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Just Cause 3


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I sent you some too, check da inbox. ;)


*awaiting impossible-to-beat scores* :D Edit: Only got one. Think it's a bit buggy...but I beat it :laughing: Thanks : peace:


I drive past the following gas tanks on my way to work:




If someone could read my mind whenever I see them I'd be locked up forever.

Edited by drahkon
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Started this up at the weekend there and man, people really weren't kidding about those load times. Sometimes they're not too bad, still a little on the long side, but other times they're shocking. I went to do one of the challenges and because it was taking so long, I was able to empty the washing machine, hand what needed to be put out on the clothes line and the rest in the tumble dryer and get back before it had finished loading. :shakehead


Hopefully sorting that is the first priority patch wise for the devs because if that's how it'll play out, I can see myself getting rather frustrated with it. Mad Max, also by Avalanche Studios, had the tendency to have long load times but never more than a minute and was usually much quicker than that on occasion.


As for what I've played, I've only dipped my toes in, so to speak, and done the first couple of story missions. Spent more time just messing about, slingshotting across the map with the grapple/parachute/wing suit, finding bases and towns to liberate. The first one I found I launched 1 grenade and the resultant action was like a fireworks display. My screen was popping with explosions left, right and centre all around me while I stood in the middle of the base. That one grenade started a chain of 19 subsequent explosions which promptly put me at the top of the leaderboard for the most consecutive explosions started from 1 initial one. It was glorious.


But then, that's what Just Cause is about: messing about and blowing shit up. And on that basis, even with the long load times, I'm really enjoying it so far. The story missions and such, I'm not too fussed for as you were able to clear that all in the previous games really quickly so I'm guessing the same can be said here so why waste time there when there are giant fuel tanks, transformers and such that need blowing up :grin:

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I'm really enjoying doing all of the gear challenges. I couldn't really be arsed to do the similar challenges in JC2, mainly because you didn't get anything worthwhile for doing them. In this one however, knowing that if you retry the challenge and do it a second faster will mean an extra gear and more cool shit = i will try and do it again 1 sec faster.


Really enjoying the wingsuit courses as well. I'm pretty shit at them, but fuck is it fun. I don't know why every game doesn't have a winggrapplechute in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Liberated the first Region, finished two more main missions, done a few challenges. Immensly fun. And I haven't even begun to screw with the mechanics :laughing:


A patch has been released, too. Loading times have been improved a lot. No 2 minute loading screens when you die or restart a challenge. 10 seconds tops. Still not incredibly good but much better than before. : peace:

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I picked this up a few days ago, and I'm really enjoying it so far.


As far as performance goes, the game runs pretty well. I'm running it on an i7 4790K @4GHz, a superclocked 970, and 16GB RAM. I'm running it at 1080p, with everything on maximum settings except LOD level and shadow quality are set to high, anti aliasing is completely turned off, and motion blur is turned off. For the most part, I'm getting a constant 60FPS, but it drops down a little bit when there's a LOT going on on screen, and I really mean a LOT. Noticeable frame drops at those settings are incredibly rare, even when blowing stuff up. I was able to run it fairly well with LOD level and shadow quality on very high, but frame drops were much more common, sometimes to as low as 30. I didn't even try to play the game with anti aliasing on, but motion blur caused huge frame drops constantly (although, I normally turn that one off anyway).


In terms of stability, the game isn't completely bug free. I've had one outright crash, and the lighting seems a bit flickery sometimes. I also encountered a bug where I liberated the first region completely before the story mission to disable the "FOW", and the game didn't recognize the region as liberated after completing that mission (I actually ended up restarting the game because of that, but it's going a lot quicker now that I know all the tricks). There was a patch released today, so that may have fixed some of these.


Anyone who's been following this thread from the beginning will know that I had huge problems with the controls in Just Cause 2, and was a bit skeptical about this game because of that. For the most part however, Just Cause 3's controls are much better. Guns no longer seem really laggy, and are actually quite fun to use now. The controls for on foot, and in different vehicles are now no longer tied together, which was a huge issue I had with 2, since the configuration I want for on foot is not necessarily the same as in a jet. Unfortunately, gamepad controls aren't configurable. I don't know why it's so uncommon to offer re-configurable gamepad controls; I've used the xinput API before, and it's pretty trivial to do. Fortunately, I'm just using a gamepad for controlling vehicles, as the keyboard and mouse work just fine for when on foot, and the transition is seamless, as it has been in most recent games. Another complaint I have about the controls is that when using the keyboard and mouse, certain actions are bound to the same key, rather than giving the user the option to configure them to separate keys. For instance, in Just Cause 2, hopping on to the top of the vehicle you're currently in, and quickly ejecting yourself with the parachute were separate keys, in Just Cause 3, they're the same key, and the second action requires holding it down. Using explosives is the most annoying example of this, where you have to press a key to go into explosives mode (as opposed to gun mode), instead of just having laying explosives mapped to a separate key like grenades. I understand why this is the case on consoles, but it really should have been corrected for the PC version.


