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Then they're misusing the term infrastructure and I highly doubt the Wii U lacking Party Chat (the only big missing feature I might add) is deterring third parties.


Your opinion, which you're free to hold. You're free to continue with black and white thinking despite it being explained clearly what's being said, but it really isn't conducive to this place if you ask me. Whilst you're getting hung up on hard and fast dictionary definitions, 'flexibility' might be one worth considering.




The thing about Voice Chat is that Nintendo simply doesn't want to implement it instead of providing options that let's the players choose to use it or not. The Wii U is perfectly capable of doing it.


Accounts are a bit of a mess at the moment, the problem with NNID is that it's locked to a device, which therefore locks purchases to that device. Hopefully this is what the Nintendo Account will solve.


I don't know why when someone refers to it as 'infrastructure' someone takes that to mean 'Voice chat'. I have many issues with the online infrastructure of the WiiU/Nintendo systems - and I'll continue to use the term as it isn't just one thing, and appears to be overarching. You yourself bring up accounts and NNIDs - I refer to those too when I refer to the infrastructure of Nintendo's online. The fact is there's a mass of criticisms level-able at much of Nintendo's online, it's on a bigger level than just features and whatnot, hence why it invokes a term like infrastructure. Also from a quick google, guess what word gets used in a definition?


the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.


There's some common things running throughout the whole of the WiiU's online implementation. I think it really needs to be corrected on a system level. Not just voice chat, but the adding of people to friends, accounts/purchases, options for sharing, good ways to play together easily etcetc. This for me is much bigger than just voice chat.

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What's wrong with the adding of people to friends? That's so easy to do. Search their name, click add, they get a request through, job done.

What's wrong with the sharing? Miiverse was damned revolutionary. What else do you wish to share?


The actual online methods to play are also solid. You can see a friend playing a game on your friend list and jump right on in. All it perhaps needs is invites. The actual infrastructure of the online system is also solid. Rarely falls apart too. I can play for hours with no issues whereas when I played games on my Xbox 360, it was constantly booting me out or booting a friend out and we were bloody paying for that.

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Can I easily add someone who I meet in game? Apparently not.

Can I sent a message to someone I see or meet in game? Apparently not.

Can I snap a photo or video and upload it easily to my social media? Apparently not.

Can I easily capture a photo or video of an awesome moment I didn't expect to happen, hence had no preparation for recording it? Apparently not.

Can I stream my gameplay live through popular channels without any extra kit? Apparently not.

Do I have any issues playing on the competition's online, despite this being an absolutely irrelevant point and is jumped on when people use the competition as examples of something they find superior but apparently fine when used for comparisons as inferior? I do not.


They aren't new issues. They aren't new questions. I had an opinion on something that needs to be considered with the NX, I've expressed it in the thread, I've now elaborated on it because I apparently needed to. Hopefully it's taken on board or appreciated, even if people don't agree with it. However I'm not going to labour a point to argue tit for tat on what will come down to a difference of opinion and bloody-mindedness.

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What's wrong with the adding of people to friends? That's so easy to do. Search their name, click add, they get a request through, job done.

What's wrong with the sharing? Miiverse was damned revolutionary. What else do you wish to share?


The actual online methods to play are also solid. You can see a friend playing a game on your friend list and jump right on in. All it perhaps needs is invites. The actual infrastructure of the online system is also solid. Rarely falls apart too. I can play for hours with no issues whereas when I played games on my Xbox 360, it was constantly booting me out or booting a friend out and we were bloody paying for that.


Yeah, I have to agree with this.

Apart from the lack of an invite feature/party play (Or whatever the hell everyone calls it), I can't think of much more I would like from it.

I can take or leave voice chat, good if it's there, but not bothered one bit if it's not.


Does the online infrastructure have problems? Sure, but to me, they're minor niggles at worst. I think a few people overexaggerate how bad it is.

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Not much of an explanation there. How is it an "additional" feature and not a feature that is a part of the infrastructure?

Infrastructures are the foundation, the basics, the software that are needed for something to function. Party chat is not a requirement for online therefore it's not classified as part of the infrastructure.

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What's wrong with the adding of people to friends? That's so easy to do. Search their name, click add, they get a request through, job done.

