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Diversity & Colour in This Generation


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In recent years I've found the colourful graphics of a lot of Nintendo games to appear very sterile and samey, especially the New Super Mario Bros series. They just lack the personality and originality of older games.


Yeah real sterile, no personality...










THAT is colour

Edited by Ronnie
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Okay people we need to understand people are expressing opinions that are not definite statements or scientific facts.


Saying something "looks sterile" (or anything, just the most recent example) is a) a personal and b) not 'disproven' by providing something you feel suggests otherwise.

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I do find it weird when people say that PS4/XBone games all look the same, when Nintendo games aren't exactly a Benetton advert when it comes to diversity. Virtually all of Nintendo's games are cartoony or "cute".


Just look at Smash. It's a mashup of most of Nintendo's games, but none of the characters look out of place since they're all very similar styles.


Not that there's anything wrong with either I guess. Just find it weird to slate one "side" for something, when both are equally as bad.


IMO of course.

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Just look at Smash. It's a mashup of most of Nintendo's games, but none of the characters look out of place since they're all very similar styles.


See, I kind of have to disagree, here. Fire Emblem looks anime-esque (Ike less than the others), the look of Zelda characters often vary between cartoon and anime, Metroid always featured grittier designs for both monsters and protagonist, and then there's Wii Fit Trainer whose aesthetic style is hard to pin down. And what is Captain Falcon's style, cartoon, anime, gritty or a mix of the 3?


In the middle of all this, both Shulk and Snake managed to be criticised for "not fitting in", despite the series already having Anime swordsmen and a gun-toting human (and human-shaped animals also fitting the mold).


So yeah, just wanted to say that.




Ok, adding some actual substance to the thread, let's all accept that people have different opinions. Some people think Nintendo's visuals are sterile (which I personally find mindboggling, as their artistic direction has been on fire for the past 2-3 years), and some other people think the PS4's library is not very diverse (something I could only agree on if we only count absolute PS4 exclusives not available on PC or Xbone. That's unrealistically narrowing).


We play whatever is best for us, but let's not start putting down others' favourites out of petty spite.

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For the record I didn't say that the PS4's library isn't diverse, merely that AAA gaming on PS and Xbox these days tend to be very samey experiences: shooters and third person action games with gritty, muted colour palettes (at least compared to Nintendo). Games like No Man's Sky (indie) or Sunset Overdrive (albeit still a third person shooter) at least provide something a bit different thanks to their genre and gameplay or visuals/theme respectively. Totally agree with you that the suggestion Nintendo games lack personality or are sterile is mind boggling.

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Yeah but, you were basically still saying the same thing even after I showed you otherwise. Disputing the Assassin's Creed example was a step too far, really, and saying I was cherry picking screenshots really demolished your cred on that one. Everyone here that has played Black Flag knows it's set in the tropics and the whole thing is bright and pretty.


Your opinion is one that seems to be formed on some reason or other that I can't really grasp, since you haven't actually played the games and therefore haven't actually experienced the environments contained within them.


Saying they're not as bright and colourful as Nintendo games is one thing (I agree), saying it's mostly all grey and that my screenshots are cherry picked is another.

Edited by Sheikah
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Yeah but, you were basically still saying the same thing even after I showed you otherwise. Disputing the Assassin's Creed example was a step too far, really, and saying I was cherry picking screenshots really demolished your cred on that one. Everyone here that has played Black Flag knows it's set in the tropics and the whole thing is bright and pretty.


Your opinion is one that seems to be formed on some reason or other that I can't really grasp, since you haven't actually played the games and therefore haven't actually experienced the environments contained within them.


Saying they're not as bright and colourful as Nintendo games is one thing (I agree), saying it's mostly all grey and that my screenshots are cherry picked is another.


You proved nothing with those screenshots. Some of them like Bloodborne, Mordor and Unity were so grey and lifeless I wondered if you'd put up the wrong link by mistake. It was also telling you had to resort to indie title No Man's Sky as your first and best example. Obviously games with colour exist like Black Flag, I wasn't trying to suggest every AAA game is monochrome, just that western AAA games have very muted colour palettes. Again I was only bringing it up in response to the suggestion Nintendo games don't appeal to the western audience, who love their grey shooters/action games. I would hate to see Nintendo go down that route just to appeal to a wider demographic.

