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@Pestneb For your viewing pleasure, I present to you...


I know what this is before I see it. Mario in costume with a God awful song. Another truely awful ad alright. Fixed the link.


Went apeshit and threatened to get her boyfriend to come and kick my head in... Oh I miss Immingham....


Sounds like a classy lady. Did ye sell alcohol there or was it a newsagents? Otherwise she'd probably have picked up a 6 pack.











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I think it's gamepad only.


Did you not see the Direct? The friends lobbies don't arrive until August. As it stands, you can join a friend if there's room in the lobby but the teams constantly switch so there's no real team play amongst friends.


Gamepad only for online play....le sigh :(


Yeah I didn't watch all of the direct.... so an online focused game is getting released in May but one of the basics of online infrasturcture doesn't get added till August?


It's like Nintendo are giving me reason to not buy day one.... I suddenly went from seriously considering it to "may wait till August" now :heh:

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Gamepad only for online play....le sigh :(


Yeah I didn't watch all of the direct.... so an online focused game is getting released in May but one of the basics of online infrasturcture doesn't get added till August?


It's like Nintendo are giving me reason to not buy day one.... I suddenly went from seriously considering it to "may wait till August" now :heh:


You may as well buy it at launch as it'll still be the same price in August




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Gamepad only for online play....le sigh :(


Yeah I didn't watch all of the direct.... so an online focused game is getting released in May but one of the basics of online infrasturcture doesn't get added till August?


It's like Nintendo are giving me reason to not buy day one.... I suddenly went from seriously considering it to "may wait till August" now :heh:


You can still play with friends and such. Just not form teams.

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New Japanese trailer showing weapons from Splatoon




Splatoon manga.




It’s part of a one-time feature included in CoroCoro’s June issue.






Splatoon Q&A: 50 of YOUR Questions Answered! (Off-TV Play, Gear Effects, Inking Customizability)



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Automerged Doublepost
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I've got this on preorder, but I'm torn whether to keep it. Even at £25, I just don't know if I'll get enough out of it. As it's coming out half complete, it's probably better to wait.


I just don't understand this logic, unless you're really skint and need the money.


Even ignoring the fact that you probably wouldn't fin it for £25 again and end up paying more a few months later. It's not like you'll still not get a few months enjoyment out of it, it's not coming out empty, there's still a pretty decently sized single player campaign, you can still play online in two modes and 5 maps. Not just that, there are more maps and gear coming every few weeks including two new modes. The august update adds more stuff, but it's not coming empty!

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The single player campaign is 5-7 hours long. Not what I was expecting nor hoping for.

What's wrong with that? That's the size of, if not longer, than other shooter's single player modes as well as numerous other titles.

Edited by Serebii
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I've got this on preorder, but I'm torn whether to keep it. Even at £25, I just don't know if I'll get enough out of it. As it's coming out half complete, it's probably better to wait.


I'm back and forth as well.


I didn't enjoy the demo/beta as much as I had hoped I would. I also don't care for how random it is at times. Peer, from NVC, expressed perfectly how I feel about it on this weeks episode. He said it's like Mario Kart and that's exactly what bugs me about the game.


I don't play Mario Kart online due to the random nature of the game. I want to be rewarded for putting the time in and having the skills, rather than relying on luck.


I've played a lot of online shooters and being rewarded for your skill as a team is a great feeling. With this game I feel far too disconnected with everyone on my team and even if I did learn their play style there's always the chance I will be playing against them in the next round.


The lack of maps and modes is another killer. Imagine playing Mario Kart with only 5 tracks. It's nuts. I was already getting bored of the two maps we got in the beta and if any of them are broken in any way ( that small map needs something done with its spawn point ) then that's one less map you enjoy playing on. Yes, more maps will be released in time but it doesn't excuse the lack of them at launch.


I was thinking of keeping the preorder for the single player but various outlets are reporting it's not a meaty affair.


With me not buying Codename STEAM and now me wavering with this, maybe the days of Nintendo games having a big pull on me are finally coming to an end.


