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Devils Third


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I was actually really looking forward to this. I really enjoyed Ninja Gaiden 3 on the Wii U (I know Itagaki had nothing to do with that) and was hoping for this to be at least a fun action game.


I'm surprised that in a year it has barely advanced and I wonder if it will even end up with a Western release at all.


Sad really, especially considering Itagaki's pedigree and the standards Nintendo has for games they publish.

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I'm still interested in the online multiplayer - that seemed to get pretty positive impressions last E3.


I imagine the game will appeal more to fans of Itagaki who know what they're getting, rather than the more casual action fan whose first and only reaction is "well that doesn't look very pretty".


But yeah. It's yet another weird announcement/video to put out right before E3.


But it would be such a Nintendo thing to do to spend half the E3 Direct announcing stuff they've announced a week previously.

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<Greetings to Media Friends from Valhalla Game Studios>


Dear Media Friends,


We’ve been asked many times about Devil’s Third for a long time and we’ve felt sorry that we couldn’t respond to such requests.

Thank you very much for your patience and waiting for our game.


The time has finally come.


Now, we're ready to answer to questions from you and your readers.

So, please send us your questions to the following E-mail address.


[email protected]


Itagaki will try to provide exclusive information to you if you promise to never cut or omit his words to be featured in your article.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Valhalla Game Studios



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Meanwhile, I've been playing this for most of the day yet I can't tell you about most of the game - as far as I'm aware - due to the embargo.


I can say that I'm enjoying it though but that's about it. :heh:


Played a lot of the single player today, perhaps too much, so I kept playing for a good while which is always a good sign. : peace:


Though I did take a break for an hour or so to partake in Splatfest on Splatoon.


Anyway, I'll shut up now... :indeed:


Time for sleep. :zzz:

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Oh, they've given out copies quite early this time around it seems.


Why pick a late August release for this one instead of July then? August is never really a good month for game releases.


Is the multiplayer available to review yet? Or are you guys still waiting for the servers to come online? (cause the multiplayer looks like it could be decent fun at least)

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Oh, they've given out copies quite early this time around it seems.


Why pick a late August release for this one instead of July then? August is never really a good month for game releases.


Is the multiplayer available to review yet? Or are you guys still waiting for the servers to come online? (cause the multiplayer looks like it could be decent fun at least)


Yes I was rather surprised that the download codes were given out this early, at least it gives plenty of time for a review though, I figured I may as well at least mention I'm playing it as everyone on my friend list will be able to see that anyway, even if I can't really say much other than what's divulged from the questions Valhalla studios will no doubt be inundated with at the moment. :heh:


Though I'd like to ask them about when the multiplayer will be playable myself actually as it isn't accessible yet - I can at least say that, just no game specifics - but hopefully it won't be long plus in the meantime I'll continue playing through the single player which I've found to be entertaining so far now that I'm used to the games unique controls. : peace:


*goes back to being silenced* :woops:


Embargoes are fun... :indeed:

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Don't understand why they don't just shove it on digital only - can't cost them that much surely? Put it up as a full game for half price or something.


Must be quite bad though, if they have so little confidence in it.

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Well I can't really say much other than I don't really agree with the views expressed in the above video, I can understand Nintendo not wanting to publish it in America but not because of the quality of the game, just one look at the video you can see how violent it is so I get that it wouldn't go down too well; so different audiences I suppose though I'll always find it amusing in that there's so much more violence in America yet they'd be worried about publishing it over there? :blank:

(perhaps there's something I'm missing?)


Over here though it seems like it's getting a release at least - this has already been confirmed - yet only releasing it digitally in addition to physical copies for sale from Amazon only does seem a little harsh.


If anyone has played a title from Tomonobu Itagaki before then you'll know that they have a niche appeal - Dead or Alive & Ninja Gaiden from 2004 onwards - but there's no reason why more people shouldn't be given the chance to play this title as ultimately it's third-party support. ::shrug:

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Well I can't really say much other than I don't really agree with the views expressed in the above video, I can understand Nintendo not wanting to publish it in America but not because of the quality of the game, just one look at the video you can see how violent it is so I get that it wouldn't go down too well; so different audiences I suppose though I'll always find it amusing in that there's so much more violence in America yet they'd be worried about publishing it over there? :blank:

(perhaps there's something I'm missing?)


Over here though it seems like it's getting a release at least - this has already been confirmed - yet only releasing it digitally in addition to physical copies for sale from Amazon only does seem a little harsh.


If anyone has played a title from Tomonobu Itagaki before then you'll know that they have a niche appeal - Dead or Alive & Ninja Gaiden from 2004 onwards - but there's no reason why more people shouldn't be given the chance to play this title as ultimately it's third-party support. ::shrug:

I thought it was Japan that had its retail exclusive to Amazon?

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Sent out to die a little, too. It's apparently exclusive to Amazon and the eShop


I thought it was Japan that had its retail exclusive to Amazon?


When I read your original quote, I assumed you meant Europe, sorry for any confusion.


Either way I feel this game needs to be supported in all territories, it's the right decision for gamers.

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So Nintendo don't think the game is good enough quality for the US but its fine for Europe. Makes no sense.

Different parts of the company making different decisions based on local gaming tastes. Contrary to belief, Nintendo Japan doesn't decide everything for each region.

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So Nintendo don't think the game is good enough quality for the US but its fine for Europe. Makes no sense.


They did the same for Disaster: Day of Crisis.

Apparently, one of the reasons was because the plot was laughable.

A game based on the absurd cliches of natural disaster movies has a plot that's too stupid...

They kinda missed the point of it.


I'm glad we got it though, it's one of my top 10 Wii games!

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They did the same for Disaster: Day of Crisis.

Apparently, one of the reasons was because the plot was laughable.

A game based on the absurd cliches of natural disaster movies has a plot that's too stupid...

They kinda missed the point of it.


I'm glad we got it though, it's one of my top 10 Wii games!


The plot and (more specifically) the dialogue are dreadful. True, the subject matter is a bit daft, but that's no excuse for terrible script work.


I enjoyed the game enough to see it through to the end, but it never lived up to its promise. It's not even B-movie quality, we're talking Z-movie. The kind they only show in the Sci-Fi channel (or whatever equivalent there is nowadays) at midnight when they're run out of other dross to show.

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