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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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I decided to start doing Overhead Press with the barbell. Settled on 5x5 to start with (StrongLifts never led me astray when I'm starting something). What does everyone else OHP? I'm not really sure what a good benchmark is in terms of weight.


I ended up doing 5x5 at 50kg. Really focused on form, starting with my arms fully extended, down and up; one rep. I think I could have done a little more but didn't want to get ahead of myself.

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I decided to start doing Overhead Press with the barbell. Settled on 5x5 to start with (StrongLifts never led me astray when I'm starting something). What does everyone else OHP? I'm not really sure what a good benchmark is in terms of weight.


I ended up doing 5x5 at 50kg. Really focused on form, starting with my arms fully extended, down and up; one rep. I think I could have done a little more but didn't want to get ahead of myself.


I know a friend of mine at the gym can do that with 60kg for sets of 5, but hes one of the very dedicated spends his life at the gym types. I on the other hand would do well to do 5x5 with 40 lol

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OHP is by far the weakest lift of them all for most people - except perhaps snatch / overhead squat but then most people don't do these. I would also do well if I manage 5x5 at 40 kg, my previous 1RM PR is 48 kg after a period with a lot of focus on this particular lift.


I have a tendency to arch my back a bit too much when OHP-ing so I've gone down some kilos in order to see if I can fix this. I do about 5x7 @30 kg instead.

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I decided to start doing Overhead Press with the barbell. Settled on 5x5 to start with (StrongLifts never led me astray when I'm starting something). What does everyone else OHP? I'm not really sure what a good benchmark is in terms of weight.


I ended up doing 5x5 at 50kg. Really focused on form, starting with my arms fully extended, down and up; one rep. I think I could have done a little more but didn't want to get ahead of myself.


I'm on 52.5kg at the moment, although that's a real fucking struggle. It's a hard lift, imo. I do enjoy it, particularly when it all goes well!

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I know a friend of mine at the gym can do that with 60kg for sets of 5, but hes one of the very dedicated spends his life at the gym types. I on the other hand would do well to do 5x5 with 40 lol


OHP is by far the weakest lift of them all for most people - except perhaps snatch / overhead squat but then most people don't do these. I would also do well if I manage 5x5 at 40 kg, my previous 1RM PR is 48 kg after a period with a lot of focus on this particular lift.


I have a tendency to arch my back a bit too much when OHP-ing so I've gone down some kilos in order to see if I can fix this. I do about 5x7 @30 kg instead.


I'm on 52.5kg at the moment, although that's a real fucking struggle. It's a hard lift, imo. I do enjoy it, particularly when it all goes well!


Hmmm, interesting. Seems like I've managed to build pretty strong shoulders with my other exercises because 50kg felt like a good starting point. (Just to be clear, by Overhead Press, I mean Standing Military Press, right?)


I've always felt my shoulders might be a little weak simply because I tire on wide-grip pull-ups quite quickly – even though my other shoulder exercises are real solid. God I hate wide-grip pull-ups.

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I would try to avoid doing chest and shoulders on consecutive days. It puts real strain on your shoulder joins. Once in a while I'm sure it's fine but just a PSA (I don't like saying people are doing something wrong in their routine – because I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about half the time – but I've found personally splitting those two days up it a good idea).



Today I did legs.

5x5 squats at 90kg. I did really slow squats, trying to maintain tension, increase flexibility in my ankles and go deep.

Then I did front squats, 3 sets of 12 reps (kill me) at 60kg. My abs gave out.

Then I ran for 14 minutes on the random hills setting.


Not sure if that's a good leg day as that took me a whole hour altogether.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As some of you may have heard, today I strode into the Halls of Swolehalla and benched 110kg (242.5lbs). For a single rep.

It was a super good rep, really clean, really controlled. I was so fucking on it. I'm buzzing.




You bitch, how did you do that? Congrats! That's an awesome feeling, I bet. What's your bodyweight at the moment? (is that good etiquette? Is that like asking a lady for her age? I don't know if that's frowned upon)


I think my lifts are beginning to stall. I also don't think I'm eating enough and the two are most definitely related. Fuck sake. I'm really struggling with eating at the moment, I feel too full all of the time.

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Can it be called a rep if there is but one of it?


(Well done though, I'm sure that's super heavy and whatnot)


Wasn't the only rep I did within the session. It's usually called a one-max-rep (1MR).


YEAH you did :bowdown::bowdown:






You bitch, how did you do that? Congrats! That's an awesome feeling, I bet. What's your bodyweight at the moment? (is that good etiquette? Is that like asking a lady for her age? I don't know if that's frowned upon)


I think my lifts are beginning to stall. I also don't think I'm eating enough and the two are most definitely related. Fuck sake. I'm really struggling with eating at the moment, I feel too full all of the time.


