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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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. Even if I had to grab a sandwich there's a chicken salad sandwich which is 31g protein and about 45g carbs. Make up the meal deal with fruit and zero-cal drink, low sugar smoothie or water


That's my exact lunch until I get sick of it. I tend to go for Ribena Light if it's in the offer, when it's not in the offer it's diet coke.

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I'd love to eat you like you guys but I suffer really badly from Acid Reflux, it's absolutely murder having to try and schedule life around eating. Without going into gory details, I have to leave at least 6 hours between eating and going to bed or at least a few hours between eating and working out. Makes it virtually impossible to do any sort of serious bulking.


Have you tried Nexium?

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I got an email this morning saying that my bumper plates wouldn't be coming today. I was a little disappointed as the delivery was scheduled for today, but there's not a lot that could be done about it, so I trotted on out to work.


At about noon, I got a message off Ine to say that the weights had arrived. Yaaaay. I've had a look at them and fuaaaark, they are big. The 25KG plates are like...tyres. They're so thick. I feel sorry for the poor delivery man who had to bring them down our stairs to the flat!


I've taken all of my standard weight plates off my weight tree and I've put my Olympic plates on there for now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little overwhelmed looking at those plates...


Also, the entiiiiire house smells of rubber now. Absolutely reeks of it. I guess I'll have to get used to this, although I hope the smell disappears later.


Now I just have to wait for the barbell and collars. It's like starting over.

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Started off Stronglifts 5x5 a couple of weeks ago, already starting to feel some progress in terms of my body definition, alongside a slightly healthier diet (always been relatively healthy but have cut down even more on snack foods/carbs/fats). Never really lifted before and not finding it too hard at the moment, apart from the overhead press. I think my grip may have been too wide on reflection, but it's definitely the trickiest exercise of the programme.

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I got an email this morning saying that my bumper plates wouldn't be coming today. I was a little disappointed as the delivery was scheduled for today, but there's not a lot that could be done about it, so I trotted on out to work.


At about noon, I got a message off Ine to say that the weights had arrived. Yaaaay. I've had a look at them and fuaaaark, they are big. The 25KG plates are like...tyres. They're so thick. I feel sorry for the poor delivery man who had to bring them down our stairs to the flat!


I've taken all of my standard weight plates off my weight tree and I've put my Olympic plates on there for now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little overwhelmed looking at those plates...


Also, the entiiiiire house smells of rubber now. Absolutely reeks of it. I guess I'll have to get used to this, although I hope the smell disappears later.


Now I just have to wait for the barbell and collars. It's like starting over.


Yes the rubber smelllll oh the rubber :D It does go eventually! So excited for you, its like CHRISTMAS.


Started off Stronglifts 5x5 a couple of weeks ago, already starting to feel some progress in terms of my body definition, alongside a slightly healthier diet (always been relatively healthy but have cut down even more on snack foods/carbs/fats). Never really lifted before and not finding it too hard at the moment, apart from the overhead press. I think my grip may have been too wide on reflection, but it's definitely the trickiest exercise of the programme.


5x5 is an extremely solid powerlifting plan. I loved loved loved it. Was when I made my best gainz. I was also a member of the inner circle for a while.


Squatting 3/4x a week, man its tough sometimes lol. I swear one morning at 6am I was like give me damn strength i cant do 25 squats today...........:blank:


OHP grip should be just a little over shoulder width or thereabouts. (also make sure its strict, no lower body movement)


Before I got ill i did SL, got my squat up to 75kg, the bros in the gym did not know what to make of me. There with my deadlifts n chalk and heavy ass squats. And the olympic lifts i did, they all tried to copy... my personal trainer said hey they been imitating you, doing really bad reverse bicep curls :bowdown:: peace::shakehead


It was fun though, being in a gym with bros cheering you on to hit your deadlift 1rm. Wouldn't have got the 120kg i did without it. Something nice about the camaraderie if you get a real good gym. :yay:

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I did a very intense chest session earlier today. I'm feeling the DOMs already. I love the feeling of a chest work out. Will train my back before I go to work tomorrow morning and then will go for a run on my dinner hour.


If I can sort the diet out without comfort eating, jobs a good un!

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My goddamn OHP sucks ass. I think it's a lack of sleep and not eating enough calories. Mostly the lack of sleep, since I can't sleep for shit. Having a minor hissy fit here, don't mind me.


I blow hot and cold with the OHP. Some days I'm really up for it and can lift a decent amount, and there's other days where I'm clearly not in the mood. Eating and resting the night before I was going to attempt this lift (as well as eating enough on the day) helped me love it more.


Just keep trying with it and maybe look at your technique to see how you can tighten that up more. On the whole, it is going to be the one that you lift the least in, since the majority of people will be able to bench, squat and deadlift (probably bb row, too) more than they OHP.

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I've been doing seated OHP but maybe i should switch to standing. Hmmm...



Did chest yesterday. I'm now doing...


