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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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Haven gets attacked. Skyhold is brilliant.


Tried this quest just now and got my ass handed to me when that boss showed up. :blank:


Well, I tried this at level 8 which is the lowest recommended level... Maybe not the best idea.


Will have to find a new place to level up, though as the remaining quests in the Hinterlands are all "guarded" by level 12 enemies :(


Storm Coast, here I come : peace:

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Clocked over 40 hours on this already - very addictive! Up to level 16 and trying to put off the main missions as I'm not too sure how many there are.


I tried to do one of the main missions at level 8 but failed (as I've mentioned in my previous post).

Have levelled up and am level 10 now. Will tackle it again.


The sidequests are amazing. I've explored the Hinterlands, the Oasis and the Storm coast and found so many cool things.


In the Oasis there's some kind of temple with doors that need shards to open. It seems clearing its rooms gives the Herald of Andraste permanent stat boosts



And then there was Valammar in the Hinterlands. :awesome: Fighting dwarves and Darkspawn was amazing.


I also watched a battle between a Giant and a Dragon (at the Storm Coast). Decided to jump in and grab easy kills...the Dragon flew away and slaying the Giant wasn't as easy as I thought. Managed to win the fight, though.: peace:



I'm officially back into Western RPGs. Now come on, give me a new Fallout :D

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I tried to do one of the main missions at level 8 but failed (as I've mentioned in my previous post).

Have levelled up and am level 10 now. Will tackle it again.


The sidequests are amazing. I've explored the Hinterlands, the Oasis and the Storm coast and found so many cool things.


In the Oasis there's some kind of temple with doors that need shards to open. It seems clearing its rooms gives the Herald of Andraste permanent stat boosts



And then there was Valammar in the Hinterlands. :awesome: Fighting dwarves and Darkspawn was amazing.


I also watched a battle between a Giant and a Dragon (at the Storm Coast). Decided to jump in and grab easy kills...the Dragon flew away and slaying the Giant wasn't as easy as I thought. Managed to win the fight, though.: peace:


I'm officially back into Western RPGs. Now come on, give me a new Fallout :D


They are the BEST!


I've not managed much more time although did run into a dragon and promptly got slaughtered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having trouble staying interested. The combat feels crap. Too basic? Am i missing something?


Exploration is lacking. Hinterlands seems dull and small. I try to explore and it feels like you are going around in circles. Quests are basically checkboxes. They sort of just happen... There is no coherence or anything. Story, there is barely any. Some stuff happens but its boring so far. Could care less about the charcters. There is like just one track of music(title music) which is repeated in different mixes through out the game...


Comparing this to something like Warlords of Draenor this is a basic, dull and barebones game. It seems pretty small. The action is very very weak. You hit stuff so slowly for such a long period of time... Its so slow its like a hybrid turn based/relatime thing and doesnt excel at anything. My vote for over rated game of the year so far. This game is very much like the Zelda series which feels completely out of date. Time to embrace new tech, new combat systems and new rpg mechanics. Leave the old crap behind. Also give up on the basic medieval and dragons crap. Its been overdone. Yawnfest.

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Just downloaded this today - eager to see it it'll hold with me as I'm not usually into fantasy RPGs.


I shall keep you all updated on my progress!


Let mne know what you think. I am just frustrated. IT hasnt hooked me yet. Wont give up yet.

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Let mne know what you think. I am just frustrated. IT hasnt hooked me yet. Wont give up yet.


Will do, didn't manage to actually start this despite it finishing downloading yday.


I am slightly apprehensive but keen to give it a chance. I shall update you when I have news!

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So I got to the where you pass judgement (shall we say to stay spoiler free) and instantly regret one of the decisions I made. Chose something for the advantage of the Inquisition when I should have perhaps let justice happen. Suffice to say next time the people are probably going to die no matter what they did!

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Having trouble staying interested. The combat feels crap. Too basic? Am i missing something?


Exploration is lacking. Hinterlands seems dull and small. I try to explore and it feels like you are going around in circles. Quests are basically checkboxes. They sort of just happen... There is no coherence or anything. Story, there is barely any. Some stuff happens but its boring so far. Could care less about the charcters. There is like just one track of music(title music) which is repeated in different mixes through out the game...


Comparing this to something like Warlords of Draenor this is a basic, dull and barebones game. It seems pretty small. The action is very very weak. You hit stuff so slowly for such a long period of time... Its so slow its like a hybrid turn based/relatime thing and doesnt excel at anything. My vote for over rated game of the year so far. This game is very much like the Zelda series which feels completely out of date. Time to embrace new tech, new combat systems and new rpg mechanics. Leave the old crap behind. Also give up on the basic medieval and dragons crap. Its been overdone. Yawnfest.


You're comment on the combat is more or less nullified by your mention of WoW, as well as some of your other comments about embracing new tech and mechanics. WoW is pretty much THE most basic game in terms of combat whereas this at least as some tactical advantage to being able to set up what squad mates do and where they are positioned. Yes, the combat is a bit old fashioned, was like this in Origins more or less, but seeing as you're ok with the combat in WoW (which, as far as I know, still hasn't changed in WoD so can't really see why you're saying this is barebones compared to that).


Similarly, if you're still playing in the Hinterlands and complaining that it's too small, etc., etc., then that's kind of your fault as you should've moved on after an hour or so there at most.


By the sounds of it, you're only near the start of the game so haven't played all that much of it, so some perseverance and progression beyond the Hinterlands might be worthwhile.


