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Diversity & Colour in This Generation


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It absolutely does look incredible. As long as you forgive the probable buggyness and disgraceful in-game plugs to buy services or apps like in Unity. I'm not saying grey games can't look stunning, just that there are a lot of them. My original point was in reply to @Goron_3 mentioning that the Wii U's first year had games that wouldn't appeal to 90% of the western market. So my question was what should Nintendo do about that? Make games that do appeal: drab, grey shooters/action games. Personally I say no thanks. I love the range and look of Nintendo's game. It's definitely needed in modern gaming.




I'd definitely put Sunset Overdrive alongside No Man's Sky in the 'breath of fresh air' camp. But Infamous was just as drab as the rest. Doesn't mean it's not a great game though obv.


Yes! Nintendo should make these games. It doesn't mean they should stop making the ones they still do though.

This is the pout people are making; give us variety! That's what would be best!


I'd have taken a Nintendo game even if it was a bland grey colour pallette over either Yoshi or Kirby, two 2D Platformers on a console that's absolutely rife with 2D Platformers!

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I know these games suit grey, my point is why no games that are meant to be colourful instead of the same drab, bleak, gritty stuff we've been getting? It's my opinion, I didn't mean it to cause such a fuss.


Ronnie, what are you talking about?


I have just shown you loads of big hitter games that all have colour in them. You criticised AC as an offender, then I showed you that has loads of colour too. There's also the next Elder Scrolls game (and the online one) - these always look lush.


So what is your point? Even if some games are grey, often it's justified to create atmosphere and looks awesome. There's loads of colourful games, but you just wouldn't know as you have this preconceived idea in your head; you haven't played the games to even know if the things you're saying are true!


Infamous and Sunset Overdrive were both big AAA exclusive titles that were blindingly colourful.


QFT. Infamous's use of colour was amazing.

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I'd definitely put Sunset Overdrive alongside No Man's Sky in the 'breath of fresh air' camp. But Infamous was just as drab as the rest. Doesn't mean it's not a great game though obv.


I don't really get how you could describe Infamous as drab. One of the powers is literally neon-based. Is it more an issue with realism in games that you have a problem with?

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It's the drab world outside of the neon in the game I had a problem with, but fair enough I'll remove my complaint about Infamous.


Ronnie, what are you talking about?


I have just shown you loads of big hitter games that all have colour in them. You criticised AC as an offender, then I showed you that has loads of colour too. There's also the next Elder Scrolls game (and the online one) - these always look lush.


If those screenshots are the best you could find that show off how colourful those game supposedly are, then that says it all. Again, I'm not saying a muted colour palette means the games are bad, just that I appreciate Nintendo's look far more. I'd rather they carry on catering to this arbitrary 10% of the western market than to go grey and try and compete with the Mordors and Bloodbornes and endless FPS. Huge credit to Insomniac for Sunset Overdrive though.


Bummed By Lack Of 2015 Xbox One And PS4 Exclusives? Pick Up A Wii U And Smile


Over on Paul Tassi’s corner of Forbes Games, there is much lamenting concerning the dearth of hard-hitting exclusives for Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's MSFT -0.11% Xbox One, and rightfully so. For the so-called “next-gen” consoles, exclusives in 2014 — and thus far 2015 depending on your impressions of The Order: 1886 — were a mixed bag of disappointment (Driveclub, Halo: The Master Chief Collection) and potent but ultimately forgettable super-powered enjoyment (InFamous: Second Son, Sunset Overdrive).


Meanwhile, I’m struggling with my growing backlog of consistently superb Wii U exclusives from Nintendo (first world problems, eh?). Remember when we were spoiled for choice with exclusives on both sides of the console war, laboring over which system to buy? That grueling decision still exists, only it’s between two Nintendo consoles, the Wii U and 3DS.




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If those screenshots are the best you could find that show off how colourful those game supposedly are, then that says it all. Again, I'm not saying a muted colour palette means the games are bad, just that I appreciate Nintendo's look far more. I'd rather they carry on catering to this arbitrary 10% of the western market than to go grey and try and compete with the Mordors and Bloodbornes and endless FPS. Huge credit to Insomniac for Sunset Overdrive though.


That's really quite pathetic, the behaviour of a scrub. Somebody shows you the evidence right in front of your face, and you continue to deny it. You continue with the tagline that they're full of grey games.


Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

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That's really quite pathetic. Somebody shows you the evidence right in front of your face, and you continue to deny it.


Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


No need to always be so aggressive. I disagree that your "evidence" proves anything. Well done on finding screenshots with colour in them, but if that's the best you can find it really doesn't prove anything. IMO.

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No need to always be so aggressive.


Hmm, are you trying to be provocative by indicating people are getting mad/emotional? Sorry, mind games like that don't work on me.


I disagree that your "evidence" proves anything.


Well done on finding screenshots with colour in them, but if that's the best you can find it really doesn't prove anything. IMO.


You're a bit of a spineless fellow, aren't you?


