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Splatoon Is the Best Game Nintendo’s Made in Years


Nintendo has done it again - it has taken what is arguably a stale and over-familiar genre and done something original and innovative with it. Splatoon is a fantastic title which will hopefully create a whole new generation of online gamers, and shouldn't be missed if you own a Wii U


Well done Nintendo, you have indeed done it again. Splatoon is one ink-credible multiplayer shooter.


Nintendo have done it again. Splatoon feels incredibly different to anything that you’ve played before, and is all the more refreshing for it.


Summary: One of the best TPS and multiplayer game ever released.


This is easily one of the most purely enjoyable titles available on the Wii U


Splatoon is a wonderfully fresh take on one of the industry’s most tired genres.


Overall, Splatoon makes for an amazing online game, likely the most engaging online experience Nintendo has ever made


Not only is this game a fresh take on an arena shooter with its mechanics, it has to be one of the most solid ones ever made. If you have an internet connection and a Wii U, you 100% need this game.


Somehow, Splatoon is a true masterpiece that changes the face of the shooter genre with its unique attitude and its brilliant gameplay.


Beautiful and wildly addictive, this joins Mario Kart as one of the finest multiplayer games available.


Pretty much top to bottom, every part of it is a dance between polished comfort and excited brilliance, not unlike a bedroom splashed with neon paint. Its moments of genius are plentiful, and everything about it wholly memorable.


Splatoon is easily the freshest shooter in years and delivers superbly on all fronts; we have an inkling you'll love this.


Inkcredible reviews, especially for an incomplete game. Well done Ninty. Huge number of 9 out of 10 reviews.

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Splatoon stands at just over 80% after 50+ reviews.


80% is great for an incomplete game. And it's not about the scores but the reviews themselves. "Nintendo reinvents the shooter genre" "brilliant and beautiful" "one of the best third person shooters ever released" etc.

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Actually I haven't touched it yet. My connection issues have returned so want to get those sorted before jumping in. Worried I'll get left behind while everyone levels up! You enjoying it?




No need to worry about being left behind. Hell, i'm level 19 and still using the same gun as I started with!

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Out of interest, what do people want in terms of representation of other franchises? Nintendo seem keen on it, and I can see more coming to Splatoon at some point. Obviously, they want it to have it's own identity right now.


I actually don't want things which too obvious - no Varia Suit, no Link hat, no Delphino map. I'd love t-shirts and stuff with things from other franchises (Hylian Crest t-shirt, for example). It would also be cool if you could unlock them straight away with Amiibo, and wait for them to appear in the store otherwise.

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What if they had a mode where the whole arena was covered in ink and you had something similar to the Poltergeist 5000 and you had to suck up the ink. The team who sucks up the most ink wins. And you could only suck up so much before emptying it in your tank back at base. And maybe you could suck up the opposition as well. They can call the mode Sucktoon.

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What if they had a mode where the whole arena was covered in ink and you had something similar to the Poltergeist 5000 and you had to suck up the ink. The team who sucks up the most ink wins. And you could only suck up so much before emptying it in your tank back at base. And maybe you could suck up the opposition as well. They can call the mode Sucktoon.


Isn't suction what you would've called it if you didn't like it :)


I don't mind the idea, but in practice it may not actually work, as it becomes more of a speed thing... But I like the idea of once it's sucked up it's gone.... There's something in there. The FLUDD could work too - washing it away instead of sucking it up.


As for what i want to see. I want all amiibo to unlock T Shirts. Personally I probably would love full on costumes and themed levels too, but can't see it. Ultimately, anything! I just want more and more of this delightful game!

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A FLUDD gun would be sweet, though.


I'll be pretty shocked if FLUDD doesn't appear in some form :grin:


I'm not sure what way it could be incorporated yet but it seems like the sort of thing that would fit perfectly into the world of Splatoon, even if it was filled with paint instead of water :heh:


Using it to squirting, hovering or blasting up to highter parts of a stage could be interesting.. or maybe we'll get a stage based on Isle Delfino ::shrug:

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Rumor: Splatoon selling through over 90% of its initial shipment in Japan


Splatoon is doing very, very well in Japan. Because of the game’s strong sales, the game has been tough to find on store shelves. Nintendo even issued an apology on its Twitter account last week, and vowed to ship more copies in the coming days.


We’re now hearing that Splatoon managed to sell through over 90 percent of its initial shipment in Japan. That isn’t confirmed just yet, but it wouldn’t be terribly shocking based on reports of how its selling out at various stores. This would also likely mean that Splatoon sold somewhere in the range of 150,000 copies in Japan. We should be receiving official data on Wednesday!



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