I personally think it's a great game and that the combat is perfect as it is. I'd prefer the tactics view to be a bit more fleshed out but that's just me. And yes, this is just an opinion from me on the game, but comparisons to WoW and saying that is clearly better on various levels that you've outlined with some rather one-sided comments isn't really a fair and above board comparison.

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You're comment on the combat is more or less nullified by your mention of WoW, as well as some of your other comments about embracing new tech and mechanics. WoW is pretty much THE most basic game in terms of combat whereas this at least as some tactical advantage to being able to set up what squad mates do and where they are positioned. Yes, the combat is a bit old fashioned, was like this in Origins more or less, but seeing as you're ok with the combat in WoW (which, as far as I know, still hasn't changed in WoD so can't really see why you're saying this is barebones compared to that).


Similarly, if you're still playing in the Hinterlands and complaining that it's too small, etc., etc., then that's kind of your fault as you should've moved on after an hour or so there at most.


By the sounds of it, you're only near the start of the game so haven't played all that much of it, so some perseverance and progression beyond the Hinterlands might be worthwhile.


I personally think it's a great game and that the combat is perfect as it is. I'd prefer the tactics view to be a bit more fleshed out but that's just me. And yes, this is just an opinion from me on the game, but comparisons to WoW and saying that is clearly better on various levels that you've outlined with some rather one-sided comments isn't really a fair and above board comparison.


Says someone has no clue about WOW. Thats like saying Street Fighter or Gran Turismo are basic...


I am not the only one compaining about the combat though. But lets see how it fares as I give it more time and hit the higher levels!

Edited by Choze
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  • 11 months later...

If you ventured into the Gaming Diary thread you would have seen that I started this last week. I'm completely hooked on the game, which is surprising as I don't really care for WRPGs.


Playing on Nightmare difficulty, I have had to try and level up as much as possible. I refused to get the story going and instead concentrated on doing each and every sidequest that popped up in the Hinterlands and other areas. It was only after I reached level 11 and 29 hours on the clock did I advance the story in Redcliffe ( sided with the Mages).


Well it all kicked off, didn't it? Getting thrown forward in time, Leilana getting tortured, The battle for Haven, the arrival at Skyhold, your character becoming the leader of the Inquisition. All epic stuff.



I've nabbed all the companions I can and i'm rolling with a team consisting of Dorian ( love his banter ), Cassandra ( trying to bed her ), and Varric. Being a Mage myself, i've found having another Mage on my team very helpful. He uses his spells and then while he's recharging, i'll use mine. I may drop Varric and create another tank but i'll see how things go for now.


After reaching my new fortress, I've spent a lot of the time just getting to grips with the new area, talking to my companions and advisors, unlocking new areas via the War Room and generally just been running around the place. :D


There's still a bunch of stuff I don't understand with the game. Mainly the upgrade system and building weapons and armour. Still, i've managed to make it this far without faffing about too much with this stuff.


I know a fair few people ( on here and elsewhere ) have said that the next Zelda has a lot to live up to when in comparison to The Witcher 3 and I feel the same when playing this game. There's so much to do in the overworld, get characters, great voice acting and great story. that Zelda may seem very meh when seeing what's on offer here.


I had a check on my friendslist and this topic to see who had played it. Looks like Somme was the only person to actually finish the game. Strange, especially when reading some of the positives thoughts in this very thread.


Really looking to getting back on this after work. :yay:

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Nevermind this! Play Witcher 3!!


Although, with your positive experiences I am tempted to pick this up. Anyone knows how it compares to The Witcher at all? I am increasingly concerned that every open world game I will play will not live up to that excellent game!

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Nevermind this! Play Witcher 3!!


Although, with your positive experiences I am tempted to pick this up. Anyone knows how it compares to The Witcher at all? I am increasingly concerned that every open world game I will play will not live up to that excellent game!


I promised to myself that DA:I would be played first. Once this is done then i'm clear to buy and play The Witcher.

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Played some more of this last night and still really enjoying it. I haven't progressed the story any further as i've just been unlocking all the new areas and filling out the maps in those.


Some of the new areas have regular enemies that seriously kick my butt. My team is level 12-13 and random wildlife, which aren't hostile until I attack, can sweep my whole team. I'm having to pick my battles very carefully. :D


It's my final day at work, before breaking up for Christmas ( :yay: ) so I will be hitting this game hard over the next few days/weeks.

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I beat Inquisition earlier in the year, I put in well over 100 hours and overall really enjoyed it. I liked the story, gameplay and there were some great well written companions (as you'd come to expect from a Bioware game). Graphically it was quite a step up from previous games in the series as well, a lot of the environments looked very impressive. Definitely my favourite game of 2014.


It was cool how they added more to the Dragon Age mythology, with Corypheus originating from the Black City. Not sure what to think of the time travel stuff. It was weird how Solas was so quiet in the ancient elven ruins at the end when Morrigan said so much about them, then you suddenly realise why when you beat the game. Deciding whether to free Blackwall or leave him to rot was a surprisingly hard decision after you discover his history. He'd been my main warrior throughout the game until that point, I felt quite betrayed.



I can understand a lot of the complaints about the game though. Clearly it suffered from being developed for last gen hardware. It was bulked out with a lot of MMORPG style quests, Bioware could learn a lot from playing through games like The Witcher 3. Overpriced DLC is my main gripe. I'd like to play them all, but waiting for the price to drop first. I suspect I might have to end up buying the Game of the Year edition when it's going cheap, and sell my original copy. Looking forward to where they go with Dragon Age 4.

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