Well, I'd been doing 5x5 and stalling at 90kg (think I hit 95kg for a week, maybe two). Then I realised that when I did that, my first set had to take into consideration what I could push on my final set. So, sod it, my first set i went heavier and progressively dropped the weight as the sets went on. And actually that in turn made the rest of my sets easier, even though they were the same weight that I would have been pushing.


So what looked like...


90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5


Turned into...


100kg x 2

95kg x 5

95kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5


Which might turn to...


100kg x 3/4/5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

80kg x 8

80kg x 8


Then once I'm confident with 100k, the next week, if I'm feeling good, I'll do one rep at 105kg. And I should be able to push that through which in turn benefits my 100kg lift.


I basically kept trying to optimise my first set because that was the only set that was going to really push me up strength-wise. Everything is about the first set, the rest are about endurance and conditioning.


And as always, I need to stress – and I'm sure you of all people know this – that you cannot compromise on form at all. I wouldn't be anywhere near as happy as I am with the one max rep if the form hadn't been so fucking good. *pats self on back*


So I'm 5'11" and last time I weighed myself I was 88kg (13.85st). That was a couple months ago, I need to weigh myself again.


I totally get the whole eating thing. I'm actually trying to slow cut (but erring on the side of eating more when I feel my body needs it). I probably should have eaten more carbs yesterday after that session. I've cut out basically all sugar from my diet and I've cut right back on carbs. I've also switch my protein from Hurricane XS – which is for bulking – to Impact Whey (much leaner) because the former has an unnecessary amount of carbs for me (in the form of sugar, I think).


I do intermittent fasting and at lunch I have three boiled eggs, a big head of broccoli and 210g of chicken. I have rice or pasta too if i'm feeling like my body needs a bit more fuel. For dinner, it's harder because of being in a couple but I just lower my portion side a little and we've started eating fish a lot more. I sometimes have a protein shake too if I feel like i need a bit of sweetness and/or my body need a bit more. ALWAYS USE WHOLE MILK; everything else is just coloured water.


Lost track of what I'm saying. Anywhey, that's based on a lot of internet reading and what works for me so I'm not saying I'm doing it right or that there aren't better ways – I'm kind of winging it.

Edited by Daft
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Wasn't the only rep I did within the session. It's usually called a one-max-rep (1MR).










Well, I'd been doing 5x5 and stalling at 90kg (think I hit 95kg for a week, maybe two). Then I realised that when I did that, my first set had to take into consideration what I could push on my final set. So, sod it, my first set i went heavier and progressively dropped the weight as the sets went on. And actually that in turn made the rest of my sets easier, even though they were the same weight that I would have been pushing.


So what looked like...


90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5


Turned into...


100kg x 2

95kg x 5

95kg x 5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5


Which might turn to...


100kg x 3/4/5

90kg x 5

90kg x 5

80kg x 8

80kg x 8


Then once I'm confident with 100k, the next week, if I'm feeling good, I'll do one rep at 105kg. And I should be able to push that through which in turn benefits my 100kg lift.


I basically kept trying to optimise my first set because that was the only set that was going to really push me up strength-wise. Everything is about the first set, the rest are about endurance and conditioning.


And as always, I need to stress – and I'm sure you of all people know this – that you cannot compromise on form at all. I wouldn't be anywhere near as happy as I am with the one max rep if the form hadn't been so fucking good. *pats self on back*


So I'm 5'11" and last time I weighed myself I was 88kg (13.85st). That was a couple months ago, I need to weigh myself again.


I totally get the whole eating thing. I'm actually trying to slow cut (but erring on the side of eating more when I feel my body needs it). I probably should have eaten more carbs yesterday after that session. I've cut out basically all sugar from my diet and I've cut right back on carbs. I've also switch my protein from Hurricane XS – which is for bulking – to Impact Whey (much leaner) because the former has an unnecessary amount of carbs for me (in the form of sugar, I think).


I do intermittent fasting and at lunch I have three boiled eggs, a big head of broccoli and 210g of chicken. I have rice or pasta too if i'm feeling like my body needs a bit more fuel. For dinner, it's harder because of being in a couple but I just lower my portion side a little and we've started eating fish a lot more. I sometimes have a protein shake too if I feel like i need a bit of sweetness and/or my body need a bit more. ALWAYS USE WHOLE MILK; everything else is just coloured water.


