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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Amazing night of hunting and laughing fits last night. We got my nephews urgent quest done ( 3 manned him the sucker with myself, lostmario and my nephew ), we then done my G-Rank urgent quest ( again 3 manning it ), Blade showed up and we done his remaining quests and urgent, we then done lostmarios G-Rank urgent.


After that, Lostmario went offline and I was about to as well but I seen a guy offering Kirin to people, so I quickly jumped into his village, nicked the quest and then headed back to Blade and my nephew. We then fought the legend that is Kirin and Blade seen him for the first time.


@kav82 sorry bud, it was quitting time for us when you arrived. I did send you the Kirin quest though. Did you get it?


Now I've nearly finished all the 2 star quests, do I have to finish all those training 1 star Great Jaggi quests to obtain the HR points??


You get HR points for every quest you do in the game. To rank from 1-7 you need to do your quests. Each of the HR levels have things called key quests. By doing these you can get your urgent for the next HR level without having to do the other quests. Once you reach HR7 you will get an urgent quest and once completed your hunter rank will jump up, depending on what kind of experience points you have been earning. If you have just done the key quests and not done any kind of farming your HR will be pretty low when this jump occurs. However, if you've done plenty of quests on your way to HR7 you will get a good HR boost after the urgent is done.

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@Blade ( and anyone else who's interested ) i've hunted down the stuff you were looking for in regards to Guild Quests.


Let's do this, baby. So, uh, how do I get them?


First, you'll need to unlock expeditions. See, at some point in your career as a glorified gopher delivering shrooms and Kelbi horns, and slaying Jaggia and Konchus in 2-star village quests, you will gain access to expeditions. In my case, I believe it happened after I finished "The Stinking Seltas" village quest. That caused a Yian Kut Ku expedition to pop up that ultimately unlocked the low-rank version of the Everwood. To unlock high-rank expeditions, doing the "Sand Sailor" urgent quest after finishing the 3-star key quests at the Gathering Hall did it for me. Otherwise, finishing the 6-star Shagaru Magala village quest apparently works as well.


So what are expeditions again?


Expeditions are solo quests in the Everwood that replace the free hunts of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Once unlocked, you can access them by tapping the World Map on the lower touchscreen. A low-rank expedition is denoted by a blue monster head seal while a high-rank one is symbolized by a red seal.


Unlike normal quests, expeditions do not have a time limit or a cap on the number of times you faint. This means you can hunt multiple monsters at your leisure. Given that you can recover HP in camp, I recommend bringing items for refilling stamina as well as Whetstones for Blademasters and ammo mats for Gunners.


One thing you'll notice at first about the Everwood is that it features some exclusive monsters such as Yian Kut Ku. As you progress through the village and Gathering Hall quests, other monsters such as Nerscylla and Gore Magala will start showing up in the Everwood as well.


Besides hunting monsters, the Everwood is a great place for obtaining items such as nectar for upgrading your Kinsect for the insect glaive or Cathangea herbs and seeds to bribe the old coot when multiplying items at the Wycoon cart. You can even recruit Palicoes and unlock costumes for your Poogie when they're available in the map. It's also good for mining items and gear, especially when you get a Rare map with a treasure room.


Did you just say "rare map" and "treasure room?"


Occasionally, you'll get a rare expedition with the word, um, "RARE" denoted in big golden letters, as well as enough sparkles to decorate Elton John's glasses. Rare maps are noteworthy for two things: they make it more likely that a rare monster will appear to crash the party and also increase the chances you'll get something rare from gathering spots. These include rusted weapons from mining spots, which makes it even better when you get a rare map that also has a treasure room. The kind of gear you can get is denoted at the bottom of the expedition's info screen.


Your chances of unlocking a rare hunt is reflected in the number of monster head icons you get after clearing an expedition. In fact, some folks simply run through an expedition map and finish it without killing or touching anything to speed up the process of increasing their monster head icons, which naturally add up after missions. According to the official Japanese Monster Hunter strategy guide book, one head means you have a 1 in 16 chance, two heads denote a 1 in 8 chance, three heads a 1 in 4 chance, four heads a 1 in 2 chance and five heads a 100 percent chance of triggering a rare expedition. You can also boost your chances by using the Felyne Ecologist skill. You can try getting the skill by combining fish and veggies when eating at the Felyne canteen. The stewed version of veggies and drink can trigger it as well.


