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10 page Splatoon spread will be featured in this week’s Famitsu




This week we will see a 10 page spread in Famitsu featuring Splatoon.


It will include game details, as well as interviews with the producer (Nogami) and the directors (Amano and Sakaguchi).








Think in those 10 pages they can ignore the subject of voicechat?

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If they were to confirm it's in, I'd beat one off right where I'm sat... at my desk in work! Haha


...but no doubt they'll not mention anything of the sort. :(

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It's the last piece of info for this game, I'm going to buy it and love it either way, I can just tell. But voice chat and getting some teams together is essential...


Actually. Not just voice chat, but the ability to create teams and go into matches together! Imagine if they added tournaments and stuff for this as well... God the potential is unreal. But I think we all know what's going ot happen :)

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It's the last piece of info for this game, I'm going to buy it and love it either way, I can just tell. But voice chat and getting some teams together is essential...


Actually. Not just voice chat, but the ability to create teams and go into matches together! Imagine if they added tournaments and stuff for this as well... God the potential is unreal. But I think we all know what's going ot happen :)




How they handle the online component of this game could make or break its success.

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Here some info from Famistu...


-Working on a local multiplayer mode in addition to online and Hero Mode


-Hero mode is predominantly a 3D platformer with heavy emphasis on human-squid transformations


-Random matching is done world wide, game tries to place you with players close to your skill level based on ratings


-Tried implementing a system whereby you could give orders to your team mates, but battles were too quick and hectic for them to be effective so they got rid of the feature


-Game won't use CPU fighters; only once 8 human players have been found will a match start


-Having multiple modes with random matching would limit the number of players per mode, so all the focus is on the 4 vs. 4 for that


-No communication with players you are matched with


-They didn't think of using Bloopers when they decided on squids (they apparently forgot they existed)


-No money can be earned in Hero Mode. Your points, as displayed at the end of the match, are turned into money and experience points.


-A lot of the music is written by Tooru Minegishi (who has worked on Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Super Mario)

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This news is utterly wank. I had such high hopes for this game, my first few posts in this thread were so enthusiastic, I was hyped, and Nintendo have just gone and shat all over it, big-time. I'll not even bother picking this up now. Round of applause for Nintendo for totally and utterly screwing this one up!

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The voice chat thing doesn't mention whether or not it also applies to friends. As it stands it kinda sounds like they mean players on the opposing teams.


Only one mode to play online and waiting for the lobbies to fill are crazy, especially the latter. Surely you could have bots play and allow people to drop in a game?

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GODDAMNIT NINTENDO! Fucking it all up again. I think I'm with kav on this one, very unlikely to pick this up without voice chat - only thing that'll probably sway me now is the pricing(is this known yet, at all?)


EDIT: When it says players you're matched with, does that give any hope of voice chat with friends?

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GODDAMNIT NINTENDO! Fucking it all up again. I think I'm with kav on this one, very unlikely to pick this up without voice chat - only thing that'll probably sway me now is the pricing(is this known yet, at all?)


They've never mentioned whether or not it will be a budget title. Probably won't be more than £35 via an online retailer though.

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Mother of god -_-


Why would they do this.


Let's just hope the translation means that there's no communication with opponents but you can communicate with friends.


Edit: Spoke to my translator and he just says "No voice chat with randoms". I have hope. We need the full article to make a determination, not a one sentence statement on a blog.

Edited by Serebii
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Edit: Spoke to my translator and he just says "No voice chat with randoms". I have hope


StreetsAhead by any chance? :D


I would have hope but Nintendo's history in regards to voice chat options leave me pessimistic.


If not it's hardly a game breaking feature .90% of us have access to devices that can allow voice chat at the same time .

Skype ? FaceTime , ps4 ect


This is such a BS excuse. Why should we have to use another device to communicate with others on a console that has online capabilities? It's bad enough a lot of us are having to go this route with Monster Hunter, never mind using it for Wii U games.

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StreetsAhead by any chance? :D


I would have hope but Nintendo's history in regards to voice chat options leave me pessimistic.


Yeah. He's worked for me for years. Here's what he said


"Hard to tell with sinobi

They just said no communication with random match ups"

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Communication with randomers? To hell with that. I've played more than enough Halo and CoD online to be soured on that concept.

With friends though? It's necessary in a game like this. With Mario Kart and Smash it's a "would be nice but not essential" situation, but on a team based shooter, if you're playing with friends, it should be there.


Worst case scenario, in my eyes, is that voice chat will be limited to friends when in the plaza. Not the best thing, but it's better than nothing.

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Communication with randomers? To hell with that. I've played more than enough Halo and CoD online to be soured on that concept.


Times are changing, man.




That is honestly pretty funny.


In all truth though, never dismiss having features that could be optional if you don't want them.

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Voice-chat with friends is a must for any game. Voice chat with randoms should be in there, there's always the option to mute people!


I've met loads of people through gaming online, during my CoD days on both the 360 and Wii. Many of which are friends of mine now. Just because some randoms may be annoying online, it doesn't mean all if them are.


If they put in voice chat all they'd need do is have an option when going online:


Voice-chat - On / Team-mates Only / Friends Only / Off


What's so difficult about that? Why is it that people don't see options as something that's fair? Why is it that you have these options on CoD Black Ops Ghoss on the WiiU and yet not Nintendo games?!


At the end of the day, being able to chat with friends is fun. If Nintendo are all about having fun, why is it they restrict the fun to be had?!

Edited by Kav
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-No communication with players you are matched with


-They didn't think of using voicechat when they decided on online (they apparently forgot it existed)


Fixed that blooper. ;)


Wouldn't a team of friends have a huge advantage over a team of randoms IF there is friend voicechat and in game which would also be a first from Nintendo on Wii U?

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