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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread


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I should have saved the replay of teh match where I did a suicide leaping punch with Little Mac....didn't think he;d jump that far :heh:


On the plus side I played for random "for fun" matches when you left and got my 1st online win with randoms :D

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Yeah, I'll try to get on after dinner, if I'm not too busy with other stuff/gaems ;D. Getting a new high-end gaming PC and suddenly realizing how vast your Steam library backlog is.... I don't have time for everything -_-.


Edit: Just one thing that I've been wondering about. How do you guys communicate if you just want to have a few quick games with someone from N-E online in Smash? Is anyone chatting on Skype? That would be great, even if it would be between the matches. Do you use the N-Europe Chat? Or is this the only means for communication you use?


Would be fun to write "Hahahahaha, that's the most stupid thing EVER!" after something stupid in a match :P. The four speech bubbles while taunting just... isn't enough :P.

Edited by ArtMediocre
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Slightly early as thought I might get more success with some notice... does anyone fancy some Smash on wednesday around 6pm~ish, maybe half past.?


Not managed to get online with N-E yet.


Was gonna go out but can't be arsed now so can probably manage that!


Yeah, I'll try to get on after dinner, if I'm not too busy with other stuff/gaems ;D. Getting a new high-end gaming PC and suddenly realizing how vast your Steam library backlog is.... I don't have time for everything -_-.


Edit: Just one thing that I've been wondering about. How do you guys communicate if you just want to have a few quick games with someone from N-E online in Smash? Is anyone chatting on Skype? That would be great, even if it would be between the matches. Do you use the N-Europe Chat? Or is this the only means for communication you use?


Would be fun to write "Hahahahaha, that's the most stupid thing EVER!" after something stupid in a match :P. The four speech bubbles while taunting just... isn't enough :P.


I've only played a few sesh with folks here and only really used this thread whilst doing so, but I don't see why I could whip skype on the laptop and stick some speakers in - used Steam chat before when I played fantasy life with some folks. Definitely think being able to chat improves the smash experience, did some local last night and we had such a proper chuckle. Had a match we called the Nine Times Table - 4 Mr.G+Ws, Omega Flat Zone...just try and no9 peeps! Wouldn't have been half as hilarious online w/o voice chat imo.

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Just opened a room.


Message me on here if anyone turns up. Just off to the kitchen.

Oi, @DuD, stop playing For Glory and show me how much you've improved as Lucaaaaaah I made myself feel a bit sad there. Also let me know your preferred rules maybe.


By the by to those who mentioned it above, I myself am not that finely tuned into the ways of voice chat, so I'm probably not the best man for the job for organising such a thing, but if you folks solidify an idea of a workaround for in-match banter, I can always add it to the opening post. Make it 'official' and whatnot


EDIT: I'm gonna go ahead and open a room now (7:30PM UK) and see if anyone bites byyyy... 8:00PM. 8:30PM if I'm feeling desperate for Smash tonight. =P

Edited by Sprout
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I'm laughing so hard right now XD. What is it with me and bat attraction! xD


@Sprout, Thank you for just purely kicking my ass last night!


I felt so bad about not being able to join in last night, but when I logged on 11:30 PM (norway time) Sprout was there. "I got time for a few rounds. Might be.... fun." I thought. I got whooped. Badly. Won one game, but I think you were just playing easy :P.


(My favorite one was when I managed to use Ganon Kick right into your homerun bat. I think I saved that video, so I'mma gonna gif it!)

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It took longer than expected, but I got a second video done! Now with names! Goodness, I hope I didn't make any mistakes... I also put in a little bit of extra work for the intro and ending than the previous video, so I hope you enjoyed those parts, too. This time, I opted for a Punch-Out!! motif after taking one K.O. Punch too many to the face, courtesy of The Peeps in particular. =P


This video features matches from the end of 2014 that included the following members:



@\-Dem0\-'s brother



@Nintendo Fan




@The Peeps


…That being said, I feel bad that I was unable to get any decent screentime for some members. Sometimes it's that I haven't played against them enough (like Calv and -Dem0-), sometimes it's just that the matches they’re involved in at the time don't really fit in videos like this. Regardless I still feel bad about it, so to Alak, Nintendo Fan, Mr-Paul and Tales in particular, my apologies! If I ever get the chance to do a third video (I don’t think poor Pit wants me to though at this point), I hope I can include you a bit more.


By the way, I've updated the first post with recent NNIDs that I completely didn't forget about (but do fill in any gaps for me and let me know if I've forgotten anybody). I've also created a Videos section, which includes both the first and second of my videos (the first one has even been updated with user names)! If any of you ever create a video of Smash games with fellow n-e members, feel free to share it, and I'll consider adding it to this section.

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I need to get back into this. I'm free in the evening from Tuesday to Friday but I won't be around until after 11pm tonight. Hopefully I can get a few games in with n-e people at some point this week :)


[edit] Great video again Sprout, I love the motif ;)

Edited by The Peeps
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Yep, we most definitely need to play some more together, I mean... I was in that movie two times. At one, I was in the corner, at the other, I was already dead xD.


Props to you @Sprout, both for making such an awesome video (I really enjoyed the Punch Out X Kid Icarus theme) and also for kindeling the Smash Fire on N-Europe again. Looks like there'll be some more smashing now :D. I'm busy wednesday evening, but I might be online if I get home in time.

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Fantastic vid @Sprout!! :grin::bowdown:

I need to get back into this game, and that vid has motivated me to do just that. Anyone up for some matches tonight, at say... 8pm? ;)


I had fun last night :D i didn't see this message, just happened to notice you in my friend list! I loved the custom pokemon n64 stage :D

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Well done @Sprout! Possibly even better than the first video!

It has made me realise that I've been neglecting Smash a bit.

I need to have more matches in the future.


Are you guys all brilliant? DO you voice chat?


I'm wanting to get more into the online on this (only play my brothers kids and david dakota), love the game!


Despite what the video might show, some of us are brilliant. Not me though, I'm better than average, I think. I don't voice chat. But I still enjoy online.


You should totally join in, the amount of hilarious moments that happen are astonishing. (Which is a good argument for "For Fun" over "For Glory")

Don't worry too much about winning or losing. That's what I do.

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