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Ronnie, the thing I proved was that you didn't know what you were talking about. You argue that Western AAA games mostly all have grey colour palettes, and I showed you colourful Western AAA games among others. The next Elder Scrolls, Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Unity, Destiny - all AAA games packed with colour, yet you claim AAAs are mostly all using greys. On the other hand, games like Bloodborne use dark colours wonderfully well to generate the Victorian London combined with hell atmosphere. Your defence was 'those screenshots show nothing, they're not representative'. Truly the chant of a defeated man; how can you claim such a thing when you haven't played the games to challenge my post?


To top it off, you then use single screenshots to argue Nintendo's corner, after slagging off my use of single screenshots to make my point. Truly the action of a hypocrite, or a fool. You decide. :heh:


To refer to your previous post:

^ Was that post supposed to prove that colourful games exist in AAA PS4 line ups? If so it really doesn't, AC, Bloodborne, Mordor especially.


I'm just pointing that out to you as you're now admitting AC actually does have colour (you know, one of those big 'Western AAA' games that you think are mostly grey), presumably after being confronted with some screenshots and other people telling you the same as me. The first AC Unity screenshot I provided was at night, so of course it's going to be dark. Have you never similarly seen it go dark at night in any Nintendo game, like Zelda, by any chance? The other screenshots I put forward show lush colours in use in Unity throughout the day. The point of my post was to show balance - I could have chosen the most colourful image for AC Unity rather than night time, but as I said to you, I wasn't cherry picking any images.


People are entitled to their opinions, but when said opinions are not grounded in knowledge or experience then they're pretty easy to challenge.

Edited by Sheikah
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Ronnie, the thing I proved was that you didn't know what you were talking about. You argue that Western AAA games mostly all have grey colour palettes, and I showed you colourful Western AAA games among others. The next Elder Scrolls, Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Unity, Destiny - all AAA games packed with colour, yet you claim AAAs are mostly all using greys. On the other hand, games like Bloodborne use dark colours wonderfully well to generate the Victorian London combined with hell atmosphere. Your defence was 'those screenshots show nothing, they're not representative'. Truly the chant of a defeated man; how can you claim such a thing when you haven't played the games to challenge my post?


To top it off, you then use single screenshots to argue Nintendo's corner, after slagging off my use of single screenshots to make my point. Truly the action of a hypocrite, or a fool. You decide. :heh:


To refer to your previous post:



I'm just pointing that out to you as you're now admitting AC actually does have colour (you know, one of those big 'Western AAA' games that you think are mostly grey), presumably after being confronted with some screenshots and other people telling you the same as me. The first AC Unity screenshot I provided was at night, so of course it's going to be dark. Have you never similarly seen it go dark at night in any Nintendo game, like Zelda, by any chance? The other screenshots I put forward show lush colours in use in Unity throughout the day. The point of my post was to show balance - I could have chosen the most colourful image for AC Unity rather than night time, but as I said to you, I wasn't cherry picking any images.


People are entitled to their opinions, but when said opinions are not grounded in knowledge or experience then they're pretty easy to challenge.


Can you stop acting all high and mighty pretending you triumphed in some big argument. You proved nothing and neither of us are going to "win" because we're not going to convince the other of our points of view.


My main gaming preference is Nintendo, their games explode with colour and charm. And so of course games on other platforms are going to look more muted and 'grey'. Whereas if that's what you're into of course you'll find colour in even the greyest of titles. I looked at the shots you posted and genuinely thought you were making my argument for me.


We're going around in circles. I think modern AAA's are samey, you don't. I believe they're samey and understand that that's what the West wants, gritty shooters and action games. Personally I find that a shame and would love to see more variety with big budget titles. Unfortunately that would be too much of a risk for publishers and so the iterative samey sequels get churned out on an annual basis instead.

Edited by Ronnie
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Your main gaming preference is Nintendo? No shit!


I'm all fine with that, what annoys people is when you start trash talking games that you don't have a clue about, and continue to do so even when people put powerful counter examples in front of you. Have some humility, educate yourself and just maybe pop your head out that Nintendo box once in a while.