Great, but what do expeditions have to do with guild quests?


Every time you finish one of your free jaunts in the Everwood, there's a chance that it will unlock a guild quest. To boost your chances, you'll want to take down multiple monsters and also pick up the shiny drops they leave on the ground after you punish them hard via mounting or by breaking body parts. According to the official guidebook, here are the chances of unlocking a guild quest depending on your actions. And yes, they apparently stack:


One shiny: 10 percent

Two shinies: 20 percent

Three shinies: 40 percent

Four shinies: 60 percent

Five shinies: 90 percent

Six shinies: 100 percent

One monster hunted: 80 percent

Two monsters hunted: 100 percent


Note that Everwood monsters have a tendency to flee so you'll want to hunt them before they do so. Depending on the number of monsters you take down, you also have a chance of unlocking double monster quests, which increase rewards and also lower each monster's base HP. The chances for a double quest per hunted monster are:


One monster: 0 percent

Two monsters: 35 percent

Three monsters: 50 percent

Four monsters: 75 percent

Five monsters: 100 percent


Cool, I unlocked a guild quest. Uh, where the heck is it?


Guild quests first show up in a holding queue, which you can access by pressing the "START" button to bring up the main menu and clicking on "Guild Quests" on the second page. Once you start racking up guild quests, you'll want to make sure you manage your quest pool queue before it fills up. It can store a good amount but it's not bottomless, for sure. Storage for quests that you move from the holding queue to the registered queue is even more limited so you'll want to pick the ones you really want. Normally, the type of monster and the kind of equipment you can unlock with the mission will be the determining factors to the guild quests you end up registering. Also note that registering a quest takes it out of the holding que permanently. That means deleting it from the registered queue deletes it forever, too, so you'll want to make sure you've gotten everything you want from that quest before you get rid of it. Otherwise, you can share the quest with a friend so they have a copy of it, though keep in mind that doing so will reset the quest to its original level. Once you've registered a quest, you can go to the Guild Hall and take it like a normal quest via the low-rank and high-rank Questatrix ladies. It will be under "Guild Quests." Makes sense, right?


Alrighty, how do these quests work?


Although guild quests look similar to expeditions, they have some key differences. For starters, you can bring other people. That especially becomes important as you clear missions because finishing the guild quests ranks them up and makes them more difficult. This means the monsters get stronger, presenting the toughest challenge in the game once maxed out to level 140. I'm talking extreme monsters capable of carting even well-geared hunters in a jiffy and bouncing attacks unless cleansed. So you're probably thinking, "That sounds like a lot of grief. Why would I want to subject myself to that?" The answer is quality gear and armor spheres. Just like expeditions, you can gather gear and materials from the guild quest maps, which get infinitely better the higher a quest's level. Low-level quests start with piddly battered gear for rewards but rank it up and you can get some mighty impressive stuff. You also have a 10 percent chance of triggering a rare quest after each mission, providing an opportunity for even more special loot. Naturally, gear can be obtained as part of the quest rewards as well. Granted the gap between excavated and crafted gear isn't as large with the jump from MH4 to MH4U, but excavated gear also has a chance of coming with bonus skills.


So I killed an (insert cool monster here) in an expedition and unlocked a Gendrome guild quest instead. What the heck, man?


Just because you kill a certain kind of monster in an expedition, doesn't mean that's the monster you'll get from the resulting guild quest. In fact, expect to get a ton of Gendrome, Yian Kut Ku and Basarios when doing low-rank expeditions. That being said, I unlocked a Gore Magala guild quest after hunting Gore Magala in an expedition. As with all things, the answer really depends. Here are the guild quest unlocking rates for certain monsters. Note that not getting a quest altogether is possible as well.

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No worries @Hero\-of\-Time it was getting on.


I had a bit of a poop night. I was doing well myself but the randoms I was playing with just kept fainting (I changed rooms a few times too), they were very naive in their hunting I must say. It's at times like these voice/chat is a must. Just so you can give some advice... like getting out of the tight corner and not trying to fight the monster there, bring him into open space where you've room to position and dodge... you know, very basic stuff!