What's wrong with the sharing? Miiverse was damned revolutionary. What else do you wish to share?


The actual online methods to play are also solid. You can see a friend playing a game on your friend list and jump right on in. All it perhaps needs is invites. The actual infrastructure of the online system is also solid. Rarely falls apart too. I can play for hours with no issues whereas when I played games on my Xbox 360, it was constantly booting me out or booting a friend out and we were bloody paying for that.




Not even going to bother dissecting everything wrong with this... of which there is plenty!

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Can I easily add someone who I meet in game? Apparently not.




Can I sent a message to someone I see or meet in game? Apparently not.


Yeah they tried that with Nintendo Letterbox and that backfired


Can I snap a photo or video and upload it easily to my social media? Apparently not.


Photo yes. Video no.

Can I easily capture a photo or video of an awesome moment I didn't expect to happen, hence had no preparation for recording it? Apparently not.


Photo yes. Video no.



Can I stream my gameplay live through popular channels without any extra kit? Apparently not.




Do I have any issues playing on the competition's online, despite this being an absolutely irrelevant point and is jumped on when people use the competition as examples of something they find superior but apparently fine when used for comparisons as inferior? I do not.


Using other forms of infrastructure as a basis for comparison isn't irrelevant. It's a very germane thing in discussions such as this.




Not even going to bother dissecting everything wrong with this... of which there is plenty!


Yeah there's really not.

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Sorry @Serebii, you can say until you're blue in the face that Nintendo are practically where they need to be regarding online but you're so beyond wrong it's actually hilarious!

I never said that they don't have room to improve. I would never argue otherwise. I too would like party chat.


However, to say they have issues with their infrastructure when they don't, just because they lack a couple of additional features is just factually inaccurate and to say that third parties won't be on it until they add said features is just silly.


Nintendo's online infrastructure is completely solid. You cannot deny that at all. If it was a buggy mess that was kicking everyone out constantly, struggling to receive connections, laggy as hell etc. then yes it needs to sort its infrastructure, however it does not have those. Lack of additional features != poor online infrastructure.

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I can go into my home menu/friends list at absolutely any time and easily add someone I've seen online? News to me.

I can add someone just by seeing them in Splatoon, even when the names aren't necessarily NNIDs? News to me.

I can capture and upload my photos easily to facebook? News to me.

I can go back and capture a photo of something AFTER its happened? News to me.


And if it isn't irrelevant as you say, I'll mention that everything I brought up and more is possible on PS4 at a system level, and hence a great infrastructure of features(seeing as we like both words). There's even more I didn't mention specifically, but that's what I'm getting at needing to be present - lots of stuff at the system level. Whilst we're on the competition too - I don't know what letterbox had to do with anything, as they have these features and appear to be doing just fine.

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I can go into my home menu/friends list at absolutely any time and easily add someone I've seen online? News to me.

I can add someone just by seeing them in Splatoon, even when the names aren't necessarily NNIDs? News to me.

I can capture and upload my photos easily to facebook? News to me.

I can go back and capture a photo of something AFTER its happened? News to me.


And if it isn't irrelevant as you say, I'll mention that everything I brought up and more is possible on PS4 at a system level, and hence a great infrastructure of features(seeing as we like both words). There's even more I didn't mention specifically, but that's what I'm getting at needing to be present - lots of stuff at the system level. Whilst we're on the competition too - I don't know what letterbox had to do with anything, as they have these features and appear to be doing just fine.

There's the imageshare for the photos, and you can also share via Miiverse. See: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAACXVHhozo0Ubw Notice the buttons for that. Edit: Plus what @Ike said.

I didn't realise you meant something after it happened.


For the people you've played. Go to the friend list and press Y. It goes to your player history and shows you everyone you have played with, the game you played with them, and the time you last interacted with them. You can tap them which displays their in-game name and NNID and it has a big friendly button for "Send Friend Request" as well as another for going to their Miiverse profile.


So yeah :) I still win on 3 of those 4 points :p


Also, Nintendo killed messaging other people not on your friend list because people kept sending inappropriate stuff and they are about protecting children.


Hell, even I stopped using Nintendo LetterBox, but that was mostly because of @ReZourceman. Sorry mate :P

Edited by Serebii
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I can go into my home menu/friends list at absolutely any time and easily add someone I've seen online? News to me.