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Your main gaming preference is Nintendo? No shit!


I'm all fine with that, what annoys people is when you start trash talking games that you don't have a clue about, and continue to do so even when people put powerful counter examples in front of you. Have some humility, educate yourself and just maybe pop your head out that Nintendo box once in a while.


And you call me condescending and lacking humility. Also speak for yourself, not others.


*Nintendo fan defends Nintendo on a Nintendo message board* shocker. I wasn't trying to get into an argument about colour, you picked put a minor point and started all of this nonsense.

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I think the main issue for me here is that its been shown quite a few times that the PS4 (and other consoles) have a good range of game styles and not just the types you keep claiming Ronnie. The Wii U is still just mostly Nintendo style games (which I get you like) and when there are others, they tend to be old ports anyway. Obviously there are others like Bayonetta 2 of course. The way you come across is like you think we all want Nintendo to just become a Western focused company and stop making their style of games. Nobody is saying that and I doubt anyone wants Nintendo style games to go away, we just think there is room for both and that would make any future Nintendo console a lot more appealing to a wider audience.

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Your main gaming preference is Nintendo? No shit!


I'm all fine with that, what annoys people is when you start trash talking games that you don't have a clue about, and continue to do so even when people put powerful counter examples in front of you. Have some humility, educate yourself and just maybe pop your head out that Nintendo box once in a while.


There have been some noticeable AAA turds on non-Nintendo consoles lately, though, with games like Titanfall, Destiny, The Order and Evolve.


They all seemed to have the potential of being great, unique experiences yet just feel like slightly different versions of games we've played many times along with the feeling that there should be a lot more content.


Still, none have problems with their graphical styles. Just gameplay and content.

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There have been some noticeable AAA turds on non-Nintendo consoles lately, though, with games like Titanfall, Destiny, The Order and Evolve.


Dude, Titanfall and Destiny are not turds. :heh:


At least, if Destiny is a turd then it must be a turd laced with opiates or something. ;)


I'd agree with content being a problem (as in, we've run out). But as an FPS goes, the polished gameplay is just unmatched for me.

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At least, if Destiny is a turd then it must be a turd laced with opiates or something. ;)


Based on what a quite a few people who've spent many hours on the game, that isn't far from the truth. There seem to be a lot of people who don't enjoy it but can't stop playing it.


To me, it just seemed like Halo and Borderlands but lacking what made each game great (the AI of Halo and fun of Borderlands).

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Based on what a quite a few people who've spent many hours on the game, that isn't far from the truth.


Nah, if it was that bad they wouldn't have spent ages playing. :heh: I have put 300+ hours in myself, there's no way I'd do that if it was a game I hated! Games I hate I don't play for long; if a game isn't entertaining then why play it?


The game's problems aren't down to the actual gameplay/combat. It's really well polished in that regard. It's the lack of content, the cost of DLC, the shafting Bungie is doing of players with bug fixing and loot giving.

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Even Evolve I've heard good things about from people willing to put the effort it (which the devs never shyed away from saying was their target)


I quite like it - playing as a monster (or boss) is pretty fun.


And personally I don't care or if a game is AAA or not. Ultimately the PS4 (and presumably the One) have a much wider variety and if you're into unique experiences then the indie scene on those consoles is hard to match.


As I've said before there seems to be more Nintendo style magic or innovation coming from indie developers and titles than Nintendo these days. Many of these titles (or maybe even most) of which can't be found on the Wii U eShop.


And I don't care whether the game is grey or colourful, as long it is suitable and fun.


I've just been playing this rather "dull looking" indie game "Limbo" and it's a neat little title. With some rather surprisingly violent deaths.



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There have been some noticeable AAA turds on non-Nintendo consoles lately, though, with games like Titanfall, Destiny, The Order and Evolve.


Plenty of AAA turds on non-Nintendo consoles. Titanfall and Watchdogs were supposed to start off the new gen with a bang, instead the general consensus seems to be disappointment. Games like Unity the Crew and Master Chief Collection were all either broken or extremely buggy. Destiny has been a huge let down given the hype. As has the Order. Call of Duty iterates every year...


The biggest games of the last twelve months.... 4 FPS, 3 third person action games and a racing sim. Diversity!

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