What's wrong with that? That's the size of, if not longer, than other shooter's single player modes as well as numerous other titles.


The other shooters have a far more robust set of gameplay modes.

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I've got this on preorder, but I'm torn whether to keep it. Even at £25, I just don't know if I'll get enough out of it. As it's coming out half complete, it's probably better to wait.


You getting The Witcher 3, brah? Basically, all other games are irrelevant right now in comparison to that.


Brb, clearing backlog as I know nothing else will get touched once that hits.

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What's wrong with that? That's the size of, if not longer, than other shooter's single player modes as well as numerous other titles.


I can't remember where but I thought I read 16 hours months ago and I do remember them saying it would be meaty. With the game's online shipping like this:




I was expecting a decent single player to compensate somewhat.


Also reading back over Amano and his EDGE article:


"When I played online games, I didn't like the negativity I got and people telling me, ‘You're crap. Go away,'" Amano said. So we wanted to focus on the positive aspects of online gaming."


"I don't want you to misunderstand — I'm not denying having chat in an online game does contribute to fun. But, as we've said, we want to grab new people."


It's clear now who these new people are that they're trying to grab. It's kids. It's become more and more evident over the last week or two. That's why we'll NEVER have voice chat. That's why we've those cringy ads and the kids events being held.


Still loving the "other's do it so it's fine"-reasoning.


I think what @Wii was trying to say is that the singleplayer mode is too short when you consider that the online will be barebones at launch.


That's it exactly.

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Still loving the "other's do it so it's fine"-reasoning.


I think what @Wii was trying to say is that the singleplayer mode is too short when you consider that the online will be barebones at launch.

I wasn't saying "Others do it so its fine", I was referencing the benchmarks set and that it's still fairly meaty.. It's 5-7 hours, not 20 minutes

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I had a chance to not buy this game as my Paypal authorisation payment had expired with thegamecollection but I renewed it, this was after the Direct and demo and the money's been paid now. I am, however, definitely not as excited as more details have come to light about the game. The online is bare bones and the single player turns out to be bare bones also. Add that to waiting 3 months for proper online, only 5 maps, no voice chat, no customisation and other niggles with online, it's hardly great now is it?


I said long ago I'd make a stand against the voice chat issue but I didn't for other reasons, like supporting a new ip. It's the decent price I paid for it that's stopping me from all out ripping it a new hole. They probably think their new audience(kids) will put up with all this and shipping a half ready game, but seasoned FPS fans would be far from happy as am I.


What's wrong with that? That's the size of, if not longer, than other shooter's single player modes as well as numerous other titles.


You do seem to pick and choose what's acceptable for shooters. You know what else is standard for this genre?

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They probably think their new audience(kids) will put up with all this and shipping a half ready game, but seasoned FPS fans would be far from happy as am I.


It's not really aimed at seasoned FPS fans I guess because it's not that type of game. @Hero\-of\-Time got it right when he talked about it being similar to Mario Kart in its randomness. It's for the Nintendo crowd who want to play a shooter but don't want it in a war torn or futuristic setting. Could it be aimed at kids? Ya. But it could also be aimed at the sort of crowd who picked up games like de Blob on the Wii, so it's anyone really.


I wouldn't say 5 hours is barebones, because you shouldn't really judge a single player mode on how much time you spend on it, but rather what modes there are, whether there's a story/adventure mode, time trials, etc. If there's 5 hours in it but those 5 hours include a complex adventure mode with a mixture of different things to do, then it's a good deal. If it's 5 hours of going through the cups on easy, medium, expert-ish types of levels (ala Mario Kart), then it's obviously different.

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5-7 hours is a great length for a single player in an online shooter in my opinion. Also that it's supposed to be very different, more platform puzzly then a shooter, and it's meant to be pretty amazing too.


I truly shocked at the negativity this game is getting on here, I think it looks incredible, plays incredible, and more excited for it than any other game coming this year, or maybe even in recent years!

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