real top notch contributions here. Nintendo's first and second party offerings are very diverse, far more so than the other two hardware manufacturers. The obvious problem is that their third party offerings don't measure up. @Ronnie, I want to agree with you so bad, but I find it hard to sympathise when you're classifying my favourite game as "Mini Maze Adventure" Mini Maze Adventure!? That's the genre Nintendo gave it
Glen-i Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 That's the genre Nintendo gave it Where? I'm looking on the Nintendo site and they classify it as an RPG. (Kinda vague, it's a Roguelike)
Sheikah Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 (edited) I don't give a fuck if it's first, second or third party Ronnie. The point about Indies that completely flew over your head was that compared to the PS4, Wii U hardly has any. It mostly has Nintendo games which limits the diversity on offer. All that matters is that the Wii U has poor game variety. Doesn't matter a jot about whether it's a first/third party list. Edited August 12, 2016 by Sheikah
Ronnie Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 I don't give a fuck if it's first, second or third party Ronnie. The point about Indies that completely flew over your head was that compared to the PS4, Wii U hardly has any. It mostly has Nintendo games which limits the diversity on offer. All that matters is that the Wii U has poor game variety. Doesn't matter a jot about whether it's a first/third party list. FFS, the discussion centred around Nintendo's first party offerings!! How combining their in house output from 3DS and Wii U would create a massive library of games for one system. I suggested that the list of core games that Hero-of-Time put up was very diverse, genre wise. Not rocket science. There are a couple of gaps admittedly, but if you want a realistic shooter or a gritty openworld grind fest you know to go elsewhere anyway.
dazzybee Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 @Rummy you give anecdotal evidence about people wanting to pay, and me and @Clownferret have about people refusing to play. Fact is, a certain type of game is willing to pay to play online, PS4 gamers, Xbox, so saying these people pay and are fine with it isn't an argument for Nintendo. If Nintendo had a better paid online set up would they Wii u have sold more? Would as many people be playing Splatoon/smash/kart? I'm not talking about people here or someone's cousin. I mean in the bigger scheme? Who knows, but I'm pretty confident the answer would be no. It's an issue, but not a huge one. The discussion should be about looking at Nintendo, their fans, people who may buy the NX; would a paid system benefit them or not, irrespective of what we personally want because trust me, I'd pay for it, I want a PS4 featured system on NX; but I'm not 100% convinced it would be best for Nintendo, and less convinced Nintendo would want to charge for it. It's also slightly bizarre that we want to be charged more more, why can't we just be fighting for a better system, but still free!
Hero-of-Time Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 The discussion should be about looking at Nintendo, their fans, people who may buy the NX; would a paid system benefit them or not, irrespective of what we personally want because trust me, I'd pay for it, I want a PS4 featured system on NX; but I'm not 100% convinced it would be best for Nintendo, and less convinced Nintendo would want to charge for it. Nintendo would love to charge for it if they could. At the end of the day they are a business and look to take your money any way they can. Just look at the SNES games on the 3DS. Hardly consumer friendly practices going on right there. I think they know just how bare bones a setup their online is and that no one would pay for it the way it is. If they were to make a more robust setup then there is no doubt in my mind that they will be looking to charge for it. I'd love to be proven wrong but I just don't see it.
Ronnie Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Where? I'm looking on the Nintendo site and they classify it as an RPG. (Kinda vague, it's a Roguelike) I don't think we're talking about the same game, I was talking about Captain Toad. It was described by Nintendo as a mini maze adventure a while back though now they seem to have it down as puzzle/platformer, which it is tbf.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 I don't think we're talking about the same game, I was talking about Captain Toad. It was described by Nintendo as a mini maze adventure a while back though now they seem to have it down as puzzle/platformer, which it is tbf. That's what I would class it as, as well as a freaking amazing game. You bought it yet, @Blade?
Sheikah Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 It's also slightly bizarre that we want to be charged more more, why can't we just be fighting for a better system, but still free! As the saying get what you pay for.
Ronnie Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 I demand a Captain Toad NX, make it happen Ninty. The portable aspect would be great for a game like that
Kav Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 I'm confident that more people would be playing online on the WiiU if it was a subscription service o par with the other consoles. I don't think the console would've shifted more or less, but I believe more people would've played online and still be playing online. It's Nintendo, I believe the majority of Nintendo fans would pay if there's no other option.
dazzybee Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Nintendo would love to charge for it if they could. At the end of the day they are a business and look to take your money any way they can. Just look at the SNES games on the 3DS. Hardly consumer friendly practices going on right there. I think they know just how bare bones a setup their online is and that no one would pay for it the way it is. If they were to make a more robust setup then there is no doubt in my mind that they will be looking to charge for it. I'd love to be proven wrong but I just don't see it. Yeah maybe. I dunno, they do bang the children/family drum a bit, and the style and image all fits towards that. I'd be truly gobsmacked if they charged for people to play online. That's why I think a system that's free and a paid system makes sense. As the saying get what you pay for. Maybe. I'm not entirely convinced it couldn't be as good and still be free though. But like I say, given the choice, I'd rather pay for a better service. Do people think Nintendo WILL do this, or just wished they would?
Hero-of-Time Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 Do people think Nintendo WILL do this, or just wished they would? I wish they would but they probably won't. They'll probably remain as stubborn as ever, with their heads up their own backsides, and pretend online gaming isn't a big deal.
dazzybee Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 I wish they would but they probably won't. They'll probably remain as stubborn as ever, with their heads up their own backsides, and pretend online gaming isn't a big deal. There might take it out of Mario Kart as they want everyone to sit in the same room with their NXs I think they could get a great system and it still be free and offer a VC subscription service. I'm sort of worried it'll be the same set up as Wii u though... One positive is that I do think they'll have more online in most of their games from now on. But if it's a crack system will people want to play them!
Hero-of-Time Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 There might take it out of Mario Kart as they want everyone to sit in the same room with their NXs I think they could get a great system and it still be free and offer a VC subscription service. I'm sort of worried it'll be the same set up as Wii u though... One positive is that I do think they'll have more online in most of their games from now on. But if it's a crack system will people want to play them! That's what we all thought when the Wii to Wii U transition was happening and look how that turned out.
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