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I can't believe people are sticking with Eurogamer it's not real it's going to be a platform a Console and a handheld on there own wow people are stupid everyone was saying don't trust Rumors and when Eurogamer post it everyone says it's real why the sudden change and if it's a hybrid I might not get it


sounds like someone is in denial.


you dont want it to be a handheld so you would rather we all just ignore the latest news and pretend Nintendo are releasing a PS4 beating home console.


unless these sources are trolling eurogamer etc etc which we all know they are not, NX is a handheld.


its not like eurogamer and other sites have just bumped into a couple of guys in the street who claim they work for nintendo.


come on dude, eurogamer would not have printed the article if they wasnt 100% sure that the sources are genuine.


just accept the reality and move on. The NX (for the time being) isnt gonna be a home console.


maybe nintendo will release a home console in a few years.

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Somewhat in canand's defense, whilst I agree it's likely, we still should keep in mind these are all still essentially rumours/speculation. Even if they're accurate now, are they end point accurate? I think we'll see half-truths out of this really. I think the basic idea of a handheldable-homedockable hybrid is likely and actually quite good but I reckon, being Nintendo, the ultimate end point implementation will still be very different to what we might otherwise expect.


I mentioned elsewhere but one thing I'd really enjoy about it(given it's a series I got into at the wrong points) would be a Monster Hunter title on said system. The ability to play from home with mates, or local with a mate whilst I'm on my TV(ala MH3 3DS/WiiU iirc) or even with both of us down the pub an hour ealier for a quick hunt before everyone else arrives - that's a pretty excellent idea. What if I could meet people out and about in person, with my NX in my hands, and then have them as an online/'console' friend when I'm at home to play and chat with?


EDIT: RE: BotW I am still not currently planning to pick up an NX without more details and post immediate launch. I don't approve of the delay/dual system move again, so I will only be getting it on my WiiU initially. THE swaying factor is IF the NX is exactly as we suspect, and then I'd probably only get it on the system to showcase to many of the Nintendo fans, easily and handheld-ed-ly, the game. That's one plus of the NX if it's a handheld/console hybrid - it has a potential for Nintendo fans themselves to further market and rope in the lost contingents.

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I'm not happy about the idea of a single screen handheld again, but if they do this then I'm fine with it. It's not what I had hoped for, based on what Nintendo/Iwata said, but I'm over it.


I'll happily throw all my money at Nintendo for it

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I can't be bothered anymore nobody listens to what I say because they have been brainwashed with this rumour from Eurogamer and other sites If it is a hybrid I will get Zelda for Wii U


Probably won't be a hybrid. Just a handheld that outputs to a TV.

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Hey @Canad Join us


Dammit Gibs you didn't even have the decency to get the man's name right!


(tbh I quoted this thinking text was actually added below the image due to its perfect fit, so it's not as funny for me thinking you can just edit your post rather than an image :( )

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Movies easily have a much wider appeal and lower barrier of entry. Just about anyone will sit down and watch a movie of some kind but not everyone will give gaming the time of day. Movies cost less and don't require a large investment of a persons time. There's also the issue of how games are perceived by most people. While movies are seen as a normal thing to spend your time on, gaming, despite how big it has become, still has that stigma about it.


I wouldn't say movies have a lower barrier of entry than mobile games... I think nowadays most people play game of some sorts. Also disagree about cost of movies, not convinced they are cheaper to make, especially when you take it all, even making the lowest budget of films you need a team of people and pay expenses and get equipment and such, games are still being made with one person in a room and being released. I would say there are more films at a huge budget being made than games too.


Obviously it's degrees, maybe you don't really count people playing candy crush on the tube as people playing games, but I think it's far bigger and something most people do than you're implying. However, I do agree there is still a certain stigma with gaming still, I mean people who play these mindless mobile games have criticised gaming... not realising they play games too almost. Very strange.


Probably won't be a hybrid. Just a handheld that outputs to a TV.


How is that not a hybrid? Serious question, it has a dock you put the unit in for tv play. What would make a hybrid in your eyes? Not disputing in a really simplified way it's pretty much a handheld that outputs to tele, but just wondered what you thought would make it a hybrid.