Hardly got any hunts done.


Red Khezu is a pain too, he's the only monster that makes me use a good number of potions, that damn electric git!

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For those who are neglecting the single player you may want to think again. I'll put the stuff in spoilers but I personally don't think it's needed.


Eventually you will hit monsters that are super frenzied. You will need anti-frenzy stones to do any kind of decent damage to the beasties. These are apparently obtained by playing through the single player campaign ( 9 star village quests ). If you don't have the stone then you will have a really hard time doing G-Rank.


There's people online who are kicking those out of the lobbies if they don't even have them because they are such a required item for the later quests.



Basically get playing the single player mode!

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For those who are neglecting the single player you may want to think again. I'll put the stuff in spoilers but I personally don't think it's needed.


Eventually you will hit monsters that are super frenzied. You will need anti-frenzy stones to do any kind of decent damage to the beasties. These are apparently obtained by playing through the single player campaign ( 9 star village quests ). If you don't have the stone then you will have a really hard time doing G-Rank.


There's people online who are kicking those out of the lobbies if they don't even have them because they are such a required item for the later quests.



Basically get playing the single player mode!


Ball-ache. That's when my time with this game will probably come to an end then. Can't be arsed with the single player, it was enough of a pain to get the merchant and decoration guy!

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Ball-ache. That's when my time with this game will probably come to an end then. Can't be arsed with the single player, it was enough of a pain to get the merchant and decoration guy!


You're gonna miss out on a good portion of the game, as well as new beasties.


Just do what I always do and get to G Rank, farm for a good weapon and then go and smash the single player stuff. I've been doing this with my High Rank gear on the Low Rank stuff and it's been a breeze. You could also speed things up by just doing the key quests.

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You're gonna miss out on a good portion of the game, as well as new beasties.


Just do what I always do and get to G Rank, farm for a good weapon and then go and smash the single player stuff. I've been doing this with my High Rank gear on the Low Rank stuff and it's been a breeze. You could also speed things up by just doing the key quests.


I just find it a little dull though... and there's just so much sodding text to skip through! Simply, I'd rather play on other games than do the single player on MH.

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I just find it a little dull though... and there's just so much sodding text to skip through! Simply, I'd rather play on other games than do the single player on MH.


Yeah, the amount of text in this one is a bit nuts. I also don't care for having to walk around town and gather quests. I much prefer to just walk to the quest counter and get them there.


I guess people were complaining about the lack of story or something but that's not what MH is about in the first place.

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For those who are neglecting the single player you may want to think again. I'll put the stuff in spoilers but I personally don't think it's needed.


Eventually you will hit monsters that are super frenzied. You will need anti-frenzy stones to do any kind of decent damage to the beasties. These are apparently obtained by playing through the single player campaign ( 9 star village quests ). If you don't have the stone then you will have a really hard time doing G-Rank.


There's people online who are kicking those out of the lobbies if they don't even have them because they are such a required item for the later quests.



Basically get playing the single player mode!


I've played nothing but SP, so far. Just unlocked 7 star quests, clocking in at 65hours. Holding off on the online stuff as I know I won't be able to stop once I do crossover. Gah... this game!!

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I've also played mostly offline, and have now hit the 7* village quests (45 hours playtime). While there's no doubt that MH is a great laugh in multiplayer, I actually really do like the single player as well.


And I get a much greater sense of achievement in successfully hunting the difficult monsters on my own, especially having to rely on low rank weapons and armor.

OK, I've got my Palicoes with me, but in my usual team, one of them is a gatherer and doesn't fight at all, and the other one spends most of the time hitting the gathering Palico for "slacking". :laughing:


Really enjoy training them though. My main Palico is currently at Lv 20, and the rest are between Lv 8-16. I can now send my little Meownster Hunters on high-rank quests too! And that's something I try to do as often as possible, as the Palico weapons and armor in this are so adorable. :love:

You can tell I enjoy Monster Hunter for all the wrong reasons. :heh:

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I've played nothing but SP, so far. Just unlocked 7 star quests, clocking in at 65hours. Holding off on the online stuff as I know I won't be able to stop once I do crossover. Gah... this game!!