2 sets of 5 at 100kg

2 sets of 5 at 95kg

1 set of 5 at 90kg


It went super well when I first did it on Monday (?) last week, then I struggled on Thursday. The yesterday was much better, though not as good as the first time I did it – but still, better. So yeah, I'm a bit inconsistent with it but the 90kg is becomeng easy on the fifth set, which wasn't even remotely close to being the case when I was having my real slump.


So progress? I think so. Doesn't really feel like it but if I look at the numbers, I'm shifting more weight in a session than I was previously.


Think I'm going to maintain it for another week then shift up to 105kg for the first set. Again, I'm not really sure.

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I can't wait to get back into weights next week after I finish swimming. I think that I will start back on Starting Strength to get my lifts back to where they were before I stopped.


Definitely going to carry on swimming too but maybe just 50 lengths once a week rather than multiple times a week swimming for well over an hour!

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Been making a proper effort to make use of my resistance band every morning for the last couple of days after having a bit more of a quiet week with work and slowly starting to feel some improvement in my shoulders.


@pratty, I now get what you mean when you said that pain in the shoulders could be linked to things in your back as from doing pulls, I'm feeling tightness in my upper back just inside both shoulder blades (so between those and my spine) as well as in my deltoids and trapezius muscles (I'm not great on the musculature terms but IIRC those are correct for the bits I'm meaning).


Hopefully I've caught it earlier enough to stop it getting worse and just currently taking it easy by keeping it on the lightweight band and doing short stints of 20 pulls before moving onto a couple of other different stretches for the time being. Felt much more comfortable doing it this morning and managed a double set of stretches before things started to feel a little sore so progress is being made there.


Also managing to at least sort some of my diet out. Regularly eating much more fruit and veg, haven't touched any form of fizzy juice for near on a month now (drinking a lot more vitamin water and stuff but need to start using my baobab powder for drinking water at work more), have taken to eating nuts and dried fruit as snacky things for work to stop me having chocolate or such and if I do want something like that, I've been getting the Trek protein bars/flapjack things. Did end up having some pizza last night for the first time in about 2 weeks but it didn't sit well at all, think largely because of the amount of salt and fat, so that's good that my body seems to have detoxed to a degree on certain things.


But seeing a big improvement in terms of feeling more energetic and not having energy slumps like I used to so that's good. Hopefully getting that sorted more over the coming weeks and picking up some new running trainers and I'll be ready to at least start on getting back out for short runs and see how I get on.

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So I've had a really awkward back injury for over a year now that has stopped me doing my gymnastics/trampolining that I used to do 10+ hours a week. I have thus lost all semblance of fitness and really need to find a way back into it.


I've tried the staples of swimming (hurts my back almost immediately), cycling (also uncomfortable on the back) and running (boring, plus I quickly get shin splints recurring from my trampolining days) and I'm not able to do them or stick to any regime. I also know from the last 5 years of experience that I am terrible at committing to a regular gym plan.


What I really need is to find some kind of sport or game that I can enjoy playing sufficiently to do it regularly, but which also will be easy-ish on my upper back. I thought about maybe tennis or badminton but I need a partner for those which I haven't yet found. Does anybody have any suggestions?

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Maybe you need to give running another go? Shin splints is probably just a result of poor form, or poor footwear, a good running shop will check your form and suggest some good shoes etc.. Since that's the one you didn't get back pain with, it seems worth a shot. If you find it boring maybe sign up to a 5k or 10k so you have a goal. Also, there's a moment by all accounts (not mine) with running that it just "clicks" and suddenly, the hard work fades away and you begin to enjoy it.


Otherwise you could join a beginner badminton/tennis club?

Edited by Shorty
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So I've had a really awkward back injury for over a year now that has stopped me doing my gymnastics/trampolining that I used to do 10+ hours a week. I have thus lost all semblance of fitness and really need to find a way back into it.


I've tried the staples of swimming (hurts my back almost immediately), cycling (also uncomfortable on the back) and running (boring, plus I quickly get shin splints recurring from my trampolining days) and I'm not able to do them or stick to any regime. I also know from the last 5 years of experience that I am terrible at committing to a regular gym plan.


What I really need is to find some kind of sport or game that I can enjoy playing sufficiently to do it regularly, but which also will be easy-ish on my upper back. I thought about maybe tennis or badminton but I need a partner for those which I haven't yet found. Does anybody have any suggestions?


Both tennis and badminton are quite back heavy. In fact most things are. Have you seen a doctor about your injury?

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My bar arrived and I've been able to have my very first session with the new equipment. Feelsgoodman.


I've ordered some increment weights (1.25s and 2.5s) as I feel that I need them. Also, my collars didn't arrive, so had to contact the peoples and ask for them. Should be here soon.


It does mean that our room is a bit crazy, atm. There's weights everywhere. Big bumper plates, standard weight plates of all different sizes. The whole house STILL smells of rubber...I'm quite used to it now.