I should probably note that none of these issues are even close to game breaking.


Just Cause 3 is by no means a deep or interesting game, but it doesn't try to be, and doesn't need to be. The Spiderman-with-a-parachute mechanics are still really fun, as is blowing stuff up. The wingsuit is a very welcome addition, and solves the problem of quick horizontal travel when too far away from the ground to use the grappling hook to accelerate that Just Cause 2 had. As I mentioned, the gun play has had a major upgrade as well and it actually feels fun to just shoot people now. Another extremely important addition in my opinion is that one of the fighter jets now has the ability to drop bombs, as opposed to just shooting missiles. This of course lead to me spending some time taking out a military base using only a plane, which was a lot of fun. It's something I always felt was missing from Just Cause 2. There are also player controlled corvettes, and I don't mean the sort that are made by General Motors.


When I fist played it Just Cause 2 had one of the most beautiful worlds I had ever experienced in an open world game. Not only were the visuals good (they still stand up pretty well today), but it had a very diverse world with lots of different areas to explore. While Just Cause 3 has significantly better visuals, the different islands aren't quite as diverse. You still have snowy mountains, but the rest of the world is pretty much the same, aside from some areas being more agrarian, and some being just wilderness. There are subtle differences, but don't expect to move between a jungle and a desert. This is understandable due to the game being set in the Mediterranean rather than East Asia, but it would have been nice to have at the very least, a larger urban area like Just Cause 2 had. The world is still very beautiful though, and while in some ways it does feel like a downgrade from 2, it probably won't have that big an impact on your enjoyment of the game.


Just Cause 3 is very much a game where you have to make your own fun. The game provides a lot of neat toys, and a sandbox to play with them in, but it's up to the player to use them in an interesting way. About 15-30 minutes into the game, after you get the ability to tether things together with your grappling hook, you have a mission where you have to steal a scooter, and get it to a nearby town to be processed. Not long after the mission starts, you'll drive by a helicopter, just sitting there. In my opinion, players who think to tether the scooter to the helicopter and fly it to the town are the ones who are going to enjoy the game, whereas if you just drive it there, you're probably going to get bored with the game before getting your money's worth.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Did anyone else get the expansion packs for this? The reviews aren't great for what you get, but I'd probably pay just to get the jet pack.


I've bought it, but haven't played it yet. Going to complete the main game first I think.

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Sounds fair.


I just completed the final mission (spent ages gliding around trying to kill Ravello with C4 as i ran out of bullets; ended up just grappling him into a rock), and i was listening to the propaganda minister for the last time. Throughout the whole game, every time he piped up i though "Man does that sound like David Tennant" But i assumed it couldn't be him. Just Cause 3 is a big game, but they don't usually get big actors in, especially to do such a small part...


And what do you know, it fucking is!


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  • 8 months later...
Is there anybody who still has this game, who could 'call me out' on a challenge so I can get the trophy for it? My PSN name is KwetlaJ.


I'll have one sent shortly.


Someone asked me to do this earlier too, I couldn't choose everything, but I sent every challenge I could so he could pick and choose whatever was easiest. I'll do the same now.


edit: Thought I already had you added, but appearently not. Sent friend request.

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I'll have one sent shortly.


Someone asked me to do this earlier too, I couldn't choose everything, but I sent every challenge I could so he could pick and choose whatever was easiest. I'll do the same now.


edit: Thought I already had you added, but appearently not. Sent friend request.

Cheers mate, hopefully I'll be able to beat one of them!

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Someone asked me to do this earlier too.


ooo that was me, last trophy I needed to platinum.


But after getting the DLC my bar isn't at 100% anymore and that just puts me off! >_<


Also that shotgun challenge can take a flying leap along with the helicopter race in Di Ravello city, was pulling my hair out at that one.

Edited by martinist
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Argh! Trying to complete all the vehicles, and getting that damn speedboat out of the lake is infuriating! Tried dragging it to the sea, but it exploded. Tried carrying it by helicopter, but it exploded. Tried putting it in a cargo plane, but it exploded. Arse.


Still, I finished the sky fortress DLC, bit short, but worth it just for the Iron Man suit.

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