You think I've found some 'perfect' screenshots that make my point, while the rest of the games look like shit? That's really quite funny actually. @Fierce_LiNk, did you happen to see much of Assassin's Creed Black Flag, whether it looked awesome and colourful throughout or not? This guy thinks I'm some kind of liar. :rolleyes:


The funny thing is, you haven't even played some of the games I've mentioned that are already out to accuse me of being wrong! It's absurd!

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Hmm, are you trying to be provocative by indicating people are getting mad/emotional? Sorry, mind games like that don't work on me.


Mind games? I'm just saying you should calm down, no need to be so aggressive all the time.


You're a bit of a spineless fellow, aren't you?




You think I've found some 'perfect' screenshots that make my point


You went onto Google Images, and picked one from a page of a few dozen.


Just seems a pointless argument. Personally I believe AAA games on PS4 and Xbox are very samey, bleak and drab looking (there are of course exceptions). It was suggested that Nintendo's first party games don't appeal to the West. I don't agree but even if it were true, would anyone honestly prefer Nintendo move to the Call of Duty, Rainbox Six, Mordor style games? I certainly wouldn't and gaming would be a far poorer place if that were to happen.


I think the Wii U's first year with NintendoLand, Mario U, Lego City, Rayman Legends, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD and Mario 3D World was pretty good. And certainly better than the PS4's first year. IMO.

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Forbes Article


If you've just hopped into the Wii U now then it's a great purchase, however, if you've had one since release and have kept up with the games as they've come out then I fail to see how a massive backlog has occured. Most of us on here are now twiddling our thumbs and having to wait until May when the next big Wii U game ( Splatoon ) will arrive.


The article shows 6 games that will arrive this year and while more may be added ( more than likely ) it is a bleak line up when you consider you have nothing to fill in the gaps between those releases.


I've said this before but exclusives aren't the powerhouses that run the industry anymore. 3rd party titles are now what pulls most punters towards a console and Nintendo may have the best exclusives ( subjective ) but without the 3rd party support to back them up then a lot of people are left wanting.


Next month the only notable Wii U release is Mario Party 10, while on the other platforms you have Final Fantasy Type-0, Bloodborne, Battlefield: Hardline, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Mortal Kombat X, Toukiden, Dragonball Z, and DMC: Definitive Edition. Thats a JRPG, 2 fighters, a FPS, a survival horror game, a monster hunter type game and 2 action games.


Just seems a pointless argument. Personally I believe AAA games on PS4 and Xbox are very samey, bleak and drab looking (there are of course exceptions). It was suggested that Nintendo's first party games don't appeal to the West. I don't agree but even if it were true, would anyone honestly prefer Nintendo move to the Call of Duty, Rainbox Six, Mordor style games? I certainly wouldn't and gaming would be a far poorer place if that were to happen.


I would like them to continue to make such games but at the same time take a look at what others are doing.

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I think people just want variety. And it seems there's very little of it on the Wii U. You mention PS4 and Xbone have bleak and drab looking games - and obviously that's subjective - but there are exceptions, and enough of them to not be an issue for most people.


For example, Sony might have Drive Club but they also have Ratchet & Clank;

Microsoft might have Alan Wake but they also have Sunset Overdrive.

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I think people just want variety. And it seems there's very little of it on the Wii U. You mention PS4 and Xbone have bleak and drab looking games - and obviously that's subjective - but there are exceptions, and enough of them to not be an issue for most people.


For example, Sony might have Drive Club but they also have Ratchet & Clank;

Microsoft might have Alan Wake but they also have Sunset Overdrive.


Given how the vast majority of titles on the Wii U are first party I think there's a huge amount of variety, at least in terms of genre. Pikmin (strategy), Captain Toad (puzzler), 2D and 3D Mario (platformer), Zelda (adventure), Kart (racer), Bayonetta (action), Smash (fighting), Hyrule Warriors (hack and slash), and then the likes of Starfox (arcade space shooter), Mario Maker (level creator), Xenoblade X (RPG), Splatoon (shooter) on the way. It may have a problem with quantity for sure (the third party issue), but the quality is there at least.


As I said I'm not saying the other consoles don't have bright games, just that it sometimes feels like the vast majority of AAA games these days all look pretty similar at first glance, and more importantly play very similar.

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I heard DriveClub being slated and I just had to come back in here and post.


The game is fucking WONDERFUL. In all honesty, it wasn't THAT bad at launch even. The singleplayer was very, very good and the game worked fine. The only issues were trying to get online with the game.


They have patched it repeatedly and the DLC (free AND paid) have both been absolutely outstanding. The dynamic weather being added has taken the game in a completely different direction. It's beautiful and it is without a doubt the most stunning and visually pleasant game on the PS4 that I've played. On another level to everything I've seen on the WiiU.


There's been a photo mode added which is fantastic. Free cars, free tracks, the online works absolutely fine now, the challenge modes are perfect...I've had online races with Cookyman on here and we had a race in a track that started off in the daytime and dry. It cycled through to wet, then stormy, then back to dry and eventually to night, all the while we were communicating via party chat. No lag whatsoever, no disconnections. It was perfect. It's an outstanding racer.


Whoever said inFAMOUS was drab or colourless needs their head testing. The game is beautiful and makes great use of colour. I should know, I played it last night.


