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Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!


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Heh. Now that would actually be somewhat fair...


No it was his Legendary Zapdos. I only had one basic Pokemon, he drew Zapdos and benched it for 30 damage to me (its Pokepower does 30 damage to a random opposing Pokemon when benched). He then proceeds to use Scoop Up and does it again.


Bam! Dead... Credit where credit is due Ronald... You diddled me good there : peace:


Awww. I wish I could have seen that. Your jaw must have hit the floor!

Your Ronald must have nicked all of my Ronald's intelligence. Because he was utterly inept on my game.

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Awww. I wish I could have seen that. Your jaw must have hit the floor!

Your Ronald must have nicked all of my Ronald's intelligence. Because he was utterly inept on my game.


There was a damn good reason why I had to Miiverse that! I just couldn't believe what I saw! :o


The grand masters were all pretty stupid too! (except for Jack, who tried to abuse Articuno's Pokepower in a similar way in the middle of the game, but he got unlucky and the coin flip failed every time... I suppose Ronald getting me back was just deserved karma :laughing: )


I did have to stall Rod's deck to death though, but that was because I was stupid enough to use my psychic deck on him by accident (thank you Damage Swap! Thank you! :D )


Ended up killing Ronald in about 5-6 odd turns in the end thanks to early game Dewgong shenanigans (that'll teach him for cheezing me ;) )

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Heh. Now that would actually be somewhat fair...


No it was his Legendary Zapdos. I only had one basic Pokemon, he drew Zapdos and benched it for 30 damage to me (its Pokepower does 30 damage to a random opposing Pokemon when benched). He then proceeds to use Scoop Up and does it again.


Bam! Dead... Credit where credit is due Ronald... You diddled me good there : peace:


He used FTK Zapdos!? :o That's a variant of the other deck, one that's nothing but 2 Zapdos and tons of several Trainer cards, designed to get 1 in the field, 1 in the hand, and Scoop it, Mr.Fuji it, etc. until you played it enough times to kill all of the opponents' Pokémon.


(Also, it's not a random opposing pokémon: it could've hit his own pokémon, too)

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Both are useful for different reasons, but SmogMar gets more love, and generally regarded as one of the best cards of its time.


By SmogMar you mean the one that has Smog and the poison inflicting move? I've a couple of those in my deck. It works a treat, the poison move!


Speaking of such a deck, if you put a Defender on a healthy Magnemite, and self-destruct on the same turn, the Magnemite will not die, as he will only cause 20 damage to himself. Pulling off a couple of self-destructs near the beginning of a match is awesome.


You just need to, you know, keep an empty bench. No need for so much collateral damage.








I've bought it but only completed the practice match so far! I picked the Charmander deck from the professor. I'm hoping to at least do the first badge by the end of the week.


Hey, good stuff. How's the progress going? :)


Nidoking is sick.


Good show! You playing bro?




Me, I've one more badge to go. The fighting one. I thought I'd talked to everyone but still need to track down and defeat two of the the fighting club minions before the boss dude will let me at him.


I want the flying and surfing Pikachu cards so repeatedly battled the girl who uses them but she hasn't dropped any. :( Might give up on it as my fire/electric deck (no grass or anything any more) has seen me through ok. Actually, I've added a dratini and dragonair seeing as they use colourless attack cards. Considering dropping the charmanders and charmeleons.


The game is all about luck though. Only a couple of times have I genuinely felt like I've thought myself out of a predicament. (By this I mean using a succession of item cards to turn things around in a turn.) Either you get useful cards out of your deck in a good order and you prevail, or you don't and you get steamrolled. I think it was this randomness that my younger self couldn't cope with back when it originally came out. Still, can't deny that I've felt like a genius when my deck has fell nicely for me. :wink:

Edited by darksnowman
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Me, I've one more badge to go. The fighting one. I thought I'd talked to everyone but still need to track down and defeat two of the the fighting club minions before the boss dude will let me at him.


I want the flying and surfing Pikachu cards so repeatedly battled the girl who uses them but she hasn't dropped any. :( Might give up on it as my fire/electric deck (no grass or anything any more) has seen me through ok. Actually, I've added a dratini and dragonair seeing as they use colourless attack cards. Considering dropping the charmanders and charmeleons.


The game is all about luck though. Only a couple of times have I genuinely felt like I've thought myself out of a predicament. (By this I mean using a succession of item cards to turn things around in a turn.) Either you get useful cards out of your deck in a good order and you prevail, or you don't and you get steamrolled. I think it was this randomness that my younger self couldn't cope with back when it originally came out. Still, can't deny that I've felt like a genius when my deck has fell nicely for me. :wink:


The Flying Pikachu isn't from her. I forgot where you get it, but I think it might've been a trade..? Or a guy asking for 4 Pikachus? Or was it Ishihara?