Lost track of what I'm saying. Anywhey, that's based on a lot of internet reading and what works for me so I'm not saying I'm doing it right or that there aren't better ways – I'm kind of winging it.


That's really helpful advice. I reeeeeally like the way that you've organised that benching routine...very clever. I almost did something similar before but didn't know whether to go through with it or stick with what I had, so I stuck with it. Next session, I'm going to do what do you and see how I progress with it for a while.


Cheers, excited for tomorrow's session now.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Got a compliment at the gym last week on my squat depth. Very pleased with that as so many people I see barely even bend their knees when squatting. I'm trying yet again to get properly back into the weights. Made it twice last week and once so far this week. I'll be able to get in hopefully 2 more this week. Struggling to find time as I'm training for a marathon in May too.

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That's really helpful advice. I reeeeeally like the way that you've organised that benching routine...very clever. I almost did something similar before but didn't know whether to go through with it or stick with what I had, so I stuck with it. Next session, I'm going to do what do you and see how I progress with it for a while.


Cheers, excited for tomorrow's session now.


As an update, just weighed myself at the gym and I'm now 86.5kg (190.69lbs/13.62st). I don't know if I'm doing a slow cut or slow bulk or a recomposition because in the past six months my lifts have slowly gone up and my weight has dropped 1.5kg. Is that even a lot of weight to lose?

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Got a compliment at the gym last week on my squat depth. Very pleased with that as so many people I see barely even bend their knees when squatting. I'm trying yet again to get properly back into the weights. Made it twice last week and once so far this week. I'll be able to get in hopefully 2 more this week. Struggling to find time as I'm training for a marathon in May too.


a LOT of people are extremely sloppy in terms of squat depth in my gym too.


i'm more dominant in my hams/glutes which might explain me coping better with olympic depth rather than just hitting parallel.



As an update, just weighed myself at the gym and I'm now 86.5kg (190.69lbs/13.62st). I don't know if I'm doing a slow cut or slow bulk or a recomposition because in the past six months my lifts have slowly gone up and my weight has dropped 1.5kg. Is that even a lot of weight to lose?


I would call it a recomp, 1.5kg isnt a significant weight to lose or gain /6months. But whatever the hell you're doing, dammit man, you're doing it right! :bowdown:

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Read an interesting article the other day from one of the premier strength and conditioning coaches in Ice Hockey, Matt Nichol, that if you can't properly squat/deadlift your own weight and box jump to sternum level, then you shouldn't bother with Olympic lifting until you can.

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@Daft, I tried your structure for benching today and I must say that I quite enjoyed it!


Previously, it did feel like there was added pressure on the entire routine, not just one set. So, if you hit say 100kg (not yet for me) in set one for five reps, you're then telling yourself that you should be able to hit it in the next set/rest of your routine. You do mentally tell yourself that you've still got more to do later, so I guess you're always saving that little bit more in the tank for the rest of the routine.


I went straight into it and, although I was shattered for the rest of my benching routine, I did feel a bit happier than I was able to lift more - even if it was just for the one set.


Will definitely be trying it again. At which point do you personally decide to move to the next weight? When you hit 5 reps?

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Read an interesting article the other day from one of the premier strength and conditioning coaches in Ice Hockey, Matt Nichol, that if you can't properly squat/deadlift your own weight and box jump to sternum level, then you shouldn't bother with Olympic lifting until you can.


Box jump to sternum level? Geez, that might be a bit off, I have only seen a few being able to box jump past their belly button. (Also there's the fact that you get too nervous when it gets past that height.) I can go to belly button level at my best, I think.


I agree on the squat and deadlift, though. You really should be able to take your own body weight.

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@Daft, I tried your structure for benching today and I must say that I quite enjoyed it!


Previously, it did feel like there was added pressure on the entire routine, not just one set. So, if you hit say 100kg (not yet for me) in set one for five reps, you're then telling yourself that you should be able to hit it in the next set/rest of your routine. You do mentally tell yourself that you've still got more to do later, so I guess you're always saving that little bit more in the tank for the rest of the routine.


I went straight into it and, although I was shattered for the rest of my benching routine, I did feel a bit happier than I was able to lift more - even if it was just for the one set. Will definitely be trying it again. At which point do you personally decide to move to the next weight? When you hit 5 reps?


I put all I have into my first set. You can only fatigue your muscles at a maximum weight once in a routine so after you've done that it's time to basically switch to drop sets.


I don't do anything as strict as that. If you're already hitting 100kg in one set for five reps, I would say that you should attempt 105kg for a rep on chest day the next week (you might be able to eek out two reps).


I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're saying, though. Break it down for me. (Sorry, it's Monday morning, I'm being slow)

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