We also need to remember that colour needs to match the setting and tone of the game. You wouldn't want Shadow of Mordor to feature violent purples and oranges, would you? It wouldn't fit. Alien had tons of white, tons of grey, tons of black and it looked absolutely fantastic, whilst fitting in with the tone of the game.

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We also need to remember that colour needs to match the setting and tone of the game. You wouldn't want Shadow of Mordor to feature violent purples and oranges, would you? It wouldn't fit. Alien had tons of white, tons of grey, tons of black and it looked absolutely fantastic, whilst fitting in with the tone of the game.


I never suggested colour should be shoe-horned into games. The thing that started this whole argument was me referring to the prevalence of generic "grey" shooters and action games in the West. Of course art styles have to suit the game, my comment was Nintendo shouldn't move to grey games just because that's what appeals in the West.

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Given how the vast majority of titles on the Wii U are first party I think there's a huge amount of variety, at least in terms of genre. Pikmin (strategy), Captain Toad (puzzler), 2D and 3D Mario (platformer), Zelda (adventure), Kart (racer), Bayonetta (action), Smash (fighting), Hyrule Warriors (hack and slash), and then the likes of Starfox (arcade space shooter), Mario Maker (level creator), Xenoblade X (RPG), Splatoon (shooter) on the way. It may have a problem with quantity for sure (the third party issue), but the quality is there at least.


As I said I'm not saying the other consoles don't have bright games, just that it sometimes feels like the vast majority of AAA games these days all look pretty similar at first glance, and more importantly play very similar.


On paper that looks like variety but does Mario Kart really cover racers well enough? Same with Smash? Yeah, it's a fighting game but Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Injustice, Soul Calibur, Blaze Blue are all fighting games that are vastly different. Personally, I love Injustice but I can't for the life of me enjoy Street Fighter. And I definitely wouldn't say they played similarly at all.


Mario Maker for level creator? LittleBigPlanet, Minecraft, Terraria, Project Spark all different again.


So, when it comes down to it, the genres are there but if you don't like the one game in that genre then you're pretty much out of luck.


And honestly, I can't think of that many games that play similarly; Far Cry, CoD, Destiny. Are all FPSes and all play incredibly differently. Potentially Battlefield and CoD are similar but I'm not even sure that is true, isn't CoD more arcadey?


Would you class Alien Isolation as a shooter? Because it's nothing like any of the other FPS games I mentioned, and especially not like Splatoon.


Is the Witcher an adventure or an RPG?

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I enjoyed DriveClub as soon as it was released. Not getting online was slightly annoying but the actual gameplay was fantastic and has only improved since.


People always throw the "PS4/XBox only have shooters" argument all the time and it simply isn't true. There's far more variety on PS4 than Wii U. I can't speak for Xbox as I don't own one.

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I enjoyed DriveClub as soon as it was released. Not getting online was slightly annoying but the actual gameplay was fantastic and has only improved since.


People always throw the "PS4/XBox only have shooters" argument all the time and it simply isn't true. There's far more variety on PS4 than Wii U. I can't speak for Xbox as I don't own one.


Stop using common sense and facts! Not allowed :heh:


But yes, the 'PS4 only has shooters' is as silly as saying that 'Wii U only has platform games'.

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I think most of the last few pages could be spun off into a thread in general gaming (along the lines of 'colour/variety/diversity in the current generation') but I'm at work right now. Might give it a go later if nobody else has.


But I will say this - Destiny has fantastic use of colour in the UI, yet alone in the visuals (the pastel colouring of Earth <3).

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But I will say this - Destiny has fantastic use of colour in the UI, yet alone in the visuals (the pastel colouring of Earth <3).


Nah brah, I haven't played it or anything, but personally I think you're wrong on this. Don't get mad about it though.

:cool: jks etc


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You think I've found some 'perfect' screenshots that make my point, while the rest of the games look like shit? That's really quite funny actually. @Fierce_LiNk, did you happen to see much of Assassin's Creed Black Flag, whether it looked awesome and colourful throughout or not? This guy thinks I'm some kind of liar. :rolleyes:


I've got the game and can confirm that it is indeed colourful and gorgeous. (looks ace on my telly) Seems to be a bit under-rated actually, Ine spent a LOT of time on it.


I never suggested colour should be shoe-horned into games. The thing that started this whole argument was me referring to the prevalence of generic "grey" shooters and action games in the West. Of course art styles have to suit the game, my comment was Nintendo shouldn't move to grey games just because that's what appeals in the West.


So, you're saying that Nintendo shouldn't make these action shooters or "grey" shooters (you're wrong, but enough about that). Why not exactly? They're selling the console in the west, they're pretty much supporting their own machine single-handedly, so why not make games which will appeal to that audience? If they don't provide these games, then how are WiiU owners going to get their hands on these types of games without going elsewhere? By not providing them, they're in a sense driving a big portion of their fan base away.


In recent years I've found the colourful graphics of a lot of Nintendo games to appear very sterile and samey, especially the New Super Mario Bros series. They just lack the personality and originality of older games.


I'd completely agree with this. Sterile is a very good word to describe it.

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