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There are still loads of people that don't play free to play/mobile games. But I'd say the vast majority of people, if not nearly everyone, watches a film from time to time.


And you're basing this on what? I just don't agree anymore. Especially with the rise in TV and boxsets and youtube and such, I don't think people are watching more films. Also in places like China and less developed countries I'm pretty certain gaming is far bigger; on top of that I'd say people spend more time gaming than watching films too.


There are some reports and such out there, but the problem is the film and gaming industry don't quite track the same things so hard to make a comparison.


@dazzybee I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. :D


Haha, yeah, ultimately it's hard to say, but I think at the very least it's pretty close. I mean aren't most app downloads games? And aren't app downloads in the billions? I don't think I know one person in my life that doesn't play one game in some form. Obviously anecdotal, but still...


Interesting though.

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And you're basing this on what?


Observations and just generally life experience?


How many old people do you see playing mobile games? Yet films have been about longer than said old people, and those old people still / have no doubt watched many films. Smartphones are big but still a piece of the population, then people who play those sorts of F2P mobile games are a piece of a piece. Not going to have anywhere near the same uptake as films.

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Not true. There are many Nintendo products and games I haven't bought.


I don't have a single Fire Emblem game, for example. Or Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer & amiibo Festival, most amiibo


You really don't get sarcasm do you?


There are still loads of people that don't play free to play/mobile games. But I'd say the vast majority of people, if not nearly everyone, watches a film from time to time.


One of my former staff used to claim he'd not seen a film since Jaws, but I think he just liked to give off a hoity-toity (is that even how you spell that?) persona.

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Observations and just generally life experience?


How many old people do you see playing mobile games? Yet films have been about longer than said old people, and those old people still / have no doubt watched many films. Smartphones are big but still a piece of the population, then people who play those sorts of F2P mobile games are a piece of a piece. Not going to have anywhere near the same uptake as films.


I reckon a lot of people will. Words with friends and chess :)


Yeah films have been out longer and they will have watched lots of films, but I'm talking now. I bet most people watch more TV/boxets than films now, cinema has become painfully narrow with family films and blockbusters taking up the bulk of cinema; the films that used to be made are either being made for TV and indies, and indies have substantially low figures.


Without hard figures, who knows the full situation. I guess I just presumed it was a common thought among people so was surprised :)


Anyways, back on topic, what will be more successful - NX, or mobile games?

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Without hard figures, who knows the full situation. I guess I just presumed it was a common thought among people so was surprised :)


I'm incredibly surprised you thought it was the other way. Nearly 20% of the UK population are at retirement age or over; that's 11.8 million people, of which I think we can all agree the overwhelming majority are not playing F2P mobile games, let alone even own a smartphone.


People also use their TVs to watch films, or DVDs, as well as going to the cinema. Smartphone games make a lot of money but often the people who pay in them will pay over and over again (a lot of people will just never pay). It can make them seem bigger than they are.

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I'm incredibly surprised you thought it was the other way. Nearly 20% of the UK population are at retirement age or over; that's 11.8 million people, of which I think we can all agree the overwhelming majority are not playing F2P mobile games.


I don't think that's true at all. My mum and dad are over 65 and they play F2P games constantly on their iPads. You're generalising again, like you did when you said Pokemon Go wouldn't increase 3DS / Pokemon software sales, which as the thread on here proved multiple times, was just totally incorrect.

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I don't think that's true at all. My mum and dad are over 65 and they play F2P games constantly on their iPads. You're generalising again, like you did when you said Pokemon Go wouldn't increase 3DS / Pokemon software sales, which as the thread on here proved multiple times, was just totally incorrect.


You're also generalising because you're saying your parents play F2P games and thus the overwhelming majority must do (as you were countering Sheikah's point that said "the overwhelming majority do not").


Or if you didn't meant to say the overwhelming majority it would have been clearer to give some indication as to the % of the elderly population you believe play games.

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I don't think that's true at all. My mum and dad are over 65 and they play F2P games constantly on their iPads.