The game needn't be about luck. That's where your deck-building skills come into place, bro. Make sure most of your basic pokémon can hold their own, or at least being able to grow quickly. Put in the Bills, Pokéballs, Pokémon Traders, a couple of Prof.Oaks... all to find the pokémon you need to win! If your deck is weak against fighting, make sure you draw a flying poké! If your deck depends on Arcanine or Gyarados to win, make sure you draw one!


Got to tip the scales to your side, as the coin flip is the only truly luck-based mechanic in the game.

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The Flying Pikachu isn't from her. I forgot where you get it, but I think it might've been a trade..? Or a guy asking for 4 Pikachus? Or was it Ishihara?


The game needn't be about luck. That's where your deck-building skills come into place, bro. Make sure most of your basic pokémon can hold their own, or at least being able to grow quickly. Put in the Bills, Pokéballs, Pokémon Traders, a couple of Prof.Oaks... all to find the pokémon you need to win! If your deck is weak against fighting, make sure you draw a flying poké! If your deck depends on Arcanine or Gyarados to win, make sure you draw one!


Got to tip the scales to your side, as the coin flip is the only truly luck-based mechanic in the game.


Re: the Pika's, I'll check round the NPCs, thanks. :)


It totally is about luck. :heh: I have Bills and Oaks but you still need a kind shuffle to get them out of the deck in a timely fashion. Yeah, you can minimise the luck aspect, I get that, but if I get one base Pokémon card out and they kill it in one or two turns... there's times you are just plain powerless.


As for the coin toss, I feel like its timing based. I can land poison nearly every single time!

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Re: the Pika's, I'll check round the NPCs, thanks. :)


It totally is about luck. :heh: I have Bills and Oaks but you still need a kind shuffle to get them out of the deck in a timely fashion. Yeah, you can minimise the luck aspect, I get that, but if I get one base Pokémon card out and they kill it in one or two turns... there's times you are just plain powerless.


As for the coin toss, I feel like its timing based. I can land poison nearly every single time!


You get the Flying and Surfing Pikachu's from Ishihara. 1 flying and 2 Surfing, then she disappears forever.


The coin toss has actually been proven to have a pre-determined order.

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You get the Flying and Surfing Pikachu's from Ishihara. 1 flying and 2 Surfing, then she disappears forever.


The coin toss has actually been proven to have a pre-determined order.


Are those missable, the Pika cards?


But I'm telling you, I can FEEL how the coin toss will go. Even watching a Ninetails decimate me repeatedly there now, I could predict whether the CPU was getting heads or tails based on the timing of them flipping the coin. Just watch it and when its starting to face towards you, flip it for a heads. Seemples.


And yon Ninetails that pwned me time and again this past 20 mins was none other than that of the Elite 4 lady's. Which means that yes, for the first time ever, I have reached a new area in this game. :awesome:


The fighting people were a pain so I made a new deck based on Jonnas saying use flying. Basically, I saw the flying Pokémon I have are all colourless so bunged them in a deck, with double colourless energies and grass, a few psychic and fighting cards to boot. I needed to fill the deck up to 60 cards as you know, so I added in some evil Prof Oak cards and seeing as I had grass energies, lobbed in some Bulbas and its evolutions to pad it out. This probably sounds like nails on a chalkboard to you TCG connoisseurs. :p


The remaining fighting club member still caused me bother because instead of sending out their Hitmons and Machokes, she put out normal types and a magmar when I tried my Bulbas...!! Hmm. Then @Hero\-of\-Time said to me he mainly used Nidorans and Pikachus because they could attack for cheap energy card costs. So it was out with the Bulbas and in with the Nidorans - didn't want to dismantle my other deck to get the Pikas and lightening energy cards. :indeed: Low and behold the Nidoran card was the difference! I defeated that girl and went to take on the club leader. He went down first time - having only drawn two or three Pokémon cards, I was able to tear through them without losing one before he could build high energy up on his Hitmons. It's all about luck I tells you!


The fire woman means business but for now, its a success story. :D

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The coin toss has actually been proven to have a pre-determined order.


Don't take this away from him, Glen-i.


(Also, I thought Ishihara was a he?)


Are those missable, the Pika cards?


No. None of the cards are. Ishihara only disappears after you get them.