Fuck me, I thought I had been obsessive with my 15 hours, most single player, haha :shakehead:):heh:

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Fuck me, I thought I had been obsessive with my 15 hours, most single player, haha :shakehead:):heh:


85 hours here. But then i'm a MH maniac. :D


You can tell I enjoy Monster Hunter for all the wrong reasons. :heh:


Yes. Yes you do.


I knew you would be obsessing over your little helpers. You were the same on MH3U with the Cha-Chas.


You should have just played this instead. :)



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85 hours here. But then i'm a MH maniac. :D
Hehehe. :hehe:

How many hours do you reckon you'll get out of this version in total then? Think I played Tri and 3U for about 500 hours each! :o

With the increased amount of large monsters in 4U, the time required to "complete" it, could actually be close to 1000 hours! :eek:

That's a lot of 3DS charges/hand cramp. :heh:


Yes. Yes you do.


I knew you would be obsessing over your little helpers. You were the same on MH3U with the Cha-Chas.


You should have just played this instead. :)



OMG! What is that, and is it as awesome as the box art suggests? :D
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Hehehe. :hehe:

How many hours do you reckon you'll get out of this version in total then? Think I played Tri and 3U for about 500 hours each! :o

With the increased amount of large monsters in 4U, the time required to "complete" it, could actually be close to 1000 hours! :eek:

That's a lot of 3DS charges/hand cramp. :heh:


OMG! What is that, and is it as awesome as the box art suggests? :D


Yeah, I think I stuck around 500 into each of those as well. This game is huge though and 1000 hours may not be a far off guess!


HERE is what that game is all about.


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So...I'm tempted to pick this up.


Is this easier to get into than the last installment? Would it be worth it if I mainly played single player? And how's the online? Able to do with randoms?


I think it's definitely the easiest out of the MH games. Is it easy to get into? Its the same as it's always been. It does give you more tutorials and help but the gameplay is largely the same. If you didn't like the older games then I can't see you enjoying this one.


The single player is very fleshed out now, with more story and cutscenes than has ever been in any of the MH games.


You can certainly play with random players or hook up with some N-E peeps as well.

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I think it's definitely the easiest out of the MH games. Is it easy to get into? Its the same as it's always been. It does give you more tutorials and help but the gameplay is largely the same. If you didn't like the older games then I can't see you enjoying this one.


The single player is very fleshed out now, with more story and cutscenes than has ever been in any of the MH games.


You can certainly play with random players or hook up with some N-E peeps as well.


Well, you just sold it to me :laughing:


I did like the last installment but I just didn't have the patience to put more time into it. But I need a gaming fix and Monster Hunter seems to be a good place to start (in combination with Majora's Mask). : peace:

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@Hero\-of\-Time there's no way you only put 500 hours into each, surely?! I put in 800 on Tri and around 600 on 3U. I reckon this one won't get near either of them to be honest though, not from what you were saying about needing to do the single player too. :(

Edited by Kav
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@Hero\-of\-Time there's no way you only put 500 hours into each, surely?! I put in 800 on Tri and around 600 on 3U. I reckon this one won't get near either of them to be honest though, not from what you were saying about needing to do the single player too. :(


I rush my games though. :indeed:


You could be right though. I completed every award in 3U so my time may be higher than 500 hours.


I've created an online thread for the game, just so help requests don't get lost in this thread.



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HERE is what that game is all about.


Insane. :hehe:

It's also amusing how that was developed by From Software, aka the psychos behind Dark Souls. :grin:


You could be right though. I completed every award in 3U so my time may be higher than 500 hours.
Speaking of awards, I can't believe how many there are in this version. Looking at the Guild Card there seems to be around six times the amount that were in 3U! :o
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I did ~600 in Tri (about 50 of which don't really count as it was just time spent chatting to randoms and prancing about) and 450 something in Freedom Unite.


Gotta get my hands on 3U, eventually but I fear for my sanity.


This year is going to be a blast. MH4, Bloodborne AND Persona 5. Bye bye life.

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