So you don't think my comment about the general elderly population can be true because your sample of 2 does not conform with said comment?


Just to confirm, are you saying that you believe that most people over 65 own smartphones, and that they play F2P games on them?


I genuinely want to know if you think mobile gaming has as widespread appeal as movies, and ultimately the elderly population alone can highlight the disparity.


You're generalising again, like you did when you said Pokemon Go wouldn't increase 3DS / Pokemon software sales, which as the thread on here proved multiple times, was just totally incorrect.


And here was my response to this which I gave last time - conveniently you have again forgotten that you first mentioned this would affect hardware and not software, which is what you now keep saying.


Actually, you said it would have a push on hardware (3DS), nothing to do with people buying software on consoles they already own. I said I can't see it having a major effect on people who don't already have a 3DS but like Pokemon Go, because ultimately they are very different games. The counter to your claim is also invisible - how many will now not buy a 3DS for the next Pokemon games because they are getting some essence of a Pokemon fix on mobile? It's a difficult argument to prove either way tbh. Also regarding the software point you made - I believe Red/Blue/Yellow have also been on sale, and these Pokemon are the ones that feature in Go.


This discussion is pointless anyway because it focuses on the very short term effects of Go on handheld games - we know the next Pokemon games are coming to 3DS as that's what they were made for. What now - now that money is clearly just oozing out of Go?


I find it odd that some people are literally falling over themselves to exclaim how great this is for handheld Pokemon. I just think...really? If anything, I can see the popularity of this causing a shift in Nintendo's focus. Why spend all that time making games for dedicated hardware when there is SO much more money to be made in mobile? I could see this having a long-term detrimental effect on the Pokemon handheld series, quite the opposite of what some people here think.



Mind you - when the goalpoasts aren't spaced favourably apart, you can always move them!

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How is that not a hybrid? Serious question, it has a dock you put the unit in for tv play. What would make a hybrid in your eyes? Not disputing in a really simplified way it's pretty much a handheld that outputs to tele, but just wondered what you thought would make it a hybrid.


Sorry should of been more clear. If the dock has additional power increasing the chipset clock then yes I would call it a hybrid. If however it doesn't then to me it's simply a handheld with HDMI out. A portable console first and foremost with TV out capabilites doesn't make it a hybrid. It would just be an added extra if you like and with that would actually be worse using it on a TV.

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You're also generalising because you're saying your parents play F2P games and thus the overwhelming majority must do (as you were countering Sheikah's point that said "the overwhelming majority do not").


Or if you didn't meant to say the overwhelming majority it would have been clearer to give some indication as to the % of the elderly population you believe play games.


I'm not generalising. I'm saying that I believe he's wrong. For example, my parents are over the retirement age and play FTP games. Not once did I suggest that that must be the majority do. All I was arguing was Sheikah's ludicrous...


I think we can all agree the overwhelming majority are not playing F2P mobile games.


No we can't all agree. He's guessing, in fact I'd suggest it was the older generation who play F2P more than the younger generation.


As for Pokemon Go Sheikah, it's moving hardware, and it's moving software. You're trying to dig your way out of a hole on a technicality, go for it, but the point is, Pokemon Go has caused a spike in Nintendo's core hardware and Pokemon software.

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I'm not generalising. I'm saying that I believe he's wrong. For example, my parents are over the retirement age and play FTP games. Not once did I suggest that that must be the majority do.



I tried to illustrate how your post could be interpreted as also generalising through a lack of clarity to help.


You've done nothing to prove anything so far, other than your parents play FTP games.


And maybe people should either find proof in their assumptions or accept until there is proof people are welcome to come to their own assumptions.


Actually did a quick Google and in 2015:


Smartphones have become the hub of our daily lives and are now in the pockets of two thirds (66%) of UK adults, up from 39% in 2012. The vast majority (90%) of 16-24 year olds own one; but 55-64 year olds are also joining the smartphone revolution, with ownership in this age group more than doubling since 2012, from 19% to 50%.




Of course that's just ownership rather than playing games but someone can go find that out if they're so determined to prove they're right or, as suggested, just accept other people may believe differently.

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