I'm sure Monster Hunter allowed this, I think it was an in game feature though.


I can capture and upload my photos easily to facebook? News to me.


You can upload a screenshot in the web browser, to pretty much anywhere.


Yeah they aren't system level features, which I agree with you they should be.

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I'm sure Monster Hunter allowed this, I think it was an in game feature though.




You can upload a screenshot in the web browser, to pretty much anywhere.


Yeah they aren't system level features, which I agree with you they should be.

Player History is very much a system level feature on Wii U.

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I was thinking of creating a NX Prediction thread, good / bad idea?


Name, controller, backwards compatibility, gimmick, price etc.


Always good to look back on and see who was way off with their predictions and who wasn't far off.


As long as people are sure of the difference between what they think the NX will be and what they think the NX needs to be to sell well, I don't see why it'd be a bad idea.

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I was thinking of creating a NX Prediction thread, good / bad idea?


Name, controller, backwards compatibility, gimmick, price etc.


Always good to look back on and see who was way off with their predictions and who wasn't far off.


We do already have a Design the NX Controller thread running (with a unique tag up for grabs BTW... That means you @Glen\-i ;) ) so controller guesses aren't really necessary.


Otherwise, sounds like a plan to me!


Personally I would run it a little closer to E3 though; to get the hype going. It's still a bit early in the year and we still have little to work with in terms of guessing...

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Personally I would run it a little closer to E3 though; to get the hype going. It's still a bit early in the year and we still have little to work with in terms of guessing...


The initial reveal could just be round the corner (next month) so I thought it was best to get everyones predictions out there.


Thread is up.

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We do already have a Design the NX Controller thread running (with a unique tag up for grabs BTW... That means you @Glen\-i ;) )


But I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to designing something!

Not that kind of artist, you know?


Honestly, I'd just take the GC controller, add a ZL and ZR button, and be done with it.

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Can I stream my gameplay live through popular channels without any extra kit? Apparently not.


And even if you do using additional kit, being in EU means you can't sign up for the affiliate scheme but your video's profits can be taken because of the scheme you can't sign up to.

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Surely online features are a part of the infrastructure, seeing how it's the infrastructure that enables said features?!


Forming a party and having party chat is inherently part of the infrastructure... no? ::shrug:

Of course it is. Even if not to chat, an OS-level ability to form parties that you can use for the purpose of arranging games is a must.

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People are putting words into serebiis mouth, he never said it was a good online set up, bit unfair to say he is saying that. He isn't justifying it. Just explaining his opinion.


But all this is semantics. Does wii u have a proper online set up? Yes. Obviously. Is it up to industry standard? No. Is it good enough. Subjective.


But it's an argument, like a lot on here, that we've all had many many times. We know pretty much how we all feel about nintendos online, it isn't going to change on wii u. So let's express our desires and wait to see what nx is.

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People are putting words into serebiis mouth, he never said it was a good online set up, bit unfair to say he is saying that. He isn't justifying it. Just explaining his opinion




All this started because I said Nintendo don't have a proper online infrastructure. Not that they don't have an infrastructure. The buzz word in this instance is 'proper'.


I don't think anyone here will realistically argue that Nintendo have a proper online infrastructure given how severely lacking it is. A shambolic one, but not a proper one. Unless I'm missing something?

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All this started because I said Nintendo don't have a proper online infrastructure. Not that they don't have an infrastructure. The buzz word in this instance is 'proper'.


I don't think anyone here will realistically argue that Nintendo have a proper online infrastructure given how severely lacking it is. A shambolic one, but not a proper one. Unless I'm missing something?


This is just hyperbolic rubbish. Shambolic is such a childish way to describe it. It isn't great if you want al that social stuff and voice chat, but it is a proper system. Can you play online, yes. Can you download games yes. Can you do doc etc it's missing a lot features others do, it's a bit naff, but to deny it is just playground criticism.


Did all the Sony boys think the PS3 didn't have a proper online system when they couldn't do party chat?


Don't confuse something not being good as being proper.


Some people, one I explained pretty clearly in the ps4 thread, would rather pay NOTHING for wii u online, than pay £40 for a better service on the other systems.

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