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Maybe you need to give running another go? Shin splints is probably just a result of poor form, or poor footwear, a good running shop will check your form and suggest some good shoes etc.. Since that's the one you didn't get back pain with, it seems worth a shot. If you find it boring maybe sign up to a 5k or 10k so you have a goal. Also, there's a moment by all accounts (not mine) with running that it just "clicks" and suddenly, the hard work fades away and you begin to enjoy it.


Otherwise you could join a beginner badminton/tennis club?


It's a recurring long term thing from doing a high impact sport for 10 years. Though maybe it is worth going in to a proper running shop and getting insoles or whatever - couldn't hurt at least.


Both tennis and badminton are quite back heavy. In fact most things are. Have you seen a doctor about your injury?


Yeah, but I'm hoping that maybe it will be at just the right level to work it without over doing it, and so help rehab it. But then, I thought that about swimming as well.


Went back to the GP fairly recently actually and they gave me painkillers and put me on a physio waiting list again. They don't seem to have much else to suggest.

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Yeah, but I'm hoping that maybe it will be at just the right level to work it without over doing it, and so help rehab it. But then, I thought that about swimming as well.


Went back to the GP fairly recently actually and they gave me painkillers and put me on a physio waiting list again. They don't seem to have much else to suggest.


I wouldn't recommend tennis for your back, it's quite high impact. Swimming would be far better for rehab if it isn't sore. You could try different strokes too. Swimming is great because it's really low impact and works your whole body.

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Pix plox ten char.


Hurr you go.




Ok...let me see if I can work out which weights are in that photograph.


Top left: 15KG bumper plates

Top right: 10kg and 5KG bumper plates

Bottom right: 25KG bumper plates

Bottom left: 20KG bumper plates

Weight tree is a standard weight tree.

That upper middle bit contains...2KG standard cast iron, with some 1.25KGs on top of that.

Below that (bottom middle) contains 10KG cast iron standard with an assortment of 1.25s, 2.5kgs and 0.5kgs. Before I got the bumper plates, I had all of the standard weights fitted onto the tree and it looked neat as fuck.

On the floor, you can see the rubber tri-grip plates next to the dumbbell on the right. There's some 2.5KGs and 1.25KGs there. I've got about four of those dumbbell handles, mainly because the two I got when I first started out weren't great and so I bought a newer and better set. There's a fair amount of spin lock collars dotted around that place, too.

There's a few other weights out of shot.




If you look reeeeeeally carefully, next to the weight tree there is a bottom open compartment of Ine's wardrobe. Those black things that you can see are two 25KG standard weight plates with a couple of 5KGs on top of them. It was either store them there or under the bed and I chose there for some reason.


This shot shows how I set up the equipment to do squats (I usually have those spot-catcher bits raised too, but didn't do it for this demonstration). I move the bench out of the way for that and then move it back when doing bench press, for example. That's my new Olympic bar. :D




That's how I store the squat stands. The height bars are adjustable, so I retract them and put them away when not in use. I like this a lot because it means we can save a lot of space when not exercising.




That's where I keep my old standard barbells. Can't remember the size of the smaller one, but the larger one is either at or close to 7ft and weighs around 8KG. Safe to say that the new Olympic bar is a bit heavier and is taking a tiny bit of getting used to.


So, there you have it...A tiny bit messy at the moment (at least, compared to what it used to be like when I was standard weights only) but it's getting there. The thing that is annoying about the current set up is the smaller standard weights are in the way and the 20KG bumper plates (bottom left of the tree) are difficult to retrieve due to the tree's positioning. At the moment, it'll do.


We've done pretty well considering that the space we've got isn't really all that big. @Ashley can vouch for this as he's seen it in real life. But, it's about working with what you've got and I think we've done well there.

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I think I've developed a bit of a chest/back imbalance since trying to really push chest. aNyone got any tips or exercises to help strengthen my back?


Currently I'm going to start incorporating bent over bar bell rows into my routine but I wonder if there were any others.

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I think there are quite a few missing from there. It's a good chart though generally.


But I'm not sure which muscle group I'm really meant to be focusing for an imbalance with my chest. From my attempts at googling, I think bent over bar bell rows is one of them. Just can't really find any others.


I think it's my middle-back that needs work? I dunno. I'm confused.


I'm going to guess, these.

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Working your chest too much will pull your shoulders forward so you need to work the muscles that pull them backwards, i.e. the upper and middle back. Working on the lower back is obviously mandatory as well but that's more for the purpose of life itself.


If, on the other hand, you had been working your abs too much, you would need to work on the lower back.


Pull-ups are also very good for upper and middle back. Actually, any kind of pull works.




I have just got home from work, before leaving work I was ready to go do some arms and chest. But then it started raining, like.. seriously! I got quite wet on my way home (bike) and now I can't find the willpower to go out in the rain again. Damn weather! At home I only have a 10 kg dumbell...

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