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OK, the 4 courses I made in the review copy have been recreated and uploaded!:

Was actually pretty quick/easy to do thanks to my capture device. ;)


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Try to find (and then reach) the secret path to the top of the goal flag! :hehe:


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You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
Try to get that [?] item near the goal as big Mario. :heh:


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Don't forget the hidden > MPface.gif in every course!

They're all quite easy to find in these ones though.


: peace:


Pretty good video explaining how Nintendo themselves design Mario levels (and how it can be applied with Mario Maker). Some of the rest of this guys videos are definitely worth watching as well:



My mate is so not interested. I did just play a 100 challenge - levels not as terrible as I was expecting, actually had some quite good ones IMO!


Went for a large t_shirt for the bundle tho, worried it may have been a bad choice but...



I made the right choice! Albeit not with my face in that photo.

  Ronnie said:
I like how Nintendo unlocks the full tool-set over time rather than everything at the start.


There I said it.


It's nice in terms of easing you into it and forcing you to do something creative rather than just throw a bunch of late-game type obstacles together. I think it's a little slow though. I've made a couple levels and the first set of stuff just isn't quite enough to do some of the stuff I want to do.

Posted (edited)

Well I've made 2 levels so far and they've turned out pretty well I say! (especially considering that I haven't actually cheated to unlock anything yet!)


I'm trying to make some levels that are accessible enough for people who've never played a SMB game before; that teach them how to play the game - while also making it interesting and challenging for veterans as well. It's not easy!


I'm gonna wait until I've done at least 4 before I upload them though.


Looking forward to trying out your levels later on @RedShell! : peace:


BTW, something interesting from a new interview...




Nintendo’s working on a tool for the game that’ll let you play with sounds


“There isn’t any way to create music in the game, but we do have some ideas and plans around ways to play with music in the game,” says Tezuka. “We haven’t talked about this publicly yet, but there is a mode that we’re preparing that will allow you to play with sounds and things like that.”


Looks like we're getting some sort of music composer/sound creator as DLC! :D

Edited by Dcubed
  dazzybee said:

Anyways, back to the game, love it, but I can't believe there isn't a way to see new levels from people you follow.... Having to go to each one individually is almost as mental as not being able add your friends list friends.



Also, I think you should be able to favourite levels. Starring should be a well done, but some levels I want to keep playing through! Though I guess you could download it.... But then that person doesn't get the stats.


If you comment on a course then there is a trace in miiverse. So if you check a friends miiverse you may see one of their course codes...but agreed, it SHOULD be easier than that!!

  dazzybee said:
How do you choose which amino is in the block? How do you get marios trail to judge jumps and such?


Tap the costume mushroom and you can choose. You get the trail later on.

  Cube said:
BTW, how do you choose the screenshot for the level?
Just make sure that the screen is currently showing whichever section you want as the screenshot when you save the course.

It can be a bit weird though if you're trying to center something (discovered this when doing the N-E logo) but just keep adjusting the position of the screen and re-saving until it's right.


It can also be something from a sub area! That's how I did the images for Big or small? and Here's Thwompy!, those areas don't even feature in the course gameplay. :)

  Debug Mode said:
I'm not even touching that. What s bitch of a stage to turn up during the 100 Mario challenge


Not with 10,000 Marios could I beat that bastard.


"I'm sorry to hear this Joe. According to my scans your parcel was loaded onto the van for delivery at 8:01 this morning."


They have one day to make it up to me or there shall be hell to pay


Anyone noticed any creators who are making traditional platforming levels and if so can you share a course code? I got bored of the gimmicky or troll ones after about 10 minutes.

  Ronnie said:
Anyone noticed any creators who are making traditional platforming levels and if so can you share a course code? I got bored of the gimmicky or troll ones after about 10 minutes.



I will be when it finally turns up! :D


I've probably played around 200 stages ( just keep playing 100 Mario Challenge ) and so far and I think about 5 of them were any good. There's zero fluidity with a lot of the stages and most of them are just annoying/troll stages that aren't really fun at all. Yes, people, we get it. You like to put enemies in ? Blocks.


People seem to be obsessed with making stupidly difficult stages, rather than fun ones. I'm wondering if the Nintendo Championship stream has done more damage than good.


@Serebii do you still need a stage with Mewtwo? I just unlocked him and will make a quick stage for you if you want?


Yeah, I've enjoyed more than that but so many are like that. What's annoying is that I comment in some saying how cack a section is and it auto gives them a star. There should an unlike button!


To be fair though, it's been out less than a day, we can expect everyone to be genius designers straight away. I think playing the starred levels seems to be a good way to go.

  Ronnie said:
Anyone noticed any creators who are making traditional platforming levels and if so can you share a course code? I got bored of the gimmicky or troll ones after about 10 minutes.


The first stage I played wasn't too bad - fceb_0000-0010-312c


This course code system is an absolute bleeding joke though. Is there seriously no easier way for me to do this except pulling up codes on my phone and then typing it into the game?

  dazzybee said:
Yeah, I've enjoyed more than that but so many are like that. What's annoying is that I comment in some saying how cack a section is and it auto gives them a star. There should an unlike button!


To be fair though, it's been out less than a day, we can expect everyone to be genius designers straight away. I think playing the starred levels seems to be a good way to go.


Oh, I totally get that. It just makes the 100 Mario Challenge a little pants when all the levels are garbage. I feel only stages that reach a certain star ranking should be included in this mode.

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