The fighting people were a pain so I made a new deck based on Jonnas saying use flying. Basically, I saw the flying Pokémon I have are all colourless so bunged them in a deck, with double colourless energies and grass, a few psychic and fighting cards to boot. I needed to fill the deck up to 60 cards as you know, so I added in some evil Prof Oak cards and seeing as I had grass energies, lobbed in some Bulbas and its evolutions to pad it out. This probably sounds like nails on a chalkboard to you TCG connoisseurs. :p


The remaining fighting club member still caused me bother because instead of sending out their Hitmons and Machokes, she put out normal types and a magmar when I tried my Bulbas...!! Hmm. Then @Hero-of-Time said to me he mainly used Nidorans and Pikachus because they could attack for cheap energy card costs. So it was out with the Bulbas and in with the Nidorans - didn't want to dismantle my other deck to get the Pikas and lightening energy cards. :indeed: Low and behold the Nidoran card was the difference! I defeated that girl and went to take on the club leader. He went down first time - having only drawn two or three Pokémon cards, I was able to tear through them without losing one before he could build high energy up on his Hitmons. It's all about luck I tells you!


You could've used a Scyther, you know :heh: He's flying.


Can't be luck. You won with your superior deck-building skills and local metagame-reading. By which I mean the advice we gave you :heh:


The fire woman means business but for now, its a success story. :D


That lady will prove to you luck is nothing. Ninetales waits for no one, for he is powered by a forsaken Moltres. Even water decks can have trouble.

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Cobbled together a watery deck to try out this fire woman again. I won't go into the details because, Jonnas, you wouldn't sleep tonight if you knew how shoddily put together this deck is. All the best (imo) support cards are in my original deck so anything else just contains the leftover scraps. Pity you can't share cards between decks - not like you can use more than one deck at a time, so what would be the big deal? ::shrug:


So. Fire chick. Shall I tell you's something you all knew already? Fire is susceptible to water. Magmar vs Psyduck was simples. Then Moltres, the legendary FIRE bird, vs Psyduck? For some reason, Moltres' fire was able to withstand my water attacks. :wtf: I mean come on game, what are you breaking your own rules for! Well, I squeezed past her (killing three Moltres) and felt really chuffed with myself and my leet card skillz, :awesome: only for the next guy to waltz out and wipe me off the face of the earth because my deck only yielded me one Pokémon card. :shakehead Luck was not on my side, Jonnas.


Now I have to start again with the fire trainer. This is how the Elite 4 works in Pokémon, I know. But don't you get exp for trying, get stronger in the process of repeated runs through the Elite 4 in the RPGs until you can defeat them all? In this one I have earned nothing from the victory. No booster packs (TCG's version of exp) or anything. Just me and my Psyducks back where we started. :(

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I did it! :yay:


In the end, it was getting a Raichu out there who could do 30 damage plus deal 10 damage to three benched cards that saw me through. It took a couple of retries to get Lady Luck on my side for each of the battles, but when it worked, it worked. In the final one I got the Raichu out there and had a Magmar (for attack and poison) plus a Dragonair (for Hyper Beam) sitting in the wings. Okay I didn't need them, but that's the kind of tactical work I wanted to be able to put together for every duel... if only it didn't always boil down to luck. :heh:


I notched up about 11 hours on the clock, and you can add on a bit more for all the retries I had throughout. Overall the game was easier than I remembered. Thinking back, I reckon it was the unfairness of getting a bad shuffle that made me feel like I was rubbish back first time round on the GBC. Over the past few weeks playing on the VC with you guys, I managed to attain a Zen state of detachment, a feeling of que sera sera. So, those times when I got beaten in two turns, I knew on another go it would be me winning in two turns. No skill required, just fortune and patience.

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Promo card Mew is so good for the last 2 battles. It doesn't care if you have fully evolved Pokemon.


It's such a ridiculously situational card though! It's great if you can combine it with Aerodactl, but outside of those very rare moments, it's basically useless :blank:

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I think the first Lucario is broken enough! 60 damage and card-drawing for a measly 2 energies?


On the bright side, Mr.Mime cleans house against guys like that. Except Crobat, who'd have the impressive feat of killing Mr.Mime with a single attack. One that requires 1 Energy, no less.

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And here I was thinking Hyper beam was broken...


Seriously? 140 damage AND it removes an energy!?

I know it's been said before... But how is that even legal!?


It's technically not even out yet. But will be released in 10 days. Such a beast. The new set "Furious Fists" is pimping up Fighting types. Next set will pimp out Psychic types (bringing in mega Gengar) which will knock Lucario down a bit.


But people are using the new fighting shizzle with Landorus EX, which fortunately I've kept some of mine. Made a rather sexy deck with them. Needs a few tweaks though.

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